Author seeks to reconcile her grandfather’s Nazi past in thought-provoking new memoir


SOUTH BEND, IN – Imagine if you found out that someone you loved had a dark past. That happened to author Gabrielle Robinson, as she tried to reconcile the grandfather she knew with his complex past in her memoir Api’s Berlin Diaries (She Writes Press, September 15, 2020).

After her mother’s death, Robinson found two diaries her grandfather had kept while serving as doctor during the fall of Berlin 1945. He recorded his daily struggle to survive in the ruined city and attempted to do what little he could for the wounded and dying without water, light, and medications. But then the diaries revealed something that had never been mentioned in her family, and it hit Robinson like a punch to the gut: Api, her beloved grandfather, had been a Nazi.

In this clear-eyed memoir, Robinson juxtaposes her grandfather’s harrowing account of his experiences during the war with her memories of his loving protection years afterward, and raises thoughtful questions about the political responsibility we all carry as individuals. Moving and provocative, Api’s Berlin Diaries offers a firsthand and personal perspective on the far-reaching aftershocks of the Third Reich — and the author’s own inconvenient past.

“Robinson’s honesty, courage, and intelligence are crucial in coming to grips with questions of individual responsibility and collective guilt.” ― Helen Fremont, author of The Escape Artist and After Long Silence

“Api’s Berlin Diaries: My Quest to Understand My Grandfather’s Nazi Past”
Gabrielle Robinson | September 15, 2020 |She Writes Press | Memoir | Paperback | 978-1647420031 | $16.95 | Kindle | B0837LV4K4 | $9.95

Praise for Api’s Berlin Diaries

“As a record of post-war tribulation, Api’s Berlin Diaries is a poignant social history; as a search for an elusive, multifaceted grandfather, it’s a fascinating labyrinth.” — 5-star Foreword Clarion Review

“A fascinating and admirably honest account of a woman’s journey to reconcile her love for her grandfather with his membership of the Nazi party. The quotes from his diaries provide a valuable insight into the tumult and agonies of daily life for Germans during WWII. This is a moving and thoughtful book, and a must-read for anyone interested in the German experience during WWII and the legacy of collective guilt.” — Ariana Neumann, author of When Time Stopped

“Gabrielle Robinson has written a riveting account of the journey of discovery she made in order to come to terms with a much-loved grandfather whom she discovered long after his death to have been a card-carrying member of the Nazi Party. Using his unpublished diaries she exposes the mental torture he went through as a doctor, living all alone in the ruins of Berlin following German defeat in May 1945, a stock Prussian faced with the ghastly reality of monstrous German crimes in which he played no part and which he can’t quite bring himself to admit. It is the story of so many Germans then, possibly even the majority.” — Giles MacDonogh, British historian, and author of After the Reich

About The Author

GABRIELLE ROBINSON tells stories about people that reveal their personal situation within its historical context. One reason for her fascination with the intersection of the personal and historical stems from her own experience. Born in Berlin in 1942, her father’s fighter plane was shot down over England in 1943; after her family was bombed out twice, they fled Berlin in 1945, the beginning of a string of migrations that ended in the US. Gabrielle holds an MA from Columbia University and a PhD from the University of London. She has taught at the University of Illinois, at Indiana University South Bend, and abroad, and has won a number of awards for her writing and community engagement. Gabrielle is now settled in South Bend, Indiana, with her husband Mike Keen, a sociologist turned sustainable neighborhood developer, and their cat Max. Her favorite leisure time reading is about animals and trees. Learn more about Gabrielle and Api’s Berlin Diaries at


Was there a specific moment where you thought “I need to turn this experience into a book?”

There were two such moments. The first when I discovered the diaries with their day by day account of life in Berlin 1945. The second when the diaries revealed that my beloved grandfather had been a member of the Nazi party.

What lessons did you take away from writing this memoir?

So many, although they come more as questions than definitive answers. What it is like living in a totalitarian regime. How people cope in desperate and violent circumstances. How love, faith, and writing helped my grandfather survive. The importance of our early experiences in shaping our outlook and attitudes.

How did your previous historically focused titles and your professorial experience influence writing this memoir?

Already as a student I found the excitement of research when I discovered an unpublished play. Since then, by luck and hard work, I have gained a better understanding of history, and, yes, made more discoveries by reading, talking to people, and more reading. Just recently as I was writing about Studebaker workers from the South who met Jim Crow in the north, I was given the minutes of the first African American housing project in Indiana. And now my grandfather’s diaries literally fell into my hands and led to the current book.

In this memoir, you balance history and personal legacy beautifully. Why is this story important to you? What do you hope readers will take away from it?

For me personally, it was as if my grandfather was there talking to me across the decades and it confirmed how much I have learnt and absorbed from him. For the reader, I think the story works first of all on an immediate emotional and dramatic level. Then it also invites questions about the political responsibility we all carry. In the end I hope readers come away not with any easy answers but with an appreciation of what binds us all together.

Do you have any advice from people hoping to tackle a book with tough subject matter?

Memoir writing has many challenges, but I believe the rewards predominate. It gives us an exciting opportunity to re-evaluate and re-invent ourselves and see our lives in a broader historical context. “Memoir is the only second chance you get in life.” Lauren Slater, author of Prozac Diary and Lying. A Metaphorical Memoir.

Globetrotting storyteller pens probing and hilarious travel and personal growth memoir about coming of (middle) age


CHICAGO – From two-time Moth StorySLAM winner Margaret Davis Ghielmetti comes “Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist” (Sept. 15, 2020, She Writes Press).

As the wife of an international luxury hotel executive, Margaret Davis Ghielmetti lived on four continents and traveled to nearly 50 countries, confronted with opportunities for personal growth that challenged her assumptions about her life and her place in the world.

Part cross-cultural travel memoir and part midlife coming-of-age story, “Brave(ish)” follows the globetrotting author’s internal and external journeys – around the globe and back home, both literally, spiritually and emotionally.

She discovers that – if she is ever going to express herself fully and make her creative dreams come true – she needs to stop living others’ lives and choose to put her own life first.

With humor and humility, Ghielmetti reminds us that it’s never too late to reconnect with our own authentic selves – if we are willing to let go of the old roles and rules we thought kept us safe.

“Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist”
Margaret Davis Ghielmetti | September 15, 2020 | She Writes Press | Memoir
Paperback | 978-1-63152-747-0 | $16.95
Ebook | 978-1-63152-748-7 | $9.95

About Margaret Davis Ghielmetti

Margaret Davis Ghielmetti is the author of “Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist” (Sept. 15, 2020, She Writes Press). She has lived on four continents and has visited nearly 50 countries. She is a Live Lit Storyteller who has won two StorySLAMs with The Moth. She wrote and performed a solo show, “Fierce,” about re-discovering her creative expression, and is passionate about sharing the beauty of the world through her photos. Nothing delights her more than genuine connection. She and her Swiss-born husband, Patrick, can be found in Chicago when they’re not out exploring. For more, visit

In an interview, Margaret Davis Ghielmetti can discuss:

  • Life lessons she learned as an intrepid international traveler to nearly 50 countries – and as a long-time expatriate re-creating her life anew on four continents
  • How she learned to let go of roles and rules she thought kept her safe
  • How asking for help (and accepting it) assisted her on her journey as a recovering perfectionist
  • How midlife (and beyond) can be a transformative time, offering the possibility of setting personal boundaries and reconnecting with our authentic selves
  • The benefits of exposure to other countries and cultures, especially now

An Interview with Margaret Davis Ghielmetti

Your book is called “Brave(ish): A Memoir of a Recovering Perfectionist.” What exactly is a recovering perfectionist?

A perfectionist believes there are no gray areas and drives herself to do everything “just right” – ideally without help and by yesterday (at the latest!) A recovering perfectionist recognizes that one of her greatest strengths is also a shortcoming – and struggles to let go of the behaviors she thought kept her safe (but which instead keep her small).

Toward the beginning of “Brave(ish),” you discuss The Davis Family Handbook, a set of rules that guided your behavior and decisions throughout most of your life. How has your relationship to them evolved?

The Handbook rules I listed are ones my parents inherited and then passed on to my brothers and me. They are part of my moral compass today, but I overused them for much of my life. I didn’t realize there could be nuances and gradations. I had to learn to live not solely in “black or white” but also in gray! Some of the most touching comments I’ve received from readers are how my book made them think about their own Family Handbook: the rules in it, and how these rules (often unspoken) have ruled their lives. I’ve had friends say, “It was just one word: SILENCE.” Or, “Whatever you do, don’t talk about x, y, z.”

