Who set Sam up for the murder of her mother’s fiancé?

Award-winning author returns with dark, coming-of-age YA thriller

LOUISVILLE, KY – Discover who set up Sam in the death of her mother’s fiancé in the new novel by award-winning author, Lynn Slaughter. Deadly Setup (Fire and Ice/Melange, Jul 5, 2022) introduces Sam, a young teen whose life changes when her mother’s fiancé is found shot to death and she’s the main suspect.

When her impulsive, romance-writing mom announces her engagement to a man whose last heiress wife died under suspicious circumstances, Sam tries to dissuade her mother. But her mom is convinced she’ll finally have the “Happily Ever After” she writes about.

And then Sam’s life implodes. Her mom’s fiancé turns up dead, and a mountain of circumstantial evidence points to Sam as the killer. On trial for murder, she fights to prove her innocence with the help of her boyfriend’s dad, an ex-homicide cop.

Moonbeam Children’s Book Award bronze medalist and Agatha Christie award nominee, Lynn Slaughter returns with a new YA thriller pushing the envelope on coming-of-age stories. Dark yet hopeful, Deadly Setup shows that wealth truly doesn’t buy happiness.

“Deadly Setup”
Lynn Slaughter | July 5, 2022
Fire and Ice/Melange Books | YA Thriller
Paperback | 978-8-88653-008-7 | $14.99
Ebook | 979-8-88653-009-4 | $4.99

LYNN SLAUGHTER: Lynn Slaughter is addicted to chocolate, the arts, and her husband’s cooking. Like Sam, her family tree is peppered with musicians, and she’s a huge fan of the American Songbook. Music has always made her want to move, and she ended up becoming a professional dancer and dance educator. When injury meant it was time to find a new dream, she earned her MFA in Writing Popular Fiction from Seton Hill University. Her previous young adult novels include: Leisha’s Song, also published by Fire and Ice, which received a bronze medal from the Moonbeam Children’s Book Awards and was nominated for an Agatha for best MG/YA mystery novel; It Should Have Been You, a Silver Falchion finalist; and While I Danced, an Epic finalist. The ridiculously proud mother of two sons and grandmother of five, she lives in Louisville, Kentucky where she is at work on her next novel and serves as president of Derby Rotten Scoundrels, her local Sisters in Crime chapter. She loves hearing from readers and hopes you’ll visit her website, http://lynnslaughter.com

Follow Lynn Slaughter on social media:
Facebook: @LynnSlaughterWriter | Twitter: @LSlaughter2

Praise for Leisha’s Song

Nominated for 2021 Agatha Award for Best Children’s/YA Mystery Novel, Moonbeam Children’s Award Bronze Medalist, and Imadjinn Finalist for Best YA Novel

“Lynn Slaughter’s knowledge, love, and passion for music are evident in Leisha’s Song. Adept at striking the right balance between tough social issues and young love, Slaughter orchestrates a tale that harmonizes issues of racism, abandonment, and abuse with the power of love and beauty of music in this young adult romantic suspense novel where two young lovers must dig through generations of hatred and intolerance to uncover the truth and solve a mystery with life and death consequences.”
– V.M. Burns, Agatha Award-nominated author of The Plot is Murder

“Suspense, tender romance, and a thoughtful exploration of racism make this page-turning coming-of-age novel a winner. An academy setting and focus on the creative arts add appeal, and Leisha’s growth from people-pleaser to independent woman will resonate with girls and women everywhere.”
– Lee Tobin McClain, U.S.A. Today Bestselling Author of Home to the Harbor

“Heartfelt, wise and relevant, Leisha’s Song is a compelling murder mystery wrapped around a romance that propels the reader along a ‘must keep reading’ journey. Leisha is a protagonist we come to care for and cheer on as she faces a mystery that must be solved. A romance that must be navigated, and a world that must be grown into. It is a testament to Lynn Slaughter’s immense skills as a writer that she has produced another wonderful adventure story.”
– T. Lynne Singleton, contributing author, African American Alphabet, A Celebration of African-American and West Indian Culture, Custom, Myth, and Symbol

In an interview, Lynn Slaughter can discuss:

  • The inspiration behind Sam
  • Changing her career from dancer/dance instructor to author
  • Choosing to write YA stories
  • Her previous works, Leisha’s Song, It Should have Been You and While I Danced
  • The influence of art, music, and dancing throughout her novels
  • The relationship between parent and child especially during the teen years
  • Writing a teen protagonist dealing with loss/grief
  • Creating a subplot including discussion on LGBTQIA+ teens
  • Why elevating a child to a parental role is harmful
  • Why young people seek to create intentional families when their families of origin cannot meet their emotional needs

An Interview with Lynn Slaughter

You went from being a dancer to a writer. What are the similarities and differences between the two?

I think the role of “choreographer” (the creator of dances) is most akin to the role of a writer (composer of stories). Both engage in acts of expressive communication—nonverbal in the case of dance and verbal communication for stories. Both art forms take years of practice and study. Both require perseverance and resilience in the face of rejection and setbacks. In addition, for both art forms, there is always “more” to discover and work on.

Sam has a very difficult ethical decision to make when she uncovers evidence about who set her up. Why does her decision matter so much?

When Sam uncovers evidence about who set her up, she must make a decision. She can keep quiet and not reveal what she’s learned, or she can turn in the evidence she has and permanently rupture a relationship and perhaps get this person in serious trouble.

These decisions follow us through life. Think about the kid in elementary school who witnesses wrongdoing by another child. If he turns the culprit in, is he a snitch? Or a whistle-blowing hero? And what if the culprit is one of his best friends?

Sam’s closest male friend is openly gay and wants to pursue a career in fashion design. Are you playing into stereotypes about gay people by presenting him as a character interested in fashion and design?

I hope not! The character of Paul is based on my husband’s closest friend from college and dance company days in Detroit. His friend was not only a beautiful dancer but a costume designer and wonderful seamstress. The year they lived together, he taught my husband how to sew, and for many years, my husband made most of my outfits.

I think it’s important to note also that Paul is an athlete, the star of his high school diving team, and his lover is a football player. We all have many identities.

You went back to school to earn your MFA late in life. What was that experience like, and do you recommend that writers pursue MFA programs?

I had a very positive experience in grad school, and I think our shared interest in growing as writers transcended our age differences. I certainly know tons of wonderful writers who did not earn their MFAs. But for me, I found a wonderful learning community. Our teachers were all multi-published professional writers committed to mentoring aspiring writers.

I do think it’s important to find a good match. Not all MFA programs are alike. Seton Hill’s is geared toward novel writing and popular fiction, which was a great fit for me and my interests.

What drew you to writing YA, and why do you think YA literature is such an important resource for teens?

Long into adulthood, I continued to love reading YA fiction. In addition, teenagers have always been my favorite age group to work with. While I was still dancing, I moonlighted as a freelance writer and my specialty was writing about teens and the challenges of parenting them.

In our increasingly diverse and polarized world, books can offer teens a look into the interior lives of characters in ways that television and video can’t. We can not only see ourselves in books but also see others who may appear to be very different from ourselves, but with whom we have much in common. Books can also offer comfort to those who are suffering from struggles with depression, anxiety, or other issues. A hallmark of YA fiction is that there is an element of hope for a better future.

What’s next for you writing-wise?

I currently have two projects I’m working on—the expansion of a short story I wrote called “Missed Cue” in which a detective is investigating the suspicious death of a ballerina, while struggling with issues in her personal life. I’m also working on a middle grade novel about a young vampire who hates the taste of blood and is convinced he’s mistakenly landed in the wrong body. Then it’s back to YA again!

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New York Times bestselling author revisits inspiring beginnings of Olympic women’s basketball

On 50th Anniversary of Title IX, Andrew Maraniss tells the true story of the first U.S. women’s Olympic basketball team

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – From the New York Times bestselling author of “Strong Inside” comes the inspirational true story of the birth of women’s Olympic basketball at the 1976 Summer Games and the ragtag team that put U.S. women’s basketball on the map. “Inaugural Ballers” (Sept. 13, 2022, Viking Books for Young Readers) by Andrew Maraniss is an eye-opening story timed with the 50th anniversary of Title IX in 2022.

“A League of Their Own” meets “Miracle” in the inspirational true story of the first U.S. women’s Olympic basketball team and their unlikely rise to the top. Twenty years before women’s soccer became an Olympic sport and two decades before the formation of the WNBA, the ’76 U.S. women’s basketball team laid the foundation for the incredible rise of women’s sports in America at the youth, collegiate, Olympic, and professional levels.

Though they were unknowns at the time of the ‘76 Games, hailing from small schools such as Delta State, Tennessee-Martin and John F. Kennedy College of Wahoo, Nebraska,, the American team included a roster of players who would go on to become some of the most legendary figures in the history of basketball. Pat Head (Summitt), Nancy Lieberman, Ann Meyers, Lusia Harris (subject of an Oscar-winning short documentary in 2022), and coach Billie Moore took on the world and proved everyone wrong.

