Doctor augments Western medicine with astrology

A woman’s journey for self-discovery leads to adjunct tool for medical diagnosis

LAS VEGAS, NV – Dr. Alicia Blando learned during the early days of the HIV epidemic that American medical practices fail to holistically support patients. Seeing a gap in medical care, Dr. Blando started seeking advice from unconventional counselors, such as psychics and mediums, as well as learning from indigenous healers. “Open for Interpretation: A Doctor’s Journey into Astrology” (She Writes Press, June 27th 2023) follows Dr. Blando’s self-discovery journey through her astrological chart and demonstrates how readers can apply this ancient practice to their own path to self discovery. 

In conjunction with Western medicine, Dr. Blando believes that the tenets of astrology can support a person’s health, wellbeing, and self-understanding, and can even offer insight into predispositions for certain diseases and illnesses. Dr. Blando takes readers on her pursuit of life’s age-old question, “Am I walking the right path?” She travels from Manhattan to the Peruvian Amazon, Belize, and Bolivia, and learns about time-proven, holistic methods of healing. In her stunning memoir, she shares her story of finally finding the guide she’s been seeking—and explains how we can all use that map to access our higher selves and untapped potential.

In “Open for Interpretation”, Dr. Blando’s expedition off the beaten path leads her to true self-exploration and connection with the world around her, as well as a desire to share her knowledge and experience. 


“Open for Interpretation: A Doctor’s Journey into Astrology”

Dr. Alicia Blando | June 27th, 2023 | She Writes Press 

Memoir, Self-Help, Personal Growth

Print | 978-1-64742-470-1 | $17.95

Ebook | 978-1-64742-471-8 | $9.95


Dr. ALICIA BLANDO trained and practiced in the medical specialty of physical medicine & rehabilitation. While working as a physician, she became interested in how indigenous healers diagnosed and treated their patients without the technology present in modern medicine. This curiosity was supported by what she learned about herself through the study of astrology. As a Western 

physician who has followed the tenets of astrology in her life, she believes that the practice of astrology can function as an adjunct method to study many aspects of life, including the tendencies for certain disease processes. Dr. Blando works as a medical consultant. She currently resides in Las Vegas, Nevada. Find out more about them at 

In an interview, Dr. Alicia Bando can discuss:

  • The events in her traditional medical experience that lead her to seek out more holistic healthcare techniques
  • How her first demonstration in astrological teachings influenced her career as a healthcare professional 
  • The importance of practicing holistic healthcare, which combines Western and astrological practices 
  • The major changes in her personal life that have stemmed from practicing astrology 
  • Why she was ultimately unsatisfied with only practicing Western medicine 

An Interview with

Dr. Alicia Blando

1. What events in your personal and professional life caused you to seek out astrological practices? 

It was in medical school, when I was talking to my classmate about the future and he told me about his family of astrologers in India. He was told he would be married twice. He had scoffed at the idea. He was going to have only one wife. His plan was to have only one marriage and live happily ever after. That conversation ignited my idea that if there are people who could foretell the future, there must be a handbook for life and I was going to search for it.

2. How has practicing astrology helped you in your personal life and in your professional life as a doctor? 

What I’ve done with astrology is test it. There were good days for certain activities depending on which sign the moon was in.  If the moon was in Virgo, a discriminating sign, I could do activities that required detailed work, such as giving lectures on a medical technique. If the moon was in Leo, the showman of the zodiac signs, I could project myself well when pitching or doing presentations. I am currently a medical consultant. But, when I was doing clinical work, I never used astrology on my patients. I would need to disclose why I needed the time and location of birth and a more extensive history than just the medical history. Additionally, use of astrology is still not the standard of care in the medical field. 

3. What are some of the limitations of Western medicine and how does astrology help fill in some of those gaps? 

Western medicine can diagnose and treat an ailment, when it becomes symptomatic, such as a heart attack. A trained astrologer can interpret a birth chart, where the planets are mapped on a horoscope at the date, time, and location of birth and tell the client, what diseases he or she has a predilection for and when disease is likely to manifest if no precautionary measures are taken. In India, parents usually get readings for their newborns to alert them as to what to expect for the child’s life. 

4. When were some instances in your life you made decisions regarding traveling and moving based on astrology? 

I bought my Miami condo on the date that my astrologer gave me. Two weeks before the date she picked, the air conditioner that was located in the ceiling flooded the unit as it was not maintained. If I had bought it earlier, I would have paid more and would have had to deal with the repair. I moved from Miami to Oakland at the right time. My job at the time had a lot of egotistical personalities and moving to the west coast allowed me to be an independent contractor where there were a lot of resources for learning astrology. I also bought my current home in Las Vegas, when I was advised to.

5. What do you hope readers gain from your book “Open to Interpretation”? 

I hope my readers will be motivated to learn about themselves through the study of astrology and be given insight as to how to deal with or make detours regarding obstacles in their lives. If learning astrology is not a good option, there are many well-trained astrologers available for consultation. I would love to integrate astrology into Western medicine as a new medical specialist: Astrologists.

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Award-winning sci fi author explores the dangers of tech and the importance of family in new “The Price of” novel

“A thrilling and provocative dystopian tale”–Independent Book Review

Indian Shores, FL – “The Price of Rebellion” (World Castle Publishing, May 2023) is the action-packed second installment in the bestselling “The Price of” series from award-winning author Michael C. Bland.

It’s 2047. Secrets have been revealed. And Washington wants revenge. Dray Quintero learned an ugly truth: the leaders in D.C. are fake. Using his technology, they’ve stolen the identities of those duly elected to Congress and are determined to stay in power. After revealing the dangers of their government-mandated implants to his fellow citizens, Dray joins the already-underway rebellion. Before he can strike, The Agency attacks with devastating consequences. Dray and the other survivors are forced to run as Agents hunt them.

Then Dray makes a discovery that could alter their fate—and the future of the nation. As he and the rebels prepare a bold offensive, his wife Mina broadcasts a preposterous claim. Dray must choose between the fight and a desperate hope. Between family and country. What he does will change everything.

“The Price of Rebellion”

Michael C. Bland | May 16, 2023 | World Castle Publishing | Science Fiction 

Hardcover | ISBN: ​​978-1958336892 | $27.99

Paperback | ISBN: 978-1958336908 | $15.99

Ebook | ASIN: B0BMKWQ461 | $3.99


Praise for “The Price of Rebellion”

“adrenaline-fueled, laser-focused…an undeniable page-turner” 

– Kirkus Reviews

“An exciting, fast-paced adventure…exceptionally well-written and innovative.”

 – Readers’ Favorite

Praise for “The Price of Safety”

The Price of Safety is an imaginative, action-driven science fiction novel set in a nightmarish yet plausible future”

Foreword Clarion Reviews

Bland effortlessly blends anticipation of a fast-paced thriller, sophisticated techno details of a science fiction novel, and emotional quotient of a well-crafted story into a complex and engrossing plot

– The Prairies Book Review

reminded me of some of Michael Crichton’s novels, and of Minority ReportThe Price of Safety was an extremely well-crafted story that not only gave me goosebumps but also made me think. I am looking forward to a sequel

– Mystery Sequels 

Exceptional world building and non-stop action combined with heart and compelling characters make Bland’s debut a must-read sci-fi book

Jennifer Brody, award-winning author of The 13th Continuum

The Price of Safety by Michael C. Bland would fit in perfectly with those 90s techno thrillers that put an everyday person into the middle of some cyber conspiracy. It has all of the trappings that made them cool: neat tech, a race against the clock, tons of action, and one man facing off against a tyrannical government

– High Fever Books

The Price of Safety… will leave you completely breathless. This is a book brimming with fast-paced action that continually ramps up until the final crackling climax

– Readers’ Favorite

About the Author…

Michael C. Bland is a founding member and the secretary of BookPod, an online book support group. “Elizabeth”, one of his short stories, won Honorable Mention in Writer’s Digest 2015 Popular Fiction Awards contest, and two of the short stories he edited have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. 

His debut novel, “The Price of Safety,” reached #7 in Amazon’s rankings for Dystopian novels and received Finalist awards three times: by the Indie Book Awards for both Science Fiction and Thriller, and by National Indie Excellence Awards for New Fiction. The second book in the planned trilogy, “The Price of Rebellion” was named “Best Science Fiction” in the 2022 Indies Today awards.  He currently lives in Florida. Learn more about Michael via his website: 

Follow Michael C. Bland on social media:

Facebook: @mcblandwriter | Twitter: @mcblandwriter | Instagram: @mcbland107

In an interview, Michael C. Bland can discuss:

  • Why family plays a central role in “The Price of” series — something that is atypical for the sci-fi genre
  • Why this dystopian world may be closer to our reality than we think
  • How he balances a fast-paced, action-packed plot with emotional depth
  • Who his sci-fi influences are, and what it was like having his books praised as “Tom Clancy meets George Orwell”
  • What’s next for him and “The Price of” series


An Interview with

Michael C. Bland

1. “The Price of” series has a strong emphasis on character and family in particular, which feels unique for this genre. Can you tell us a little more about that?

I love science fiction, but so many novels in the genre seem to have a loner for a main character, and not a lot of family interactions. It’s almost as if family won’t be a big part of people’s lives in the future. But family is so important. I wanted to show a future where family is still important–and is impacted by the technology of 30 years in the future.

2. Do you think the future of the United States could look like it does in this series?

Absolutely. I tried to make my world as plausible as possible; otherwise, readers won’t believe the events that transpire. The implants seem too good to be true, with huge benefits, increased connectivity, an immersive viewing experience, and monitors/gauges to improve the human condition. But the technology comes with hidden risks that affect every citizen and their children.

3. “The Price of Rebellion” has been praised by Independent Book Review as “Tom Clancy meets George Orwell.” Were you inspired by these authors? Who else has influenced your writing?

