Reigniting Literary Acclaim for a Pioneering LGBTQ+ Author

Reigniting Literary Acclaim for a Pioneering LGBTQ+ Author

Who says you can only publish the same book once? In the right circumstances, re-releasing a book (or a collection) with fresh updates – a new cover, foreword, chapter or other additions – can give your work a new lease on life and attract an all-new audience.

We were thrilled when the team at Hirsch Giovanni approached us to help promote the re-release of author Fritz Peters’ books. A pioneer in LGBTQ+ literature, Peters was a bestselling author in 1951, but by 2024 his name and work were largely unknown. Hirsch Giovanni wanted Peters to get the recognition he deserved for breaking barriers in queer visibility, and we were honored to partner with them.

A Strategic Re-Release with a Modern Touch

Hirsch Giovanni was an excellent partner in publicity: they designed stylish new covers for Peters’ collection, worked with director William Gazecki to develop a documentary centered on Fritz’s life and work, and included a new preface by acclaimed queer author, poet and critic Jack Parlett. These updates – as well as their savvy decision to republish all of Peters’ works in June for Pride Month – gave us plenty of hooks to approach the media with a great story on this “resurrected” author and innovative publisher.

The Impact: A Resurgence in Literary Recognition

Thanks to a targeted publicity effort, Peters made a literary splash yet again, nearly 50 years after his death. Publishers Weekly released a major feature on his republished works, both in print and online. Critics loved Peters’ work and began circulating positive reviews online. Once again, Peters’ work prompted analysis and discussion of queer rights, both past and present.

A book’s “shelf life” does not have an expiration date: with a savvy publicity campaign and refreshed design, your work can find and will reach audiences for decades to come!

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