Evocative poems capture a world shattered by stroke and the hope that remains via a powerful image of the Red Sea

NEW YORK, NY– Annette Libeskind Berkovits’ poetry offers a searing portrayal of a mother’s anguish after a sudden hemorrhagic stroke renders her son, father of two young daughters, quadriplegic in the prime of his life. In her stunning use of poetry as memoir, Berkovits wrestles with questions of faith, hope, and guilt, and presents an intimate glimpse of a world shattered by stroke.

“A book on how to cope when the body and the blood betray, surprise, fail, and ultimately, reinvigorate”–Matthew Lippman, poet

ANNETTE LIBESKIND BERKOVITS was born in Kyrgyzstan and grew up in postwar Poland and the fledgling state of Israel before coming to the United States at age sixteen. Her professional background is in the biological sciences and education. Her stories and poems have appeared in Silk Road Review: a Literary Crossroads; Persimmon Tree; American Gothic: a New Chamber Opera; Blood & Thunder: Musings on the Art of Medicine; and in The Healing Muse. For more information on her life and work, please visit: https://annetteberkovits.com.

“Erythra Thalassa: Brain Disrupted”
Annette Libeskind Berkovits | November 12, 2020 | Tenth Planet Press | Poetry
Paperback | ISBN: 978-0998757827

In an interview, Annette Libeskind Berkovits can discuss:

  • Why she wrote “Erythra Thalassa” and how writing poetry helped her cope
  • How, as an elderly mother, she is able to help her adult son, and her advice for caregivers
  • Her thoughts on the medical system as it relates to severely disabled individuals
  • How she blends her science background with her love for the arts in her poetry

Debut Author’s Tweeted Pitch Earns Six-Figure, Multi-Book Deal


J. Elle’s YA novel “Wings of Ebony” tackles racism, privilege, empowerment

HOUSTON, Texas – With one tweet, first-time novelist J. Elle rocketed from obscurity to earning a six-figure book deal with Simon & Schuster for her YA novel “Wings of Ebony” (January 26, 2021, Millner Books), described as “The Hate U Give” meets “Wonder Woman” in a “Black Panther” world. Elle has now sold a total of four novels to major publishers within a single year, all of which elevate the voices of inner city kids with an empowering, magical twist.

“Wings of Ebony” is a lead title for new S&S imprint Millner Books, to be released during Black History Month. The novel is part of a YA fantasy duology about a black teen demigoddess named Rue who must rise up against racist deities poisoning her block with drugs, violence, and crime. It extends a unique perspective on racism, privilege, cultural appropriation, community, and resilience. Six months after her first contract, Elle sold a second fantasy duology for middle grade readers at auction to Bloomsbury Publishing.

Elle’s debut sparked a firestorm of interest when she participated in #DVPit, a Twitter book pitching event for historically marginalized voices. Her tweeted pitch for “Wings of Ebony” went viral and had 22 publishers (including each of the Big Five) requesting pages, with S&S winning a preempt deal.

While Elle’s one tweet helped fulfill her dreams, it’s her years of hard work, perseverance, determination and giving spirit (mirrored in her protagonist, Rue) that define this prolific, multifaceted writer. A former teacher to inner-city students, Elle is the founder of “Your Story is Your Power,” a creative writing workshop that empowers teen voices. She drew inspiration for the novel from her own experience growing up poor, and from her desire to inspire younger generations. Her novel has already been integrated into four school curriculums and is a Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection.

Editor Denene Millner told Military Spouse magazine that Elle’s story is “familiar and yet something I’ve never seen; it honors the beauty and challenges one finds in the black community, but also creates an ideal world where black people literally are gods. Not since ‘Black Panther’ have I been this excited about a story that reimagines black people in this way, without clinging to stereotypes.”

Wings of Ebony
Author: J. Elle | January 26, 2021 |Simon & Schuster Young Readers (Millner Books) | YA Fantasy

J. ELLE is a prolific Black author and advocate for marginalized voices in both publishing and her community. Her debut novel, Wings of Ebony, sold in a six-figure pre-empt and is part of a YA fantasy duology about a Black girl from a poor neighborhood who learns she’s magical. Wings of Ebony is a lead title in Simon & Schuster’s Spring 2021 lineup.

Six months later Elle also sold, at auction, A Taste of Magic, a MG contemporary fantasy duology about a Black girl who learns she’s a witch and fights to save her inner-city magic school with baking. Park Row Magic Academy: A Taste of Magic is also a lead title on Bloomsbury’s Spring 2022 list.

From growing up poor to being a first generation college student, Jess’ tenacity and passion for empowering others dates back to her first career in education, teaching tweens and teens from traditionally underserved areas to fight for their dreams. More recently, as the founder of the Your Story Is Your Power, a creative writing workshop, she mentors high schoolers on the craft of writing and the importance of sharing stories from their perspective.

Elle has worked as an Editorial Intern at P.S. Literary Agency and Gelfman / ICM Partners. She’s also served as a mentor for both Pitchwars and Author Mentor Match. Elle is the founder and co-host of #MondayMixer, a Twitter chat to engage writers on the platform with networking opportunities, writing questions, and encouragement. In her spare time you’ll find her cooking up some dish true to her Texas and Louisiana roots, loving on her three littles, and traveling the country with her nomadic spouse. Learn more at https://authorjelle.com and https://www.wingsofebony.com.

Praise for Wings of Ebony

“The best fantasy novels invent alternate worlds in order to illuminate our own. Wings of Ebony is one of them—a bold, inventive, big-hearted and deeply perceptive vision of a Black girl’s journey to reclaim her magic from forces determined to destroy her. The parallels to our current reality are unmistakable and the book brings us all a much-needed ray of hope.”
—NICOLA YOON, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Everything, Everything and The Sun Is Also A Star

Wings of Ebony is an intense, page-turner of a book about magic, sisterhood, community and family. Debut author J. Elle offers us a richly-wrought world, weaving together past and present with a rare blend of deft insight and keen humor that leaves the reader wanting more.”
—SABAA TAHIR, #1 New York Times bestselling author of An Ember in the Ashes

“There is little on earth more powerful than seeing a reflection of the self, not only as it is, but also as it COULD be. Wings of Ebony is a rooftop-shout of affirmation that black girls from ALL walks of life are magic.”
—NIC STONE, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Dear Martin

“A remarkable, breathtaking, earthshaking, poetic thrillride bristling with magic, life, and so much love. Rue and her incredible adventures will change the world.”
—DANIEL JOSÉ OLDER, New York Times bestselling author of Shadowshaper

“A heart-racing thrilling fantasy that sucks you in from the very first page. J. Elle has such a voracious voice and she’s about to change the game!”
—TIFFANY D. JACKSON, author of Grown and Monday’s Not Coming

“J. Elle has crafted an unapologetic heroine determined to save her block from agents of stolen magic in this immersive hidden world. A thrilling and irresistible new saga about loyalty and lineage.”
— KIM JOHNSON, Indie bestselling author of This Is My America

“A powerful, thoughtful, and masterful exploration of #BlackGirlMagic that enthralls you from the first page and refuses to let you go.”
—ALECHIA DOW, author of The Sound of Stars

Additional News Details

  • Elle completed the manuscript for “Wings of Ebony” in 35 days.
  • New imprint Millner Books is spearheaded by NYT-bestselling author Denene Millner, and focuses on fresh African-American voices.
  • Elle has served as a mentor for both PitchWars and Author Mentor Match.
  • She is the founder and co-host of #MondayMixer, a Twitter chat to engage writers with networking opportunities, writing questions, and encouragement.
  • Elle grew up in the Houston neighborhood that inspired her novel, where her younger teen sisters still live.

In an interview, J. ELLE can discuss:

  • Her unique approach to portraying inner-city communities as places full of magic and power
  • Her unconventional path to publishing success as a debut author–and how she’s now coaching other authors toward their own success
  • Why she writes about kids who are impacted by and who must grapple with racism, privilege, cultural appropriation, single- or mixed-parent homes, and finding family within community
  • How the unique challenges of growing up in an inner-city neighborhood inspired her writing
  • Why YA Fantasy is her chosen genre for portraying powerful Black characters and communities
  • How her passion for education and empowering young voices, paired with the importance of leaning into African American heritage and legacy, had an influence on her writing
  • Why it’s important to create a dialogue around how non-POCs can be allies to POC communities
  • How to have conversations about privilege with friends who don’t “get it”

An Interview with J. Elle

1. You have a wonderful vision of inner-city communities as places full of magic, potential, and power. How do you approach blending some of the harsher realities of these communities with the more fantastical elements in your novel?

