Psychology Today, 7.5M Followers | Everett Harper, Move to the Edge, Declare It Center: Practices and Processes for Creatively Solving Complex Problems
Leadership Without Losing Your Soul, 65K Followers | Everett Harper, Move to the Edge, Declare It Center: Practices and Processes for Creatively Solving Complex Problems
Washington Post, 14.9M Followers | Donna Cameron, A Year of Living Kindly
NBC News, 10M Followers | Bryan Robinson, #Chill: Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life
Psychology Today, 7.5M Followers | Bryan Robinson, #Chill: Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life
Good Housekeeping, 4.8M Followers | Monique Allen, Stop Landscaping, Start Lifescaping
Design Milk, 2.2M Followers | Donald M. Rattner, My Creative Space
Project Happiness, 2M Followers | Jet Widick, Gluten Free Soul Pilot
Bustle, 1.8 Million Followers | Bryan Robinson, Daily Writing Resilience
Elephant Journal, 1.5M Followers | Donna Cameron, A Year of Living Kindly
I Weigh with Jameela Jamil, 1.3M Followers | Dr. Seema Yasmin, Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them
Good Men Project, 961K Followers | Justin Dauer, Cultivating a Creative Culture
Writer's Digest, 733K Reach | Joshua Glenn & Mark Kingwell, The Adventurer’s Glossary
Cool Mom Tech, 476.4K Followers | Dr. Rachel Kowert, A Parent’s Guide to Video Games
The People's Pharmacy, 200K Followers | Dr. Seema Yasmin, Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them
The Fix, 126.8K Followers | Bryan Robinson, #Chill: Turn Off Your Job and Turn On Your Life
The Great Indoors Podcast, 103K Followers | Donald M. Rattner, My Creative Space
Garden Talk (NPR), 58K Followers | Monique Allen, Stop Landscaping, Start Lifescaping
The Design You Podcast, 38K Followers | Donald M. Rattner, My Creative Space
Kelly’s Thoughts on Things, 32.8K Followers | Lisa Boucher, Raising the Bottom: Making Mindful Choices in a Drinking Culture
Women Worldwide, 30.9K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women
About Health, KPFA, 94.1 FM, 18K Followers | Dr. Seema Yasmin, Viral BS: Medical Myths and Why We Fall for Them
In My Own Style, 18K Followers | Donald M. Rattner, My Creative Space
OmTimes, 17.5K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women
Aspire Magazine, 17.5K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women
Revolution Gray, 16K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, Creatrix Rising: Unlocking the Power of Midlife Women
Dirt in Your Skirt, 15.7K Followers | Donna Cameron, A Year of Living Kindly
Fab After Fifty, 12.5K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, A Delightful Little Book On Aging
Best Self Magazine, 9.7K Followers | Marilyn Hagar, Finding the Wild Inside
Living the Second Act, 6.5K Followers | Stephanie Raffelock, A Delightful Little Book On Aging
GenTwenty, 5.9K Followers | Ida Abbott, Retirement by Design
Hasty Book List 5.8K Reach | Joshua Glenn & Mark Kingwell, The Adventurer’s Glossary
Caregiver Warrior, 3.8K Followers | Donna Figurski, Prisoners Without Bars: A Caregiver’s Story
Do Good Better Podcast, 2.2K Followers | Diane Lebson, For A Good Cause: A Practical Guide to Giving Joyfully
Next in Nonprofits, 1.7K Followers | Diane Lebson, For A Good Cause: A Practical Guide to Giving Joyfully
Brand Driven Digital, 1.8K Followers | Justin Dauer, Cultivating a Creative Culture
Sanctuary Magazine, 1.8K Followers | Sara Somers, Saving Sara: A Memoir of Food Addiction
Chapter One Podcast, 500+ Followers | David and Julie Bulitt, The 5 Core Conversations for Couples
Spiritual Media Blog, 400+ Followers | Marilyn Hagar, Finding the Wild Inside
Recovery Today Magazine (Print-only, April 2020 issue) | Sara Somers, Saving Sara: A Memoir of Food Addiction