Yes, they were both gifted authors who created riveting stories. In addition to these two legends, I’ve also been inspired by Pierce Brown, Blake Crouch, Eliot Peper, and Michael Crichton, each a master at their craft. I strive to write novels that are as gripping and compelling as theirs.

4. Why is it important for you to keep an action-packed plot, and how do you successfully balance this quick pace with the more emotional elements of your series?

My goal is to hook the reader with a rich, woven story that takes them on a journey. For that journey to have an impact, there needs to be an emotional side. “The Price of” trilogy focuses on a small group of characters fighting an almost all-powerful enemy, with life-and-death stakes. That requires action, and a lot of it. But without characters the reader cares about, it loses its impact and readers’ interest. I’ve spent nearly a year per novel planning out that part of the story, so that all aspects—the action, the emotional elements, the characters’ motivations and struggles, the themes, etc—are balanced, making each novel as powerful as possible.

5. What’s next for you? Can you give us a hint as to how the story might progress in the final installment of the trilogy?

I ended “The Price of Rebellion” with what Kirkus Reviews called “a tantalizing cliffhanger that sets up the series perfectly for an explosive and potentially satisfying conclusion.” However, I’ve left clues within “The Price of Rebellion” that give Dray and his daughter a way to fight back, find hope, and gather the tools and tech they will need for one final, desperate battle. They will have to sacrifice everything in order to have a chance at prevailing.

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Woman who sued her parents giving voice to millions of sexual abuse survivors

SEATTLE, Washington – In 1991, Lynn Crook successfully sued her parents for sexually abusing her as a child. Yet by 1994, a sinister concept had seized headlines and the public imagination: the idea that therapists could implant “false memories” in their patients, particularly in survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Despite having won her case in court, Lynn suddenly found herself confronted with suspicion and mistrust from the outside, and a new level of psychological turmoil from within. 

Determined to investigate the “false memories” story and its grip on the news cycle, Crook uncovered a shocking deception: a well-planned, highly successful, $7.75  million media campaign by accused parents to silence adults who were molested as children.

“False Memories: The Deception That Silenced Millions” is the story of Crook’s case against her parents, her investigation into the “false memories” narrative, and her exposure of the publicity campaign that upended countless lives through gaslighting and manipulation. This harrowing, meticulously-researched account is also a story of hope: a testament to the enduring strength of abuse survivors, and a revelatory exposé of the tactics used to question and undermine survivors to this day.

“False Memories: The Deception That Silenced Millions”

Lynn Crook | Aug. 25, 2022 | Memoir/True Crime 

Paperback | 979-8-8422-1377-1 | $17.99 

Ebook | $8.99 

About The Author

Lynn Crook is the author of “False Memories: The Deception That Silenced Millions.” She earned a BA in French, and an MEd in educational psychology at the University of Washington. She served as community educator and director for a sexual assault agency in southeastern Washington. In 1991, she sued her parents for damages after recovering memories of childhood sexual abuse by her father. ​Following a month-long trial in 1994, the judge ruled in her favor at a time when 85% of the popular press was telling us that adults’ accusations of childhood sexual abuse are false memories. She has presented at professional conferences in the U.S., Canada, Great Britain and at the United Nations. She hopes that her book will encourage the public to respond with compassion to adults who find the courage to disclose childhood trauma.  Learn more at

Topics that Lynn Crook can discuss in an interview:

  • Her personal experience with childhood sexual abuse, successfully suing her  parents and how this led to discovering widespread false memory gaslighting of survivors all over the United States and Europe.
  • The media accurately reported accounts of sexual abuse in the 1980s. Once legislators allowed survivors to sue for damages, accused parents established a foundation and responded with a massive PR campaign claiming the accusations were false memories.
  • How a flawed study spread like wildfire, unchallenged, after it suggested accusations of rape and abuse could be implanted as false memories.
  • The experiences of therapists and survivors who were harassed by false memory advocates, and how she deals with gaslighting.
  • How psychology textbooks inform students that memories are unreliable, and how accused celebrities rely on the false memory defense.
  • April marks National Child Abuse Prevention Month and Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
  • Resources for survivors of sexual abuse, including Mary Knight’s documentary, “Am I Crazy? My Journey to Determine if My Memories Are True;” “Trauma and Memory,” a new book by several experts in the field; fiction and nonfiction by Anna Salter, PhD; and nonfiction by Judith Herman, PhD.

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Memoir unveils heartbreaking truth of women with chronic pain

Expert interviews reveal similar lives of silent suffering, confronts stigmas 

Newton, MAFrancesca Grossman is no stranger to pain. In her 20s and 30s she endured thyroid cancer, Crohn’s disease, and other autoimmune conditions that left her feeling isolated in her suffering. Now Francesca shares her personal experiences and those of 20 other women with chronic pain in her new book, “Not Weakness: Navigating the Culture of Chronic Pain” (April 18th, 2023, She Writes Press), in which she challenges the toxic culture of shame, humiliation, and fear that surrounds pain, particularly in women. 

With over 50 million people in the US living with chronic pain and almost 70% of them being women, Francesca set out to find answers to one big question; where are these people? Through her expert interviews with 20 remarkable women who share similar lived experiences, Francesca reveals a heartbreaking shared truth: chronic pain is a daily struggle for many women that leaves them with feelings of guilt, embarrassment, and anxiety about the future.

“Not Weakness” confronts the silencing and harmful stigmas women in pain experience in our society. Imbued with a deep respect for the women who tell their stories in its pages, as well as a healthy skepticism of the healthcare world and how it can stifle and ignore women in pain, it is a galvanizing memoir about living and loving with chronic pain.

Not Weakness: Navigating the Culture of Chronic Pain

Francesca Grossman | April 18, 2023 | She Writes Press | Memoir 

Paperback | 978-1647424770 | $17.95 

Francesca Louise Grossman is a writer and writing instructor. Her work has been published in The New York Times, Brain, Child Magazine, The Manifest Station, Ed Week, Drunken Boat, and Word Riot, among others. She runs writing retreats and workshops internationally and leads an annual intensive workshop at The Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has a BA and MA from Stanford University and a doctorate from Harvard University in education. Her acclaimed book “Writing Workshop: How to Create a Culture of Useful Feedback” is used in universities and workshops all over the world. Francesca lives in Newton, MA, with her husband and two children. Find out more about her at

In an interview, Francesca Grossman can discuss:

  • The culture of shame and silence that is associated with chronic pain 
  • How she hopes this memoir will empower others to share their lived experiences with autoimmune diseases that cause chronic pain
  • How the patriarchy contributes to the historic underdiagnosing and believability of pain-related diseases in women 
  • Having meaningful relationships (partner, mother, friend) when in pain
  • How her experiences with healthcare taught her to be her own self-advocate and her experiences with the wellness industry
  • The empowering and affirming experiences of building community through interviewing other women with similar stories
  • Her experience as a writing teacher and how she uses it to create a narrative non-fiction story

Advanced praise for Not Weakness

“This is the book we all need; whether or not we suffer from chronic pain ourselves. It’ll offer us a deeper understanding and let’s be real: we all know people suffering with chronic pain. Francesca Kaplan Grossman writes beautifully. It’s a pleasure to read every sentence, yes, even inside a book on pain. She brings love and beauty and deep empathy. Get this book for yourself and your people.” 

Jennifer Pastiloff, author of On Being Human

“So much more than a personal memoir, “Not Weakness” is a meditation on womanhood, endurance, and daring to exist in a culture nominally obsessed with wellness and hustle yet deeply uncomfortable with those whose bodily realities reveal the limits of those ideals—limits which all of us, inevitably, will encounter. Francesca Grossman beautifully weaves together stories of chronic pain to illuminate how our embodied experiences are at once irreducibly unique and universally inescapable.” 

Natalia Mehlman Petrzela, historian and author of Fit Nation: The Gains and Pains of America’s Exercise Obsession

“A powerful and poignant account of the experience of living with chronic pain. Francesca neither looks for pity nor hides the raw truths—this book will prove a comfort to anyone living with a condition others don’t understand, and a must-read for anyone supporting someone who does. Simply put, this book is a gift.” 

Michelle Miller, author of The Underwriting and The Fairer Sex Collection

“Intertwining her moving personal journey with the stories of other women living with chronic pain, Grossman sheds light on the stigma our culture places on pain and offers insight into the sense of connection, community, and, yes, hope, that may emerge when those who suffer share their stories— and are heard.” 

Meg Donohue, USA Today best-selling author of You, Me, and the Sea

“Not Weakness is a much-needed examination of a pressing and urgent problem that faces not just modern healthcare, but also every one of us. Women’s pain is everybody’s pain. Or should be. Francesca Grossman, and the brave stories she’s collected, show us that it’s never too late to focus on what hurts us most and find a way through it to something entirely new.”

—Laurel S. Braitman, New York Times best-selling author of Animal Madness

An Interview with

Francesca Grossman

1. How has your relationship with chronic pain inspired you to initiate this conversation around it with others?

I have lived with chronic pain for my entire adult life. It is a reality that has caused me to feel deficient, isolated and alone, because, the truth is, I don’t know many people in my everyday life who live in pain like I do. Considering over 50 million people in the United States suffer in this way (almost 70% of them women), this doesn’t make a lot of sense. Where are all these people, (these women)? In the past few years, I have dedicated myself to trying to understand why we are all suffering alone. I spoke to women all over the country about their experience with chronic pain. Though we all have unique experiences, similar themes of silencing, shame, isolation and loneliness arise again and again.  Learning this has been both humbling and freeing. What I have learned is when we talk to each other about our shared experiences, some of those feelings of isolation and deficiency lift. When we know about others, we feel less abnormal. While the pain may always be with us, I offer this book as a glimpse into my life and the lives of other women who live in pain, with the hope that it will make us all feel less alone. 