Outside of the pages of a book, those of us living with these harsher realities can find it tough to reimagine a world without them. But in fiction, we have limitless imagination, tools, and power. I try to examine societal complexities that might inhibit us from challenging the status quo, and I put magical resources at my character’s disposal so my readers metaphorically understand that they are indeed capable of more than they can even imagine. The mindset that we can’t impact change is the first injustice we must eradicate.

One of my favorite characters in “Wings of Ebony” is tattoo-covered, gold grill-wearing Julius. How the media typically portrays kids who look like Julius is decidedly different from Julius’ real story–the story I set out to tell in “Wings of Ebony.” I’m going to make sure Julius and kids like him get their space on shelves.

2. Why is the blend of YA Fantasy and Contemporary genres particularly important for you when crafting “Wings of Ebony?”

I tend to like books that have real-world issues front and center, but I realize exploring difficult themes through fantasy is more palatable for many readers, becauses it’s a step removed from reality. Ultimately, I want my books to spark tough conversations. There will always be commentary in my books, weightier topics I want to challenge teens to consider, and the contemporary elements of my story allow me to explore these topics more directly. But I wrap those contemporary elements in a fantastical story, so that while teens grapple with these weightier topics, they are also inspired and encouraged by the metaphorical, magical “what-ifs.” Readers will finish “Wings of Ebony” and have had an unflinching look at the reality of racism (toward inner-city kids in particular). But they will also have reconciled that disgusting truth with how powerful we are in the face of that injustice, how we are changemakers that will be reckoned with.

3. Why is “Wings of Ebony” so important to you personally?

This book is a love letter to younger me, to my teen sisters, to my community and the home that raised me. I grew up seeing communities like mine depicted only as troublesome, wrought with crime, full of kids “not going anywhere.” But that wasn’t how I viewed my home growing up. So, I decided to shift the narrative and show a home like mine as magical, so that kids from places like where I am from see their neighborhood on the page/screen in a different way than how it is typically portrayed. This is vitally important so kids in our community realize their day-to-day lives are rich with magic, too. I believe shifting the connotation of the term “inner-city kids” will help fill shelves, and conversations, with representation that shatters stereotypes. “Wings of Ebony” is a no nonsense, unapologetic step in that direction.

4. Who is “Wings of Ebony” for? Who will be drawn to this book?

Though there’s a beautiful badass Black girl in a hoodie on the cover, this story isn’t just for Black kids. This book is for underdog changemakers and their allies–those who know how to become allies and those hungry to learn. Fans of Katniss Everdeen, Starr Carter, and anyone in love with all things Wakanda are going to rave about “Wings of Ebony.” I can’t wait to see the cosplay!

This book can also be instructive and a great fit for classrooms full of kids learning how to have safe, productive discussions about race with others who may not share their identity. A 6-week curriculum complete with a Hyperdoc, day-by-day lesson plans, vocabulary list, hands-on activities, discussion questions, and a culmination project that ties well with Black History Month can be found here.

5. Why are conversations about privilege important for kids to have with one another, particularly today?

We have one world with thousands of cultures within it that, for the good and health of this world, must learn to work together. We can’t exist singularly in our own communities and choose to not coexist. First, that allows the powerful to remain powerful without challenge; second, it’s not realistic. But in order to come together in collaborative environments and engineer true change, creating a world we are proud to live in, we must learn how to work together. This starts with checking our bias at the door, and realizing that our preconceived notions–often subscious–are shaping how we interact with and treat people who are different from us. And an often ignored facet of that conversation around bias, racism, and xenophobia is privilege.

Privilege is the dagger that stabs you in the back that you never saw coming–because you “didn’t know” it existed. People who are unaware of the privilege they possess do damage to others around them without even realizing it; and yet they wonder why they’re unable to have productive, meaningful discourse with people who are different from them. On a global level, that lack of self-awareness stalls productivity, throws a wrench in business connections and the economy, and fractures our growth. On a personal level, at minimum, it shatters relationships and breeds toxic thinking.

We all suffer when the privileged are afforded the ability to live within a bubble without awareness. “Wings of Ebony” aims to pop that bubble. I want to equip the next generation with tools to have these tough conversations that yield self-awareness, in order to usher in a more tolerant and mutually respectful world. Colleges are catching on to the importance of conversations around privilege. There are resources being implemented at the university level to study the social construct of privilege, and I’m excited that “Wings of Ebony” is appropriate to be a central part of these and conversations to come.

6. It’s incredible that you wrote the manuscript for “Wings of Ebony” in just 35 days. How long has this story been developing in your mind? What can you tell us about the writing process?

Honestly, Rue’s voice just came to me one morning. I’d had an image in my head of a girl standing over an injured little girl and using her magic to save her life. The setting of that image was my neighborhood, where I grew up. And it just hit me that this is what I hadn’t seen before: my neighborhood, the people there, the places, depicted as magical. I can’t explain it, but the story just poured out of me, and while it’s undergone significant revisions since that 35-day-version, Rue’s fierceness, her fire, her heart, and her magic are still the same. The writing process varies from person to person, but what I can say is that if there is a story or character or voice burning to just pour out of you, let it.

7. Few authors experience the kind of whirlwind success you’ve experienced in the past couple years. What has this publishing journey been like for you? What has surprised you, challenged you, and helped you grow?

The fact that I am going to have a book headed to shelves still surprises me. When I set out to write “Wings of Ebony” I was very new to writing fiction and wasn’t sure what to expect. My DVPit pitch blowing up on Twitter shocked me, but from then on I knew I was on to something highly marketable. One of the reasons I’m committed to mentoring aspiring authors is because I want them to understand I was just where they were. I’m so new at all of this, so they too should keep fighting, hoping, revising, growing, and I believe they’ll get there, too.

There’s nothing like going on submission to editors that makes you realize just how much of a privilege it is to have a book in the world. This industry really forces you to remember that patience is important and there’s no use in stressing about things out of our control. I was on sub for 5 months, and during that time I completed a revision for a brilliant editor at a Big 5 publisher who gave me some very candid, pointed feedback. I have an ambitious, can-do attitude–just tell me what needs to be done and I’ll blow you away with how fast and well I do it.

Writers should understand that revising can be magic for your story, so don’t be overly precious about your words. If you want to publish traditionally, understand you’re looking for a partner (to put their money behind your book) so you’re going to have to flex some. And a good editor is going to actually make your book much stronger. That’s the best part!

I completed my revision quickly, and we sent it to everyone still considering my pages, which was about ten editors or so. From there we had multiple editors interested, but Denene Millner at Simon & Schuster came in strong and fast with so much enthusiasm and ultimately won me over. Working with her has transformed my writing. This book is miles from where it was. As such a novice writer, I just feel so fortunate and lucky to have this opportunity. I still pinch myself everyday wondering how any of this can be real.

8. What top advice do you give to other writers who are working to make their voices and stories heard?

First, understand that there are so many factors involved in pursuing traditional publishing, and most of them are out of your control. All you control is the writing. Focus on being well-read in your genre and writing the best book you can write.

Second, know that rejections are an inevitable part of the process and are not a reflection of you as a person. They are not brick walls, they are stop signs. Pause, learn, grow–KEEP GOING.

Third, and most importantly, neither of those two facts negate the need for your voice. The voices drowning out ours have a lot more privilege and access. So remember, tenacity is your greatest weapon.

9. In what ways did your own childhood experience inspire Rue’s neighborhood and community?

“Wings of Ebony” is set where I grew up, on the southeast side of Houston. The “community as family” aspect of my story is probably one of the strongest parallels to my own childhood. Growing up, neighbors are aunties. “It takes a village” isn’t just a saying. Communities like mine look out for one another because we have to. We are forged with a closeness rooted in our identity and the “hood” we call home; it’s one of the most magical parts of my upbringing.

