Simone Jung

Publicist & Social Media Strategist

“I really appreciate your professionalism, lightning response time, and collaborative work style. I will highly recommend you to any authors looking for publicists.” – Margaret Klaw, author of Every Other Weekend

“Amazing personal service as a first time debut author! My publicist held my hand the whole way through, explained all my silly questions and even researched beyond my initial inquiries.” – Victory Witherkeigh, author of The Girl

“Simone has made so much happen! Thank you for all you’ve put in motion during these months, opportunities I couldn’t have imagined. Simone’s support has been instrumental! Plus, she’s kind, and patient, and lovely to work with. Many thanks for all.” – Anna Monardo, author of After Italy

As a Books Forward publicist and a bookstagrammer with over 78,000 followers, Simone has always been compelled to share and promote amazing reads.

She’s written for Book RiotPublisher’s Weekly and HelloGiggles, giving her unique insight into the book industry. Her background as a professional book reviewer brings an important and valuable perspective to marketing books and guiding Books Forward authors on strengthening their brands.

Simone also previously worked as a music and arts journalist, and managing customer support for a major tech company, which benefits our clients as she juggles many campaign details and communications with a variety of media contacts.

She’s always encouraging people to pick up a book and read, pointing them in the direction of a great story. An avid journaler, weight-lifter and tea-drinker, Simone lives a cozy life in Central Florida with her husband and her massive TBR pile.

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