I’ve included Questions for Discussion in the back of the book as I’d really like to inspire conversations around the rules each of us may once have accepted unconditionally, but from which we now want some detachment – or total freedom.

My relationship to the rules in The Handbook evolved once I had gained the perspective that I had followed them blindly for decades. Only then was I able to see the kernel of wisdom within each one, and to take them as suggestions. I now have the ability to choose, but I will admit that – under stress – I still lean into the rule of Just Do It. I’m definitely someone whose comfort zone is action. Plus, I suffer from FOMO: Fear of Missing Out. I’ve learned to occasionally Not Do It, but this is still very challenging for me!

Are there any mottos that you live by now?

Each January, my husband and I choose a “motto.” It’s not a resolution, but a short phrase to inspire us. Mine have included “Be here now” (when my mom was dying and I wanted to stay present for and with her) and “Sit. Stay” (when I was struggling to finish my book and needed to keep my butt in chair). When my husband suggested “Me, First” (for me!) it changed our marriage: I could see him putting his money where his mouth was in declaring that he wanted the best for me (even though he recognized the cost to him would be my no longer putting his life first).

Your book is peppered with transformational moments, some where you had to learn to ask for help and some where you had to let go of control. What was the most challenging part of learning those life lessons?

The most challenging part was – and is – having the courage to let go of what worked in the past (or at least what I thought had worked). At first, I was terrified, “Who will I be if I’m no longer The Perfect Wife, Daughter, Traveler, Expatriate? If I don’t offer that value to others, will they still love me? If I’m not there for them 24/7 and 1,000%, will they abandon me?” But I remind myself constantly of the wisdom that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.” If I want to have a different life, I need to choose to show up differently and to act differently. I am still definitely a work in progress, but then who isn’t?

How did you overcome “imposter syndrome” – and what advice do you have for others experiencing this?

What helped me get past the fear that I was pretending to be something I didn’t yet believe I was? “Fake it ‘til you make it.” When people asked me what I did, I started to respond, “I am a writer.” “I am a storyteller.” “I am an artist.” Each time I said it, I half-expected the questioner to snort with laughter and say, “No, you’re not! I’m sure you’re a good wife, friend and daughter, but those other things? Nah.” News flash: no one said that – ever. Instead, strangers routinely responded, “Wow, cool!” and old friends smiled – genuinely delighted to support my true self emerging from behind the many masks I’d worn for decades.

Can you tell us about your spiritual journey?

My spiritual journey has been a surprise and a gift. I was not raised in a religious home, so when I finally was driven to my knees in desperation, calling out for help from a deity I was raised to NOT believe in, I was shocked and touched that my calls for help were answered (and still are). I have an understanding now of grace. And I believe that the door to faith was always open to me (once I no longer envisioned myself as my higher power!)

You’ve lived on four continents and visited almost 50 countries – but how did this start? What sparked your wanderlust, and where was your first international excursion?

My mother used to say that I was born with one foot rooted in my hometown and one foot out in the world, exploring. I was always wondering about the lives of others, whether as a child peering out from the back seat of the family station wagon driving across Illinois farmland, or as a young woman traveling by train across Europe after college. My very first international excursion was to London with my parents as a 10-year old. I was excited to experience new things (and equally excited to scribble notes in my little Travel Journal.)

Can you discuss the importance of exposure to and understanding of other countries and cultures?

When I interact with people not from my immediate circle, I inevitably find that – yes – we are different, but also the same: every human needs food and shelter and wants love and happiness. When I learn what makes each place unique, I am richer for it.

This might be an obvious question, but we have to ask: what is your favorite place that you’ve visited and why?

One favorite place to return to is my hometown, Evanston, Illinois. Those are my trees and my lakefront, with Chicago shimmering in the distance like the Emerald City. Another favorite is my husband’s home country of Switzerland: it’s just so danged pretty (and it’s still a shock to me as a Flatlander from the Midwest: are those Alps for real?).

As for where we’ve lived, I’ve gotten joy from each place, but Singapore was a favorite, as – just for starters – Singaporeans are smart with a sassy sense of humor . . . the Botanic Gardens, museums, symphony, food and airport are world-class . . . there’s a fabulous indie bookstore in an Art Deco neighborhood. Singapore is also where we moved once I’d already started to find my own voice, so I spent more of my time there doing things I love (and less on chores that no one had expected of me – but me!).

Is it true that you wrote a book when you were 10 years old and later ripped it to shreds?

Yep, my earliest work was a novel about a tomboy with hazel eyes and brown hair (hmmm…wonder who that was?) She runs away from home to tame wild horses in the wilds – of Wisconsin! Once I realized there was a fatal plot flaw, I didn’t fix it – but instead tore that tiny manuscript (written on notebook paper with a Bic pen) into a million pieces. Even at ten, I was a mini-perfectionist.

How did you rediscover your creative voice, compelling you to write a book later in life?

I rediscovered my creative voice out of necessity: my mother, who was one of my best friends, had fallen gravely ill and I was spending most days helping to care for her. Most evenings, I was exhausted and sad and I needed something – anything – that wasn’t pre-grieving her death. I stumbled upon “Improvisation for Adults” at Chicago’s Second City: the fun of “Yes, And” riffing with scene partners was a lifeline. Next, I took up storytelling and fell in love with sharing my adventures (and mis-adventures) with audiences, basking in their laughter and their sighs. Writing and performing my solo show, “Fierce,” about “growing up with my mom” over the years allowed me to honor her after her passing. Once I discovered Instagram, I was overjoyed to post my photos from near and far, sharing details of the beauty of our world that way.

Then, after the 2016 elections, I was motivated to push back against the political climate of “the other is bad” as that has not been my experience! I started writing a book of travel tales but – as the book evolved – it became clear that I was, in fact, writing a memoir. I had feared it was too late for me to become an author, so it was a great relief to me to realize that you can’t actually write a memoir without having lived some life. Better late than never on my author dreams!

Writing is so often a solitary experience, but you also have quite a performing background, having won the Moth StorySLAM twice and taken improv classes at Second City in Chicago. Did performing change your approach to writing at all?

Storytelling has influenced my writing significantly. For hours (and days) before I tell a personal, true story on stage, I rehearse out loud: it’s how I make sure my words “ring true.”

Performing my solo show challenged me to stand in the spotlight in all my raw vulnerability, so I tried to bring that to my memoir, too.

When I was writing “Brave(ish)” – sitting alone in front of my laptop every day, all day – I kept reminding myself why I was writing this memoir: to share hope with and inspire readers. That kept me feeling connected – and connection is essential to me as an artist.

Luckily, too, while I can be very social, I’m an introvert at heart: I like time to myself, so solitary is not a dirty word for me.

The modern West comes alive in prize-winning short story collection by Pushcart-nominated author


Sappenfield traces women’s stories across generations in “Lyrics for Rock Stars”

VAIL, Colorado– Tracing the complex unfolding of generations throughout history, paying particular attention to women’s stories, and children who are often wise beyond their years, Heather Mateus Sappenfield brings dynamic characters to life in a bold collection of stories.

“Lyrics for Rock Stars” (V Press LC, Sept. 21, 2020) is a collection of seventeen stories―some historical, some contemporary—all set in the West. Involving skiers, ranchers, cyclists, suffragettes, tourists, super models, dead pigs, burro racers, religious beet farmers, immigrant miners, scorned lovers, penitent centenarians, and musicians, these stories are as varied as the region’s landscape. Funny, poignant, and resonant, each tale explores how society’s values clash with our individual desires, and the ways we weave our lives through these opposing forces. This collection will make you cry. It will make you laugh out loud. Above all, it traces hope through the long unfolding of generations and time.

Each story is compelling in its own right, and together, they rise in harmonic commentary on the West’s past and present, on its women who populate both, each straining desperately to find her own song.