Also, Rue is an enigmatic mix of kids teachers see in inner-city classrooms, kids I’ve taught, best friends I’ve had–the kid with a hard exterior that reads like a chip is on their shoulder. That chip is necessary armor, and what’s beneath is ridiculously powerful love. I hope this book helps those kids feel more seen, more capable, and opens their eyes to their own magic; but also, I hope it helps others think twice the next time they roll through my hood, see one of these “hoodie-wearing-kids” walking down the street, or have a particularly stubborn kid in their classroom–I hope “Wings of Ebony” challenges them to see what’s beneath.

10. What message(s) do you want Rue’s story to send to readers (of any age)?

You are capable. You are power. You are strength.
A’laya nah ick e’bah.
Yes, you’ll have to read the book to find out what that means.

Health psychologist’s new self-help book inspiring readers to live, laugh, and let sh*t go


DETROIT – A global pandemic, disastrous climate events, erratic U.S. politics and … murder hornets? 2020 has been rough, and our inner voice doesn’t have a problem reminding us. Tell it to f*ck off with this new irreverent, laugh-out-loud guide, “Move on Motherf*cker,” (Nov. 3, 2020, New Harbinger) by board-certified psychologist Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt.

When we’re anxious, stressed, or fearful, the negative voice in our heads can be extremely powerful. It tells us we’re not smart or attractive enough. It berates us for our mistakes. And it keeps us feeling stuck in an endless loop of worry, shame, and hopelessness. But there is a way to shut it down. Blending evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, and profanity, this unexpected guide will show you how to respond to your negative inner voice with one very important phrase: Move on, mother*cker!

You’ll learn to manage worry and anxiety, put a stop to unhelpful internal dialogue, and approach new situations with humor, levity, and perspective.

You’ll also find real tools to help you:

  • Set personal and professional boundaries
  • Identify toxic or codependent relationships
  • Become assertive without being aggressive
  • Stop seeking perfection

The book also includes journaling and other self-awareness exercises to help you put MOMF to work every day. So, stop letting your inner voice tear you down! With this fun and effective guide, you’ll learn how to take control of your negative thoughts and get back to living your best life.

“Move on Motherf*cker”
Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt | Nov. 3, 2020 | New Harbinger
Self-Help | Paperback | 978-1-68403-486-4 | $16.95

About the Author

Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt is a board-certified health psychologist who swears her way to sanity using cognitive behavioral therapy, mindfulness, humor, positive psychology, and profanity. Jodie has more than 25 years of professional experience helping others find meaning in a crazy world. Follow Jodie and get some inspiration on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @jeckleberryhunt and at jodieeckleberryhunt.com.

Early praise for Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt:

“This is an excellent wake-up call for those wracked by self-criticism.”
— Publisher’s Weekly

“This is an honest-to-goodness self-help book, packed with useful tools and psychological wisdom that will generate results, inside and out.”
— Foreword Reviews

“Honest, salty self-talk can be a true balm for anxiety, shame, sadness, and despair. So take it from one motherf*cker to another: move on, and read this book!”
— Sarah Knight, New York Times bestselling author of “Calm the F*ck Down”

“Move On Motherf*cker is a modern, efficacious self-help tool kit designed to provide relief for people with common mental health issues surrounding depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, bad habits, and personal or work related relationship problems. … It’s a ‘hell-yes,’ hands-on, user-friendly approach to begin feeling empowered to get better.”
—Timothy Jay, PhD, professor of psychology emeritus
at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, and author of “Why We Curse”

“MOMF is like that blunt friend who calls you on your sh*t and puts things into f*cking perspective. Using humor, a lot of profanity, and the foundation of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), Eckleberry-Hunt’s book guides readers through a reality check, and teaches them to change the voice of negativity and doubt to that of a motherf*cker who is ready to kick ass! This is a readers guide to self-empowerment!”
— Britt A. Nielsen, PsyD, ABPP, associate professor of psychiatry and psychology
at The MetroHealth System and Case Western Reserve University


Award-winning author returns with tense, gritty thriller that explores how well we really know those closest to us


In ‘They’re Gone,’ two women’s lives are turned upside down after violent deaths, and both will risk everything to survive the secrets that are uncovered

Fairfax, VA — A respected and skilled veteran of the thriller community, E.A. Aymar returns with a new novel written as E.A. Barres. They’re Gone, (Nov. 10, Crooked Lane Books) opens with a bang and never lets up.

Two men from vastly different backgrounds are murdered one after another on the same night, in the same fashion with two bullet wounds: one in the head, another in the heart. The two slayings send their wives on a desperate search for answers–and a desperate attempt to save their families’ lives.

Grief takes a heavy toll on northern Virginia freelance editor Deb Linh Thomas when she learns of her husband’s murder. And utter dismay sets in when, just a week after the funeral, she discovers that he had been the subject of an FBI investigation after withdrawing a large sum of money from their shared accounts.

Elsewhere, Baltimore bartender Cessy Castillo is less bereft when her abusive husband, ex-cop Hector Ramirez, is killed. But it turns out that he was deep in hock–and now Cessy’s expected to pay up. Deb and the FBI agent assigned to her case start digging into her husband’s murder and learn that he had been the target of criminals.

As Deb and Cessy join forces to learn the truth, their investigation reveals an ever-darker web of clues, but if they’re not careful, they may just end up like their husbands.

“Smartly plotted, violent, and utterly absorbing.”
— Kirkus Reviews, starred review

“They’re Gone”
E.A. Barres | Nov. 10, 2020 | Crooked Lane Books
Hardcover | 978-1643855554 | $26.99
E-book | B084V8GKLG | $12.99

Praise for E.A. Aymar and ‘They’re Gone’

“Expertly plotted and action-packed, but it also features a diverse cast of characters — including two strong women of color as protagonists — and offers biting social commentary.”

“Solid… This women-fight-back thriller will please those looking to vicariously smack down a few hulking villains.”
Publishers Weekly

They’re Gone is a powerful, gritty mystery that firmly establishes E.A. Barres as a voice to be reckoned with in the genre. Barres deftly weaves two very different stories together to create one compulsively readable and defiantly of-the-moment whodunit that lingers with you long after you’ve read the last page.”
Alex Segura, acclaimed author of the Pete Fernandez series

“In his new novel, E.A. Barres masterfully weaves together the stories of two very different women and their burning desire to learn the truth about their murdered husbands. They’re Gone is about secrets and marriage, betrayal and grief, and will leave you questioning whether you can ever really know someone. A stunning, dark, evocative thriller.”
Jennifer Hillier, award-winning author of Jar of Hearts and Little Secrets

“They’re Gone is a relentless, pulse-pounding thriller that showcases E.A. Barres’s talent for injecting gritty crime stories with sympathetic, emotionally complex characters and sharp black humor. Barres skillfully combines a dark story about corruption, greed, and violence with an emotional arc about grief, resilience, and the lengths a person will go to protect their family—all while keeping the pace swift and the dialogue witty.”
Kathleen Barber, author of Are You Sleeping and Follow Me

“Boundaries fade and clay feet abound in this nail-biter of a thriller as E.A. Barres guides readers skillfully through the minds, hearts, and pasts of three women who have nothing in common until they have everything to lose. Perfect pacing and imperfect heroes make this book a hard one to put down!”
Susan Crawford, bestselling author of The Pocket Wife and The Other Widow

“Intense, gritty and absolutely riveting, E.A. Barres’s perfectly constructed plot unfolds with the thoughtful precision and menace of a cat burglar. They’re Gone seamlessly blends heart-pounding action with searing social commentary. This thriller has a deliciously dark wit that makes for an unforgettable read.”
Hilary Davidson, bestselling author of One Small Sacrifice

More about E.A. Aymar

Anthony Award-nominated E.A. Aymar’s next thriller, They’re Gone, will be published in November under his pseudonym E.A. Barres. His most recent thriller, The Unrepentant, was published in 2019 and is currently a 2020 nominee for the Anthony Award in the category of Best Paperback Original.

