Ask an Expert: How to Make the Most of Your IngramSpark Listing

If you’ve published with IngramSpark, or if you’re considering it, you may be wondering how to capitalize on this publishing method to your advantage. Today on the blog, IngramSpark representative Deon McAdoo is giving us the answers. Deon promotes growth to the IngramSpark platform by educating independent authors and publishers on how best to utilize Ingram’s Print-On-Demand services for bringing a new book to market and maximizing global sales. Today’s he’s sharing that insight with us!

What are ways authors can make the most of their IngramSpark listing, both free and paid?

Making sure you have the most robust metadata will help boost an author’s discoverability. Also, investing in Facebook, Google, and Amazon ads will increase traffic to your listing.

What’s the most common mistake debut authors and new publishers make in setting up their publishing account?            

Setting their returns status. Many authors will set their books as returnable without fully understanding that they are responsible for paying back Ingram for the wholesale cost of their book.  Also, they forget there is an additional $3 per book delivery charge if the book is set as return-deliver. 

What if I’m an author just wanting to publish a story for family and friends–is there anything I should do differently or perhaps consider skipping when it comes to publishing?

You can use IngramSpark as a printer to print the necessary copies you need for your family and friends. This option allows the author to make more money by selling directly to their consumers.

What are some new developments at IngramSpark that authors should know about and get excited for?

Our new reporting suite has been a long time coming, and we’re almost ready to release our new dashboard to all IngramSpark users. The updated dashboard includes new dynamic graphs, an IngramSpark Subject Sales Rank, heat map by region, and so much more.

Can I set up my print book with IngramSpark and other Self-Publishing services?

IngramSpark has a non-exclusive contract. You can publish your book through IngramSpark where we print and sell it through our global distribution network. Also, you can publish your book with any other self-publishing platform as long as you own your ISBN.