Debut thriller explores a post-collegiate coming-of-age through whirlwind romance, risk, and regret


BOSTON, MA – “The Way You Burn” (She Writes Press, April 14, 2020), explores one young man’s attempts to understand the complicated pasts of his loved ones by unraveling the vast webs of secrets they’ve kept hidden. Yet as he uncovers their stories, he learns about the inescapable injustices faced by the women he’s known and the true depth of the human heart.

When David approaches his New Hampshire cabin one cool October night to find it engulfed in flames, he knows his girlfriend, Hope, set the fire. At least, he’s pretty sure he knows.

David first decides to upend the creature comforts of his post-collegiate life and try roughing it for a year after he inherits two acres of land and a rustic cabin from his deceased grandfather. Life at the cabin proves to be more difficult than expected, especially when David accidentally digs up clues that hint at a secret his grandfather hid from the family. And then there’s the woman he loves—Hope—whose dark past is written in the twisting pink scars covering her body. Their relationship is challenged after his car slides through an intersection one dark night and, later, when he realizes that someone is out there, watching him through the trees.

Over the course of five seasons, David struggles to maintain his relationship with Hope, vowing to be the one person she can count on in a world full of people who let her down. Ultimately, in an attempt to understand the sacrifices Hope has had to make, David decides to write down their story, making their fleeting romance at once permanent and timeless, demonstrating that things don’t have to last forever in order to be meaningful – or maybe even perfect.

“Meade artfully explores the cumbersome weight of personal secrets and the emotional consequences of concealing a source of profound shame… A  moving, emotional, and unpredictable drama.

— Kirkus Reviews

CHRISTINE MEADE: Christine Meade is a writer, editor, and educator. She holds an MFA in Creative Writing from the California College of the Arts. A native New Englander, Christine currently lives and writes outside of Boston, MA. “The Way You Burn” is her first book, to be published by She Writes Press in April 2020. To learn more about Christine Meade’s life and work, visit her website,

“The Way You Burn”

Christine Meade | April 14, 2020 | She Writes Press
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-63152-691-6 | Price: $16.95
New Adult / Fiction / Mystery, Thriller

In an interview, CHRISTINE MEADE can discuss:

  • Why she chose to write from the male perspective, and how she approached David’s coming-into-consciousness with women’s issues
  • The importance of recognizing coming-of-age stories that take place after college
  • Her interest in the secrets we keep and the consequences of their revelation
  • Why she chose to write in the second person
  • How her work in editing has prepared her for writing this novel, and why she dedicates her time to helping other writers hone their craft
  • What her future writing plans are, and whether readers will see David – or possibly Hope – again

An Interview with CHRISTINE MEADE

1. Tell us a little bit about why you wanted to explore the coming-of-age experience from the perspective of someone in his twenties. Do you think “new adult” stories are often overlooked in fiction?

Although many think about high school experiences–as detailed in young adult novels–as the true coming-of-age period in one’s life, I’ve always seen the post-collegiate world–and new adult novels–as a grittier coming-of-age moment where the stakes are higher. After the confines of the parental home and a conventional four-year college are left behind, many individuals find themselves ostensibly standing at the edge of the cliff of life, trying to make real decisions for the first time about career, home, and love without any real sense of the possible consequences their decisions can hold.

2. I particularly enjoyed David’s “coming-to-consciousness” as he begins to understand the widespread abuse women face. Why did you choose to write from the male perspective? Was it difficult for you to inhabit the male gaze / male voice?

I wanted to take on the challenge of attempting to understand the various abuses women have faced throughout the generations from a young man’s perspective. It felt important, in this day and age, to explore this reality from a second-hand observer instead of from a victim’s perspective in order to guide readers to empathize with experiences that may not match their own. I like writing from characters of different ages, genders, and personalities because I think that is one of the true gifts of being a fiction writer!

3. Written in the second person, David addresses Hope throughout the book, as he details the ups and downs of their relationship. Why did you choose to construct this tale retrospectively and in second person?

I wanted the book to serve as David’s retrospective reflection on his year-long relationship with Hope. One’s early-to-mid twenties is a time that provides so many lessons–for better or worse–in terms of boundaries, personal strength, and the course an individual sets their life on. It felt important that David’s reflection be addressed to Hope because what he learns about himself has everything to do with what he learns from his relationship with her. Writing in second person allows David to connect directly with Hope while figuring out for himself what he is able to take away from the challenges he faced.

4. You are a native New Englander, and much of your book is set in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Have you been to the places you write about in the book? What techniques do you use when writing setting, or what advice would you give to a writer who is looking to improve their descriptions of place?