His past thrillers include the novels-in-stories The Swamp Killers and The Night of the Flood, in which he served as co-editor and contributor. He has a monthly column in the Washington Independent Review of Books, is a former member of the national board of the International Thriller Writers and, for years, was the managing editor of The Thrill Begins, an online resource for debut and aspiring writers. He is also an active member of Crime Writers of Color, the Mystery Writers of America and SinC. He also runs the Noir at the Bar series for Washington, D.C., and has hosted and spoken at a variety of crime fiction, writing, and publishing events nationwide. He was born in Panama and now lives in the DC/MA/VA triangle.

Learn more at https://eaymar.com/.

In an interview, E.A. Aymar can discuss:

  • The challenges and his approach as a man writing female characters
  • Incorporating his heritage into his books, and including perspective from characters with mixed race backgrounds
  • His work in the D.C. area in support of writers, as well as his work with writing organizations
  • Why he thinks the DC/MD/VA region is such a hub for crime fiction
  • Pivoting to virtual events during COVID times for his popular D.C. Noir at the Bar

An Interview with E.A. Aymar

1. As an experienced thriller writer, how do you keep your ideas fresh?

There’s an excitement in crime fiction today that I’ve never felt before; it’s a movement that embraces marginalized writers, and gives their work a sense of placement and importance that’s historically lagged. I’m a part of this change, both because of my race and the topics in my writing, and it’s so exciting to be part of a literary movement. And that excitement has opened the door to new ideas and approaches to crime fiction that weren’t accessible before. Ideas are fresh when they’re inspired, and this is an inspiring time to write.

2. Many of your characters have mixed race backgrounds. Why is this important for you to include?

I was born in Panama, and my mom is Panamanian and my dad is white. I lived there for about three years before we moved to the states, and I was always the only mixed kid in my classes. I wasn’t fully accepted by the white or hsipanic kids and, even though I wasn’t friendless, it was always a bit isolating. And I didn’t really feel like I had a voice that was worth contributing.

That’s not the case anymore. There are so many mixed-race kids out there, and I just love it. I love that my son won’t experience the isolation I did, because growing up in the DC/MD/VA triangle exposes him to dozens and dozens of cultures. And I see so many people who don’t know where they fit in, who were raised in two (or more) cultures and don’t have a sense of representation. I want to give those people someone to whom they can relate.

3. What is your approach to writing women protagonists?

I don’t want to be the kind of guy who goes overboard with this, or is way too thirsty – you know, the kind of guy who has an IG profile photo of him wearing a “This is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt. But I grew up in male-dominated cultures, whether it was as a military brat, or in sports, or in a fraternity, and I witnessed firsthand how vicious and violent men can be. That’s not to say women are blameless; just that the proclivity for violence and bigotry was never as pronounced (or present) when I was among groups of women.

Plus, I write crime fiction. Which means I research crime, and most of the most heinous criminals out there are men. The stats for sexual violence, or violent criminals, are filled with men. Not women. But, in thrillers, it’s always men who are the heroes. I want to write against that. I want to be honest.

4. You belong to and contribute to many writing organizations and events in the D.C. area. How has that changed you or helped you in your field?

The D.C. region is so fantastic for writing. National writing organizations like Mystery Writers of America and Sisters in Crime have wonderful local chapters here, and there’s a wealth of talent and knowledge in the area. I run a reading series for crime fiction writers called Noir at the Bar, and I have a pool of close to a hundred traditionally published crime fiction writers I can pull from. And it’s a terrifically supportive community, as well. I think this region is producing some of the best crime fiction written today.

5. How did you manage to combine the gritty elements of a thriller with humor and the warmth of a newly found friendship?

Two of my favorite writers are John Updike and Anne Tyler, and neither writes crime fiction. I admire their close look at families and friendships, and how they’re able to draw so much from relationships. As much as I love crime fiction and the tension of a tight plot, I love character, and the feeling when a reader identifies with someone they’re reading about. I never want to write a book where that lacks. I want pages to move because the plot is pulling you forward, and that has to happen because you’re reading about someone you care about.

Art, love, redemption converge in music executive’s stunningly poignant novel critiquing masculinity and the millennial generation


SAN FRANCISCO – It’s never too late to become who we’re meant to be, or to summon the courage to develop into the person whom we desire to be.

Indie record label owner and author Tiffanie DeBartolo’s newest novel, “Sorrow,” (Oct. 20, Woodhall Press) expertly examines this idea through the lenses of art, music and love. Inspired in part by the music of The National, the book is both a humorous and emotional assessment of the millennial generation.

Dreams abandoned, out of work and uninspired, guitar prodigy Joe Harper is a sensitive, struggling character, rapidly approaching his mid-30s and haunted by a history of failure. With a promising future in music long forgotten, Joe is resigned to a life of virtual seclusion, listless among his beloved redwood trees. But when he receives word from his long lost love, October, informing him of her upcoming art exhibit, Joe is awash with memories of the past and must ultimately decide if cowardice is reversible. Given a second chance, in more ways than one, can he recover the self-respect he lost long ago?

Drawn from DeBartolo’s extensive experience in the worlds of music, art and academia, “Sorrow” delivers a heartbreaking yet empathetic critique of the male psyche and lays bare a quick-witted social commentary on the widespread malaise plaguing so many of us today.

“Loving a woman who can break you is the bravest thing a man can do.”


Tiffanie DeBartolo | Oct. 20, 2020 | Woodhall Press | Literary Fiction
Paperback | 9781949116304 | $19.95

Early praise for Tiffanie DeBartolo and “Sorrow”

“A smart, thoughtful work that balances romance with intriguing philosophical questions.”
— Kirkus STARRED review

“This novel is a rare gem: a profoundly warm, witty story about art, love, and the journey of the soul from my all-time favorite author. Worth the wait! DeBartolo’s emotionally rich characters remind us that it is both painfully difficult and astonishingly beautiful to be human.”
— Colleen Hoover, New York Times bestselling author

” ‘Sorrow’ hit me like a truck, and it’s been years since I read a book that physically moved me and made me feel as deeply as this one did. DeBartolo masterfully crafted characters you’ll fall in love with, root for, want to scream at, and ultimately see yourself in, with a story that is narcotically enthralling. ‘Sorrow’ reminded me of the power of literature to deeply move you, uplift you, remind you of all the possibilities, love and magic in this world, and help you fall deeper in love with life. It’s a masterpiece.”
— Kyle Nicolaides, musician

“An art-infused story about love with achingly beautiful characters.”
— Tarryn Fisher, New York Times bestselling author

“Imagine you walk across a beautiful meadow filled with Indian paintbrush and Colorado columbine. Suddenly, you are struck by a lightning bolt. You’re blown out of your shoes, you fly through crackling air and land hands-and-knees deep in a brook bubbling over moss-covered rocks, shaded by weeping willows. You realize you are alive, more alive than ever before. You howl for the love of life. This is how reading Sorrow by Tiffanie DeBartolo made me feel.”
— Tim Sandlin, author of GroVont Quartet and “Jimi Hendrix Turns Eighty”

” ‘Sorrow’ took me on a beautiful journey — a deeply fulfilling passage through nature and art, love and loss. Days after I finished the last page, the characters of ‘Sorrow’ are still with me, their words and actions echoing in my mind like those of long-lost friends.”
— John Shors, bestselling author of “My Midnight Sun”

About the Author

Tiffanie DeBartolo grew up in Youngstown, Ohio, where she insists there was nothing to do but read books and listen to music. It’s no surprise that after graduating high school a year early to study philosophy at UC Berkeley, she became a writer and founded a record label. Tiffanie’s most recent novel is “Sorrow.” Her previous works include “God Shaped Hole” (2002), “How To Kill a Rock Star” (2005), the graphic novel “Grace: Based on the Jeff Buckley Story” (2019), and the film “Dream for an Insomniac” (1996), which she wrote and directed.

Tiffanie is the founder and Chief Executive Super Goddess of Bright Antenna Records, whose roster includes The Wombats, Sports Team, Wilderado, Prep, and more. She also co-founded the ShineMaker Foundation, a charity organization dedicated to making the world a better place. And she is a faculty member of the Jackson Hole Writers Conference, where she teaches writing every June. She is also a runner, hiker, yogi, traveler, cook, poet, artist and feminist. Tiffanie lives in Mill Valley, California, with her husband, Scott Schumaker, and her two Irish Wolfhounds, Dipsea and Kazoo.