Told in the context of the women’s rights movement of the 1970s and packed with black-and-white photos and thoroughly researched details about the beginnings of U.S. women’s basketball, “Inaugural Ballers” is the fascinating story of the women who paved the way for girls everywhere.

“Inaugural Ballers:
The True Story of the First U.S. Women’s Olympic Basketball Team”
Andrew Maraniss | Sept. 13, 2022
Viking Books for Young Readers | Young Adult Nonfiction
Hardcover | ISBN 9780525514657 | $18.99
Ebook | $11.99

About the Author

New York Times bestselling author Andrew Maraniss writes sports and history-related nonfiction, telling stories with a larger social message. His first book, “Strong Inside,” received the Lillian Smith Book Award for civil rights and the RFK Book Awards’ Special Recognition Prize for social justice, becoming the first sports-related book ever to win either award. His young readers adaptation of “Strong Inside” was named one of the Top Biographies for Youth by the American Library Association and was named a Notable Social Studies Book by the Children’s Book Council. His acclaimed second book for teens, “Games of Deception,” was a Sydney Taylor Book Award Middle Grade Honor Recipient and a Junior Library Guild selection. His third book, “Singled Out: The True Story of Glenn Burke,” was named to the 2022 Rainbow Book List and was named one of the “Top 100 Baseball Books Ever Written” by Esquire. Andrew lives in Nashville and is special projects director at the Vanderbilt University Athletic Department. Find out more about him at www.andrewmaraniss.com.

Follow Andrew Maraniss on social media:
Facebook: @andrewmaranissauthor | Twitter: @trublu24 | Instagram: @amaraniss

An Interview with Andrew Maraniss

You write books that explore deeper social justice themes — what is it about sports stories, specifically, that can help facilitate conversations about social justice?

Sports books offer a profound opportunity to discuss issues related to social justice. First, sports are accessible. It’s not intimidating to pick up a book with a basketball player or a baseball player on the cover. And most people, whether they are sports fans or not, have some frame of reference for athletes or teams. Sports remain one of the few aspects of our divided society that literally bring us together around a shared experience. So all those factors combine to create a solid foundation: at the very least, sports brings a lot of different people to the table. Then once you have a reader’s attention, they realize there’s so much more to a good sports book than scores and statistics. Sports stories are human interest stories; they capture a moment in time in history; they offer inherent tension and drama. And within the world of sports reside all the social themes that matter: race, gender, sexuality, inequity, democracy, politics. My hope is that my books bring readers, young and old, to these important issues in a way that feels natural and inspires empathy and action.

You stand apart from many YA authors by focusing on nonfiction. Do you think these nonfiction stories offer something to young readers that fiction can’t?

Absolutely. For one, these stories are true! We live in a time where discovering the truth and fighting against lies and liars is more urgent than ever. True stories elevate the names, experiences, and lasting lessons of remarkable people, many of whom have been written out of history. The people I write about deserve to be known, and we can all learn so much from their example. There’s a substantial portion of adults who prefer nonfiction. I know it’s pretty much all I read. And yet nonfiction tends to be underemphasized for kids – at the same time kids aren’t reading. So my hope is that my books appeal to avid readers but also to young people who don’t realize there are books that they’d really enjoy if only they knew they existed. At the other end of the spectrum, many of my readers are adults who fall into two categories. There are the sports fans who enjoy nonfiction and then also the men and women who aren’t into sports, and are typically fiction readers, but are pleasantly surprised by how much they enjoy my books. It’s rewarding for me to help these kinds of readers understand how powerful sports nonfiction can be.

In your previous book, “Games of Deception,” you write about another groundbreaking group of athletes: the Olympic men’s basketball team that competed in Nazi Germany. Did you find commonalities between that story and the story of the first women’s U.S. Olympic basketball team? How were the stories similar or different? What unique challenges did the women’s team face?

Both teams had very little support. In 1936, the players on the men’s team had to raise their own money to pay for travel across the country to board the ship that would take them to Germany for the Olympics. When they made it to Germany, conditions were terrible – the games were played outside on clay tennis courts, which became muddy slogs during the gold medal game. Forty years later, the U.S. women also had little support. USA Basketball officials were so certain they wouldn’t qualify for the Olympics they had made no plans to house the team between the final qualifying tournament and the Olympics. The coaches had to scrounge around for a place for the players to live during that period, with no budget. But where the men’s team in 1936 was expected to dominate international competition – and did – the women’s team in ‘76 wasn’t even expected to qualify for the Olympics. When they won a silver medal, not even a gold, it was cause for celebration. In ‘36, the rest of the world had a lot to learn from the U.S. In ‘76, U.S. women’s basketball still had a long way to go to catch up to the Soviets. Where male athletes of the 1930s (and beyond) were lifted up as heroes, in basketball and other sports, women athletes of the 1970s were typically either disparaged or ignored. They didn’t play for adulation or with hopes of making money. Still, there was a lot of pressure on the U.S. women’s team in ‘76. They understood that by playing well, they could change the course of women’s sports in America by inspiring younger generations of girls to play sports and to push for equal opportunities in their schools and communities.

“Inaugural Ballers” set squarely in the heart of the women’s rights movement of the 1970s, with women athletes coming up in a pre-Title IX era. How did the cultural issues of that time impact the athletes and women’s basketball in general?

Nine of the players on the ‘76 team (and both coaches) have since been inducted into the Women’s Basketball Hall of Fame. These were outstanding players. They all overcame social pressures and stereotypes – the idea that it wasn’t “ladylike” for girls and women to sweat or play sports. They grew up with very few female role models. There was no dream of playing professional basketball. They all made it to the top thanks to singular determination and hard work with no real promise of reward. Some would say they played for a pure love of the game, as if there was something wholly admirable about that. I think it’s important not to romanticize the era. These women deserved so much more. They succeeded despite all the obstacles thrown their way. Obstacles that were born in sexism, misogyny, and the insecurity of men. What was interesting to me was how little connection there was between these strong, pioneering athletes and the women’s movement. Here you had women athletes who were determined to do what they loved and not be confined by traditional gender roles, yet they weren’t held up as icons of the movement. Many of them didn’t consider themselves feminists, even as they destroyed stereotypes and artificial limitations. Today, we see women athletes held up as icons for equity, such as when the U.S. women’s national soccer team protested for pay equity. Times have changed, and as female athletes’ platforms have become larger, they have come to be seen as some of the strongest and most visible advocates for social change. The athletes of the early Title IX era, including members of the ‘76 Olympic team, paved the way.

2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Title IX — but inequities between men’s and women’s sports are still an issue and a point of conversation. What lessons from these early players, many of whom became some of the most legendary figures in the history of basketball, can we borrow to tackle modern issues faced by women athletes?

Every generation has its struggle. When it comes to inequities between men’s and women’s sports, many of the same issues persist: less financial support, less media coverage, disparagement of female athletes by insecure men, an assumption that the public is less interested in women’s sports – even when that is proven untrue at every opportunity. Women athletes of the 1960s and 1970s were political beings in their very existence, challenging the status quo. Today, of course, women earn scholarships to play college basketball and they have an opportunity to play professionally in the WNBA or overseas. Their platforms are large and powerful enough that their collective voice helped turn a Senate election in Georgia. Female athletes are no longer “grateful” for whatever small benefits are thrown their way. So even as inequities remain, we’re hearing about them more from the people who are directly affected and much of the public seems more sympathetic. And just as athletes of the ‘60s and ‘70s laid a foundation for the athletes of today, it’s notable that you often hear today’s women stars speak about their interest in improving conditions for women in the future. There’s always been an acknowledgement of the connection between generations.

Did anything surprise you when you were researching this book? Any stories you hadn’t heard that changed your perspective on the sport?

There were many things that surprised me: the degree to which the NCAA fought against Title IX in the 1970s; the ebbs and flows of women’s basketball in the U.S. from the 1800s through the 1970s – the cyclical way in which cultural forces would restrict the game as it became popular, and how it would re-emerge and grow stronger; and the ‘underdog’ position of the U.S. team in ‘76 – the U.S. national team has been so dominant for decades, it was hard to believe they weren’t expected to even qualify for the 1976 Olympics. I was also happily surprised to see the documentary The Queen of Basketball, on team member Lusia Harris, win an Oscar earlier this year. I interviewed Ms. Harris for the book before she passed away. I’m not sure this counts as a ‘surprise,’ but I was also struck by the similarities between the politics of the ‘70s and the politics of today when it comes to women’s rights. Certainly there has been notable progress, but the gains of the last 50 years are in jeopardy today.

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An interview with Emilie Sommer of East City Bookshop

What’s your favorite area of your bookstore?