2. What do you want readers who do not have chronic pain to learn from your memoir? Is there a specific lesson that you hope readers (regardless of their personal relationship with chronic pain) will learn?

It’s so hard to have close relationships when you are in pain, because there is always something in the way. People in pain continuously have a piece of their mind concentrating on their pain – how to lessen it, how to avoid more of it, how to live a “normal life” with it, day after day. Often, we look like we aren’t trying, we are in a bad mood, or we are avoiding social or societal obligations. Often, people who don’t live in pain will offer us solutions or remedies, advice on healing or stories of other people who improved because of XYZ.  Most likely, your loved one in pain has tried what you are offering or something similar. Without a doubt, your loved one is desperate to feel less pain, and has done everything in their power to lessen it. I want readers to understand that accepting we will live with chronic pain forever is not a sign of defeat. It is not giving up. It is not a weakness. In fact, it’s brave and strong and can be life changing. Acceptance might be the only remedy worth taking. 

3. How can someone initiate a change in this culture of silencing, shame, humiliation, and fear associated with chronic pain?

There are many small things that everyone can do to turn the ship a bit. We must believe people (especially women) when they express they are in pain. We must support them without pity, and understand that their daily lives are difficult but not impossible. We must make accommodations for people in pain – whether that is flexible work schedules, carpools and support to doctor’s visits, access to mental health professionals and credible wellness centers or much more. We must remind people in pain that it is not their fault, and we must mean it. 

4. You are on a quest to find out why individuals with chronic pain choose to remain silent. Can you share something you have learned in the process of writing this memoir that you were not aware of beforehand?

While I have often felt silenced by medical professionals, I was shocked to hear how common (and brutal) it is. 

In  the 2001 study, The Girl Who Cried Pain, the authors tell us that women are “more likely to be treated less aggressively in their initial encounters with the health-care system until they prove that they are as sick as male patients, a phenomenon referred to in the medical community as ‘Yentl syndrome.’” The interviews I conducted confirmed this experience.  

 But it goes even deeper. According to the New York Times piece, Women Are Calling Out ‘Medical Gaslighting,’ “Women say doctors frequently blame their health problems on their mental health, weight, or a lack of self-care, which can delay effective treatment . . . research suggests that women are twice as likely as men to be diagnosed with a mental illness when their symptoms are consistent with heart disease.”

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Serial entrepreneur translating life lessons into business success

JACKSONVILLE, Florida – “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me” by entrepreneur Charles D. McCarrick (Houndstooth Press, 2022) teaches how to harness your own personal qualities into building both professional and personal success. As a case study, the book chronicles the author’s evolution from quitting his job and then founding and succeeding at building an extremely valuable high-tech business. The story is interspersed with personal life lessons, presented as humorous flashbacks and illustrated with comical cartoons to help emphasize the point. The intertwine of valuable lessons with humorous experiences make this a fun and easy read while still providing guidance toward charting a path to personal success.

Each of us is a business, conducting transactions every day for the purpose of sustaining our well-being and toward scaling and growing as a person. The success of these transactions depends largely on our salability as individuals, and on our sensibility to distinguish between obstacles and opportunities. If you are willing to embrace the ‘person as a business’ concept, then it is easy to accept the proposition that the success of any business is linked to the basic human principles of the people within it. The four principles essential for all success may be expressed as follows:

Salability + Sensibility + Sustainability + Scalability = Success

A process dubbed, the 4S Transform. In this book, you will learn how to identify and apply these “4S” principles toward your own definition of success, including establishing your own business. It is a fun and easy read, with humorous lessons and real-life examples which illustrate that the quality of one’s character plays a dominant role in the success of any transaction, personal or professional. If you are determined to run your own business, despite lacking any previous experience or formal training in that field this book is for you. You’ll discover that you already possess the pieces to build your own success.

Lessons My Brothers Taught Me: 

How to Transform Your Personal Qualities Into A Successful Business

Charles D. McCarrick | Nov. 15, 2022 | Houndstooth Press 

Business / Leadership / Motivation 

Hardcover | ISBN 978-1544533391 | $22.01 

Paperback | ISBN 978-1544533407 | $13.18

About the Author

Charles D. McCarrick is an entrepreneur, inventor, and lead visionary of Micro-Ant. With more than 10 patents to his name, he pioneers and supplies unique equipment to the communications industry. Charles’ most defining characteristic is enthusiasm—for new ideas, for the people who work with him, and for continuous improvement. By cultivating people’s confidence and creativity, Charles has forged a top-notch team that delivers new technologies into the hands of customers and value to investors. Now, he delivers this book of life lessons to you. You can find out more about him at

In an interview, Charles D. McCarrick can discuss:

  • How to harness your character and experiences to build success
  • How he translated life lessons his siblings taught him to a successful business
  • Personal philosophies he has gathered over his career
  • Career-defining moments, including successes, failures and everything in between
  • The 4S Transform approach to strategy, and how this concept can be applied in practice
  • The obstacles that small businesses face and how they navigate them
  • Feedback he has received about his book, as well as surprising questions or interpretations from readers

An Interview with

Charles D. McCarrick

Since your book is called “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me,” can you start off by introducing us to your siblings and how they shaped your approach to building and running a business?

In descending order of age: 

  • Mary Ann, my only sister, who very much behaved as my personal program manager in private life and taught me to be more organized;
  • Hank, who is an engineer and inventor and filled the role as a father figure and mentor after my dad passed away;
  • Bill, who taught me that sometimes things just aren’t fair, and to carefully assess the characters of the people you deal with and avoid those out to harm you;
  • Dick, my advisor, who possesses an analytical mind and taught me to make evidenced based decisions opposed to acting on emotions;
  • Mike, the youngest, who shared my interest in understanding how things worked and whose optimism and enthusiasm is an inspiration to me.

What makes “Lessons My Brothers Taught Me” different from other business books for beginner entrepreneurs?

I’m not reporting or compiling data or studies of what others have done; I actually did it, and wrote about it in a transparent way that could be relevant to others looking to be an entrepreneur.  I emphasized the value of character in all things, and how it is developed in times of adversity, so even the “bad” experiences can pay great dividends in the future, if you pay attention. It also places a lot of emphasis on character and how to employ it in such a way as to succeed at anything.

In your book, you discuss four guiding principles that you dubbed the 4S Transform. Can you briefly explain those concepts?

It occurred to me after executing many transactions with both small and ultra large companies that the success or failure of these deals relied largely upon the characters of the individuals involved. It takes but one sour deal with an individual concerned more with preserving their job than fostering a partnership to tarnish the reputation of an entire organization. In other words, the reputation, or perceived character of any business is based upon the character of those within it, an understanding this provides a valuable lesson to entrepreneurs: that your business will be perceived according to how you conduct yourself as an individual, and your success will come from observing the character of those companies you seek to do business with. Hence there is a link between personal character, and business character, and that link is what I dub the 4S Transform.

The 4S comes from the four principles or characteristics I recommend as being most pertinent to be a successful entrepreneur: the personal traits of Salability, Sensibility, and the business traits of Sustainability and Scalability. The Transform part comes from developing a pathway from the personal “domain” to the business “domain,” defined and described throughout the book.

What are the qualities of an effective leader?

Someone who has an objective to pursue which they can communicate in a way that is both compelling and inspiring, and maintains a fair balance of discipline and compassion while pursuing that objective. 

What posed the greatest threat to growing your business?

Unscrupulous customers who sought to take advantage of me by stealing our intellectual property and using it themselves. Also, vendors who made commitments they could not nor would not keep, which left us to deal with very unhappy customers.  

What does a healthy company culture look like, and why is this so important?

It is a team of employees who know their responsibilities and take pleasure in doing the best they can, managers who have earned the respect of their employees and possess good character and leadership traits, and administration worthy to serve this wonderful culture which takes every opportunity to foster it.

Was there a defining moment that success had arrived for you, or was it gradual?

It came in a number of stages or milestones; first when I realized we were generating enough income to pay all of our expenses, next when observed we had a dedicated, capable team that had us on track for both sustainability and scalability, then when we were posting profits that far exceeded what I could have earned as an individual, when we purchased our very first building, and finally when companies and equity firms in our industry started tripping over one another to purchase the company we built.

How has your approach to business evolved? Is it still evolving?

Initially we needed revenue so badly we cared little where it came from, whereas now we only take on jobs that have a clear path to market and service a valuable use to the end user. I would say it is more refining than evolving, as we are increasingly more circumspect about the business case of each opportunity opposed to simply the dollar value.

How is a person’s character and experiences the basis for their success? How do they identify and harness those experiences?

People are far more likely to interact with a person that they like, admire, and trust.  These are the qualities of Salability. It is the same in business; people are far more likely to interact, or in this case, do business with a person/business that they like, admire and trust. This might appear obvious, but what many entrepreneurs may not realize is that these personal qualities are of enormous value in building and sustaining a business, and can be incorporated into the very products and services their company offers. 

This is exactly how I began my business, with the notion that I did not want to be considered just another supplier competing on price; I wanted to be the best in the industry, and the mere mention of my company name would invoke likeability, admiration, and trustworthiness. But how do we go about discovering these character traits and employ them toward business? Character is built during episodes of adversity. How you respond when things go wrong defines who you are, what you stand for, and how you treat others. These “episodes of adversity” are simply experiences encountered during your formative years that shaped your view of the world and your behavior towards it.  In my case, growing up fifth in line of six siblings, episodes of adversity were a daily occurrence, so there was much opportunity for me to shape and reshape myself and learn to interact with others toward more favorable outcomes. In the book, I call these Life Lessons, in which each is recounted highlighting the injustice of it all, but concluding with a Moral that would be valuable to me in the future. Recounting a bad experience and repackaging it as a lesson is something we all can do, and with a bit of open mindedness and humility, can take advantage of these experiences to achieve success.  