In an interview, Tiffanie DeBartolo can discuss:

  • The inspiration and influence behind “Sorrow,” both personal and musical
  • Being a feminist and how literature can help readers analyze themes of misogyny, masculinity and the male ego in themselves and in their relationships with others
  • Challenges and rewards of choosing to write a male character from a feminist perspective
  • The importance and meaning behind the book’s Northern California setting
  • Her dual careers in music and writing and how women can make a place for themselves in both the music and publishing industries

An Interview with Tiffanie DeBartolo

1. How have your own experiences influenced the novel’s setting and characters?

I live in Mill Valley, the magical town where a majority of the novel takes place. I hike through the redwoods almost every day and find them just as inspiring as Joe and October do. I think a lot of the emotional core of the story, however, comes from my work in the music business. I’ve seen a number of talented musicians either abandon their dreams or sabotage them, usually because they’re full of fear and can’t get out of their own way. That kind of fear bleeds over into a person’s personal life. Moreover, in the past, I’ve certainly had the heartbreaking experience of being in love with someone who was too afraid to love me back, and that’s a big part of what “Sorrow” is about.

2. Owning a record label, you have an established career in the music industry. How did that knowledge help when it came to crafting the plot and characters for the book?

My creative work always seems to begin with my love of and passion for music. Music informs everything I do. It has throughout my entire life, and throughout my writing career. I think many authors have themes that they return to again and again, because we have existential questions we’re trying to answer, and one of my themes is music and the powerful role that art plays in our lives.

3. What challenges did you encounter writing your main character, Joe, from the male perspective? Are there things you would have done differently if you had decided to give that character a different gender?

To be honest, I expected it to be more challenging to write from the male perspective than it actually was. I originally began writing the book with October as the narrator, but I quickly realized that unless readers were seeing and feeling the world through Joe’s eyes, they weren’t going to understand him or empathize with him, so I switched to his POV. And my takeaway, after walking in his shoes for two years as I wrote this novel, was that men and women aren’t as different as society has conditioned us to believe we are. Deep down, we all want the same thing — love — and we’re all just trying to figure out how to overcome all the shit that holds us back from surrendering fully to that love.

4. The famous redwoods of Northern California are a good example of how a book’s location can be a character in and of itself. Can you talk a bit about their significance and meaning throughout the novel?

It’s interesting, because early in the writing process, I was struggling with discovering what made Joe tick, and I happened to run into a friend at the local coffee shop where I wrote a lot of the book (Equator Coffee, the same one Joe hangs out in!). My friend mentioned that he’d just read a beautiful book about redwood trees, and as we spoke about the trees for a while, something clicked in my head and heart. I was like, “That’s it! Joe! The trees!” I immediately read the book my friend was talking about, and Joe’s character blossomed into life. And, of course, the metaphor between Joe and the trees was so obvious and became a crucial component from that moment on. The more I learned about the trees, the more I learned about Joe.

5. Let’s talk The National! The book was partially influenced by the band’s music — how did they inspire your writing, and are there any Easter eggs fans of the group can find in the book?

OK, so despite the fact that The National have a song called “Sorrow” which is referenced in the book and obviously inspired the title, the song that planted the seed that grew into this story was “Pink Rabbits.” I remember listening to that song one day, hearing the line: “Somebody said you disappeared in a crowd/I didn’t understand then/I don’t understand now,” and my mind conjured up a scene at an outdoor concert venue, a man standing in the middle of the crowd beside the love of his life, everything about to fall into place, and for some reason he breaks, just walks away and doesn’t come back. That was the first scene I wrote, and obviously it developed into something more complex than that original idea, but the novel really grew around that nascent scene. As far as Easter eggs go, the homage to the “Pink Rabbits” song is the cocktail Joe makes in the scene where he and October talk in his apartment. Joe’s version is a little different than the traditional cocktail, and he calls it a Brown Recluse. There’s two more “Pink Rabbits” mentioned in the book, but I’ll let the fans find them on their own.

6. What do you hope people take away from this book?

These characters taught me a lot, and I hope people take away from this book what I took away. Namely, that it’s never too late to become a better version of yourself and that love and art can often be the portals to that becoming.

7. As the 21st century seems to get bleaker by the minute, what would you say to someone who is convinced their best days are behind them and that they’re too old to act on their dreams?

I’ve been revisiting the work of Joseph Campbell a lot lately, so to quote him, I would say, “Follow your bliss.” It’s never too late for that. And it’s imperative to the experience of having a meaningful life. The past is gone and the future is only a possibility. All we have is this moment, and if you listen to your heart, if you take steps toward the life you desire to be living, if you just get on that path, that’s where you’ll find the truth of who you are. That’s where you’ll find joy. It’s not about success. It’s not about money. This is a spiritual quest we’re talking about. It’s everything.

Enter to win our HallowRead Challenge!

It’s the spookiest (and, dare we say, best) time of the year, and we’re celebrating with a new photo contest! We looovve Halloween decorations and thought it would be so fun to design our own Halloween-themed book stack — and now we want to invite you to create your own, and win a prize!

Enter our HallowRead photo challenge by creating your own Halloween-themed bookstack or shelfie. We want to see: 

  • Your favorite spooky reads! We’re leaving the selection pretty open-ended because we love a good book recommendation. The book does not have to be about Halloween per say (although of course that would be pretty cool!), but it should have a thematic tie-in to the season in some way. Genre suggestions include paranormal, horror, thriller, dark fantasy, speculative fiction, YA, Gothic lit, mystery, etc. etc.
  • A creative Halloween-themed book stack or shelfie design! This is the really fun part: Take your favorite spooky reads and decorate them for Halloween, then send us a pic! Remember we’re judging based on creativity, so let your imagination go wild! 

The winning Halloween-themed bookstack or shellfie will receive: 

The deadline to enter is 11:59 p.m. October 30th, and the winning entry will be announced / featured on our social media on October 31st! Enter by 

  • Posting a photo of your Halloween-themed bookstack or shelfie to Instagram
  • Tagging us (@booksforwardpr) in your post

Don’t have Instagram? You can email your submission pic to chelsea@booksforward.com.

We can’t wait to see your entries! Happy HallowRead! 


Take inspiration from books for your Halloween costume

It is safe to say that 2020 has been a doozy, and that we all need some holiday cheer. Whether you are going to a Halloween party or searching for an easy costume for your kids, we’ve compiled a list of some timeless literary character costumes from classic books, and screen adaptations, that will look great with a face mask, too!

  1. Jo, Meg, Amy, and Beth March from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
    Not only is this book a classic, but it had a recent resurgence at the start of 2020 for the new film starring Saoirse Ronan and Emma Watson as Jo and Meg. The story of 4 sisters growing into adulthood is beautiful, as well as the dresses, hats, bags and jewelry you could wear for the costume!
  2. Frodo Baggins from The Lord of the Rings series by J.R.R. Tolkein
    Legendary characters from this series will always be a Halloween costume we see strolling the streets. Grab your traveling cloak, some earth-toned clothes and some fuzzy slippers to transform into a hobbit! And if you want to live dangerously, you can slip a ring on a necklace and wear it, but don’t heed its call!
  3. Black Panther from the Marvel Comics by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby
    The character originated from the comics, but it blew up in the world of movies. This was the first mega budget movie to have an African-American director and a predominantly black cast. And after the shocking and devastating news of Chadwick Boseman’s passing, there has never been a better time to dress up as Black Panther to honor the comics, the movie, and most importantly, Boseman and his work.
  4. Miranda Priestly from The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Weisberger
    Am I the only one who is not over this book and movie? Meryl Streep’s portrayal of Miranda Priestly is absolutely iconic, and who wouldn’t want to dress up as the editor and chief of a FASHION magazine? Surely she has great style, outlandish as she may be. Wear a simple black outfit with an eccentric coat and massive handbag, and don’t forget to have an Emily, oops I meant Andy, standing nearby to throw both at.
  5. Daisy Buchanan and Jay Gatsby from The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitsgerald
    The Roaring Twenties is by far my favorite when it comes to fashion, and this costume idea can double as a couples costume or an individual costume. Get a bandeau for your cute little blonde wig, and a glitz and glam 20s dress for Daisy. For Gatsby, get a striking suit and cane, slick your hair back, and you are all set, old sport!
  6. Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen from Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin
    Despite a majority of the world hating the way the Game of Thrones TV series ended, we can still enjoy the characters and story that George Martin blessed us with. This is another great group costume option, add in whichever characters you like, or just go as the queen of dragons and be the fiercest person at the party.