It’s hard to pick, but my first true love is always fiction. In all sections of our store, but especially in fiction, we try to make sure that we have the books that people walk in looking for, but also lesser known titles that they didn’t know they wanted. We always want people to find what they need as well as discover something new. I feel like that happens routinely in Fiction. My other favorite section is Biography and Memoir. I gravitate toward personal stories about dealing with trauma and grief, and I also love celebrity memoirs!

What’s the coolest book cover that you like to have facing out on the shelves?

Right now it’s Shit Cassandra Saw by Gwen Kirby. It’s a wild, bold cover that has definitely sold some copies.

If you had a staff pick for a recent new release, what would it be? Backlist pick?

For a recent release, I’d pick The Swimmers by Julie Otsuka. It’s a tiny book, but it packs a huge punch. I love its structure — it begins in the first person plural with a group of swimmers at a community pool, then moves in closer and closer to become an intimate story about one of them — and I love Otsuka’s writing.
For backlist, I’ll pick a book that has been a favorite ever since I first read it in the late 90s: Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? by Lorrie Moore. My favorite micro-genre might be “an adult looks back at a formative adolescent friendship” and Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? is just a masterpiece. More recent examples of that form are The Girls from Corona Del Mar by Rufi Thorpe, Another Brooklyn by Jacqueline Woodson, We Run the Tides by Vendela Vida, Marlena by Julie Buntin, and Bewilderness by Karen Tucker. Anytime someone mentions that they loved one of those, I press Who Will the Run the Frog Hospital? into their hands.

Do you have a strange customer story?

I only have a couple of strange ones and I’m not sure I’ll put them in writing… but I have so, so many wonderful ones! There are a million great things about being a bookseller but becoming friends with customers is high on the list. I’ve made some true, treasured friends out of customers and I’m so grateful.

What author have you been starstruck to meet, or have you gotten to host a fun virtual event?

We hosted a wonderful virtual event with Jessica Anya Blau for her novel Mary Jane (a delight, now out in paperback) and she was in conversation with Nick Hornby. The first night I met my husband, we discussed how much we loved High Fidelity, and Nick Hornby’s Fever Pitch is the sole reason my husband and son are ardent Arsenal supporters. I almost got choked up telling him that his books have been central to the creation of my family.

What are some misconceptions people have about working in a bookstore?

I bet every bookseller says something similar: people think we get to sit around and read all day. Sadly, that is just not true. If it were true, it would mean our store was not very busy, and that would be sad. I’m actually glad that we are too busy to read during work because it means the shop is doing well.

What is your least favorite bookstore task? Favorite part about working in a bookstore?

Least favorite part: boxes of books are VERY heavy! Favorite: The sheer magic of putting the right book in the right person’s hands at the right time. There are lots of other favorites, too — getting advanced copies of highly anticipated books, getting to meet authors, getting to know editors, and — as I mentioned before — our super customers.

Can you recommend an underrated readalike book for one of the store’s top titles?

This is more of a companion recommendation than a readalike, but hear me out! Patrick Radden Keefe’s Empire of Pain continues to sell well for us, and for every person who purchases that (or Dopesick by Beth Macy, or Dreamland by Sam Quinones), I want to recommend Liz Moore’s Long Bright River. I love to pair a novel alongside non-fiction, and there’s no better book about the devastation of addiction. Long Bright River is a mystery, but it’s also, I believe, the great American novel about our opiate/opioid epidemic — an unforgettable, staggering achievement that I can’t ever recommend enough.

Emilie Sommer is a book buyer at East City Bookshop in Washington, D.C.

Psychologist’s four-letter-word-filled breakup survival guide a valuable resource for those looking to get past the bullsh*t

Fenton, MI – Like death and taxes, some things are inevitable — including breakups. Psychologist Dr. Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt is helping readers get over heartbreak and move on with their lives in her new book, “Getting to Good Riddance: A No-Bullsh*t Breakup Survival Guide,” (Turner Publishing, July 26, 2022).

Eckleberry-Hunt, author of “Move on Motherf*cker: Live, Laugh, and Let Sh*t Go,” provides the tools to survive and thrive after a breakup in this empowering, BS-free guide. Packed with a science-based mix of simple exercises and a healthy dose of tough love, this book will help you:

  • Kick pain, shame and fear to the curb,
  • Become an expert in yourself and what you want
  • Progress past just “feeling better” and get to saying “Good riddance, asshole!”

Through professional experiences and examples, along with psychological research and vignettes to explain her points, Eckleberry-Hunt uses her expertise as a relationship therapist to create the ultimate guide to surviving a breakup. This seriously motivational resource utilizes salty straight talk, humor, cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness and positivity to get you to growth and recovery.

With topics ranging from grief, to toxic relationships, to finding love, happiness and purpose again, this is an educational and purposeful resource to help anyone in a romantic relationship become healthier overall. Overcome self-defeat, smash the sh*t out of heartbreak and get ready to move on, motherf*cker!

“Getting to Good Riddance: A No Bullsh*t Breakup Survival Guide”
Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt | July 26, 2022 | Turner | Self-Help |
Paperback, 9781684428489, $15.99 | Ebook, 9781684428502 $11.99
Hardcover, 9781684428496, $23.99

Early praise for “Getting to Good Riddance” and Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

“After a break-up, you probably need a motivational coach, a foul-mouthed best friend, and a wise sage who can guide you in the right direction. In ‘Getting to Good Riddance,’ Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt gives you all three. … This book is perfect for someone who wants to dig deeper and to figure out how to heal while moving forward with courage and clarity. Filled with practical strategies, wisdom from psychological research and questions to prompt deep personal growth, this book is exactly what you need to create more satisfying relationships.” — Lisa Williams LCSW Self Help Bookshelf Podcast

“I have been waiting for a book on getting through a breakup for a long time, and it is worth the wait! … You won’t regret picking up this book for yourself or someone you care about who is struggling with a relationship’s end.” — Heather Kirkpatrick, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist

“A perfect balance of humor, case studies, science and profanity! … Dr. Eckleberry-Hunt designed this book really well by giving case studies to make each topic relevant and follows up with real life strategies for moving on. … This book is relevant to so many situations other than romantic break up — leaving unhealthy friendships, setting family boundaries, work relationships and, most importantly, how to be more self-aware to take good self-care. Dr. Eckleberry-Hunt gives you the skills to own your own sh*tshow and create the life you want!” — Jenny Williams, OT, owner of Innovative Occupational Therapy Solutions

“Real from cover to cover. A rarity to find a resource to provide clients that is rooted in the science of behavior, provides intentional self-compassion and a bonus a spoon full of profanity needed to take the edge off and get to the business of healing. This is a gem, funny to the bone.”
Nicole R. Najar, PsyD, ABPP, Clinical Health Psychologist

“It transcends romantic relationships and is applicable for friendships, family and work relationships. As an introvert who historically struggles with assertive communication, I developed some badass new skills. … This book gave me the good feels, and by the end, I felt the author was my personal positive self-talk coach (foul-mouthed, yet uplifting). For anyone, regardless of current Facebook relationship status, I couldn’t provide a stronger recommendation!” — Kelley Williams, MD

“Dr. Eckleberry-Hunt delivers again with a book full of practical and impactful ways to navigate the breakup process. … Striking a good balance between a strong clinical foundation and relatable examples, ‘Getting to Good Riddance should be required reading for anyone facing the end of a relationship.”
Darren Jones, Ph.D., L.P., Chief of Behavioral Health, Beaumont Health System

Also by Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

“Move on Motherf*cker”
Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt | Nov. 3, 2020 | New Harbinger
Self-Help | Paperback | 978-1-68403-486-4 | $16.95

“This is an excellent wake-up call for those wracked by self-criticism.” — Publisher’s Weekly

When we’re anxious, stressed, or fearful, the negative voice in our heads can be extremely powerful. It tells us we’re not smart or attractive enough. It berates us for our mistakes. And it keeps us feeling stuck in an endless loop of worry, shame, and hopelessness. But there is a way to shut it down. Blending evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and profanity, this unexpected guide will show you how to respond to your negative inner voice with one very important phrase: Move on, mother*cker!

You’ll learn to manage worry and anxiety, put a stop to unhelpful internal dialogue, and approach new situations with humor, levity, and perspective.

You’ll also find real tools to help you:

  • Set personal and professional boundaries
  • Identify toxic or codependent relationships
  • Become assertive without being aggressive
  • Stop seeking perfection

The book also includes journaling and other self-awareness exercises to help you put MOMF to work every day. So, stop letting your inner voice tear you down! With this fun and effective guide, you’ll learn how to take control of your negative thoughts and get back to living your best life.