What is your definition of success?

Mastering an objective I have set my mind to.

What are some of the greatest obstacles budding entrepreneurs face when starting off, and how can they overcome those challenges?

Obstacle: Trying to grow their business during that period before industry credibility has been established.

Strategy: Speak directly with as many potential customers as possible, either by phone or preferably in person to establish rapport, and to leave the impression you are a person and company they want to do business with. Mass emails and impersonal marketing campaigns are more effective in some industries than others but in my experience generate less quality opportunities than the personal touch. Plus people are far more apt to remember you if you interact with them personally.

Obstacle: The cost of operating far exceeds the revenue, and no one will lend you money without expecting an equity stake in the business (or your personal assets, i.e. house).

Strategy: Ask your family, friends or colleagues if they will lend you money in exchange for a promissory note, which promises to pay back the loan at modest interest and over a term that gives you ample time to get the business generating revenue. These “friendly” terms don’t require collateral or ties to assets, but instead rely on a promise, that is, your integrity and the lender’s faith in you. But of course, no one should ever borrow money without the intent and ability to one day pay it back.

Obstacle:  Unscrupulous vendors, customers and/or competitors who see you as an easy “mark” and take advantage of you financially or misappropriating (stealing) your products or services.

Strategy: Businesses are just people and some are kind and compassionate while others serve their own interests. Get to know these people, talk to them, engage them in conversations where they express who they are and what they stand for, about personal experiences they have and what their approach to business, and life is. This is what successful business people are doing when they assess you, count on it.

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Trauma survivor finds peace and healing after years of abuse

An inspiring true story of determination to survive and to heal

New York, NY – From years of inheriting the generational trauma of her Italian American family, to marrying a man that she didn’t love, to enduring physical, mental, and emotional abuse, and the grueling custody battle for her kids, Francesca Miracola learned the hard way that healing comes from within–and now she’s releasing a book to inspire others to do the same I Got It From Here (She Writes Press, Apr 25, 2023) is Miracola’s true story of abuse, trauma, healing, and freedom from the scars of her past, and it’s an inspirational and empowering narrative for anyone seeking to reshape their lives from the ashes.

After years of sweeping things under the rug in her traditional Italian American family, Francesca is ready to shed her past and start a new life with her husband, Jason. While not completely in love with him, she decides to marry him in hopes for a better life. However, it’s not the picture-perfect fairytale she imagined. From the misogynistic red flags to physical and mental abuse, Francesca awakens from the cycle of trauma she’s lived with and finds strength to heal. In sharing her true account of generational trauma, domestic violence, and self-denial, Miracola hopes her story will inspire other survivors to be the protagonist of their own story.

Raw and illuminating, I Got It from Here is one woman’s story of saving herself and her children from the grips of a sociopath posing as a family man–and from the inherited trauma passed down by her own family of birth–while learning to trust in the inner voice that’s been trying to guide her all along.

I Got It From Here

Francesca Miracola | April 25, 2023 | She Writes Press | Memoir 

Paperback | 978-1-64742-483-1 | $17.95

Ebook |  B0B8H555T6 | $9.99

Francesca Miracola is an Italian American from Queens, NY, currently living on Long Island, but in her mind she’s a free-spirited wanderer. She wants to travel the world, but she’s afraid to fly, although a glass of wine gets her through most flights. Francesca’s mostly an introvert who greatly prefers deep, meaningful conversations to surface small talk. She keeps her circle small, and she’s still debating if that’s a good or bad thing. She’s a breast cancer survivor, but she rarely defines herself as one—probably because she feels like she’s been surviving something most of her life. She’s funny; at least, she makes herself laugh. Francesca graduated cum laude from New York University and worked in financial services for twenty-five years, even though she wanted to be a therapist. That’s probably because she needed a therapist. Francesca finally wound up on her true path as a student and teacher of A Course in Miracles, author, life coach, and founder of Protagonist Within LLC. Francesca is a wife, a best friend, and above all, a mother. Find out more about Francesca Miracola at her website

In an interview, Francesca Miracola can discuss:

  • The lessons she learned from her experiences and the takeaways she wants everyone, especially young girls, to absorb
  • How she was able to heal her old wounds and create a new life for her family and herself
  • Her career pivot from accountant to life coach teaching others the methods she used to heal from trauma and her passion for mental health education
  • The challenges of writing a narrative memoir about lived trauma and the strength she found to open up about her past in hopes of spreading her message

Advanced praise for I Got it From Here

“The author’s clear, straightforward prose effectively captures her complex psychological state . . . Miracola does a particularly good job of contextualizing the relationship within a larger culture of neglect and misogyny. The end result is as engaging as it is disturbing. A thoughtful and affecting memoir of marriage and divorce.”

— Kirkus Reviews

“Miracola, a talented writer, has the ability to pull readers into her story from the first page, with perfect pacing and evocative, inviting prose. . . . Resilience and hope distinguish this wrenching memoir of ending an abusive marriage.”

– BookLife

“I Got It from Here is an inspiring memoir about overcoming an upbringing in a dysfunctional family, social conditioning, corruption, and a sociopathic ex-husband to claw one’s way to happiness.”

– Foreword Reviews

An Interview with

Francesca Miracola

1. What is the #1 lesson that you want younger girls (primarily those in college) to learn from your story? 

Listen to your gut and be true to yourself! If a decision, a relationship, or the general way you are existing feels off, pay attention to that signal – it’s your true self trying to get your attention. Ask it what to do and then quiet your mind – listen for the soft still voice, the whisper – follow that guide.

Don’t beat yourself up if you’ve been ignoring your gut and giving in to the expectations of others or people-please hoping to earn love and acceptance; we’ve all done it. Be proud of yourself for coming to the awareness and let go of the guilt and shame you feel for the mistakes you may have already made. Forgive yourself and begin again.

2. How were you able to find peace and heal from your past trauma?

The first step was acknowledging that I wasn’t at peace. I found myself thinking, there must be a better way. That’s when I found A Course in Miracles. The Course helped me realize I had to heal what was going on internally, not fix what was happening externally.

The Course taught me to practice Forgiveness – not a holier than thou pardon of other people, but more of letting go of my grievances. Once I embarked on my healing journey other resources showed up along the way. I’m especially grateful for the trauma therapy I received.

The final step was simply deciding that I want to live in peace and joy; now every step I take remains centered in that decision.

3. How did the chaos in your life help you find a purpose?

The chaos triggered my spiritual awakening and led me to A Course in Miracles.  Once I embarked on my healing journey my purpose began to unfold. I became a student and teacher of ACIM, an author, a life coach, and a cycle breaker for my family. Each step in the process felt right, it flowed, it didn’t feel forced – I felt like everything was happening through me, not by me. 

4. Why did you decide to write this memoir?

The memoir gnawed at me for many, many years. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer my first thought was my children – I feared I would leave them too soon; my 2nd thought was the memoir – I feared I would die without having written it. 

My primary motivation for writing it was to share my story with my children – I wanted them to understand my fears and therefore only know my love.

5. You have mentioned that you enjoy when authors make you smile or laugh when reading – especially with heavy topics. Is there anything else in your daily routine that fills you with joy and did any of this help you with your past traumatic experiences?

Daily routines that bring me joy and helped me heal my trauma:

  • No phone, emails, news first thing in the morning. I start my day with a lesson from A Course in Miracles.
  • Power walks.
  • Insatiable appetite for self-help and spiritual awakening material – I listen to tons of videos and podcasts.
  • Laughter!

The irony is, part of healing my trauma helped me see that I wasn’t filling my daily routine with joy (I was filling it with self-help which was great, but not necessarily joy). These days I’m trying to rediscover who I am and what I love to do. To start, I’m changing my career, playing pickleball with my husband, accepting my introverted nature – and I can’t wait to discover what else it is I will do for joy – stay tuned.  

PS – being a mom is the greatest joy of my life (and my children have been my greatest teachers of love and healing and wonder and joy).

6. Tell us more about the “Moron Manual” you mentioned your mother used to raise you and your siblings.

The Moron Manual, as noted in the memoir, is an ethnic mother’s guide of senseless rules imposed to perpetuate generational insanity. The manual isn’t in print; it lived in my mother’s head. In her world, there was a right and a wrong way to do everything, a protocol that had to be followed. How things looked on the outside mattered more than what was true. We constantly evaluated and judged others while fearing their judgment in return.

7. When and how did you learn to trust your inner voice? 

There wasn’t one moment when I learned to trust my gut – it’s been more of an ongoing fine tuning.

As far as how I learned to trust it, hindsight. I can recall the moments when I heard my inner voice but ignored it, and I’m able to see the effects of each self-betrayal.

I’m getting better at recognizing the signals in my body and I’m able to say, “oh boy, better listen”. I don’t mess with it anymore!

 Also, I stopped asking others for guidance (except on very practical matters) – I keep some things to myself – the less noise the more I can tune into my inner voice.

8. Tell is about your company, Protagonist Within, LLC and how it came to be

When I first sat down to write my memoir, I thought it would be an angry, vindictive telling of what my ex did to me. But as I feverishly typed away, it turned out to be a cathartic release of the past; I came to realize my mental and emotional state, my thoughts and my nervous system was what caused my angst. The story had always been mine; I was the protagonist. And the protagonist gets to decide how the story unfolds.

It all clicked for me! I really hoped my book would help others heal. I became so inspired to work with others on their healing journey that I became a Certified Life Coach. The next thing I knew this was morphing into my new career, my calling. I founded Protagonist Within because I know that in order to be the protagonist of your story you must look within to heal.