Corrine Pritchett is a junior publicist at Books Forward, an author publicity and book marketing firm committed to promoting voices from a diverse variety of communities. From book reviews and author events, to social media and digital marketing, we help authors find success and connect with readers.  Interested in what’s possible for your book sales and building readership? Check out our services, tell us your goals, and get a customized publicity campaign tailored just for you.

Cozy Covers 2020: Piping Hot Reads Paired With Delicious Coffee

Fall is here! Time to curl up in a cozy sweater, grab your favorite spiced latte, and settle in with a great book. In honor of International Coffee Day (October 1), we’ve perfectly paired this season’s hottest reads with delicious coffees to make your selection a breeze. Get comfy with our Cozy Covers Fall 2020 Reading list, and share pics of your favorite pairings with us via Instagram and Twitter!

And take our BuzzFeed quiz to see which book you get paired with! 

Americano + Lyrics for Rock Stars by Heather Mateus Sappenfield

Grab an Americano for this dose of Americana as we head out West to join an eclectic cast of characters, as they explore the highs and lows of life in these rich, multifaceted short stories.

About the book: This prize-winning collection brings to life skiers, ranchers, cyclists, suffragettes, tourists, super models, dead pigs, burro racers, religious beet farmers, immigrant miners, scorned lovers, penitent centenarians, and musicians. Some historical, some contemporary, its stories revel in their Western settings, as varied as the region’s landscape. Yet each story explores the ways society’s values clash with our individual desires, compelling us, despite tears or laughter, to weave our lives through these opposing forces, often creating not a lifeline, but a noose. 

Release date: September 21, 2020, V Press LC

Chili Chocolate Espresso Martini + Only the Women Are Burning by Nancy Burke 

This delicious coffee cocktail is sweet, but look out: like the events in this gorgeous contemporary novel, it’s packing heat and there’s more here than meets the eye. 

About the book: Three women are lost in a single morning, one at a commuter train, one at a school, one while walking her dog in the woods. The police think the women are making some kind of political statement by setting themselves on fire….maybe members of a cult. But Cassandra knows better. You won’t rest until Cassandra, a mom and former anthropologist, solves the mystery of these fiery deaths. Part mystery, part science fiction, part a suburban domestic novel, Only the Women are Burning asks important questions about women in contemporary suburban lives. 

Release date: October 1, 2020, Apprentice House

Maxwell House Coffee + Down to the Potter’s House by Annette Valentine

This classic ground brew was a staple in American households during the 1940s, and was even part of WWII soldiers’ ration kits in 1942, making it the perfect match for this inspirational historical novel set in 1921-1942. Plus the protagonist’s name is Grace Maxwell–we couldn’t resist. 

About the book: Down to the Potter’s House is a 1921-42 historic novel that takes the tenacious Gracie Maxwell from the quicksand of mediocrity to higher ground as she climbs and never stops. Across the way, evil is beginning to bubble beneath the surface and only one soul will buoy and begin to float as the flood waters rise. Not everyone has escaped the lies that are holding them hostage. Fortified with bully-proofed valor to ride out the undercurrents, the Maxwell clan lays bare the daunting portrayal of what matters most in life ― family, faith, love ― and the main attractions are given their shot at setting the captives free.

Release date: November 3, 2020, Morgan James Fiction

Dirty Chai + Sorrow by Tiffanie DeBartolo

This hipster-meets-boho beverage is the perfect blend of sweetness and spice, and the perfect match for this poignant contemporary novel about a struggling musician’s journey to reconnect with an old flame — and possibly discover his self respect along the way.  

About the book: Joe Harper has backpedalled throughout his life. A once-promising guitar prodigy, he’s been living without direction since abandoning his musical dreams. Now into his thirties, having retreated from every opportunity he’s had to level up, he has lost his family, his best friend, and his own self-respect. But Joe finds an unlikely path to redemption when he starts working as a carpenter for the bohemian conceptual artist October Danko. The job returns him to his hometown, loaded with bittersweet reminders of his former life, in the shadows of his beloved redwood trees. As Joe’s relationship with October develops, he yearns to take a daring step toward a bold future, and must decide: Is cowardice reversible? Sorrow is a stunning, moving novel that explores masculinity and suspended adolescence, all the while begging the questions: Can courage be learned? And is it ever too late to follow your heart?

Release date: October 20, 2020, Woodhall Press

Double Shot Caffe Latte + Move on Motherf*cker: Live, Laugh, and Let Sh*t Go by Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt

This soup-bowl sized coffee is perfect for when you’re sitting down for a long chat with your best friend, and Jodie Eckleberry-Hunt will feel like your best friend by the time you finish her funny, relatable, and motivating book. Like a double shot of espresso, MOMF will wake you the f*ck up. 

About the book: I’m not good enough. This shouldn’t be happening. Things never work out for me. When we’re anxious, stressed, or fearful, the negative voice in our heads can be extremely powerful. It tells us we’re not smart or attractive enough. It berates us for our mistakes. And it keeps us feeling stuck in an endless loop of worry, shame, and hopelessness. But there is a way to shut it down. Blending evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness, and profanity, this unexpected guide will show you how to respond to your negative inner voice with one very important phrase: Move on, mother*cker (MOMF)! This book also includes journaling and other self-awareness exercises to help you put MOMF to work every day. 

Release date: November 3, 2020, New Harbinger Publications

Affogato + Mr. Pink by Patrick Hjerten

What better pairing for this international story of sex and revenge than espresso poured over ice cream? Sultry. Dark. Sweet. You know you probably shouldn’t — but don’t you want to?

About the book: Mr. Pink is a sociopathic magazine publisher hell-bent on taking an elaborate revenge for an old wrongdoing. Half Swedish and half English with the right pedigree, good looks and enviable self-esteem, Mr. Pink opens every door. He plays by his own rules, uses every trick in the book and invents some new ones. For Mr. Pink, sex is a way to manipulate others and see to it that he gets what he wants. He plays his victims like an instrument, each time getting the tune that he seeks. When Mr. Pink’s path is crossed by a Swedish journalist, Andreas, the two enter into a volatile relationship that will leave Mr. Pink taking a hard look at his own reflection  — and wondering if he likes what he sees. 

Release date: October 6, 2020, Books Fluent

Cafe Au Lait + Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist by Margaret Davis Ghielmetti

Capture a taste of Paris with this French morning coffee and this absorbing memoir about a woman traveling around the world on a journey to find herself. 

About the book: At forty, Margaret quits her sales job to follow her husband’s hotel career to Paris. Everyone tells Margaret she’s living the dream, but she feels adrift without a professional identity. Desperate to feel productive and valued, she abandons her writing and throws herself into new roles: perfect wife, hostess, guide, and expatriate. When she and her husband move to Cairo, however, the void inside she’s been ignoring threatens to engulf her. It’s clear that something needs to change, so she does the one thing she was raised never to do: asks for — and accepts — help. Over the next fifteen years abroad, the cultures of Egypt, Thailand, and Singapore confront Margaret with lessons she never would have learned at home. But it’s only when they move back to Chicago — with Margaret now stepping into the role of perfect caretaker to her parents — that she has to decide once and for all: will she dare to let go of the old rules and roles she thinks keep her safe in order to step into her own life and creative destiny?

Release date: September 15, 2020, She Writes Press

Honey Cinnamon Latte + A Mindful Year: 365 Ways to Find Connection and the Sacred in Everyday Life by Dr. Aria Campbell-Danesh and Dr. Seth J. Gillihan

This sweet, mellow latte invites you to take a deep breath, focus on yourself, and discover a year’s worth of mindful reflections and daily encouragement — now in paperback. 

About the book: From two experts on the psychology of behavior change comes A Mindful Year, the first book of its kind to join the age-old wisdom of mindfulness with cognitive behavioral science — the best-tested set of practices for alleviating stress and anxiety. Written from friend to friend, one day at a time, A Mindful Year invites you to start a new pattern–one that begins with taking just a few quiet moments to reconnect with what is most important, each day. As practical as it is inspirational, A Mindful Year marries moments of mindful reflection with calls to action — daily nuggets of wisdom paired with friendly encouragement to live in a way that is grounded, authentic, and compassionate.