“This is an honest-to-goodness self-help book, packed with useful tools and psychological wisdom that will generate results, inside and out.” — Foreword Reviews

“Honest, salty self-talk can be a true balm for anxiety, shame, sadness and despair. So take it from one motherf*cker to another: Move on, and read this book!” Sarah Knight, New York Times bestselling author of “Calm the F*ck Down”

About the Author

Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt is a recovering people pleaser, control freak, worrier and motherf*cker. One thing she knows is that life sometimes hurts, and we can’t run from that. We have a choice of whether or not to deny it or go with it. She’s learned that going with it is a better investment, but we need to laugh while doing it. After more than 20 years of providing counseling services, Eckleberry-Hunt developed the idea of combining cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness techniques and profanity to help people get over themselves with a good belly laugh. She has a Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology and is board-certified in health psychology. She has a psychology practice in Michigan where she lives with her husband, two teenage sons and the dog prince, Bacon. She is a human being and a work in progress — just like you. For more info, visit jodieeckleberryhunt.com.

Follow Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt on social media:
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @jeckleberryhunt

In an interview, Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt can discuss:

  • Her background and expertise in psychology and counseling and executive coaching
  • The science behind cognitive behavioral therapy and how to utilize CBT, positive psychology and even cursing to work through whatever life throws at you
  • The myths of love stories and how most breakups stem from an unhealthy understanding of love and what it looks like
  • Finding peace after a breakup and practical steps people can take to move on and find happiness
  • How to set boundaries in a relationship, overcome infidelity, and identify and end things with a toxic partner
  • How to embrace and work through the feeling of grief at the end of a relationship
  • How the advice offered in her books differs from typical self-help books

An interview with Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

You’ve written other self-help books before. What made you want to write a book focusing on relationships and breakups?

Breakups are a very common presenting complaint of folks I see in my office. I’m always looking for something they can work on at home, but when people are drowning in hurt, it is hard to focus. I wrote this book for folks who want to feel better fast with simple techniques.

How do you use your own personal experiences as a tool throughout the book?

While I do not share many personal relationship stories, I have many that color my perspective. Some stories may or may not be members of my family. I do share a lot of professional experiences, and there are so many similarities in the stories I hear. Most people just want to escape the pain, and they go back to reviewing the good times, but sadly, this just prolongs the pain.

Can you explain what cognitive behavioral therapy is and how it’s used in the book?

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a highly effective and researched method of identifying and counteracting ways we’ve been programmed to see ourselves, the world, and others. That programming shapes the things we say to ourselves on a moment-to-moment basis — that inner voice that shapes our feelings. It is incredibly important to recognize and work to alter self-defeating patterns and self-talk so we can avoid making the same miscalculations over and over. In order to be our best selves, we have to be in our own corner with brutal honesty but also compassion.

Your writing provides self-help with more colorful language. How does cursing and profanity help people psychologically when dealing with pain

Swear words are associated with emotional release in the brain, and using them in a targeted way, especially to induce a little levity, can be so healing. I use swearing to counter guilt, shame and embarrassment. There is a lot of research out there demonstrating how swearing is an effective method of coping with pain. I make it practical and funny even when we don’t feel like we’ll ever laugh again.

What do you hope readers gain from reading the book?

My hope is that folks who read the book will take a deep dive into understanding themselves, especially biases or self-defeating patterns so that they can find the healthy relationships they seek. I also want to share the idea that the experiences folks have with breakups are common. We are not alone in our struggles. What feels like the end of the world may actually be the beginning of a whole new world.

Are you working on any other projects?

As a matter of fact, I have another book, “Badass Stories: Grit, Growth, Hope, and Healing in the Sh*tshow” that will be released in February 2022. It is probably my favorite book of all because I share badass, inspirational stories of overcoming in everyday life. I hope to convey a sense of humanity and authenticity that the average person can relate to, and I hope it is healing for many readers

Last question (because we all want to know): What’s your No. 1 tip for getting over a breakup?

This is such a hard question, but I am going to stick with the challenge. The number one tip is to block all contact and purge the environment so there are no reminders. I don’t know how a person can truly heal in an environment where the hurt triggers are always right there. Friends are essential to this process. (See how I slipped two tips in there?)

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The fight for America heats up in hopeful sci fi adventure

Base 1407 returns to help win back America’s freedom in uplifting continuation of the Aces HIgh, Jokers Wild series

Colorado – The stakes are higher than before as America starts to see the evils of the seven Corporations in O.E. Tearmann’s energetic sixth Aces High, Jokers Wild book, Deuces Are Wild (Amphibian Press, Jul 16, 2022). Will the crew of Base 1407 be able to help America win back its freedom?

They say to really free your body, you’ve gotta free your mind…

America is waking up. People are standing up for each other and a future worth living in. But they can’t do it alone.

Now, they don’t have to. The Democratic State Force is calling in all its friends and favors across the nation. Members of Base 1407 and hundreds of other teams across the country are teaching the citizens how to fight back on their terms, with tactics that hit the Corporations right where it hurts; in the wallet and the pride.

The seven Corporations who think they own the country are scrambling to keep control over the citizens’ communications, their decisions, and their lives. Every dirty trick is coming out of their bags as they lose their grip. It’s going to take a lot to beat them at this game for the country’s soul.

Life’s a bitch. She doesn’t play fair. Out-think her with every hand, and you might just win.

“Deuces Are Wild: An Aces High, Jokers Wild”
O.E. Tearmann | July 16, 2022
Amphibian Press | Science Fiction
Paperback | 978-1-949693-52-2 | $16.00
Ebook | 978-1-949693-53-9 | $4.99

O.E. Tearmann (they/them) is the author of the Aces High, Jokers Wild series. Their books include strong themes of diversity and found family, providing a surprisingly hopeful take on a dystopian future. Bringing their own experiences as a marginalized author together with flawed but genuine characters, Tearmann’s work has been described as “Firefly for the dystopian genre.” Publisher’s Weekly called The Hands We’re Given “a lovely paean to the healing power of respectful personal connections among comrades, friends, and lovers.”

Tearmann lives in Colorado with two cats, their partner, and the belief that individuals can make humanity better through small actions. They are a member of Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers, the Colorado Resistance Writers and the Queer Scifi group. In their spare time, they teach workshops about writing GLTBQ characters, speak and plant gardens to encourage sustainable agricultural practices, and play too many video games. Find out more about them at https://oetearmann.com

Follow O.E. Tearmann on social media:
Facebook: @WildCards | Twitter: @ETearmann | Instagram: @O.E.Tearmann

Explore the Aces High, Jokers Wild series

Book 1: The Hands We’re Given
July 22, 2019

Aidan Headly never wanted to be the man giving orders. That’s fine with the Democratic State Force base he’s been assigned to command: they don’t like to take orders. Nicknamed the Wildcards, they used to be the most effective base against the seven Corporations owning the former United States in a war that has lasted over half a century. Now the Wildcards are known for creative insubordination, chaos, and commanders begging to be reassigned. Aidan is their last chance. If he can pull off his assignment as Commander and yank his ragtag crew of dreamers and fighters together, maybe they can get back to doing what they came to do: fighting for a country worth living in.
Life’s a bitch. She deals off the bottom of the deck. But you play the hands you’re given.

Book 2: Call the Bluff
July 22, 2019

It costs a lot to win. And even more to lose.
Seven Corporations rule the former United States with seven codes of conduct based on their ideas of morality. Comply with the code of the Corporation that holds your Citizen Contract, or suffer the economic consequences. Or fight back. For sixty years the Democratic State Force has been fighting to return representative democracy to the country. Living in the no man’s lands between cities and hanging on by their fingernails, the thinly spread guerrilla force hasn’t gotten far. But they have a secret weapon: their finest unit, Base 1407. Handle: The Wildcards.Pulled together after disaster by Commander Aidan Headly, the Wildcards are on top of their game again. They’d better be. They’ve just been called to act as backup in a mission bigger than anything the Force has attempted before. The team that went in first is probably dead.If they pull their mission off, everything will change.If they don’t, they’ll be lucky to survive the year.
Life’s a bitch. She’s got the game rigged. Keep the cards close to your chest.

Book 3: Raise the Stakes
July 22, 2019

It starts when you’re always afraid.
Seven Corporations run the former United States on the codes of conduct their founders set down. You’re signed into a Corporate contract the day you’re born. And the fear of dropping in the Citizen Standing Scores keeps people in line. What choice is there?The Democratic State Force has fought for the return of democracy for decades, but they need the restless population of America to fight beside them if they’re going to stand a chance. But when your Score goes down, so does your life. It’s time for a new strategy: take out the Citizen Standing Score system. And it’s time for the unit with the highest mission success rate, the best coder, and the craziest ideas in the Force to head the attempt. Base 1407 just got the call.
Life’s a bitch. She raises the stakes when you least expect it. Play your cards as best you can.