I help women who have lost their way release the past and begin again.

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Former educator empowers girls with diverse stories of inspiring Indian women

“When girls of color don’t see themselves in the books they read and the curriculum they’re taught, they grow up thinking they don’t matter.”

ATLANTA, GAThis Women’s History Month, celebrate and inspire a new generation with this beautifully illustrated rhyming compilation of biographies. “Shakti Girls” (March 6, 2023, Shakti LLC) is a collection of poems illustrating the stories of 13 unforgettable, powerful Indian women that reflect the diversity of India and its diaspora.

The book includes representations of over 10 different industries, such as women in science, politics, math, activism and sports. Indian women have been breaking ceilings and ushering in powerful change for decades, and “Shakti Girls” takes the opportunity to celebrate that with girls and women of all ages.

Inspired by her time as a girls’ school educator, debut author Shetal Shah dreamed of seeing bookshelves filled with stories of women that looked like her. Knowing how important it is for girls and children of color to learn about leaders of similar identities, Shah aims to bring awareness of groundbreaking women from India through her writing that will delight and inspire others to strive beyond any limit. 

Empowering words in Hindi and motivating messages are woven into each verse to affirm each young reader’s identity and self-esteem. A short glossary of English and Hindi words is provided on each page to enhance the experience with uninterrupted reading, as well as activities to empower one’s inner shakti.

“Shakti Girls”

Shetal Shah | March 6, 2023 | Shakti Girls, LLC | Children’s Nonfiction 

Hardcover | 9798986954509 | $17.99

Paperback | 979-8-9869545-1-6 | $13.99


SHETAL SHAH grew up to the sounds of Bollywood and the delicious smells of her mother’s Indian cooking in the suburbs of New York City. As a second-generation Indian-American, Shetal hoped to one day see more stories of girls like her fill the shelves of local bookstores. 

A former educator, Shetal taught world history in all-girls schools where she was reminded how curriculum and literature inclusive of women from diverse backgrounds can have a positive impact on girls’ self-esteem, identity development and belonging. Shetal also developed and led numerous educator workshops, presenting at national conferences covering topics on pedagogy and diversity and inclusion. 

Shetal currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, with her husband and her two young boys while pursuing her writing and mission to bring diversity to bookshelves with stories that inspire. “Shakti Girls” is her inspiring debut.

Follow Shetal on social media:

Facebook | Twitter: @ShetalWrites 

Instagram: @Shetal.Shah.Writes and @Shakti_Girls

In an interview, Shetal can discuss:

  • Her experience as a former girls’ school educator and school administrator, where she facilitated faculty on topics of diversity and inclusion in curriculum and presented on such topics. 
  • The importance of showing diversity in children’s literature and diversifying curriculum to bring visibility to all students.
  • Being a second-generation Indian-American and her experience growing up in America, as well as her experience now that she is raising two children of her own.
  • How motherhood and teaching at an all-girls school propelled her to write “Shakti Girls.” 
  • Why she chose to include each of the thirteen well-known Indian women that reflect the diversity of India and the desire that they will empower young Indian girls, especially to see themselves in areas of science, politics, math, activism, sports and more!

An Interview with

Shetal Shah

1. What inspired you to write Shakti Girls

My own experience growing up in the U.S. with little to no representation of my heritage and identity in books, media and curriculum, and then realizing as an educator and a mother raising the next generation of Indian-Americans that there was still not enough representation, especially of Indian women, inspired me to write “Shakti Girls.” I reached a point in my life where I too was yearning for inspiration from strong women that looked like me and had similar stories to mine; stories that would inspire me into the next chapter of my life. I wrote “Shakti Girls” just as much for myself as I did for the next generation to feel empowered to step into their authentic selves and defy the notion to fit a mold. 

2. Why did you choose the women and the stories that you chose for this book? 

When I started to plan the book, I knew that I wanted to incorporate women from a variety of backgrounds and industries to reflect the diversity of the Indian diaspora but also the talent within it. Some of these women have been part of my own personal journey and a source of inspiration to me for a long time, like Jhumpa Lahiri whose book “Interpreter of Maladies” I read when I was in high school. I wanted to pay homage to these role models by including them in the book. And some of these women I came across for the first time when conducting research for “Shakti Girls,” but immediately became drawn to their stories and what they represented. 

3. What do you hope readers – children, parents and educators – will take away from this book? 

I hope “Shakti Girls” inspires families and their children to feel empowered while developing a broader view of the world. I hope readers walk away from the book knowing that anything is possible with passion and persistence. They can imagine new possibilities and spark new ideas while embracing their authentic selves. I hope that readers will understand that regardless of where we come from, we can make a difference and achieve great things.

4. How did you go about researching for this book, and what was it like to write with a rhyme scheme in mind? 

It started with design thinking, a pedagogical strategy and approach I taught as an educator, to help students design projects that solved a real world problem. Once I moved past the ideate phase, I formulated questions from my own genuine curiosity and dug into what I wanted to learn, as well as what my children and those in my target audience suggested I research. Once I got a good sense of what questions to ask and answers to look for, I started to read articles, biographies and websites and listened to and watched interviews and podcasts to really get a sense of each woman and her story. Learning about the lives of these women was incredibly fulfilling and empowering! Writing in rhyme scheme was definitely a challenge! I initially wrote all the poems in prose, so that I at least had a working draft to start with that had the content I wanted to include, and then decided to brush up on my rhyming skills with workshops and online tutorials. It’s a lot harder than it looks! After endless rounds of clapping, counting syllables, and singing the poems while dusting off my thesaurus, I finally reached a level of satisfaction. 

5. Will there be more Shakti Girls books? Who would you include?

Absolutely! There are so many stories of inspiration the world needs to learn about. I want to include more women from history, like Jhansi Ki Rani and Ahilyabhai Holkar, as well as include representation of nonbinary and LGBTQ+ trailblazers in future editions of “Shakti Girls.” There are many unsung she-roes and trailblazers to be inspired by! 

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Pulitzer nominee Sid Balman Jr. to release the third and final novel in his acclaimed “Seventh Flag” series

Pulitzer-nominated war and national security correspondent Sid Balman, Jr. – currently a writer in residence at Sul Ross State University – is releasing a harrowing follow-up to his award-winning novels “Seventh Flag” and “Murmuration.” The third and final book in the series, “Algorithms” will be published on Aug. 1, 2023, with SparkPress.

The final novel in the acclaimed Seventh Flag Trilogy thrusts readers 30 years into a dystopic future of regional fiefdoms, marauding scavengers, and the quest for ultimate power, the algorithms of everything, secretly pilfered from an undersea Internet cable, stored on hard drives, and implanted in the last surviving blue whale. The iconic and unlikely heroine of the American West, Ademar Zarkan, now a 70-year-old woman, leads the Free People of West Texas in an alliance with Native Americans and the indigenous people of northern Mexico to retrieve the hard drives and to rescue her clairvoyant granddaughter from the radicalized Sisterhood and its merciless leader, Mother. Haunting and prophetic, Algorithms is a story of violent extremism, resilience, family, and, above all, the interconnectedness of humankind and the natural world.


Sid Balman Jr. | Aug. 1, 2023 | Spark Press | Fiction 

Paperback | ISBN 978-1-68463-208-4 | $17.95 

Ebook | $9.95

About The Author

A Pulitzer-nominated national security correspondent and Writer in Residence at Sul Ross State University, Sid Balman Jr. has covered wars in the Persian Gulf, Somalia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Kosovo, and has traveled extensively with two American presidents and four secretaries of state on overseas diplomatic missions. After leaving daily journalism, he helped found a news syndicate focused on the interests of women and girls, served as the communications chief for the largest consortium of U.S. international development organizations, led two progressive campaigning companies, and launched a new division at a large international development firm centered on violent radicalism and other security issues on behalf of governments. In addition to his current position as Writer In Residence at Sul Ross State University, Balman remains a working journalist and magazine contributor. A fourth-generation Texan, as well as a climber, surfer, paddler, and benefactor to Smith College, Balman lives in Alpine, TX, and has two children and a dog. You can find out more about him at:

Follow Sid Balman Jr. on social media: 

Facebook: @SeventhFlagNovels | Twitter: @seventhflag 

In an interview, Sid Balman Jr. can discuss:

  • The concept of a “Terra-Algorithm,” a term he minted to capture the notion of a connection between humankind and the natural world that is the beating heart of his novel.
  • How his books mirror culture in the United States, from World War II to 30 years in the future, and portrays the paths that have led to turmoil in the great “American experiment. He weaves the lives of diverse characters – indigenous people, Muslims, Jews, Christians, Americans, and Somalis – into a tapestry of what nationality looks like in the 21st Century.
  • His focus on indigenous characters, their resilience and insoluble connection to the natural world that imbues them with the traditions to survive an apocalypse, and the research with Tarahumara and Lakota Sioux that went into their character development in “Algorithms.”
  • What the  “American Dream” could look like 30 years in the future.
  • How his novel addresses culture wars in American society and issues of climate change.
  • Ending the “Seventh Flag” trilogy and what he plans to do next in his career.
  • Working during the Bush and Clinton administrations in the 90s and covering international politics, diplomacy, national security and wars in Somalia, Iraq and the Balkans, plus how these experiences inspired his novel series.
  • Using his expertise in understanding national security and violent radicalization to weave an electrifying plot while painting a complicated and nuanced picture of gender, race, class and political power in a globalized political environment.
  • Deep analysis based on a lifetime of research and reporting on the inner workings of domestic white supremacist groups and international extremist organizations.

An Interview with

Sid Balman Jr.

Before we dive into “Algorithms,” can you give us some background on your first two novels, “Seventh Flag” and “Murmuration” and how they tie into the storyline and characters in your new book? Do people need to read “Seventh Flag” and “Murmuration” before cracking open “Algorithms”? 