“An exploration of the inner lives of marriage and mountain towns, the stories in Lyrics for Rock Stars rise like the foothills to meet the peaks…Sappenfield knows the modern West.”
—Nicole Magistro, owner, Bookworm of Edwards & 2015 judge, Kirkus Prize for Fiction

“Lyrics for Rock Stars”
Heather Mateus Sappenfield | Sept. 21, 2020 | V Press LC | Short Stories; Literary
Paperback | 978-1-7330488-5-9 | $17.97

About The Author

HEATHER MATEUS SAPPENFIELD: Heather Mateus Sappenfield’s writing explores the adventures that fill life, often in the Rocky Mountain landscape that has been her lifelong home. She’s fascinated by the many selves each of us becomes in our varied roles throughout the day (some we like, some we do not), and her writing often delves into the internal adventure of juggling those multiple selves. Among the many accolades her fiction has received are the Danahy Fiction Prize, the Arthur Edelstein Prize and three Pushcart Prize nominations. Her work has also been recognized as a finalist for the Flannery O’Connor Award, the Kraken Prize, and the Colorado Book Awards. “Lyrics for Rock Stars” is her first short story collection. To learn more about her life and work, visit:

In an interview, Heather Mateus Sappenfield can discuss:

  • How she adapts her fiction writing to particular audiences and niche genres
  • Why the Rocky Mountain landscape and its history play such an important role in her storytelling, and how living in Vail has influenced her writing in unexpected ways
  • Her approach to writing women characters throughout history—how they’ve been treated, yet also how they’ve chosen to perpetuate certain roles themselves
  • Why—in a life filled with adventure—writing is her bravest pursuit
  • How her literary career defies boundaries

An Interview with Heather Mateus Sappenfield

1. Where did the idea for this collection come from? How long have you been working on these stories?

All of the stories have roots in my life, yet each one quickly and thoroughly sprouts into fiction. I wrote the first one, “Coloring Beyond the Lines,” after leaving my high school teaching position to stay home with my daughter, taking my first wobbling steps toward becoming a serious writer as she took hers. After several near misses with editors at magazines, I headed to Pacific University’s MFA in Writing program to hone my craft; seven of the collection’s stories came from there. Just before graduating, “Empty Feast” was runner up for an award, then “Indian Prayer” won the Danahy Fiction Prize, and I thought, Well, I’m a real author now, but being an author isn’t about writing to the end of a story, or awards; like raising a child, it’s about patiently beckoning and allowing it to unfold into its greatest potential. Post-MFA, I continued writing short stories, eventually entering the collection in some contests, where it was a finalist over and over. Until one day, around my daughter’s twentieth birthday, their overarching themes—the way they spoke beyond themselves—finally became clear to me— surprising me, honestly, and allowing me to fully understand that body of work. And then it won!

2. Your stories trace through historical time periods as well as modern day settings. What connections do you see between the past and the present?

We are creatures woven into legacies—familial, cultural, historical—and, whether we realize it or not, acknowledge it or not, our actions are guided by these threads. I feel life’s greatest adventures, the ones that require the most courage—lie in recognizing how these histories affect us, and then in having the fortitude to accept or reject them according to our personal truths, which often leads to conflict with society, others, ourselves. For this reason the settings of my stories usually have as much influence as any character.

3. Why was it important to you to weave hopeful themes throughout this collection?

I don’t write for catharsis, or to create art, rather to forge a bond with a reader. Foundational to this connection is an implicit agreement that is present in each story’s first words, in how its characters and settings are brought to life, in how their conflicts play out. This relationship invites a reader to lift, from how I arrange mere letters on a page, an emotional investment in a character, and from this to then glean insight into their own lives. It’s beautiful magic. The word “hope” literally means to want something to happen or be true, and I believe most of us hope, at the least, that an inkling of grace waits at the far side of struggle. Providing this in return is my gift to readers.

4. Can you describe your fascination with the many selves each of us becomes in our varied roles throughout the day, and how your writing delves into the internal adventure of juggling those multiple selves?

Imagine someone brushing her teeth, staring at, yet not actually seeing, her reflection in the bathroom mirror as she contemplates the hectic day ahead. See her kiss her husband—whom she’s had a spat with—goodbye, a peck on the cheek, maybe. See her smile and wave to her neighbor as she drives away, then honk at and tailgate the car that pulls out in front of her, then enter her school, smooth her skirt, and greet her class of kindergartners. Most of us similarly pinball between multiple roles each day—a slow, complex erosion of personal integrity—and the how and why of it fascinates me, especially the narratives we create for ourselves, about ourselves, to justify and align them.

5. What can readers expect to see from you in the future? Do you have any other projects in the works?

When a story comes to me—it usually arrives in near entirety—and there’s usually a voice that determines its narration, characterization, scope. The River Between Hearts, the story of an eleven-year-old girl discovering a terrified Mexican classmate hiding in her tree fort because her family has been deported, needed to be told from a child’s perspective, thus as middle-grade fiction. The novel was recently the runner-up for the Kraken Prize at Fitzroy Books and will be released in spring 2022.

On a completely different note, I’ve just finished Spoonfuls, a humorous adult novel in which a 38-year-old woman trapped in adolescence, and an 83-year-old woman trapped in aging, meet in a moment of desperation. The unlikely friendship they forge leads to a race, a journey, and a quest. Above all, their bond guides them both beyond the lives they’ve been conditioned to believe define who they are, to the selves they were truly destined to become. It’s a book that traces the evolving ways women have been shaped by American history and culture, yet even more by their own concepts of themselves. I’m currently deciding if I want to enter it in a contest or seek an agent.

New Memoir Offers Courageous Journey of Assault Survivor Seeking Wholeness


ASHEVILLE, North Carolina – Anne Reeder Heck’s new memoir offers both guidance and solace for those seeking healing and ready to explore paths of forgiveness and spirituality. A Fierce Belief in Miracles: My Journey from Rape to Healing and Wholeness (She Writes Press, Sept. 22, 2020) is a powerful and uplifting story of determination and trust. It’s for anyone who believes in—or questions—the existence of miracles

A Fierce Belief in Miracles recounts the experience of Heck, who at age 26 was enjoying a morning bicycle ride in northern Virginia when she was stopped by a man asking for directions. She was violently beaten and raped. Heck is tenacious in her pursuit to heal the pain permeating her body after the rape, and she devotes herself to a healing quest that opens her to the transformative power of intention, intuition and trust. Her prayers for strength are synchronistically answered with a DNA match and identification of her rapist 14 years after the crime.

Featured on the front page of The Washington Post and by Diane Sawyer on Good Morning America, Heck shares her story to offer hope and support to others navigating their way to wholeness. Gail Straub, award-winning author and co-founder of Empowerment Institute calls Heck’s work “a courageous and generous account of one woman’s healing journey and a testament to resilience of the human spirit.” In this inspiring story, readers will witness the beauty that emerges from darkness, the goodness that is born of ill-guided acts, and the perfection of all that transpires on this path we call life.

A Fierce Belief in Miracles: My Journey from Rape to Healing and Wholeness

Anne Reeder Heck | September 22, 2020 | She Writes Press
Paperback ISBN: 978-1631527494 | $16.95
Ebook ISBN: B083BBSQ5X | $8.99
232 pages | Memoir

About The Author

Anne Reeder Heck’s life and livelihood are brimming with miracles. As a seasoned facilitator of spiritual circles for women, a certified Healing Touch practitioner, and an ordained interfaith minister, Anne is devoted to inspiring and guiding others to trust themselves, open to their intuitive guidance, and experience the magic of life through ceremony, positive intention and a creative, curious spirit.

Anne’s life training has been diverse and compelling. In addition to graduating with honors in chemistry and receiving her MAT, Anne is trained in spiritual dowsing, conscious languaging, women’s rites of passage, and transformational speaking. She is a self-taught artist, specializing in doll making, fiber arts and watercolor. She has trained in and/or participated in over seventy different healing modalities and is grateful to have studied with a multitude of wise and generous teachers.

Anne lives in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains with her husband of 26 years and her sweet retriever pup. She can often be found hiking nearby trails or meditatively turning her pedals on the Blue Ridge Parkway. When she’s not outdoors, Anne is passionately speaking, facilitating workshops, mentoring, writing or making art. To learn more about Anne’s offerings, or to see photos of her healing dolls, visit her at

In an interview, Anne Reeder Heck can discuss:

  • How she came to believe in miracles
  • Actionable steps assault survivors can take to help their journey to healing and wholeness
  • How traumas open us to the miraculous
  • Spiritual and emotional aspects of healing
  • The importance of listening to that still small voice of intuition
  • The use of dolls in healing
  • The challenges of writing about her assault

An Interview with Anne Reeder Heck

What inspired you to write A Fierce Belief in Miracles?

I spent years browsing libraries and later the Internet to find a true story of someone who had navigated their way to wholeness after rape—a story that could give me hope in what sometimes seemed a hopeless search. I wanted to read about those who’d been broken open and had come to discover their inner strength, their authentic voice and an understanding that our traumas are a precious part of our life experience. My book tells that story. What’s more, I consider my story nothing short of miraculous, and one that needs to be shared.

Who is the primary audience for this book?

While the reader audience includes survivors of sexual violence, the book will appeal to anyone who’s seeking deep healing and is ready to explore the paths of forgiveness and spirituality.