Book 4: Aces and Eights
May 16, 2020

The year: 2157
The mission: change everything
The Unit: Democratic State Force Base 1407
Call handle: The Wildcards
Seven Corporations control what was the United States of America. The food supply and its production is controlled by American AgCo. All agricultural seeds in the United States have been genetically designed to fail outside Corporate control.
At least, that’s what the Corporations say.
There’s a rumor that a seed bank has survived the destabilization that brought down old America, and the seventy-five years of Corporate ownership that followed. If it still exists, it would provide free, accessible food for the Democratic State Force and everyone in their care. It’s a risky hunt for a treasure that may or may not exist. Something to put the most resourceful team in the Force to work on. The Wildcards just got the call.
A hunt for hidden treasure.
Free food.
What could go wrong?
Never ask that question. Life’s a bitch. She’ll answer.

Book 5: Draw Dead
February 8, 2021

There’s a calm before the storm…
In 2159, the Democratic State Force gains ground every day. As they fight to bring representative democracy back, they become heroes to the citizens indentured to the United Corporations of America. Widely spread guerilla units support the first civilian protests the country has seen in decades. Now it’s the Corporations on the defensive. And they are getting desperate.
On Base 1407, the Wildcards start to think they just might help the former United States wake up from its nightmare after all. In spite of the hints of internationally banned weapons the Corporations may have up their sleeves, there’s hope. People whisper that maybe, someday, they might just win. But you should never say something like that too loud.
Fate’s a bitch.
You don’t want to tempt her.

Praise for Aces High, Jokers Wild

“I’d recommend [Aces High, Jokers Wild] to those who love futuristic dystopian stories where the oppressed fight back the best way they can, where love is discovered, where a family is rebuilt, and where something precious can be built in a desolate Country.”
– MM Good Book Reviews

“The author helps us open our minds and hearts, to embrace unfamiliarity.”
– Ulysses G. Dietz, Author of Desmond

“The Aces High, Jokers Wild Series is bound to leave you hot and flustered, gasping for more as you delve deeper into a world that closely echoes our own.”
– Hannah Baller, book reviewer

” These are the types of books that this generation needs. The hell with the perfect Cinderellas, we need Tweaks, Janices, Aidans and Billies. [*Your favorite cuss*] yeah!”
– Scribble’s Worth Book Reviews

In an interview, O.E. Tearmann can discuss:

  • The strength of community action to create change
  • The value of a true, community-based democracy
  • The value of human dignity over profit
  • Healing trauma in order to open oneself up to love
  • Found family throughout the series
  • Creating LGBTQIA characters and representing diverse communities throughout the story
  • A story that showcases equality and inclusion as a strength
  • Reimagining a positive future in the face of seemingly overwhelming social and situational odds
  • Writing a long series and keeping each book different and interesting from each other

An Interview with O.E. Tearmann

1. What inspired the Aces High, Jokers Wild series?

This project began a number of years ago, as the proverbial crap was hitting the fan in the United States. I run in a lot of progressive circles, and so many people in 2016 were saying ‘we’re screwed’ that I started to feel hopeless. So I said ‘okay, fine. Let’s posit ‘we’re screwed’. Let’s write the darkest version of America we can imagine. And then let’s write our way out of it and into a better world. This way, we prove to ourselves and others that no matter how dark it gets, we really can turn it around.’ What came out of that was the Wildcards, and their world.

2. The series is centered on a trans man and openly discusses his experiences. What brought you to make that choice as an author?

I’ve got two reasons. First, on the personal level, it was a way of working out gender dysphoria on the page.

Secondly, this is the lived experience of a lot of people in my circles. The LGBT crowd don’t get to see ourselves on the page as much as we should, especially not in authentic, non-fetishized ways. I wanted to portray a character who was just living life trans, and show what that really is day to day.

3. There are a lot of environmental details in your work. How do you decide what the world might look like?

I was raised on a farm and trained as a horticulturist, so the land and its effects on the way we live have always been a part of how I think. As a person working with the land today, I’m already noticing seasons and heat changes that affect how we schedule work; it seemed natural to include these concerns in a future world. To get my environmental details right, I read the climate reports, double check with NOAA’s models…and get really freaked out.

4. You show a lot of themes around found family and cooperation. Was this intentional or did it happen on its own?

This is definitely intentional. A big part of this work is showcasing a positive, healthy found family taking care of each other in spite of the darkness of the world. Showcasing these interactions as part of a high-stakes, energetic story is integral; these characters serve our readers by showcasing the radical acceptance and collaboration of many people across many genders, ethnicities, and personal histories. We show characters from privileged backgrounds using their advantages for good and acting in empathy, and we show characters from marginalized backgrounds being supported and starting to reach their fullest potential as they thrive. Since much of the audience is from various marginalized backgrounds, I see this as a way to support the readers; I’m reminding them that yes, they can find a place where they’ll belong and be supported. There is a tribe out there for them. I want them to know that.

5. “Hopeful” and “dystopian” aren’t two words that are frequently put together. How did you find that balance?

I think I’ve found this balance by substituting the word ‘resolve’ for the word ‘hope’. I see a lot of hopeful people end up in despair and, in some cases, turn cynical. ‘Everything’s a mess and nothing can fix it’, is a refrain you hear pretty often.

In my writing, I push back against that with resolve. My characters do live in a very dark world, because I wanted to showcase the kind of scrappy resolve in spite of the odds the world needs right now. Our characters look the situation in the face and say ‘yeah, this sucks. I know. So what are we going to do about it?’ I want to see more of that. So I wrote it.

6. What is the role of mental health in your work?

Mental health plays a huge role, mostly as my way of pushing back against all the bad rep I’ve seen in the media. Too often mental health issues are used to make a character ‘interesting’ or ‘edgy’ (cough crime dramas). Or people suddenly find the ‘cure’ for their issue as the reward at the end of the story. As somebody neurodivergent myself, I’ve got two things to say:

  1. You don’t ‘cure’ the way you’re wired. But you do support it, and cope with it in healthy ways. And when you get the support and tools you need, you can have a pretty great life.
  2. Is it really those with mental health issues who are broken? We’ve ended up in a society that blasts noise 24-7, never allows for rest, creates threats that never go away and isolates individuals from a gregarious species. This society expects a lot of stuff the human being didn’t evolve to handle. And when some humans have trouble coping, the society says ‘something’s wrong with you’.
    I’d say Society might want to look in the mirror.

7. Are there any particular authors that have influenced how you write and, if so, how have they influenced you?

I’ll give a tip of the hat to Charles DeLint, the author who got me through high school. Anne Block, Tamora Pierce, and the writers of the TV show MASH 4077 shaped a lot of my writing. And these days Kim Stanley Robinson is showing us how it’s done with great stories founded in solid research, and the reminder that there’s always something to fight for.

8. What do you hope that readers take away from your work?

I hope readers get a couple things from this work. A good read, of course. Maybe a chance to walk in somebody else’s shoes for a minute. The validation that you’re not alone. The resolve to keep doing something every day, even if it’s small. And the knowledge that, even if they’re not beside you right now, there are people out there on your side.

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So you got a book review — now what?

Ah, the coveted book review. Every author wants them, and everyone in the industry talks about how important they are.

But have you ever stopped to think about why that might be and how exactly you can use a review to benefit your book and author brand?

First thing’s first, let’s talk about ways you can secure book reviews:

  • Be sure you are ready to start soliciting reviews. ARCs are perfectly fine, but create these after the copy editing and proofread process.
  • Consider your goal of why you want reviews and how you plan to utilize them, and this will help you decide between consumer and professional reviews (a mix of reader buzz and premiere publications is best!)
  • If you’re a new publisher, start a blurb program with authors you have published. If you’re an author, reach out personally to fellow authors on similar publishing journeys who write in your genre.
  • Reach out to authors of comparable books, as well as the reviewers, influencers and media outlets that have covered them.
  • Submit the book for free and/or paid review programs with industry publications (Foreword, BookLife, BookPage, Kirkus, School Library Journal, etc.)
  • Consider other options with media if the book is not accepted for review (reading list, excerpt, guest article from the author, etc.)
  • List the book on NetGalley and Edelweiss.
  • Coordinate a Goodreads giveaway, as well as a giveaway with LibraryThing.
  • Think outside the box: Does the author have any bookseller or librarian supporters who may provide a blurb?
  • Pull reader reviews from retail listings.
  • Follow submission guidelines closely: Be mindful of deadlines, editorial calendars and specific information requested – whether for a trade publication or book blogger.

Now that you’ve built up reviews, blurbs and other accolades, what in the world do you do with them? There are plenty of ways you can maximize the impact of your reviews:

  • Add the most compelling review quotes and premiere endorsements to the book’s front and/or back cover, and use additional quotes on an inside praise page.
  • Also highlight the catchiest and most compelling quotes at the start of the book description on online retail pages, as well as others in the Editorial Reviews section on Amazon and metadata with Ingram to help populate things like the Overview section on Barnes & Noble.
  • Add reviews to the press kit and any other marketing materials.
  • Mention the earliest reviews and blurbs garnered when reaching out to secure other potential reviews.
  • Include quotes on NetGalley and Edelweiss listings.
  • Have the author add reviews and other media coverage to their author website.
  • Use them in advertising copy.