I wrote each book so that they stand alone, with enough background on the previous stories and characters to fill in the blanks. The stories are linear, beginning during World War II and ending 30 years in the future after a series of cataclysmic natural and man-made disasters – the Fall of Civilization as we know it.

Tell us about the title of “Algorithms.” What does it symbolize?

How many times have you purchased something, say a pair of Nike sneakers, and the next day an ad for Nike appears on your Instagram feed? Digital algorithms, small bits of computer code that match behavior with potential conversion, lurk behind the scenes and permeate every part of our lives. The antithesis of that is the “Terra-Algorithm,” a term I came up with to explain the insoluble connection between humankind and the natural world. Indigenous cultures have thrived for eons because of it, and in a post-apocalyptic landscape it will be the key to survival. It is a convincing argument for optimism, and if there is a preeminent theme in this novel, that is it.

How do you incorporate your personal experiences working as a journalist covering international politics and national security into your novels?

Past is prologue and radicalized despots, whether they be Somali warlords, Balkan strongmen, or delusional presidents, slither into the weak joints of society to their advantage, and the disadvantage of their people. Readers of “Algorithms” will recognize many familiar characters who represent the worst of these qualities.

Tell us about the role of indigenous characters in your novels. What research went into the development of these characters?

The primary focus of this part of my research was the Lakota Sioux in South Dakota and the Tarahumara who call themselves the Raramuri, the “running people” of northern Mexico. I had originally titled this novel “The Last Gun,” and envisioned a futuristic shoot ‘em out western set in a dystopic future. But as I came to know these people, (some say the Tarahumare are direct descendents of the “first humans”) the foundation of my novel shifted to how their eternal resilience and connection to nature equipped them uniquely to survive what I call “the Fall” of civilization as we know it. A close friend of mine, half indigenous and half Irish, who had extensive experience with those native cultures, became a trusted muse and guide along the path that led to “Algorithms.” She will be joining me at some of my signings during the upcoming book tour.

What is the butterfly effect, and how does it play a part in your latest novel?

I’ll let the novel speak for itself here:

“It made sense to the young girl, who had experienced that profound linkage in her psychic connection to 52 Blue, but she didn’t have the term: Terra-Algorithm. There is another term that applies to the phenomenon of the Raramuri and the unique purpose they — and other Indigenous people, like White Eagle’s Origin Tribes of the Mountain West — have in the universe. Mathematicians who study chaos theory, which seeks to explain connections between seemingly random occurrences, refer to it as the butterfly effect. Meteorologist Edward Lorenz coined the term in the 1960s, reasoning that small changes in atmospheric conditions could have dramatic impacts on weather thousands of miles away, like carbon emissions in China triggering a chain of events that over time melt polar ice. It is as if there is a linear relationship between a small gust of air from the wing of a butterfly and something else on the other side of the world. As if a giant blue whale deep in the Pacific Ocean leaps from the water and a twelve-year-old redheaded girl in West Texas dreams about it. Or a grotesque contest in a makeshift New Mexico bull ring is countered in the calculus of the earth by a peaceful, centuries-old game of Ralajipame. That is why the Raramuri endure. They are the counterweight on the other end of the existential teeter-totter that maintains balance in the universe.”

Why is so much of the Seventh Flag Trilogy set in Texas and the Southwest?

In my view, no place in the United States embodies the essence and the failures of the great American experiment. It is iconic, and iconic, recognizable and universal themes are what I felt I needed to resonate with all audiences across the ideological spectrum. Blend in the diversity of America – Muslim cowboys, female football players, and teenage sharpshooters for example – and the whole notion of iconic turns on its head, shaking the reader into a new, potentially unsettling reality. While the series ranges all over the world, its beating heart resides in the grandeur of Far West Texas.

How is the American Dream illustrated in your writing, and how is that depiction different from others?

It is hard to imagine anyone who still believes in an “American Dream,” at least as it was envisioned by the framers of our Constitution, after the events of the past few years. It remains to be seen whether the resiliency of that document will survive a world our founders never could have foreseen. That is why I essentially tear it up in “Algorithms,” and present what might succeed it.

How does “Algorithms” address culture wars in American society?

Culture wars are in many ways a product of the editorial pages of such publications as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, a convenient catch-phrase, like “woke culture” meant to signify something that is almost inexplicable. To me, it is simply the profound radicalism of people on both sides of the political equation who feel they have been marginalized, disenfranchised, and disrespected. In “Algorithms,” the front line of that concept is epitomized in the conflict between the Sisterhood, led by a sinister, complex figure who leads a cult of women warriors and calls herself simply Mother, and the Free People of West Texas, led by Ademar Zarkan, now a 70-year-old Muslim-American woman who has been the central protagonist in all three novels. It comes down to the iconic fight between good and evil, decency and cruelty, freedom and captivity, as both sides battle for the digital holy grail, the algorithms stored on hard drives and embedded under the fin of the world’s last remaining blue whale; and the survival of humankind.

How does “Algorithms” explore interconnectedness of humankind and the natural world?

Again, I’ll let the novel speak for itself:

“Crossing the Great Plains and high desert on horseback in August is a hard mistress. But they are committed to her and determined to make the union work. They have no choice. One gift in the dowry of their epic journey, and one of the few plusses of the Fall, is the reversal of climate change in the absence of carbon emissions. The skies were never bluer, the streams are crystal clear and potable, game is plentiful, and violent weather, except for afternoon rainstorms, is almost nonexistent. Even the buffalo, restricted to federal reserves and largely protected from hunters in the year preceding the apocalypse, roam the High Plains in numbers not seen since before white settlers with their long rifles decimated them for skins, leaving the noble behemoths nothing but decaying corpses for coyotes and vultures. This was one of the many indignities heaped on the Indigenous people, who relied on bison meat to sustain them over long winters and thick coats to hold off the bone-cold wind. Beyond sustenance and warmth, the bison is a symbol of abundance, hope, bravery, kindness, strength, and respect for the American Indian, none more so than the scarce and mythic white buffalo. Legend has it that the white buffalo spirit walks a sacred path, knowing the planet is a holy space and a living creature. The Indigenous people of Alaska and Arctic lands, the Eskimos, hold the whale in similar esteem. And without being able to articulate it, Arwen tapped into the same connection with 52 Blue. This entire natural equation, this inexplicable calculus of the universe, is the essence of the Terra-Algorithm.

That is why White Eagle holds up his hand to halt the expeditionary force one day’s ride from the Platte River in southern Nebraska when a lone white buffalo crests a nearby hill, his massive body nearly blocking the entire waning sun and casting a long shadow that almost touches the forehooves of his horse. He dismounts, kneels, and recites a prayer generations of his predecessors have chanted for this creature.

“O great spirit whose voice I hear in the winds, whose breath gives life to the world, hear me. I come to you as one of your many children. I am small and weak. I need your strength and your wisdom. May I walk in beauty. May my eyes ever behold the purple sunset. Make my hands respect the things you have made, and my ears sharp to hear your voice. Make me wise so I may know the things you have taught your children, the lessons that you have hidden in every leaf and rock. Make me strong, not to be superior to my brothers, but to fight my greatest enemy: myself. Make me ever ready to come to you with straight eyes, so that when life fades as with the fading sunset, my spirit will come to you without shame.”

Are any of the characters in “Algorithms” based on real people?

All of the characters are mosaics of people who I have encountered in my life. The closest to an exact match, and it’s still far from it, are the two families of ranchers in West Texas: the Laws and the Zarkans. 

Some novelists plan out all the details in a series before they even finish the first book. Others write as they go. What was your approach?

I’m very meticulous about mapping out the book before I write a single word. I spend months on research, construct detailed character profiles, outline every chapter and even build storyboards that incorporate images and maps. As a former wire service reporter – a classic ink-stained wretch – I write very fast once I start, being careful not to write and edit at the same time. That said, and one of the most interesting aspects of my process, is not being too fixed on my story process and allowing the characters and narrative to grow organically within the tale. For me, that’s where the magic is.

You’ve now written nonfiction journalistic works as well as fiction. Do you prefer one over the other? What are the unique challenges of each?

I’m asked this frequently. Fiction is journalism, I just get to make up the story and all the quotes. In all seriousness, I’m an old-school reporter who believes that journalism must be the most accurate representation of the truth as one perceives it based on a moment in time. My fiction is a metaphor for the truth perceived through the rear-view mirror.

This is the last book in the series – are you going to miss spending time with your characters? What’s next for you?

I have spent almost every day of the past five years living with my characters, and I will miss them, although what they taught me about life, about writing, is forever embedded in my soul. But it’s time to move on. I have already begun thinking and researching my next novel, a fictional story that closely resembles the tragic mass shooting of kids and teachers at an elementary school in rural Texas, and the journey of an elderly artist who is commissioned to paint a commemorative mural.

Advance Praise for Sid Balman Jr. and “Algorithms”

“In Algorithms, Balman paints a vivid picture of an all-too believable – and terrifying – future: a post-apocalyptic western that is equal parts Cormac McCarthy and Larry McMurtry. Fans of the Laws and Zarkan family – several generations of which have been the protagonists throughout the Seventh Flag Trilogy – will enjoy this satisfying and entirely unexpected conclusion to the series. His research with the resilient indigenous people of Mexico and North America, who play a central role in this book that they have been denied in history, lends an authenticity to what may be his main point: the survival of humankind rests on its indelible link with nature. In his vivid, descriptive prose, Balman captures the unique beauty of far West Texas as only one who has lived there could. Pulling no punches, this novel serves as a warning of where the radicalism the author explores throughout this series ultimately could lead.”