What can readers hope to learn from this book?

My intention in writing this book was to offer hope to those on a healing path. I share teachings that I’ve found invaluable and introduce the reader to some alternative paths of addressing the traumas in their life. While I can’t predict what a reader may take from this book, I know there are plenty of powerful messages available to those who are open.

What was the most challenging part of writing A Fierce Belief in Miracles?

The writing and extensive editing process were grueling. I hadn’t anticipated how emotionally draining this would be. What I learned is that writing about trauma can be re-traumatizing. I had thought that it could be healing, but for me that wasn’t the case. Writing and editing required great self-compassion and self-care.

A large part of your healing was directed by the making of dolls. Can you tell us more about that?

Yes. For seven years, I devoted myself to making dolls – medicine dolls you might call them – as part of my healing. By placing my emotion outside of myself, I could see it/myself from new perspectives, have a better idea of what I needed, and alter the course to find a new place of balance. The doll series clearly depicts a path of moving from pain and fear to freedom, vitality, strength, and wisdom.

Every journey to healing is unique, but are there actionable steps assault survivors can take?

I don’t have a prescription for healing, but I share in my book many things that were valuable as part of my own journey. For example, a big turning point for me happened in the writing of my victim impact statement, when I was forced to consider the impact the rape had on my life. While I don’t condone acts of violence, and the healing process was both painful and daunting for me, I also realized this experience taught me many things: the power of my thoughts, the deep connectedness to all life, and the positive influence we get to have through our reverence for all life and through holding an open heart.

Did you always believe in miracles? How did you come to believe in them? Can you remember the specific moment?

As a youngster, I was pragmatic and realistic on the exterior and a mystic and dreamer on the interior. In chapter 11 of my book, a chapter titled “Possibility,” I write: “miracles—transformations that could not be explained by science—were a concept I warmed to cautiously. My mind required a rational basis or personal experience to give credence to something beyond reason. However, the faint and timid whisper of my heart fiercely believed in miracles. It was this heart whisper that began to speak to me in my despairing moments during the years I sought healing. It was this quiet voice that encouraged me to stay open to possibility.”

I consciously chose to stay curious, to be expectant about what may come. It was partly a mind game to keep me focused positively, but truly, I wanted a faith in miracles, to experience proof of miracles in my own life. My transformative moments as concerns this are described in my book. They were nothing short of miraculous. This is partly why I needed to write this story.

How important is forgiveness to the healing process?

My experience is not going to be the same as that of others, but forgiveness was an essential part of my healing. Any anger or judgment I had about the rapist or the experience of rape hurt me more than it hurt anyone else. When we forgive and find peace this helps us, and it also heals others. It’s a compassionate gift to all people to let go of our anger and open our hearts to love.

What does it mean for you to live openly as a survivor of assault?

Terry committed a crime against me that was horrendous and hurtful in so many ways. I couldn’t cover that up and move forward knowing that it could happen to someone else. From day one, I did all I could to identify my assailant. It didn’t matter what that required of me; I simply needed to speak the truth, and be open about my experience. At this point in my journey, the rape doesn’t define me. My healing journey defines me. This is the piece that I’m inspired to share with others – that healing is available to us, and not just healing, but miracles. Yes, miracles.

Endorsements for “A Fierce Belief in Miracles”

“In A Fierce Belief in Miracles, Anne has explored in depth her healing path so that others can navigate their trials with greater ease and inspiration. Pay attention to the teachings offered in this book and you will be supported in new and unexpected ways on your own path to healing.”
~ Lynne Twist, Co-Founder, The Pachamama Alliance; Founder, The Soul of Money Institute; best-selling author, The Soul of Money

A Fierce Belief in Miracles is a courageous and generous account of one woman’s healing journey. A testament to resilience of the human spirit, Anne Heck’s story traces the trauma of rape all the way to a place of hard earned equanimity. Her unconventional path offers hope and wisdom to any trauma survivor. And Anne’s willingness to share her story with unflinching honesty is a powerful signal in a world where too many women know the trauma of rape.”
~ Gail Straub, Co-Founder, Empowerment Institute and award-winning author, Empowerment and Returning to My Mother’s House

“This beautifully written page-turner about a cyclist with a passion for exploring wilderness trails gently guides readers through her violation of rape into a courageous and creative healing journey of self-discovery. The unexpected potentials and guides she meets⎯both inner and outer⎯embolden this indomitable traveler to befriend her fear, anger, resistance, and pain, and eventually enjoy her rewards of trust and spiritual meaning. Wise and breathtakingly honest, this inspiring story will bring hope to those who suffer the after-effects of trauma and long to liberate their captive truths into consciousness.”
~ Jean Benedict Raffa, Ed.D, author of The Bridge to Wholeness, Dream Theatres of the Soul, Healing the Sacred Divide, and The Soul’s Twins.

A Fierce Belief in Miracles is the compelling and moving story of Anne Heck’s quest to understand and transform the scrambled pieces of her heart and soul in the aftermath of sexual violence. Through her fearless exploration of healing modalities over two decades and her determination to embrace the arduous journey and its mysteries, she bestows a gift of hope. Heck’s story of her path to meaning, truth, and transformative integration is an important contribution to the growing body of literature on sexual violence — its complex impact on individuals and society.”
~ Nancy Venable Raine, author of After Silence: Rape an My Journey Back

“Anne gives us the courage to trust that the unconventional path to healing might just be the greatest gift of our lives.”
~ Amy B. Scher, author of This Is How I Save My Life and How To Heal Yourself When No One Else Can

Former correspondent offers in-depth look at China in memoir where personal meets political


KIRKLAND, WA – Award-winning author Dori Jones Yang spent eight years as a foreign correspondent for BusinessWeek covering China, where she interviewed local citizens, fell in love, and witnessed a tumultuous period that shook the world. In her new memoir, When the Red Gates Opened: A Memoir of China’s Reawakening (September 22, 2020, She Writes Press), Yang brings to life this transformative time in history and in her personal life.

When Beijing opened its doors in the 1980s, it shocked the world by allowing private enterprise and free markets. Dori was among the first American correspondents to cover China under Deng Xiaoping, who dared to defy Maoist doctrine to try to catch up with richer nations. Despite her natural reserve, Dori used her fluency in Mandarin to get to know the ordinary people she met—people embracing opportunities that had once been unimaginable.

Soon, Dori fell for a Chinese man who had fled China with his family in 1949 and only recently returned. Together, they found the relatives his parents had left behind, who were just starting to hope for a better future. This euphoria—shared by American businesses and Chinese citizens alike—reached its peak in May 1989, when a million peaceful protestors filled Tiananmen Square, demanding democracy. Dori lived that hope, as well as the despair that followed when the army opened fire. After Tiananmen, dejected and sure that the era of promising possibilities was over, she returned to America—only to watch as China resumed its growth.

“I wanted to show the country close-up, at the dawn of its rise to power, focusing on ordinary people and the way their lives changed,” says the author. “Understanding China’s motivations and dreams during that era could be key to understanding what is going on today.” Written at a time when China’s rapid rise is setting off alarm bells in Washington, When the Red Gates Opened offers insight into the daring policies that started it all.

“When the Red Gates Opened: A Memoir of China’s Reawakening”

Dori Jones Yang | September 22, 2020 | She Writes Press
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1631527517 | Price: $16.95

An experienced journalist, author, and speaker, Dori Jones Yang has written seven previous books, including a best-selling business book about Starbucks and two award-winning novels about Chinese children in America. When the Red Gates Opened is her first memoir. Educated in history at Princeton and in international studies at Johns Hopkins, Dori worked for eight years in the 1980s as a foreign correspondent for BusinessWeek, covering China during its pivotal years. From her current base near Seattle, she also worked as West Coast technology correspondent for U.S. News and World Report. Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, she has traveled throughout China over forty years and spoken about her books across the United States.

