Books Forward Authors in the Media: August 2024

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Claire Berger talked about the importance of using humor and quick wit in your career in this New York Post article.
  • Newsweek published this piece from Ginelle Testa about her addiction to dating and what that revealed to her.
  • Author Penny Lane wrote this piece forĀ  Jewish Journal on her story of redemption and writing her memoir Redeemed.
  • LitPick raves about Evette Davis’ new book in this review, calling The Others “a terrific book with an amazing concept.”
  • Reggie Reed spoke about his mother’s murder and the journey writing his memoir in this feature from San Antonio Report.
  • Author Lois Melbourne spoke with Authority Magazine about exposing the issues of child abuse and trafficking through her sci-fi novel.
  • Self-Publishing Review call’s Kelly Vincent’s Ugliest “an important work of YA fiction” in their review.
  • Author Anne Abel joined the Adult Child of Dysfunction podcast about overcoming generational abuse.
  • Charles Lachman and his new nonfiction title Codename Nemo were recently featured in this article.
  • Jeremy Hurewitz hopped on Finding Genius to discuss mastering sales and influence.

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