— Jill Gibson, editor Los Alamos National Laboratory National Security Science Magazine

“The third installment in the Seventh Flag trilogy, Algorithms, perfectly combines the excitement of a post-apocalyptic thriller with a poignant coming-of-age story featuring an engaging heroine facing a very different “American Dream.”  Indeed, a page-turner … an important read for any citizen concerned about the reality of where our culture wars and politics are taking American society.” 

— Laura Payne, PhD, dean of the Jimmy D. Case College of Literature, Arts, and Social Sciences Sul Ross State University 

“Sid Balman’s Algorithms is a thrilling climax to his cross-generational west Texas saga. In the dystopian future, his tale of a technological and societal collapse is stunning, and, unfortunately – not-implausible. The resilience of his heroes and the natural communities, gives me some hope for our current times.” 

— Chris Wolz, CEO Forum One

“Big questions, grand themes, and prophetic warnings: all these characterize Algorithms. Another first-rate novel by Sid Balman, Jr.” 

                  — Robert Zorn, Award-Winning Author of Cemetery John: The Undiscovered Mastermind of the Lindbergh Kidnapping

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Humorous new guidebook gives women profound and creative advice for thriving after 60

Liz Kitchens would make Erma Bombeck cackle, leave Ann Landers at a loss for words and make Gloria Steinem proud” – Rannah Gray, author of “Familiar Evil”

Orlando, FL – Liz Kitchens’ “Be Brave. Lose the Beige! Finding Your Sass After Sixty” (She Writes Press, May 16, 2023) is a must-have manual for “Lady Boomers” and others cresting toward retirement as they navigate what’s next for them. This candid, tongue-in-cheek manifesto empowers women to take on their third act with confidence and sass.

Meet Beige. Beige is reliable, practical, sensible, and safe. Beige doesn’t put up a fuss; it follows the rules, blends in, doesn’t want to stand out. Now meet Magenta. Magenta is rich, dynamic, loud, sometimes garish, and not easily overlooked. Society has decidedly beige expectations when it comes to aging, but Liz Kitchens explains why Magenta women have more fun!  

In these pages, Liz chronicles how creative thinking helped her cope with empty nest syndrome; navigate sex over sixty; transition from being “outtasight” to literally being out of sight, and so much more. The stories and creative techniques outlined in this guide are guaranteed to introduce color, sass, and a lightness of spirit into your later years. Are you ready to defy those beige expectations and start coloring outside the lines, even if a few pesky rules get trampled in the process? 

“Be Brave. Lose the Beige!”

Liz Kitchens | May 16, 2023 | She Writes Press | Nonfiction, Self-Help

Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-64742-468-8 | $17.95

Ebook | ISBN: 978-1-64742-469-5 | $9.95 

About the Author…

LIZ KITCHENS is a rare and endangered species born and raised in Orlando, Florida. Her memories of the sweet scent of orange blossoms and of the salty scrubbiness of the landscape pre-dates Walt Disney World. This geographical legacy, sandwiched between the frolicking waters of the Atlantic Ocean and Gulf Coast, inspired her playful spirit and informs her writing. She conducts workshops and seminars on creativity and directed a creative arts program for teens in underserved communities. She has also been a market researcher for thirty-five years and is the founder of What’s Next Boomer? a website dedicated to helping boomers navigate retirement options; and of the blog, Be Brave. Lose the Beige, which focuses on issues facing women of the baby boomer generation. She is a contributing writer for the online magazine, Sixty and Me, and has been published in various online and print publications. Liz is married, the mother of three adult children, and the grandmother of three grandchildren. Learn more at

Follow Liz Kitchens on social media:

Facebook: @BeBraveLoseTheBeige | Twitter: @LizKitchens | Instagram: @Liz_Kitchens

In an interview, Liz Kitchens can discuss:

  • How to break away from the “beige” expectations for women over 60
  • Why creativity is crucial for the aging process
  • Tips for igniting your creative spirit
  • Why rule-breaking can be a good thing
  • Lessons from her own life that taught her how to be brave and find her sass

An Interview with

Liz Kitchens

1. What inspired you to write “Be Brave. Lose the Beige!”?

Be Brave. Lose the Beige began as a blog ( and morphed into stories chronicling how creative thinking helped me cope with Empty Nest Syndrome, navigate sex over 60, and transition from being “outta sight” as they said in the 1960s, to being literally out of sight. The blog and book focus on issues facing Baby Boomer women, and others cresting toward sixty. (I speak with some authority on this topic since I most certainly fit that demographic.) Beige represents the antithesis of creative thinking. I believe creativity and creative thinking are critical for navigating what’s next for Lady Boomers. I use color as a metaphor for creativity and for exploring the challenges we face as we age. 

2. Where did the sass go and how do you advise women to find it? Why do you think sass is important? 

Our kindergarten teachers’ admonishment to “color inside the lines” has guided many of our life choices. We have followed the rules and done what was expected. We continue to be 911 on our adult kids’ cell phones; we are or have been caregivers for three generations, sometimes simultaneously; we have a pathological propensity to please; and, how are we supposed to maintain our sass when we are characterized in internet search engines as decrepit little old ladies with unattractive hair and canes?! And the labels used to describe our post middle age years, oy vey! Vintage Years (hate it); Act Three (not a fan); Twilight Years (might as well be a reference to the Vampire movie trilogy). In the book, I propose using BBLB years–Be Brave. Lose the Beige!–as the moniker for this time in our lives. BBLB is sassy and pokes fun at societal rules and norms. It says yes when the world keeps saying no, especially when it comes to aging.

There is a BBLB Manual of Maxims at the conclusion of the book. These thirty-five adages are designed to help women get their sass back.

3. How does this book differ from other aging resources?

Well, first of all, it’s fun and funny. The book is filled with honest, self deprecating stories about issues facing Lady Boomers, so it is relatable. I’m a numbers junkie (survey researcher) and have collected data on issues facing Baby Boomer women (many of those statistics are cited in the book). I know what they care about and the book focuses on these concerns. 

Our earlier life stages came with guidebooks and mentors to help us navigate dating, marriage, and the pitfalls of parenting. I’ve been underwhelmed by the resources available to help us navigate the issues we face as we age. The examples set by our parents, many of them now long gone, don’t necessarily work for our generation.  We’re far more active, living longer, and may not have the financial resources to afford the leisurely retirements some of our parents’ generation enjoyed. So I decided to add my thoughts about this journey and encourage a little creative thinking to help us navigate our BBLB years.

4. Why is creativity so important to the aging process?

Be Brave. Lose the Beige! is really a philosophy, a way of perceiving one’s world as it currently exists. As an avowed creativity evangelist, I know creative thinking is critical in navigating what’s next for Lady Boomers and serves as an excellent co-conspirator in the struggle to regain even a little control as we navigate our aging journeys. Creativity is good for your health. It can help with mobility issues and balance, cognition, promotes feelings of value and self worth, and a sense of community. I directed a creative arts program for under-served youth for eighteen years. Creativity encouraged these middle school students to think bigger about their worlds. Creativity also offers us a lightheartedness our aching joints and clogged arteries keep trying to steal. While creativity is fun, it’s not made of magic. Snapping our fingers to summon creativity is not really a thing. One has to practice, which is why the conclusion of each chapter in the book features creative exercises designed to help people exercise their creative muscles. (Example exercise: Doodle for your Noodle.)

5. Some readers may be surprised to see you condone rule-breaking. Why is it important to take risks, even if rules are broken in the process?

Breaking rules is different from breaking laws. Women have lived a good portion of their lives within the confines of one authority or another, and, as a consequence, learned a whole lot of rules. We internalized certain behavioral edicts and regarded them as laws. Breaking fine print rules or taking small steps that break with convention can feel empowering and give us a sense of control in situations where we may feel we have little to no control.  

Family members, and even a few friends, have suggested that I think rules are merely suggestions. I, however, tend to believe some rules have a margin for error and prefer to call rule breaking “creative thinking.” The key to avoiding a beige life is thinking creatively even if a few pesky rules get trampled in the process.

6. What’s next for you? Where can readers go to learn more about you?

I will continue to extol the virtues of creativity through my writing and my workshops. I began this book preaching the importance of creative thinking. I thought I knew what it meant to be brave and poke fun at certain societal rules and expectations. But I underestimated how owning these qualities in myself might further evolve. The writing taught me that. It started out on a linear path but it dipped and curved, just like a creative path, and I felt my writing grow braver with each chapter revision. The process and practice of writing the book helped ease my inhibitions. 

 And, I can’t stop writing. As Joan Didion said, “I don’t know what I think until I write it down.”  I adore blogging and will continue to do so. Several of my blog posts formed the nucleus of this book. To read some of my blogs and find additional information about my book go to  

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Award-winning author crafts tantalizing psychological hunt

“Smart, sly and compelling, with a fascinating main character, the very definition of intelligent suspense.” –Lee Child

MANHATTAN, New York– Award-winning author Charles Salzberg makes an explosive return with an intricate cat-and-mouse chase between Francis Hoyt, expert burglar and fugitive on the run, and Dakota Richards, a tenacious true crime podcaster desperate for an exclusive. “Man on the Run” (April, 17th, 2023, Down & Out Books) is an absorbing crime novel which examines America’s obsession with winning, no matter how deadly the cost. 

Francis Hoyt, a daunting career criminal, is on the loose. Having masterfully escaped from his court appearance, Hoyt, now a fugitive, relocates to the West Coast to lick his wounds. Meanwhile, former newspaper journalist Dakota Richards embarks on her passion project: a true crime podcast. A year into her new career, she takes a deep dive into the life of the elusive Francis Hoyt. Hoyt, arrogant and desperate to get back in the limelight, taunts Dakota, dangling the possibility of cooperating with her project. Meanwhile, Hoyt is approached by a shady mob lawyer who offers him a lucrative job: breaking into a “mob bank” and liberating the contents. As Hoyt meticulously plans the break-in, Dakota unearths Hoyt’s past and crosses paths with his nemesis: retired state investigator Charlie Floyd, who is on the hunt for Hoyt. As the lives of the fugitive, cop, and journalist become entangled, it’s only a matter of time before their dangerous game turns lethal. 