More details are available on her website,

Praise for When the Red Gates Opened

“Dori Jones Yang’s memoir is an enthralling account of her love affair with China that’s replete with drama, disappointment, progress, and hope.” — 4-star Foreword Clarion Review

“Dori Jones Yang has given us two wonderful, East-West coming-of-age stories for the price of one: China’s metamorphosis from poor Communist backwater to quasi-capitalist powerhouse, and her own journey from rookie reporter in the male-dominated world of business journalism to respected foreign correspondent. Both tales come with their share of great leaps forward and troubling setbacks. This chronicle of her two love affairs―with China and with a very special Chinese man―and her steely determination to succeed not only as a professional, but as a colleague, wife, mother, and stepmother, make for an inspirational and rewarding read.” ― Scott D. Seligman, author of The Third Degree: The Triple Murder That Shook Washington and Changed American Criminal Justice

“Captivating! At the onset of China’s embrace of a new openness, the author lands her dream job as a correspondent in Hong Kong covering China for a leading business journal. A pioneering female foreign correspondent, she captures the story of a young gal finding her way―as a journalist and as a woman. Her evolution intersects with dynamic world events, resulting in a mesmerizing tale of personal struggle, vibrant history, and real guts. A remarkable story!”― Marianne Lile, author of Stepmother: A Memoir

“Dori Jones Yang enfolds us in her frank personal story and the saga of a China just opening its gates to the ‘outside world’ . . . Americans of Yang’s generation in the China field are sure to be swept by nostalgia and vivid reminiscence. Younger readers will see today’s China more clearly after they ingest this saga of opportunity, challenge, frustration, reward, and tenacious love. As America’s relations with China stumble today, looking back to the decade of Yang’s encounter with China is more important than ever.” ― Robert A. Kapp, former president, US-China Business Council

When the Red Gates Opened is a riveting, insightful, personal account of a pivotal moment in history: the critical years when China, after alternately starving and stifling its population for decades, began moving toward a more open, market-oriented economy . . . Dori Jones Yang, among the handful of foreign correspondents then who spoke fluent Mandarin, set out to find out for herself, talking to hundreds of people in China and Hong Kong. Today, as China increasingly flexes its muscles on the world stage, this book provides a nuanced understanding of the challenges and promises presented by a complex global power that thinks and operates in ways so different from us.” ― Leslie Helm, author of Yokohama Yankee, My Family’s Five Generations as Outsiders in Japan

“This is a beautifully crafted, intimately written memoir of a young woman from Ohio who became a true rarity―a female foreign correspondent covering the vast economic changes in China in the 1980s. Dori’s journey is one you will want to take yourself.” ― Bruce Nussbaum, author of Creative Intelligence

“Dori Jones Yang beautifully conveys her deep respect for China and its culture―through experiences that included falling in love with a Chinese man and his extended family, as well as navigating issues of marriage and motherhood as a working woman in the 1980s. She gives us a rare inside look into China from the 1980s to today as she comes to squarely stand in two cultures―both American and Chinese.” ― Juliet Cutler, author of Among the Maasai

“Foreign correspondent and memoirist Dori Jones Yang offers a charming cross-cultural love story that fascinates as it educates. When the Red Gates Opened offers intimate and original insights into China, a country often misunderstood, once stumbling to open to the outside―and now a world superpower. On her journey, we, too, find promise, disillusion, and hope.” ― Brenda Peterson, author of Your Life is a Book: How to Craft and Publish Your Memoir

“In this intimate memoir, Dori Jones Yang takes a close-up look at the emergence of China in the 1980s, from backward country to world power. Beijing bureau chief for BusinessWeek, Dori was an eyewitness to the start of this historic transformation, and she tells the story with insight and verve. She also shares her own personal odyssey, from Ohio to Princeton to Beijing, including the loving embrace of the Chinese man she met on an airplane and married two years later.” — Stephen B. Shepard, former editor-in-chief, BusinessWeek

“With refreshing candor, riveting detail and sharp insights, this beautifully told memoir breaks the mold of ‘Western journalist-discovers-China.’ Dori Jones Yang’s wonderfully personal journey allows one to view this vastly different culture and increasingly powerful country as she did—with open eyes and heart, without prejudgment. I could not put this book down.” — Helen Zia, Last Boat out of Shanghai: The Epic Story of the Chinese who Fled Mao’s Revolution

“Dori Jones Yang writes particularly eloquently about the 1989 Tiananmen Square crackdown; it marked the endpoint for China of a golden decade of economic reform and freedom while for her it was a betrayal by a country she had come to love and admire. This deeply personal book interweaves her desires for professional success, love, and motherhood and may inspire young women striving to balance these aspirations in their own lives.” — Judith Shapiro, co-author of Son of the Revolution and of China Goes Green: Coercive Environmentalism for a Troubled Planet

“Like all superb memoirs, Dori Jones Yang’s is not only a candid reflection of her own character and experience, but an eyewitness account of an epic time in history. Her sensitive observations and skillful writing bring the yin-yang dualities of her life into a gratifying if sometimes hard-fought balance, to deliver a story that is sweeping yet intimate, ambitious yet humble, serious yet engaging.” — Claire Chao, author of Remembering Shanghai: A Memoir of Socialites, Scholars and Scoundrels

“This book is about two transitions—Dori Jones Yang’s from student to Hong Kong bureau chief for BusinessWeek, and China’s from central planning to an open, market economy. Beautifully written, it portrays the victories and setbacks of both ‘awakenings.’” — Shanta Devarajan, Professor of the Practice of International Development, Georgetown University and former acting World Bank Group chief economist

In an interview, DORI JONES YANG can discuss:

  • Her career as a journalist and how she became a foreign correspondent
  • The highs and lows of U.S.-China relations and the current negative attitudes toward China
  • Her experience seeing China through the eyes of an American journalist and the inside perspective she gained through her relationships
  • The “up-close” and fresh look at China her memoir offers
  • How looking at the past can provide insight and hope for the future
  • These formative years for China as a country and her own personal life, and the parallels between the two
  • The challenges she faced writing a memoir as a journalist
  • Writing fiction versus her memoir, and the common threads through her written work

An Interview with DORI JONES YANG

1. Can you tell us a little bit about your career and how you became a foreign correspondent during this time?

Sure! Growing up in Ohio, I loved writing and foreign languages. My first journalism job was at my local newspaper, and I was hooked. I knew nothing about Asia until after college, when I spent two years in Singapore studying Chinese. By stroke of good luck, I finished grad school (in international studies) just as the U.S. and China established diplomatic relations. Few Americans knew much about China, so that put me in a great spot to become a foreign correspondent.

2. How has the relationship between the U.S. and China changed since your time as a correspondent?

In the 1980s, China was emerging from thirty years of isolation, so many Americans were eager to visit and do business there. Although China was poor and backward, it was a time of hope and possibility. Few imagined China could grow so quickly and rise to become a modern power. In recent years, many American leaders have become nervous about China’s advancing technological expertise, fearing that its rise could mean our downfall. The spirit of mutual respect and cooperation has badly eroded. As the election approaches, I fear that both parties will treat China as a convenient diversion or punching bag.

3. What is “missing” from many Americans’ understanding of China?

When you live in another country, you realize that it encompasses a wide range of individuals—not just the government. A few of my American friends think “China is evil”—based on Beijing’s policies toward Muslims, or Hong Kong, or the Internet. “China” is more than its current president, just as the United States is more than Donald Trump. A new generation of Chinese has grown up in a modern society, able to travel and study abroad; they have created the largest consumer market in the world, and they will become leaders someday. A U.S. policy of belligerence and confrontation toward China would be self-destructive.

4. These were incredibly formative years for China but also you personally. What parallels do you see between the two during this time?

As a Communist leader, Deng Xiaoping defied the odds when he allowed capitalism in China, and I was defying the odds, too. As a young woman in the male-dominated world of business journalism, alone in a foreign bureau, I was learning my way by trial and error. So was Deng. I faced some personal dilemmas that seemed unsolvable, as did the future of Hong Kong when Britain and China began discussions. A true dilemma, I learned, is not a choice between right and wrong. It’s between two options that are equally compelling—or equally hazardous.

5. As a journalist you had notes and articles to pull from to look back on this time— what was most challenging in writing this memoir?

What’s hardest about writing a memoir is the need to shine a light on your insecurities and reflect on your decisions. It forces you to be honest. It also demands you rethink your fraught relationships and decide how much to include. If someone might be hurt by a revelation, do you have a good reason to include it? I had to decide what were the major themes and include only as much as was needed to tell that story.

6. What do you hope readers gain from When the Red Gates Opened?

Why should any of us look behind the next hill, or across the border, into the warm living rooms of ordinary people who don’t look or talk as we do? If we cross those thresholds and listen in the language of people we too often misunderstand, we can see the world through their eyes and open our minds. If more of us from all countries committed to cross-cultural understanding, we’d increase the chance for world peace, which could benefit all.

How to make the most of the 2020 SIBA/NAIBA Trade Show

Books Forward is so excited for the SIBA/NAIBA Trade Show starting Sept. 21 — check out our exhibitor booth here:! This year’s trade show is going to look a little different from previous years: for the first time ever, SIBA and NAIBA have partnered up to host a virtual, five-day event. We can’t wait to join our favorite indie booksellers, publishers, and authors online for this one-of-a-kind experience — and we also know that new opportunities can create questions for our authors. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the trade show to help authors navigate this year’s especially unique event with ease!