These effective book marketing tactics will help you take your book to the next level!

Perfect for fans of “Stranger Things,” kid genius returns in thrilling new installment of time-traveling middle grade sci-fi

CHICAGO – Kid genius David Massie is excited for things to finally return back to normal when he gets back to middle school after saving the world and solving the mystery of the Quantum Flux. But life is far from normal in Andrew M. Nehring’s latest installment of his middle grade sci-fi series, “David Massie and the Hidden Underworld,” (Aug. 9, 2022, Books Fluent)

Sure, history class might be boring, but it gives him a chance to spend time with Rory, the girl he’s crushing on, so David doesn’t mind. Soon, he’ll be done with eighth grade and going on to high school. The only thing that’s missing is his older brother, Morgan, who vanished years ago. Otherwise, life couldn’t be better.

But history turns out to be anything but dull when CP, the Time Cop who accompanied David on his adventures through time and space, turns up outside the classroom. CP alerts David that the Time Police Depot has been decimated by a dark armored warrior, and he’s the only Time Cop left alive. Soon, David, Rory and CP are off on an interstellar journey, battling aliens, ancient gods and giants on their quest. They must travel back in time to rebuild the very reality gates they risked their lives to destroy — or watch as the universe crumbles at the hands of an evil force beyond their wildest dreams.

“Young readers who are new to the genre will get pulled in by the relatable characters, the fun storylines, the dazzle of the tech, and the imaginative secret worlds Nehring creates.”
— Windy City Reviews on “David Massie and the Quantum Flux”

“David Massie and the Hidden Underworld”
Andrew M. Nehring | Aug. 9, 2022 | Books Fluent | Middle Grade / Science-Fiction
Paperback, 9781733384988, $10.99 | Ebook, 9781733384995, $4.99

Praise for David Massie and Andrew M. Nehring

“David Massie and the Quantum Flux is an imaginative science fiction adventure in which a boy who skips across realities is chased by a dark enemy.” — Foreword Reviews

“Nehring does a wonderful job of world-building and detailing his vision for the locations, creatures, and situations in this novel in ways that readers of all ages can enjoy. The chapters are well-paced and keep you wanting to turn the pages. The book’s vivid imagery will keep your imagination engaged. My only regret about reading this book is the cliffhanger at the end! Nehring does a great job of ensuring that you will pick up the next book in the series, as you absolutely will want to know what happens next. … This book deserves the highest praise.” — Windy City Reviews

“David Massie and the Quantum Flux”
Andrew M. Nehring | July 13, 2021 | Middle Grade Science-Fiction | Paperback | 9781733384926 | $8.99
Ebook | 9781733384933 | $5.99

In this ordinary world of extraordinary technology lies a kid genius, David Massie. After the abrupt disappearance of his older brother, Morgan, David spends his days fending off the class bully and searching in Morgan’s past for answers. Then one rainy day, his world implodes thanks to a mysterious dark armored figure. That fateful encounter triggers a series of alternate realities in which David, his parents, his school, even society at large continuously morphs into different scenarios each day. But as strange as those realities were, nothing prepared David for time coming to a screeching halt. To return his world to normal, David teams up with a Time Cop named CP. Together, they unravel the mystery of the
Quantum Flux.

About the Author

Andrew M. Nehring is the author of David Massie as well as The Corrupted Light Chronicles. Growing up, he was always a very imaginative child who would tend to get lost in these worlds he created for himself. That passion for creativity never stopped. The concept of David Massie came to him after years of being an avid fan of science-fiction. This world that he created draws from both old and new sci-fi concepts.

Andrew has recently graduated from Northeastern Illinois University in the beautiful city of Chicago. Now that he has graduated, he is focused on expanding the worlds of David Massie and also The Corrupted Light Chronicles. For more info, visit andrewmnehring.com.

Follow Andrew M. Nehring on Twitter: @NehringAndrew

In an interview, Andrew M. Nehring can discuss:

  • Expanding the world of David Massie with the second installation in his middle grade series
  • The intersection of Netflix and classic literature like Beowulf inspiring the series
  • His personal journey of overcoming dyslexia and the importance of authoring accessible books to middle schoolers
  • How science-fiction leads children to imagine a better future and the importance of exposing children to reading early in life
  • The research involved in crafting a sci-fi novel, as well as interpreting themes and concepts for young readers

An interview with Andrew M. Nehring

1. Did you know when writing the first book that David Massie’s story would be continued with another book?

Yes, when I first envisioned David Massie, I knew I wanted it to be a series, I’d ideally want it to get to six or seven books

2. How did your process of writing “David Massie and the Hidden Underworld” differ from when you wrote the first book?

As far as the difference between the two, I used my same writing process of idea generation, outline, write and edit. But in this book, I took a much longer time formulating the plot of “David Massie and the Hidden Underworld,” and also toward the end of the process, I decided to add in more twists and turns to the book that I thought were absolutely awesome!

3. Why did you choose to target the book toward middle grade readers?

I feel middle grade to YA is the perfect audience for my books. First, the books themselves aren’t too long, but more importantly, I want them to be a fun adventure that inspires the youth to read. Because I remember when I was a kid, I’d look at these thick novels and feel so overwhelmed. So I’ve made them fast and fun to read with twists you didn’t see coming.

4. Did you do any kind of special research to help write some of the more scientific parts of the books?

Around the time that I started thinking of “David Massie and the Quantum Flux,” I read about different dimensions or realities, as well as listened to podcasts explaining it. As for other research I did, I pulled from a variety of sources, whether in the sci-fi genre or different genres like action-adventure or even anime.

5. How do you think the recent boom in sci-fi television and movies — like “Dune” or “Stranger things” — has changed sci-fi for literature?

What I love about these new movies and TV shows is a few things. First, it only adds new sci-fi fans to the genre regardless of how many people like or don’t like the film or series. Second, we get to see more people’s sci-fi creative vision, which is awesome to see and exciting for authors like me who want to share their own creative sci-fi vision to the world.

6. Why is this story so important to you personally? Do you relate to the character of David in some way?

I love this series, the story itself and the characters within. I throw my whole self into these books. Certain characters have aspects of my own personality, but they have formed a personality all of their own, with my help of course. So, yes, I definitely have relatability to David but also all the other characters.

7. What do you hope readers take away from reading the book or the series?

What I really want the reader to feel when they finish the book is, “Where is the next one?” and have that excitement to keep reading because they love the story and the characters that much.

8. Are you working on another installment to the series?

Yes, I’m at the early idea generation stage of making the third installment to the David Massie series.

Author reconnects with 580 handwritten letters to Facebook friends in story of grief, unity and hope

HOUSTON – When’s the last time you’ve received a handwritten letter in the mail? The validity of online connections is put to the test when author Amy Daughters just does that in “Dear Dana: That Time I Went Crazy and Wrote All 580 of my Facebook Friends a Handwritten Letter” (She Writes Press, May 17, 2022).

When Amy Daughters reconnected with her old pal Dana on Facebook, she had no idea how it would change her life. Though the two women hadn’t had any contact in 30 years, it didn’t take them long to catch up — and when Amy learned that Dana’s son Parker was doing a second stint at St. Jude battling cancer, she was suddenly inspired to begin writing the pair weekly letters. When Parker died, Amy — not knowing what else to do — continued to write Dana. Eventually, Dana wrote back, and the two became pen pals, sharing things through the mail that they had never shared before. The richness of the experience left Amy wondering something: If my life could be so changed by someone I considered “just a Facebook friend,” what would happen if I wrote all my Facebook friends a letter?

A whopping 580 handwritten letters later Amy’s life, and most of all her heart, would never, ever, be the same again. As it turned out, there were actual individuals living very real lives behind each social media profile, and she was beautifully connected to each of those extraordinary, flawed people for a specific reason. They loved her, and she loved them. And nothing — not politics, beliefs, or lifestyle — could separate them.

“Captivating . . . Whether written or spoken, our words matter. They have the power to illuminate someone’s darkest day.” — Laurie Buchanan, PhD, author of “Note to Self: A Seven-Step Path to Gratitude” and “Growth and The Business of Being: Soul Purpose In and Out of the Workplace”

“Dear Dana: That Time I Went Crazy and Wrote All 580
of my Facebook Friends a Handwritten Letter”
Amy Weinland Daughters | May 17, 2022 | She Writes Press | Memoir
Paperback | 9781647429003 | $16.95 | Ebook | 9781647424060 | $8.99

Praise for “Dear Dana” and Amy Daughters:

“This is a book for anyone who wonders about the differences between a Facebook friend and a Real-Life friend and who yearns to see a person’s real life behind their Facebook image. It is also about the power of prayer and the abundance of kindness in our world. But ultimately, it’s about connection and how we are all connected when we come from love.”