Charles Salzberg, who rarely leaves the island of Manhattan where he was born and raised, began his literary life in the mailroom at New York Magazine, thinking somehow it would lead to his real dream: writing the Great American Novel. Restless, and too young (and stupid) to realize the consequences, he left the magazine after only three months and began life as a freelance magazine writer, with absolutely no idea what he was doing.

After a successful career as a magazine journalist for New York Magazine, Esquire, GQ, Redbook, New York Times etc., book reviewer, nonfiction book writer, he made a move to fulfilling that dream of becoming a novelist when his first novel, Swann’s Last Song, was published and wound up being nominated for a Shamus Award for Best First PI Novel. After losing, he swore he’d keep writing crime novels until he won something.

After four more novels in the Henry Swann series, he wrote two successful stand-alone novels, Devil in the Hole (named one of the best crime novels of 2013 by Suspense Magazine) and Second Story Man (nominated for another Shamus and a David Award, both of which, true to form, he lost). He finally broke the losing streak when Second Story Man was named winner of the Beverly Hills Book Award. He’s also published three novellas, to be found in the collections Triple Shot, Three Strikes and Third Degree. He teaches writing in New York City, is a Founding Member of New York Writers Workshop, and is on the boards of PrisonWrites and Mystery Writers of America-NY.

Follow Charles Salzberg on social media:

Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Advanced Praise for Man on the Run

“Smart, sly and compelling, with a fascinating main character, the very definition of intelligent suspense.”

–Lee Child, international bestselling author of the Jack Reacher thrillers

“One part heist movie, one part psychological thriller, three parts great character and blend, Salzburg’s superb Man on the Run will keep your head spinning from the first page to the last.”

–Reed Farrel Coleman, New York Times-bestselling author

“Man on the Run grips you from the opening page and doesn’t let go. The plot will leave you breathless with anticipation as a master burglar and a crime podcaster try to outwit and outmaneuver each other before an outrageous heist. There’s nothing better than smart characters, with smart dialogue, going head to head. You won’t want to miss a twist or turn.

–Michael Wiley, Shamus Award-winning writer of the Sam Kelson mysteries 

“Francis Hoyt, Charles Salzberg’s brilliant burglar anti-hero from SECOND STORY MAN, is back on the prowl in MAN ON THE RUN. Old-school crime meets the podcast age as Hoyt tangles with a true-crime reporter as well as fellow felons and the law. Like his hero, Salzberg is a total pro who always brings it home.”


– Wallace Stroby, author of HEAVEN’S A LIE

“Charles Salzberg is a genius at not only crafting a helluva page-turner of a heist novel, but he also manages to make the reader care about Francis Hoyt, master burglar and pathological narcissist. Hoyt is the man on the run, and the story of how he eludes the law, the mob, and a retired cop who has become his personal nemesis packs a solid punch and leaves you rooting for the guy who’d steal your family jewels without breaking a sweat.”

–James Benn, James R. Benn, author of the Billy Boyle WWII mystery series

“When it comes to Charles Salzberg’s work, you can expect a hard-edged story, crisp dialogue, and memorable characters.  This is certainly true — and then some! – in his latest, MAN ON THE RUN.  Featuring master burglar Francis Hoyt, a tough and intelligent criminal who can’t seem to turn down tempting criminal scores despite the inherent danger, MAN ON THE RUN features a true-crime podcast host, a criminal fence, and an investigator hot on the trail of Francis Hoyt as his most challenging and dangerous burglary comes into play.  Very much recommended.”

–Brendan DuBois, award-winning and New York Times bestselling author

Man on the Run grips you from the opening page and doesn’t let go. The plot will leave you breathless with anticipation as a master burglar and a crime podcaster try to outwit and outmaneuver each other before an outrageous heist. There’s nothing better than smart characters, with smart dialogue, going head-to-head. You won’t want to miss a twist or turn.” –Michael Wiley

“It’s a battle of wits and nerves as a cop, a robber, and a journalist dance around each other weaving a tapestry of deceit and suspense. Salzberg’s dialogue flows like water until it finds truth in this most entertaining read.” –Matt Goldman

Additional Works by Charles Salzberg

In an interview, Charles Salzberg can discuss:

  • Why success and ambition are key themes in the novel, and how these themes comment on present-day American society 
  • How his noteworthy experience as a writing instructor shaped his career as an author 
  • Why constructing morally gray characters creates compelling and thought-provoking stories
  • His experience with Prison Writes, a therapeutic, trauma-informed writing program for incarcerated people, helped inform his craft 
  • What readers can expect next in his career as a renowned crime author

An Interview with

Charles Salzberg

1. You have described “Man on the Run” as being a continuation of your previous work, “Second Story Man,” why did you decide to revisit Francis Hoyt’s story? 

When I completed “Second Story Man,” I had no intention of revisiting any of the characters. But after finishing “Canary in the Coal Mine,” and casting around to see what I’d tackle next, I started thinking about Francis Hoyt. Without giving away spoilers, I began to wonder what happens to a character like him after his book ends. I sat with that question for several months before deciding I’d see for myself. At the same time, during the pandemic one of the things I did to pass time was listen to true crime podcasts–a lot of them, especially how they jump into cold cases or cases in the news. I thought it would make perfect sense to create a podcaster–many of them are women–who inadvertently passes through Hoyt’s life. At that point, the seed of a story was planted. But I also became much more crime “literate,” and so a secondary plot line in the novel is based on an actual event.

2. “Man on the Run” features cutthroat characters who are ambitious, almost to a fault. How do themes of obsession with success comment on a larger societal trend you see in American culture? 

I try not to get too political publicly because no matter where you stand you’re going to piss someone off. But that doesn’t mean politics doesn’t affect my fiction. For quite a long time I’ve noticed that Americans are obsessed with winning, about beating and sometimes humiliating opponents. We even had a president who promised so much winning that we’d get tired of it–I doubt that could ever happen. But I think there’s a downside to all that competitiveness, especially the win-at-any-cost attitude. And so that’s how Francis Hoyt came to be. He’s obsessed with being the best and he’ll do anything to win. And so, in both “Second Story Man” and “Man on the Run,” I explore the ramifications of this obsession–and to some extent I think we all have it. But sometimes, I think, it can backfire and cause serious problems for everyone. An exploration of that is a big part of “Man on the Run.”

3. You’re a board member of Prison Writes, an organization that uses trauma-informed practices to support literacy for incarcerated folks. How does your affiliation with this organization inform your writing as a crime author? 

I certainly didn’t join PrisonWrites with that in mind, but as it happens working with those who are incarcerated (or recently out of the prison system) does teach me a little about crime, especially motivation. But it’s also incredibly inspirational. Before the pandemic, I was part of a three-person team that went up to the federal facility, Otisville, in upstate New York, to work with incarcerated men. When we got there, I was shocked to see at least forty men sitting in a large gymnasium-like area, all there to learn something about writing–and it was not mandatory. In fact, when we asked, I think almost every one of the men was already doing some kind of writing, especially journaling. I never ask what they’ve done in the past, because I don’t want to pre-judge them in any way, but it is fascinating to hear their stories–it really gives a sense of humanity to each of them and by extension us. It’s the idea that many of us, put in the right circumstances, might be capable of some pretty nasty things.

4. Your novel features a true crime podcast host. Did you derive inspiration from real true crime podcasts you’re currently listening to? Any that you’d recommend to readers? 

As I said earlier, I came to the true crime podcast pretty late in the game, and only because of Covid. But man, after the first one, I was hooked. I’ve got a lot of favorites, but some of them are “Crimetown,” about the city of Providence, “Someone Knows Something,” “Chameleon,” (all seasons), and anything by Dan Taberski (he doesn’t handle crime per se, but his podcasts are fascinating, especially the one that searches for Richard Simmons, and “The Shrink Next Door.” But there are so many important podcasts, especially one like “In the Dark,” which in one season examines the case of a man who’s been tried four times for the same crime and was sitting on Death Row for a crime he likely didn’t commit (no spoilers here).

5. What do you hope readers will gain from “Man on the Run”? 

That’s a tough one because, to be honest, I don’t think much about what my audiences might get from my writing. In fact, I don’t even think of myself as having an “audience.” But now that I’m asked, I think the first thing I’d want is that people reading it enjoy what they’re reading. And beyond that, maybe get some insight into human behavior. Because for me, crime is all about human behavior and the relationships we have in life and how those relationships sometimes fracture with devastating results. But the one crime I don’t have any (or very little) interest in is serial killers. And for that matter, I don’t write murder mysteries and although there might be a murder in some of my books, it’s always there to tell us something about the characters. And so, most of my books are corpse-free. There are plenty of other crimes to write about. I’ll leave murders to my friends who handle it so well.

6. What’s next for your writing career? 

I’m a little more than a third into my next novel. I’m at the stage where I don’t even have a title for it that I’m happy with–so, I’m just calling it “Searching for Allie,” (but I can pretty much promise you that’ll change.) One of my characters has ESP, he can see things that have happened in the past. But the catch is, only one person in the world, his best friend, knows he has this ability. He’s actually a little afraid of it–it’s an albatross around his neck. And so he constantly avoids any “images” that might come to him–and so when his best friend’s college-age daughter comes up missing and he’s asked to help, which means like it or not, he has to deal with this “thing” he has. I don’t write with an outline–I never know where the story is going–so I’m afraid I can’t give you a plot summary.

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