What does the SIBA/NAIBA Trade Show look like?
Held Sept. 21-25, the trade show will consist of a series of Zoom events taking place across four different channels. It’s a joint event hosted between SIBA (the Southern Independent Booksellers Association) and NAIBA (the New Atlantic Booksellers Association), united under the name New Voices New Rooms. Booksellers will be eyeing new and upcoming book releases!

What does this year’s schedule look like?
You can find the trade show schedule here: It’s divided into four tracks: Education (panels, roundtables, and more for booksellers), Author Events, Publisher Events, and Networking. It’s interactive and searchable; you can add all events, or just individual events, to your personal calendar; you can subscribe to it; and you can easily share it on social media. You’ll also find all of the participating publishers tagged — just click on the publisher’s name to see all of the events that publisher is participating in.

This schedule is pretty extensive! How will I know what’s happening each day?
Not only is the schedule broken up by day, but the New Voices New Rooms blog will also have a rundown of each day’s events, and is a great hub for finding out info about the show: Their newsletter will also recap daily sessions and events, as will the SIBA and NAIBA newsletters, respectively.

How many people can attend the online trade show?
There is no attendance cap; there are more than 500 booksellers and other industry attendees registered right now.

Can I still arrange to be featured in an author event?
The Author Events schedule is full, but there are still some advertising options available to reach attendees via the email newsletter or trade show website, which is sure to have high traffic during that week! Find more info here:

Do I have to register?
Anyone who is participating in the trade show (including exhibitors) or who wants to attend must register; you can do so here: Registering gets you onto the list of people allowed into the Zoom rooms/events.

If my publisher/editor/representative got me scheduled to participate in a trade show author event, do I still have to register?
Anyone who is attending or participating in the trade show must be registered for the event; this is how you get on to the list of Zoom room attendees. However, it’s possible that SIBA/NAIBA registered you on behalf of your publisher/editor/representative; it’s best to check with your participating organization to make sure.

I am, or my publisher/representative is, participating in the trade show. How will ARCs/galleys/review copies of my book be available?
If an author is featured at an event, New Voices New Rooms will send a Google form to all session participants at the end of the event to incentivize people to sign up for copies; publishers will then receive a list with all the book requests. Exhibitors can also feature galley request forms on their pages in the Virtual Exhibitor Hall!

What is the Virtual Exhibitor Hall?
While we may miss the crowded and bustling exhibitor halls of previous years, New Voices New Rooms has created a really excellent Virtual Hall for Exhibitors, which you can peruse here: When you hover your cursor over each logo, the digital placard flips over to reveal a sentence or two about that exhibitor. Click on the logo to “enter” the exhibitor’s virtual booth, where you can learn more about their offerings and services, and even enter an online raffle! There’s also a searchable directory of exhibitors in the dropdown menu between the sponsor logos and exhibitor logos.

How do I know which booksellers are in attendance?
New Voices New Rooms has created a pretty awesome searchable list of all registered booksellers who will be in attendance — check it out here!

Will I be tagged on social media?
New Voices New Rooms is creating graphics and videos that can be shared on social media by publishers and exhibitors; each piece of content will include a list of participating authors’ social media handles so they can be easily tagged online. This is perfect for promoting and sharing specific authors and events!

Books Forward Welcomes SIBA / NAIBA Attendees to New Orleans

Bienvenue to all SIBA / NAIBA indie booksellers and other lovers of literature! At Books Forward, we are passionate about elevating important messages and stories from diverse voices, as well as championing independent bookstores. And we are so excited to extend our Southern hospitality to the attendees of 2020’s joint SIBA / NAIBA tradeshow! Welcome, y’all!

If you want to discover some incredible new authors, enjoy some fun NOLA swag, or receive a free consultation about boosting your social media presence, check out what we have in store for you this year. Connect with us during the conference by participating in a few of our offerings below: 

Visit our virtual booth in the exhibitor’s hall: 

Check out our booth and come meet the amazing Southern authors and books we’re representing this year! You may request galleys for any of our titles.

Ask us for a free social media consultation 

Are you a bookseller looking to boost your social media presence? Our digital marketing team will review your social media accounts and offer constructive feedback and advice for increasing your online engagement, hosting virtual events and bringing more patrons to your online store! Email us at to schedule your consult.

You may also be interested in scheduling some of our authors and leading experts for free (live or pre-recorded) virtual learning opportunities.

Learn New Orleans lingo 

Think you know how to say “Tchefuncte,” “Vieux Carre,” “Ouachita” and “Burgundy?” Think again! Let our New Orleans team teach you how to pronounce the trickier words you’ll see while virtually visiting the Big Easy, and we’ll have you speaking like a local in no time. Laissez les bon temps rouler!

Pick up some fun swag 

We have a present for you! Check your conference box to snag your grab bag of NOLA flavor, including a snazzy sticker and (of course) a fun Mardi Gras bead courtesy of Books Forward! 

Meet our authors face-to-face

Our authors want to say a big “thank you!” to indies and share some cool news with you via video! Check out Big Freedia’s (New Orleans’ one and only Queen Diva and Bounce music icon) shout-out to indie booksellers, bestselling author Rea Frey talking about the importance of indie bookstores, bestselling author Jenny Milchman (known for what Shelf Awareness called the “World’s Longest Bookstore Tour”) reading from her newest thriller, and Washington Post journalist and Jeff Goldblum biographer Travis Andrews sharing some fascinating facts about “Jurassic Jeff”.

Join us on social media 

Be the first to enter our giveaways (often for indie bookstore gift cards, but also for other literary themed gifts!), get tagged in our shout-outs, chat with us online, and see our posts, streams, and stories during the tradeshow and beyond! Follow us on social media by clicking the links below: 

A sincere THANK YOU for all you do for the literary community. We’re sending a big virtual hug your way!

In small-town Oregon, tenacious journalist confronts white supremacy, zealous cult in exhilarating new thriller


LOS ANGELES – The mysteries that lie within a rural Oregon town are bubbling to the surface — right on time for reporter Caitlin Bergman. In “Sins of the Mother,” (Sept. 8, 2020, Crooked Lane), the story of lauded thriller author August Norman’s headstrong heroine continues, leading both her and readers to a radical cult that has town members agitated and close to their boiling point.

Caitlin doesn’t talk about her mother; in fact, she’s been telling everyone that she’s dead. So when the law enforcement head of Coos County contacts Caitlin to identify her mother’s remains, the journalist heads north to gather details of her estranged mother’s life. Caught between the feuding of the white supremicist Larsens and Daughters of God cult members — and with the identity of her real father hanging just out of her grasp — Caitlin must unravel the town’s secrets before the fiery prophesied end of days arrives.

Will Caitlin find the answers she’s looking for? First, she’ll need to make it out of Oregon alive.

With charismatic villains and complex relationships in tow, Norman’s latest addition to Caitlin’s story is a vibrant and exhilirating ride into the heart of crime fiction. In addition to boasting a compelling female protagonist and intense page-turning drama, the author has crafted a thrilling mystery that will have readers on the edge of their seats — until the very end.