Rivvy Neshama, author of “Recipes for a Sacred Life: True Stories and a Few Miracles”

“Amy shows us how something as simple as a letter — let alone 580 of them! — can change a life. Who else would decide to write a personal letter to every one of their Facebook friends? The stories from these letters provide insights into how we can help people through difficult times and connect with others—and, of course, plenty of good laughs.”

Brad Aronson, bestselling author of “HumanKind: Changing the World One Small Act At a Time”

“An intriguing and inspiring exploration of different forms of communication.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Dear Dana is an inspirational memoir about caring for friends near and far by reviving a lost art.”

Foreword Reviews

AMY DAUGHTERS has spent the past 10 years freelancing on topics from college football to emotions. She is the author of “You Cannot Mess This Up: A True Story That Never Happened” (2019), for which she received recognition at the 2019 Foreword INDIES and the 2020 Next Generation Indie Awards. When she’s not writing, Daughters can be found researching history, golfing, or ribbon dancing. She lives in Tomball, Texas with her husband Willie and two sons, Will and Matthew.

Follow Amy Daughters on social media:
Facebook: AmyWeinlandDaughters | Twitter: @DaughtersAmy | Instagram: @smokinhotamys

In an interview, Amy Daughters can discuss:

  • How her Facebook friends reacted to receiving letters from her
  • In what ways this story is so important in this day and age
  • How Amy’s faith drives her and her decisions
  • The statistics associated with the Facebook project
  • How much Amy learned about her Facebook friends through the process of writing the letters, and therefore how many assumptions she had that were incorrect
  • How feeling guilty was an unexpected result of writing all the Facebook letters
  • The power of non-instantaneous communication
  • How we don’t need a reply to validate that we’ve made a difference

An interview with Amy Daughters

1. How did you know these events warranted a book? Was it something you figured out while it was happening or not until reflecting back on them?

I was about halfway through writing all my Facebook friends a letter when I first began considering a book. While I had some level of awareness that what I was experiencing was extraordinary throughout the process of writing the letters, I didn’t understand how passionate I would become about sharing the story until after the project was complete. Finishing was such a pivotal moment for me that the day after writing the final Facebook letter I wrote the first several chapters of what would ultimately become Dear Dana.

2. I cannot remember the last time I got a letter in the mail. What was the general reaction from your friends upon receiving theirs?

The recipients of the letters I heard back from were generally very surprised and delighted. This reaction was intensified when I didn’t have to ask for an address and the letter just magically showed up in a mailbox somewhere. This was especially true early in the project when word hadn’t gotten out that I was writing everyone a letter.

What also struck me was how many recipients expressed a deep emotional, and very personal, reaction to their letter. This even though I was crystal clear, in each and every letter, that I was writing every single one of my hundreds of Facebook friends. Somehow, they still felt specifically “chosen” to receive a letter.

Even now, several years later, recipients tell me how they keep their letter in a special place. How they reread it often because of how it still makes them feel. The overall reaction must have something to do with being treated as an individual in the age of social media, where we have become better informed but more depersonalized.

3. How has this story helped Dana and her family grieve the loss of Parker?

I have learned from my close association with Dana and her family that there is not much, if anything at all, that can legitimately help individuals who are suffering through a devastating loss.

I believe that my letters to Dana, and then the story of the Facebook letters and their direct connection back to Parker and the Rivera family, were and are a distraction to their stark reality.

It is my great hope that ultimately Dear Dana, which is understandably beyond difficult for the Rivera family to read, will become a far-reaching source of good that honors the memory of their precious Parker.

4. How has your faith driven your choices relating to writing the book?

I firmly believe that God orchestrated the entire sequence of events that are chronicled in Dear Dana: from Dana and I’s first meeting at camp in 1986, to the 30 years we spent apart, to our reconnection on Facebook, to the inspiration to begin writing her and Parker, through every single prayer, to the idea to write all my Facebook friends a letter, to the other-worldly determination and drive I had to finish the project, to the process of writing and publishing the book and all the way to Dana and I’s current bond as almost sisters and to the close link between our families.

That said, the process of writing 580 letters to 580 friends with different backgrounds, belief systems, stories and lifestyles, and hearing back from so many of them, and so much love being exchanged in all directions – led to me being completely committed to Dear Dana being a story that could resonate, touch, and inspire anyone, regardless of what they do or don’t believe.

5. How do you feel about Facebook and social media now? Do you still consider it a valid source to keep up with friends and family?

I absolutely feel that Facebook has value in keeping us connected. That said, social media is just a tool that can be used to enhance a relationship as opposed to sustaining it.

Facebook and social media lack realness because they do not require us to personally invest, to sacrifice or to risk something of value – all key elements that make human relationships concurrently wonderful and fraught. It’s not that we don’t care about or love our friends online, it’s that the very nature of social media makes it impossible to be in an authentic relationship.

6. Why is this an important story to read in this day and age?

Our current culture of divisiveness, hostility and distrust has cost each of us profoundly. Dear Dana reminds us that despite the reality of where we are as a society, hope not only exists in the periphery, but that it literally oozes all over the place. It is alive and well between you and the person sitting next to you – your coworker, your BFF, your neighbor, a stranger you’ve never even met and yes…your Facebook friend.
Combined, these individual relationships, fueled by love, can absolutely destroy every single barrier that separates us. As is the narrative of Dear Dana, amid devastation there is hope. We, simply by being connected, are one another’s hope.

An interview with Michelle Lewis of Third Eye Books


What’s your favorite area of your bookstore?

The children’s section is by far my favorite. I love the covers of the children’s books, and the stories for the little ones are fun, and the illustrations are amazingly beautiful.

What’s the coolest book cover that you like to have facing out on the shelves?

Rhianna’s book is super large – it weighs about 10 pounds. The size and her beautiful eyes catches everyone’s attention!

If you had a staff pick for a recent new release, what would it be?

The 1619 Project: A New Origin Story and Born On the Water

Backlist pick?
The Portland Black Panthers

Do you have a strange customer story?

People coming up and literally staring at us through our store window as if they’re confused and then walking away – it happens at least a few times a week. Also people get us confused with the Third Eye Shoppe that used to be on Hawthorne. Our store name has “books” in it and folks still come in at least a few times a week looking for glassware and tie dyed T-shirts.

What author have you been starstruck to meet, or have you gotten to host a fun virtual event?

We LOVE LOVE LOVE Portland’s own David Walker, an Eisner Award Winner! He wrote the The Black Panther Party Graphic Novel, plus much more!

What are some misconceptions people have about working in a bookstore?

That we’ve read every book that is in our store and we know every author. We have to remind some of our customers that 12,000+ books are released every Tuesday – it’s impossible to keep up with and read every new and/backlist book out there.

What is your least favorite bookstore task?

Inventory 😩

Favorite part about working in a bookstore?

Talking to our customers and ordering cool new books… we love unpacking new books.

Can you recommend an underrated book?

We recommend No God Like The Mother by Keisha Ajose Fisher. She is a local author and the 2020 Oregon Book Award Winner for fiction.

Michelle Lewis is the owner of Third Eye Books in Portland, Oregon.


Suspenseful new novel draws inspiration from history’s infamous crimes

The new psychological thriller, “A Disturbing Nature,” explores ethics, psychology and social justice while investigating a series of murders in New England

RAMONA, California – This spring, author Brian Lebeau will release his debut novel, “A Disturbing Nature” (May 10, 2022, Books Fluent), a psychological and insightful thriller about a prolific killer and investigator in post-Vietnam War-era New England.

When FBI Chief Investigator Francis Palmer and Maurice Lumen’s paths collide, a dozen young women are already dead—bodies strewn in the woods across southern New England. Crippled by the loss of their families and haunted by mistakes, they wrestle with skeletons and ghosts neither understands. Who is destined to pay for the sins of their fathers, and who will pay for their own?

Under a celebrity veneer, the Beast in Palmer simmers. Called back from an investigation that’s gone dry in Seattle to his field office in Boston, he’s assigned to a case closer to home. Without closure and carrying the scars of every predator he’s hunted down, Palmer’s thrust into a new killer’s destructive path and forced to confront his own demons.

On the surface, Mo Lumen seems an unlikely suspect. Abandoned by the Great Society and sheltered from the countercultural revolution, he’s forced to leave Virginia under the shadow of secrets and accusations. Emerging in Rhode Island, burdened with childlike innocence, reminders of the past threaten to resurrect old carcasses.

A psychological thriller set in the summer of 1975, “A Disturbing Nature” explores the concept of two deaths, blurring the line between man and monster.