Release date: September 10, 2020, Blackstone Publishing

A Deconstructed Coffee + A Fierce Belief in Miracles: My Journey from Rape to Healing and Wholeness by Anne Reeder Heck 

Sometimes life pulls us apart, but with time and healing, we can decide how to build ourselves back together — and stronger than before — one step at a time. 

About the book: When faced with overwhelming hardship, what we believe makes all the difference. At age twenty-six, Anne Reeder Heck was attacked by a stranger and brutally raped. Years later, still seeking to heal the remnants of this trauma, Anne stands alone in her living room one winter day and claims her desired belief aloud: “This is my year of strength.” Her clear intention results in a phone call; her rapist has been identified–fourteen years after the crime. Offering all the gripping and uplifting details of a story that sparked national interest–Heck appeared on the front page of The Washington Post and was interviewed by Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America–A Fierce Belief in Miracles lights the way for those seeking to heal from life’s traumas by demonstrating the importance of clear intention and trusting inner guidance, and the transformative power of forgiveness.

Release date: September 22, 2020, She Writes Press

Latte Macchiato + Losing the Atmosphere: A Baffling Disorder, A Search for Help, and the Therapist Who Understood by Vivian Conan 

This colorful coffee drink is served in separate layers, much like the different worlds that Vivan Conan navigates as she digs through the layers of her past, and journeys to reconcile the pieces of her life into a more balanced whole.   

About the book: Born in 1940s Brooklyn to a father prone to rages and an emotionally erratic mother, Vivian Conan grew up in two different worlds: Outside and Inside. Outside, she had friends, excelled in school, and was close to her cousins and brother. Inside, she saw faces that weren’t hers in her bedroom mirror and was surrounded by an invisible Atmosphere that bathed her in the love and understanding she craved. Moving between these worlds enabled Vivian to survive her childhood but limited her ability to live fully as an adult. Here is the riveting account of her journey toward self-understanding and wholeness; and her unconventional relationship with the therapist who was finally able to guide her through the courageous, messy work healing required. Told with honesty, humor, and grace, Losing the Atmosphere is a never-too-late story about the growth possible for anyone with the guts to pursue it, and a testament to the redemptive power of love: not the perfect kind Vivian experienced in her imaginary world, but the imperfect kind that connects us, flawed human being to flawed human being, in the real world she lives in now.

Release date: September 29, 2020, Greenpoint Press

Chicory coffee + God Save the Queen Diva! by Big Freedia

This one-of-a-kind New Orleans staple is full of flavor and packs a memorable punch. Oh, and the coffee is pretty good too. 

About the book: From the eponymous star of one of the most popular reality shows in Fuse’s history, this no-holds-barred memoir and “snappily dictated story of inverted cultural norms in the wards of New Orleans” (East Bay Express) reveals the fascinating truth about a gay, self-proclaimed mama’s boy who exploded onto the formerly underground Bounce music scene and found acceptance, healing, self-expression, and stardom.  As the “undisputed ambassador” of the energetic, New Orleans-based Bounce movement, Big Freedia isn’t afraid to twerk, wiggle, and shake her way to self-confidence, and is encouraging her fans to do the same. In her engrossing memoir, Big Freedia tells the inside story of her path to fame, the peaks and valleys of her personal life, and the liberation that Bounce music brings to herself and every one of her fans who is searching for freedom. 

Release date: December 1, 2020, Greenpoint Press (Paperback)

Boba Milk Coffee + Gatekeeper: Book One in the Daemon Collecting Series by Alison Levy

You love bubble tea, but how about bubble coffee? Iced boba milk coffee is definitely a thing, and a delicious one at that. You may have to hunt for it — much like the daemon-hunting protagonist in this fabulous interdimensional fantasy — but both this usual beverage and this novel are well worth adding to your collection. 

About the book: Rachel Wilde comes from a dimension that exists adjacent to ours. The people there have structured their society around daemon collecting: they locate, catch, and repair malfunctioning daemons (creatures out of phase with our world that tempt people to do good or evil). Now Rachel has been given two unusual assignments: 1) find a person who has been trying to break down dimensional barriers, and 2) track down a missing line of gatekeepers, human placeholders for a daemon that was too badly damaged to repair. Authorities of Rachel’s world believe the missing gatekeepers are descended from a girl who went missing from West Africa hundreds of years ago, likely sold into slavery. With no leads to go on, Rachel seeks help from Bach, a raving homeless man who happens to be an oracle. Bach does put her in the path of both of her targets — but he also lands her in a life-threatening situation. Somehow, Rachel has to stop the criminal, reunite a gatekeeper with her stolen past, and, above all, survive.

Release date: October 6, 2020, SparkPress 

Flat White + They’re Gone by E.A. Barres (E.A. Aymar)

The smooth surface of this no-frills coffee drink hides something dark underneath–a double shot of espresso, to be exact. And much like a double shot of espresso, this gripping thriller will keep you up all night. 

About the book: Two men from vastly different backgrounds are murdered one after another on the same night, in the same fashion with two bullet wounds: one in the head, another in the heart. The two slayings send their wives on a desperate search for answers–and a desperate attempt to save their families’ lives. Grief takes a heavy toll on northern Virginia freelance editor Deb Linh Thomas when she learns of her husband’s murder. And utter dismay sets in when, just a week after the funeral, she discovers that he had been the subject of an FBI investigation after withdrawing a large sum of money from their shared accounts. Elsewhere, Baltimore bartender Cessy Castillo is less bereft when her abusive husband, ex-cop Hector Ramirez, is killed. But it turns out that he was deep in hock — and now Cessy’s expected to pay up. Deb and the FBI agent assigned to her case start digging into her husband’s murder and learn that he had been the target of criminals. As Deb and Cessy join forces to learn the truth, their investigation reveals an ever-darker web of clues, but if they’re not careful, they may just end up like their husbands.

Release date: November 10, 2020, Crooked Lane Books

Mocha Latte + Should Grace Fail: A Twin Cities Mystery by Priscilla Paton

This coffee delivers the caffeine dose you’re craving and has fun doing it. Likewise, this police procedural mystery serves solid crime fiction but will entertain you with snappy dialogue, colorful characters, and an enjoyable pair of investigators who will have you guessing to the end.

About the book: When a man who saves lives has his own brutally taken, Greater Metro Detectives Erik Jansson and Deb Metzger have their strengths pushed to the limit. The murdered man rescued trafficked teen addicts from a vindictive crime boss, but he was also an alcoholic who left the police force under suspicion. Is his murderer a drug dealer, a pimp, a corrupt police colleague, all of the above? Or could the killer be a victim who lashed out at her savior? In the mix is the imperious matriarch of a hotel chain who is blind to incidents on her properties. To solve the case, blunt Deb has to ingratiate herself with the hotel matriarch while resisting her attraction to the woman’s foxy assistant. Reserved Erik needs to earn the trust of a wrongfully accused teen. The detectives are pushed over a riverbank, pushed off a golf course, and pushed into a tiger enclosure. If they don’t catch the killer, the best friend and the young pianist are as good as dead. Erik and Deb, working with and against each other, must move fast before helping others proves fatal.

Release date: December 8, 2020, Coffeetown Press

In new thrilling LGBTQ+ romance, how far will one billionaire go in his quest for ultimate control and vengeance?


BORAS, Sweden – How does a man living a lavish life in multiple cities plan a complicated revenge plot while chasing a new, sexy romance? In the thrilling romance “Mr. Pink” (Oct. 6, 2020), by Patrick Hjertén, this billionaire does just that. Readers will be enthralled with Mr. Pink from the very start, a man who manages to continue living a glamorous, exciting life while seeking vengeance for a friend who was sexually assaulted.

Mr. Pink is usually busy being a bossy, controlling billionaire who owns a magazine, publishing house, and homes in both Stockholm and London. But he’s also busy planning revenge on a man responsible for his college best friend’s coma. When he’s not calling in favors, buying priceless artwork, manipulating the international stock market or indulging in light blackmail, he’s at the spa with his besties or enjoying a casual sexual encounter. Used to being in control of everyone, moody journalist Andreas keeps Mr. Pink guessing from the moment they meet.