“Smart, scrappy, and not afraid to punch you in the gut — just like its fierce heroine.” — Rick Treon

Early praise for “Sins of the Mother”

“Do not miss August Norman’s latest thrilling mystery, Sins of the Mother. With kinesthetic language and plot-winding twists, gifted writer Norman strikes the perfect balance between snark and serious, which kept me glued in place and gobbling pages. Bravo on an excellent story – can’t wait to see what is in store next from this true wizard of prose!”
— Maureen Connolly, author of “Lovely Little Things”

“Caitlin Bergman, a feisty and earthy female protagonist, launches headlong into another ripping adventure. But it’s more than that. Caitlin must also suffer for the crimes of her mother and somehow forgive her. The answers lie in the religious cult that sucked in her mother and all her secrets. This is a terrific sequel that I highly recommend.”
— Carl Vonderau, author of “Murderabilia,”
winner of Left Coast Crime 2020 Best Debut Mystery

“ ‘Sins of the Mother’ is smart, scrappy, and not afraid to punch you in the gut — just like its fierce heroine. August Norman provides an action-packed, emotional thrill ride that’ll leave you breathlessly waiting for the next Caitlin Bergman novel.”
— Rick Treon, award-winning author of “Let the Guilty Pay”

“In ‘Sins of the Mother,’ August Norman has not only crafted an exceptionally likeable protagonist in journalist Caitlin Bergman, whose toughness, charm and sense of humor win you over from the start, but has created an entire cast of magnetic characters. Even the villains have unlimited charisma. Unraveling the mysteries of a cult in the backwoods of Oregon, and in the process hunting for the truth of Caitlin’s parentage, is as heart warming as it is devastating, and as suspenseful as it is thrilling.”
— David Albertyn, author of “Undercard”

“Caitlin Bergman is one of the most intriguing and richly imagined heroines in thriller fiction. August Norman builds on his debut novel triumph with ‘Sins of the Mother,’ as Caitlin uncovers decades-old secrets in an Oregon logging town and the cult that haunts it. Loaded with twists and emotional punches, Norman’s vibrant and gripping story will make readers eager for more.”
— Glen Erik Hamilton, Anthony Award-winning author of “Past Crimes”

“Sins of the Mother: A Caitlin Bergman Novel”
August Norman | Sept. 8, 2020 | Crooked Lane
Crime Thriller | Ebook | 9781643854366 | $12.99

About the Author

Originally from central Indiana, thriller and mystery author August Norman has called Los Angeles home for two decades, writing for and/or appearing in movies, television, stage productions, web series, and even, commercial advertising. A lover and champion of crime fiction, Norman is an active member of the Mystery Writers of America, the International Thriller Writers, the Sisters in Crime (National and LA), and regularly attends the Santa Barbara Writer’s Conference. In addition, August is a founding member and regular performer with LA’s longest running improv comedy show, “Opening Night: The Improvised Musical!” For more information, visit

In an interview, August Norman can discuss:

  • His background in screenwriting and how he utilizes it in his novels
  • The research and creativity behind crafting a cult from scratch
  • The book’s themes on parenting and how, as a new parent, he examined and differentiates between what’s considered good vs. bad parenting — and all the gray areas in between
  • The book’s setting and how it lent itself to the cult themes and plot
  • As a male author, creating a series with a strong female protagonist and the importance of honoring the portrayals of the opposite sex
  • Exploring cognitive dissonance and how conspiracy theorists, cults, climate change deniers are still prevalent throughout society
  • The concepts of hive mind and groupthink and how individuals use those to confirm or deny beliefs — despite evidence of fact

An interview with AUGUST NORMAN

1. This is the second novel that follows heroine Caitlin Bergman. How soon into crafting the first book did you know her story would continue?

Even before Caitlin made her debut in “Come and Get Me,” I’d worked the character into a screenplay and another novel. As an investigative journalist, Caitlin gets to explore the issues I care about, whether that’s battling white supremacists, breaking up a cult, or dating in her 40s. The journalists I know work hard in dangerous places to bring the world basic facts, often for little pay and less respect. Like them, Caitlin is obsessed with getting the true story behind the legends, even at the expense of her own safety.

2. What are some of the challenges you faced with writing the second book in a series? Were there things that came easier throughout the process?

One wonderful challenge I faced writing “Sins of the Mother” was honoring the expectations of the first book’s readers. With a debut, you get to say, “Here are my characters; this is what they do.” While plotting the second installment, readers from my publishing team to Goodreads followers wanted to know who would come back, how Caitlin would grow, and what horrible junk food she’d eat this time. I made sure to honor that relationship with the reader while taking Caitlin in a new direction.

3. Most of the book is set in Oregon. What drew you to choosing the setting in the Pacific Northwest?

To tell this story, I needed somewhere in America that you could hide a cult within miles of the broader society. I also wanted a setting where the locals feared the end of their traditions because of a liberal shift in ideals, and would be willing to fight to ensure their ways of life. Oregon’s lush forests, rocky coasts, inland plains, tribal lands, federal preserve, and wild-country-feel all bash heads daily with the new Bohemia tech sector billionaire playgrounds of Portland, Silicon Valley, and Seattle. Caitlin is searching for her past in a state that’s dealing with its own growing pains. In “Sins of the Mother,” the area’s small government “Don’t Tread On Me” mentality allows white supremacists to flourish in the same proximity as a reclusive cult. It’s only a matter of time before the two fight for their ideals, no matter the cost.

4. You recently became a father, and the book definitely focuses on parental themes. Was that coincidental? And are there things you learned about parenthood from writing a book centering so much on that theme?

In the lead-up to my entrance into parentage, I did a lot of soul-searching on what I believe makes a good parent and what constitutes family. Whether related by blood, chosen through adoption, or selected from a pool of friends, I think the closest families are born through love and sacrifice, rather than biology. As unnatural as it may seem, sometimes the best thing a parent can do is realize they don’t have the skills to guide their children through life and leave them with someone more qualified. Having never met her birth mother, raised by a single adoptive father, and now childless in her early forties, Caitlin explores her own family’s tree, ultimately seeing another side of her perceived abandonment and the sacrifices and openness needed to truly love.

5. You have a background in screenwriting. How has that experience helped you with writing novels? Or has it made things more difficult?

Coming up through screenwriting, I hope I can claim a few skills that help me as a novelist. I gravitate toward short, cinematic scenes in my chapters, understanding that readers fill in much of the setting with their own shorthand. I also try to create characters that actors from well-known stars to five-lines-and-under would line up to audition for. Who wouldn’t want to play an aging cult leader, past his prime and looking for a way out? A devout, female lawyer that represents a cult in greater society but becomes her true self in the privacy of their woodland compound? A violent white supremacist hell-bent on saving his daughter from those people? Finally, many authors come to their work with a my-way-or-the-highway sensibility that can leave them stuck when their publishers ask for edits or complete page one rewrites of art that took them years to complete. Screenwriters, subject to deadlines and notes from all levels, have to be able to move fast and adapt, while keeping their original concepts intact. So far, these skills have all helped bring Caitlin Bergman to the page.

Science-fiction, climate change converge in thrilling debut novel seeking to rediscover Earth’s beauty in wake of disaster


PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania — Bridging the generational and cultural divide, physician Sam Stea’s debut novel imagines new solutions to the greatest global crisis of our time: climate change. “The Edge of Elsewhere” (Sept. 8, 2020), is a thrilling science meets climate-fiction adventure that follows refugees from the not-too-distant future in a race against time.

In a world reeling from ecological collapse, Abbey Lane’s waking life is a bleak routine. Between protecting her asthmatic older brother, Paul, and scouring gloomy ruins of Princeton with her best friend, Max, Abbey’s world couldn’t be more different from the technicolor eden she imagines in her dreams. But after discovering an old scientific notebook in the ruins of Princeton University, the trio find themselves in a world and a time they could never have imagined: New York City, 1971. There, they rediscover the beauty of the natural world, and meet a tragic music legend whose fate may hold the key to Earth’s destiny.

Born from his experience in the health care industry and his passion for literature, film, and music, Stea crafts an earnest coming-of-age story about the resilience of the human spirit in the wake of the most extreme circumstances.

“The Edge of Elsewhere”
Sam Stea | Sept. 8, 2020 | Science-Fiction/Climate-Fiction
Paperback | 978-1733135931 | $18.99 | Hardcover | 9781733135917 | $29.99

About the Author

SAM STEA is a practicing physician, proud husband, and father of a wonderful son and daughter. Some time ago, Stea took a simple and deliberate step back from the complexities of life to see himself in a much bigger picture, within a context of past and future, within the balance of the human species with nature, and with what is truly lasting beyond one’s own years.

His great hope is that others in health care, physicians, nurses, therapists of all kinds, scientists and administrators, and young people everywhere will join him in his fight to better inform the public that climate change is the greatest imminent health challenge humanity has yet to face.

In an interview, Sam Stea can discuss:

  • His career as a physician and environmental activist, how the two are similar, and where their paths diverge
  • How climate change has blurred the lines between science-fiction and reality
  • The importance of climate awareness and steps individuals can take to further this awareness
  • How climate crisis is also a health care crisis and the role health care providers play
  • The impact of the medical industry on the environment, and the extreme and unethical detachment of physicians and nurses from the issue
  • The process of writing his debut novel and how all demographics can relate to its messages and themes

An Interview with SAM STEA

1. What inspired you to write “The Edge of Elsewhere”?

“The Edge of Elsewhere” was inspired by my need to lend my hand to the climate crisis, which I see as the greatest health issue of the 21st century. With my busy medical practice, I cannot serve as an effective climate activist. But I can write. In my free time, I write. And I know the power of a good story.