“A Disturbing Nature”
Brian Lebeau | May 10, 2022 | Books Fluent | Historical Fiction / Mystery / Suspense
Paperback | 978-1-953865-49-6 | $19.99
Ebook | 978-1-953865-50-2 | $9.99

About Brian Lebeau

One month after The Beatles arrived, with much fanfare, in America, Brian Lebeau was born, unceremoniously, in Fall River, Massachusetts, home of the infamous Lizzie Borden. After being awarded an “A” in high school English once and denied a career in music for “lack of talent” repeatedly, he taught economics at several colleges and universities in Massachusetts and Rhode Island before moving to Fauquier County, Virginia, to work as a defense contractor for two decades. In the psychological thriller “A Disturbing Nature,” Mr. Lebeau merges three key interests: a keen fascination with everything World War II, a morbid curiosity surrounding the motivations and mayhem of notorious serial killers, and a lifelong obsession with the Red Sox. “A Disturbing Nature” is Mr. Lebeau’s first book.

In an interview, Brian Lebeau can discuss:

  • The childhood memories that sparked the idea for “A Disturbing Nature” and the forthcoming novels in his debut mystery series
  • His long-time fascination with true crime and notorious serial killers, including Ted Bundy (mentioned in the book!), John Wayne Gacy, Jeffrey Dahmer and David Berkowitz
  • Immersing himself into a spine-tingling world of murder and mayhem for the sake of authenticity — Brian visited and slept at purportedly the most haunted rooms at the Lizzie Borden house (which happens to be in his hometown), the Hawthorne Hotel in Salem, Massachusetts, and the Inn at Mount Washington in New Hampshire
  • His personal ties to the settings in his book:
    • Fall River, Massachusetts – Brian was born and raised here.
    • Bryant College (now Bryant University) in Smithfield, Rhode Island – Brian taught here as a part-time instructor in his late 20s.
    • Northern Virginia – Brian lived in Sumerduck and Warrenton, Virginia (both in Fauquier County) for eleven years while working in Northern, Virginia, DC, and Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  • How film noir shaped the gritty, suspenseful tone of his writing and the creation of his characters, specifically movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” “White Heat” and “Night of the Hunter”
  • His favorite documentaries about serial killers and why he can’t get enough of them
  • The deep soul-searching and emotionally taxing work that goes into producing intense characters and powerful storylines brimming with tension and dark subject matter
  • The book’s exploration of complex issues including racism, psychological disorders and social justice in his novel
  • How his book investigates the blurred line between man and monster, and how easily good can morph into evil
  • Life as a diehard Boston Red Sox fan and how he incorporated the pennant run and historic 1975 World Series into his book
  • What lies ahead in the series and other works in progress

An Interview with Brian Lebeau

What can you tell us about the two main characters readers will meet in “A Disturbing Nature?”

Maurice “Mo” Lumen is 24 when he arrives in Rhode Island. As the result of a childhood “accident,” his mental and emotional maturity is permanently that of an 11-year-old. Forced to move from his last home in Virginia, Mo must adapt to a new environment, working his first job and living without family for the first time. But, while Mo tries to focus on the good, he can’t ignore the words and actions of others, threatening to resurrect the accusations and secrets he thought he’d left behind.

Chief Investigator Francis Palmer is a hunter. During his 20 years with the FBI, he’s helped solve the most notorious mass murderer cases, from The Boston Strangler to his most recent, The Campus Killer. Along the way, Palmer has created an alter-ego, The Beast, to get inside the mind of monsters. Now, he struggles to prevent The Beast from consuming him. Over the course of a three-and-a-half-week investigation closer to home, Palmer will be forced to confront his past, his failures, and his greatest fears, The Beast threatening to take control.

Serial killers have existed for centuries, but we didn’t use this term until the late 1970s. Did this play a role in why you set your novel in the 1970s?

I chose 1975 because that was when I turned eleven—Maurice “Mo” Lumen’s intellectual age in “A Disturbing Nature.” It was also the year the Red Sox went to one of the greatest World Series ever played and a decade after landmark Civil Rights legislation. Initially, the story was entirely from Lumen’s perspective, but as FBI Chief Investigator Palmer’s role grew from an important secondary character to a primary lead in parallel with Mo, the connection to serial killer history from that time became necessary to understand his background, motivations, and the demons he had accumulated. I think it’s safe to say nobody gets as deeply involved in hunting down the types of monsters Palmer tracks without having their view of the world altered. So, I thought it would be interesting to explore one hypothetical path because dangerous serial offenders impact monsters as well as men.

Even though your work is fictional, was it important to you to create an authentic portrayal of serial criminals and their victims in the novel? Why?

“A Disturbing Nature” needed to be historically and geographically accurate throughout, deviating only as necessary to support the fictional aspects of the narrative. As an interpretation of America’s post-World War history through the eyes and experiences of two fictional characters, I wanted the environment around Lumen and Palmer to be consistent with that time to lend credibility to the their actions, motivations, and heredity. All locations are presented as they would have looked in 1975, and historical events have been researched to align with the story, including the serial killers discussed in the novel between 1963 and 1975. Minimal artistic license was applied to support Palmer’s involvement in the Ted Bundy investigation, with all other circumstances and timelines of that case incorporated as accurately as possible. Dangerous madmen certainly existed in America before 1963, but our social awareness changed after the Kennedy Assassination, and one of those changes was an elevated curiosity with infamous serial killers. Therefore, I wanted the history to be held constant, while the variables surrounding a serial killer on the loose could mirror America’s broader path.

Why did you decide to parallel the plight of the disabled in America during the 1970s with that of Black and minority populations in “A Disturbing Nature?”

Because a friend with whom I traded baseball cards was Black and intellectually disabled, the decision to parallel the plight of those two minority groups was one made at the outset. Just as the promises of civil rights legislation in 1965 proved to be much greater than the accomplishments, Johnson’s Great Society largely overlooked the treatment of people with disabilities in America. Redirected to support other initiatives of The Great Society, resources previously targeted to assist those with intellectual disabilities and mental health disorders were diminished, and facilities closed. This forced people in need out onto the streets, including dangerous individuals. Efforts to broaden political support toward addressing the needs of mentally and physically disabled citizens did not begin in earnest until the mid-1970s, in the wake of the first significant wave of serial killers and as the Vietnam War was winding down. There is irony to be found in the words of Mo’s father as he pleads for his son’s rights in the country for which he fought to preserve freedom and justice for all.

What are the primary themes in “A Disturbing Nature?”

The first of two primary themes in “A Disturbing Nature” explores the separation between man and monster. Because we live in an age where social presence is a misguided measure of self-worth, it’s easy to forget the hypocrisy of presenting a version of ourselves to the outside world while concealing an alternate one. As the story unfolds, two extreme characters struggle to maintain images very different from those they know intimately. Told through the voices, experiences, and memories of these two polarized characters, “A Disturbing Nature” mirrors Post-World War II America, and their unlikely and unavoidable attraction speaks to the thin line between hero and villain, man and monster.

The second theme concerns the heredity of prejudice, the hypocrisy of privilege, and paying for the sins of our fathers. The experiences of the book’s two main characters raises questions around who can determine guilt, how society should punish those assigned blame, and when guilt finally gets washed away.

Which authors most influenced your writing style?

For “A Disturbing Nature,” I needed to create two distinct voices to accommodate the two very different primary characters. This required two dissimilar writing styles that would converge as the two men are inevitably drawn together. For Lumen’s settings, I was inspired by the earnest simplicity of John Steinbeck’s style, “Of Mice and Men” being a primary influence. Lumen’s dialogue and introspective scenes were influenced by Ernest Hemingway—accessible and non-threatening, even as Lumen’s perspective grows darker. For the settings in Palmer’s scenes, I drew on my love of film noir from the 1930s, 1940s, and early 1950s and literary dark romanticism of the 1800s. Palmer’s dialogue and memories were influenced by Raymond Chandler, though more succinct and updated for today’s audience, with descriptions kept to a minimum and character nuance handled through extreme visuals. As “A Disturbing Nature” is an allegorical tale, the use of symbolism throughout was heavily influenced by F. Scott Fitzgerald and his masterpiece, “A Great Gatsby.”

What can we expect from the rest of this series?

It is safe to say that all characters from “A Disturbing Nature” are candidates to be explored further in subsequent books. In the second novel, “An Anxious Resolution,” expected to be released in 2023, we’ll follow the non-serial paths of four characters. This will provide background and perspective for the ending of the first novel and move forward with Palmer. All four novels were laid out during the writing of “A Disturbing Nature” to ensure storylines are consistent and arcs are closed. Old mysteries will be solved, and new mysteries will emerge to take their place. Along the way, Palmer and other central characters will grow, fail and survive; at least most will. I hope that readers will enjoy the unconventional points of view in “An Anxious Resolution” and the use of first-person narrative in book three before settling on a surprising third-person perspective for the fourth and final book. While “The Echo of Whispers” series will end, FBI Chief Investigator Palmer will continue to solve major crimes and battle demons in future novels. And he will continue to evolve, as we all do.