And Mr. Pink can’t resist — or stay away. Will he be able to get the guy and stay focused on his elaborate revenge, or will this notoriously successful man find himself going under?

“Mr. Pink”
Patrick Hjertén | Oct. 6, 2020 | Gay Romance
Paperback | 9781735268903 | $12.99 | Ebook | 9781735268910 | $4.99

About The Author

Patrick Hjertén dwells comfortably in both England and Sweden, calling himself a Swedish country life and London city life mixture. He has dreamed of writing a novel since his grandmother read him books as a child and has been creating stories since then. Working as a freelance copywriter, writer, and as head of the business department of a Sixth Form College, Hjertén’s life passion remains all things creative, and his new novel gives insight into that fiery artistry. For more information, visit https://mrpinkbook.com/.


In an interview, Patrick Hjertén can discuss:

  • Living in both England and Sweden and how his experiences in those locations inspired him in setting the novel’s location
  • The inspiration for the fiery and controlling yet charismatic billionaire Mr. Pink
  • Working as a copywriter and head of a business department and how that career path influenced his new path as a fiction writer
  • Writing for an LGBTQ+ audience and the importance of #ownvoices authors
  • His unique family heritage as a descendant of a 16th-century Swedish monarch

An Interview with Patrick Hjertén

Is there anyone in particular that you thought of when creating the character of Mr. Pink?

Growing up, I watched “Dallas,” “Dynasty” and “Falcon Crest,” and I loved them. I have taken characteristics from their more evil personalities on the shows, and I have also taken a lot from myself. You could say that Mr. Pink is a darker version of me — my evil twin.

How has your work as a copywriter and head of a business department informed you in writing a novel?

When it comes to copywriting you have to be creative on demand, so to speak. You have to use different tone of voices and you have to work against deadlines. Sometimes really tight deadlines, like one I had recently. This has given me the ability to have a diverse language, and many voices. And I am good at churning out text at a fairly high speed.

There are multiple facets to this novel — an LGBTQ+ relationship, a successful and powerful businessman, a woman dealing with sexual assault — where there any difficulties you found trying to create a cohesive narrative?

I sometimes describe my way of making up a story like when I make a beef stew. I look in my fridge and in my cupboards to see what I have. And then put in a bit of this and a bit of that. And then what happens if I add this? Stir, let simmer and voilá. Mr. Pink is a mix of my own life and own experiences, people I have met, and stories I have been told, all seasoned with inspiration from books that have touched me and ’80s prime-time soap operas.

How did your life in both Sweden and England help to inspire aspects of the book? Did you ever think about setting the book in a different location?

As I mentioned above, I have taken a lot from my own life and from things I have been told by others. I’ve then twisted it and pumped up the drama level. I used settings in England and Sweden, as well as in Los Angeles, because I know these places best. It is so much easier to write about places you know.

Can you talk a bit about your interesting family lineage — not everyone is literally descended from royalty!

It might sound strange but I have always been interested in royalty from the past, and I sort of felt that I was connected to them before I actually knew that I was linked to them. I am the descendant of Erik XIV, of Sweden, and his illegitimate daughter who he gave the name Virginia — he and his brothers had quite a few illegitimate children. They were all taken from their mothers and raised at the court of princess Cecilia (who also spent time at the court of Elizabeth, the first of England, and was a pirate princess). Erik’s father was a noble man who grabbed the power of the Swedish crown, but his mother was a German princess and the source to the really interesting characters. The families of power married each other back and forth. That is why I am connected to Charlemagne in 15 different ways.

When you read about them and the things they did to keep power and gain power it is on par with “Game of Thrones.” One example is the ancestor who had her second son killed so that the eldest could have all the power to himself. And then there’s the ancestor who was the illegitimate son of the duke of Normandy. He was the only one to inherit the title, but at one time, he was challenged and slandered. He had the hands and feet of these people cut off. Some years later, he became known as William the Conqueror when he conquered England.

What do you hope readers will take away from this book?

I hope that they will be thrilled, entertained and that it will be a page turner for them. And of course, that they will want to read more of my stories.

Fantasy novel mixes mythology and alternate dimensions for page-turning adventure


GREENSBORO, North Carolina – Author Alison Levy crashes onto the fantasy scene with the first installment of The Daemon Collecting Series, Gatekeeper (Spark Press, October 6, 2020). Using her writing to cope with anxiety, Levy expertly weaves a page turning story full of action, alternate universes, and heroism. Her vivid world building and unique characters show readers what it looks like to fight for survival while standing up for what is right, even if it’s risky.

In Gatekeeper, Rachel Wilde comes from a dimension that exists adjacent to ours. The people there have structured their society around daemon collecting: they locate, catch, and repair malfunctioning daemons (creatures out of phase with our world that tempt people to do good or evil). Now Rachel has been given two unusual assignments: 1) find a person who has been trying to break down dimensional barriers, and 2) track down a missing line of gatekeepers, human placeholders for a daemon that was too badly damaged to repair.

Authorities of Rachel’s world believe the missing gatekeepers are descended from a girl who went missing from West Africa hundreds of years ago, likely sold into slavery. With no leads to go on, Rachel seeks help from Bach, a raving homeless man who happens to be an oracle. Bach does put her in the path of both of her targets—but he also lands her in a life-threatening situation. Rachel must stop the criminal, reunite a gatekeeper with her stolen past, and, above all, survive.

“Gatekeeper: Book One in the Daemon Collecting Series”
Alison Levy | October 6, 2020 | Spark Press | Fantasy
Paperback | 978-1684630578 | $16.95
E-book | B083XM9M5Q | $9.95

About The Author

ALISON LEVY lives in Greensboro, North Carolina with her husband, son, and variety of pets. When she’s not writing or doing mom things, she crochets, gardens, walks her collies, and works on home improvement projects.

In an interview, Alison Levy can discuss:

  • World building and craft for fantasy writers
  • How she has used writing as a tool to cope with anxiety, and advice for others dealing with anxiety
  • How the fantasy genre as a whole has influenced her writing
  • Her connection to the characters, and how she delicately weaves in mental health topics to her writing
  • What she hopes readers will take away from this story

An Interview with Alison Levy

Can you tell us a little about how you started writing and what led you to this book now?

I wrote a story for an English assignment in 6th grade, a time in my life when my anxiety was particularly bad. My English teacher, Mrs. Webb, pulled me aside to praise my story and tell me what a good writer I was. It gave me a desperately needed shot of confidence. I’ve been writing ever since.

I’ve actually been trying for years to write this story the way I imagined it. I started and discarded two previous versions that I just wasn’t feeling. This time, I think I got it right!

How has writing impacted your life and your struggles with anxiety?

Living with anxiety, for me, is like having a tiger in the house: the tone of my day is dependent on the tiger’s mood. If the tiger is active, everything I do revolves around it; I can still get things done but if I do the wrong thing, it bites, and then I’m incapacited. Some days the tiger sleeps or wanders out of the room, but I’m always conscious of its presence and waiting for it to strike. Writing is hugely therapeutic for me. When I write, I can tune out the real world and dive into my creation. When my mind is fully engaged in creating, the tiger disappears.

What was the process of creating the world that your characters live in? Where did this story start?

This story started with my main character, Rachel Wilde. Rachel sometimes feels like the embodiment of an anxiety-free me; she’s brazen, resilient, sharp-tongued, and hard-headed. Throwing her into a difficult situation that would turn me into a pile of jelly and imagining her working through it is very empowering for me.

Your undergrad education was in anthropology — how did that influence your writing?

Anthropology teaches that we as human beings are products of the society we live in. Our day to day activities are not a universal experience; what is normal and mundane to us is exotic or bizarre to others depending on where we come from. I love inventing new cultures that are exotic and bizarre to the reader but normal and mundane to my characters.

What do you hope readers take away from this book?

I really hope my writing challenges readers to look at their own lives and cultures with new eyes. Being able to turn a critical eye on the day to day things that we usually take for granted is a crucial part of walking a mile in another person’s shoes. If we could all do this more, the world would be a better place.