2. How has your work as a physician informed you as a writer?

Each patient is locked in their own story. I don’t know the end, but I can, I hope, impart something to them — call it wisdom or simply keeping them human along with myself along the way. But to see them rise from the ashes! That is something. A patient getting a long-awaited transplant. Or someone recovering from critical illness. The hope and despair, frailty and strength — these simple things I see in them inspired me to write this book. It is mostly written for them, my patients.

3. What role do you think health care providers should play in addressing the climate crisis?

Health care providers need to lead us out of this climate mess. We must serve as the bridge between the hard climate scienctists and the public. We still retain the public’s trust — for now. I cannot understand this disconnect and cognitive dissonance. Not acknowledging the climate crisis for what it is, a growing existential threat to human health and survival, goes against everything physicians have sworn to uphold.

4. What do you think future generations will think about our actions on the climate?

Future generations will curse us if we fail to act, if we fail to break out of our simple, blissful complacency. In “Elsewhere,” we (those alive in the here and now) are called “sleepwalkers,” the seemingly ignorant and apathetic masses whose lack of action is incomprehensible to their grandchildren and great grandchildren.

5. What do you hope readers take away from “The Edge of Elsewhere”?

That they can see things differently, cherish the simple things, like clean water, a flock of birds, sunlight, or a cool breeze. If they can hold their children and think about their future just a bit more, that’s what I hope for. It’s all up for grabs right now!

Ninja author’s tenacious heroine tackles the treacherous world of L.A. sex trafficking in much-anticipated sequel


LOS ANGELES – Tori Eldridge’s sequel to her lauded debut novel packs quite a punch — literally. Fused with Eldridge’s own personal brand of grit and renegade style, “The Ninja’s Blade,” (Sept. 1, Agora Books/Polis Books) is a no-holds-bar, action-packed thriller that will keep readers turning the page for more.

Following events in “The Ninja Daughter,” protagonist Lily Wong pursues her mission to save the women and children of Los Angeles. Hounded by the trauma from her previous confrontation with the Varrio Norwalk 66 street gang, Lily is on a desparate search for a kidnapped prostitution victim, eventually going undercover in the seedy underbelly of L.A. sex trafficking. All the while she struggles to appease the expectations of her Asian mother and grandparents, as well as kindle the spark of a potential romantic flame.

Behind the adventures of her modern-day ninja, the author examines themes of race, identity and values, as well as the timely issues of crimes against women and trafficking. Eldridge crafts a knockout of a novel that’ll leave readers wondering what’s next for Lily Wong?

Early praise for “The Ninja’s Blade”

“Lily Wong is gutsy, smart, and irresistible — just like ‘The Ninja’s Blade.’ Grab it!”
— Meg Gardiner, Edgar Award-winning author of “The Dark Corners of the Night”

“ ‘The Ninja’s Blade’ will have you on the edge of your seat, turning pages so fast toward the end that you risk death by paper cut. Lily may not be winded at the end of those ninja fights, but you sure will be. If you’re not reading this series, you’re missing out big time.”
― Tracy Clark, author of the acclaimed Cass Raines Chicago Mystery series

Praise for “The Ninja Daughter”

“Eldridge’s debut thriller introduces readers to a heroine for the #MeToo era and deftly explores the dangers of Lily’s avocation, the challenges of familial relationships, and the need to continue to fight the abuse and exploitation of others. … Readers who enjoy an action-packed adventure that doesn’t neglect character development and speaks truth about the human condition will welcome this quirky, passionate, and endearingly relatable protagonist.”
― Library Journal (Starred), Debut Pick of the Month, November

“Eldridge’s wild ride of a first novel marries Kill Bill with Killing Eve. Readers will want to see more of the feisty Lily. Eldridge expertly mines both domestic suspense and action thriller.”
― Publishers Weekly

“Tough, snarky, and grudgingly vulnerable, Lily Wong is an irresistible heroine set perfectly against a quirky millennial L.A. backdrop.”
― Booklist

“If you love a heroine who’s tough, brilliant, and never runs from a fight, look no further. ‘The Ninja Daughter is your gal. Tori Eldridge introduces the warrior-sleuth you’ll want fighting by your side.”
― Tess Gerritsen, NYT bestselling author of “The Shape of Night”

“The Ninja’s Blade” (Lily Wong Book 2)
Tori Eldridge | Sept. 1, 2020 | Agora Books | Thriller | Paperback | 978-951709-09-9 | $16.95


TORI ELDRIDGE is the Anthony, Lefty, and Macavity Awards- nominated author of “The Ninja Daughter,” which was named one of the “Best Mystery Books of the Year” by The South Florida Sun Sentinel and awarded 2019 Thriller Book of the Year by Authors on the Air Global Radio Network. Her short stories appear in several anthologies, and her screenplay “The Gift” earned a semifinalist spot in the prestigious Academy Nicholl Fellowship.

Before writing, Tori performed as an actress, singer, and dancer on Broadway, television, and film. She is of Hawaiian, Chinese, Norwegian descent and was born and raised in Honolulu, where she graduated from Punahou School with classmate Barack Obama. Tori holds a fifth-degree black belt in To-Shin Do ninjutsu and has traveled the U.S. teaching seminars on the ninja arts, weapons, and women’s self-protection.

In an interview, Tori Eldridge can discuss:

  • Her journey from the stage and screen to published author
  • Her ninjitsu and women’s self-defense background and how it helped her develop the character of Lily Wong
  • The #ownvoices movement and the importance of diversity in literature
  • Incorporating her own mixed race heritage into her main character
  • The representation of Asian culture and family dynamics throughout her writing
  • Choosing to write about commercial sex trafficking of youth and the importance of bringing awareness to the issue through fiction

An Interview with Tori Eldridge

1. How soon into writing the first book of the series did you know Lily’s story was going to be continued?

I knew “The Ninja Daughter” would begin a series before I even wrote the first sentence. Lily Wong demanded I tell her story — one of heroism, tragedy, family, culture, and relevancy. Not only did she fascinate and motivate me to write, but she connected me even more deeply with current affairs, my city, my ninja art, and my heritage.

2. Echoing #MeToo and other calls for female empowerment, the series focuses heavily on human trafficking, self-defense, and crimes against women. How did these recent movements in today’s culture influence developing the series?

Lily Wong is a modern-day ninja concerned with the issues of modern-day women. This wasn’t a calculated decision inspired by current affairs. Rather, Lily emerged from my mind on a hunt for her younger sister’s rapist and murderer. Family relationships and duty are intrinsic to Asian culture, so Lily’s perceived failure as an elder sister is what drives her to become a big sister to a city and to fight crimes against women and children. The #MeToo movement also spoke loudly to me as a former actress in Hollywood and martial arts instructor. The demeaning behavior of the past must end. It’s time to redefine American culture with greater awareness and respect.

3. In “The Ninja’s Blade,” Lily is suffering from PTSD stemming from previous events in book one. Why was it important for you to acknowledge this trauma and how did it help you develop Lily’s character in book two?

Unless you’re a psychopath, violence — done to you or by you — leaves a mark. Past actions inform and often confuse our actions in the present. They can influence our decisions, affect us emotionally, and make us question our self perception.

This doubt and angst is part of the human condition. Seeing the actions that took place in “The Ninja Daughter” affect Lily in “The Ninja’s Blade,” not only deepens her character but will hopefully resonate deeply with readers.

4. The Lily Wong Series is set in Los Angeles, and the spirit and depiction of the city is just as important as the characters. What motivated you to have the book set there?

Los Angeles has been my city for over 35 years, providing me a deep well of experience and familiarity from which to draw. I view Los Angeles as a macrocosm of Lily’s own personality and urban multicultural experience. As Lily points out in “The Ninja Daughter,” Los Angeles is like dot art: View it closely and you’ll see dramatically distinct communities. Take it in as a whole, and our city presents itself in glorious harmony. The same can be said for Lily. In true Asian fashion, I’ve woven this sort of symbolism in “The Ninja’s Blade” and throughout the Lily Wong series. It’s yet another way that Lily and I connect with our shared Chinese heritage.

5. #ownvoices attempts to recognize diversity and promote representation throughout the literary community. What does it mean to you to be an #ownvoices author?

Writing from my own Chinese-Norwegian heritage, experience as a master ninjutsu practitioner, and longtime resident of Los Angeles, I was able to infuse “The Ninja Daughter” with distinctive authenticity. Personal experience and deeper insight is something readers can and should expect from an #ownvoices author. As for representation in fiction and media, I cannot express how important it is for people of all cultures and communities to see themselves portrayed in nuanced and empowering characters. Characters and stories that veer outside of mainstream experience expand our empathy and connect our society.