I love a strong sense of setting both in the books I read and those I write. I love to travel and I believe that love was developed from a steady diet of books as a young reader that transported me to places I could smell and see and hear in my mind. I think setting really influences a novel’s tone, and in The Way You Burn, the moodiness of New Hampshire’s seasons mimic the ups and downs of David’s romance with Hope. My family has a cabin in New Hampshire where I have spent many weekends over the course of my life, and the setting details in the book are pulled directly from observations of the natural surroundings of my family’s home. I encourage writers to try using places that featured prominently in their own pasts as setting for their fiction as I find it to be a fertile reservoir of surprising and unique sensory details.

5. Do you have plans to write another book soon? Perhaps one featuring this same set of characters?

Yes! My next book is already finished and tentatively titled The Moon, Her Crown, but it doesn’t feature David and Hope. This next novel takes a different look at the coming-of-age narrative, this time from the perspective of a burgeoning tarot reader as she searches for her missing mother in a small, coastal Maine town.

Books Forward Authors Provide Virtual Learning Opportunities at Home

Dear booksellers, librarians, parents, teachers, avid readers, book club members and other eager learners,

We have been so touched (and impressed!) with how you’ve kept yourselves and your networks engaged and learning during this difficult time. Our Books Forward author family wants to help by providing a variety of free virtual learning opportunities and story times!

Our children’s and adult fiction and nonfiction authors are available for sessions via Zoom, Skype and other platforms. We can coordinate a special day of readings, discussions and inspiring lessons, covering everything from the writing craft to science experiments to nature exploration and much more. Below, you’ll find some fantastic opportunities tailored specifically for children, tweens and teens, as well as many options for adult readers.

We’ve also partnered with Book Club Babble to help your book club go virtual during social distancing, and to connect you with bestselling and award-winning authors.

Email our coordinator Erica Martin at with your requests, and we’ll arrange a virtual visit (or few) perfect for you!


Writing and Poetry

  • An advocate for marginalized voices in both publishing and her community, YA fantasy novelist J. Elle offers a tailored writing instruction video for your class.
  • USA Today bestselling novelist and Take Your Child to a Bookstore Day founder Jenny Milchman leads a virtual writers group for kids and teens.
  • Children can write poetry with Jet Widick, whose poems center around our everyday experiences and taking delight in the present moment.
  • Literacy instructional coach Caroline DuBois teaches writing in verse and shares supplementary educational materials for her forthcoming middle grade historical novel written in verse, The Places We Sleep.
  • Middle grade author Corabel Shofner shows how characters have a mind of their own and that settings hold a story in place and time, along with other writing prompts.
  • Historical novelist Donna Baier Stein helps budding writers find inspiration for stories by challenging them to find a piece of art in their homes and write a short story based on it (an activity that inspired her own book, Scenes From the Heartland). 
  • Crime thriller author Ed Aymar teaches the importance of diversity in fiction, with narrative techniques for getting it right.
  • Christine Meade, professional editor and author of the new thriller The Way You Burn, offers a writing lesson on how to craft tension, suspense and mystery in narrative form.
  • Love romance novels? Learn how romance author L.A. Long crafts her beguiling characters, gripping plot lines and simmering scenes.

Science & Nature

  • Children’s book author Cole W. Williams invites young ones on a journey with Dr. Brainchild as they discover how creativity, some wacky inventions and science can transform the ordinary into something EXTRA tasty!
  • Dr. Sam Stea offers classrooms and kids a practical introduction to discussing climate change through a fascinating YA climate-fiction adventure story.
  • Tracy Richardson shows there is more to our world than meets the eye with her environmentally-themed, science-fiction YA series.
  • Fine gardener Monique Allen, founder and creative director of The Garden Continuum, offers unique gardening tips, advice and how-tos for cultivating outdoor spaces that reduce stress, promote creativity and sustain the environment. 
  • Naturalist David Parrish offers a fresh understanding of the natural world for nonscientists. Whether you’re curious about sustainability or the accuracy of “The Big Bang Theory” theme song, Parrish will move you to think like a scientist in his insightful, unconventional — and often humorous — approach to biology.
  • How advanced is surveillance technology in the U.S., and how far could it go? Sci-fi thriller author Michael C. Bland details the uses (and abuses) of current surveillance technology and explains why “the future of tech” has already arrived.

Personal Development, Mental & Physical Health

  • Research psychologist Rachel Kowert initiates conversations with children about diversity and inclusion. Her latest book Pragmatic Princess: 26 Superb Stories of Self-Sufficiency inspires young minds to build their own castles and change the damsel in distress narrative to one of self-reliance (with the power of science behind it)!
  • San Francisco columnist and family law attorney Katie Burke demonstrates strategies to encourage open communication with kids about their living environments and other complex (and fun!) topics.
  • Missing that after-church fellowship? Christian novelist Annette H. Valentine hosts a “brunch chat” about books, family, children’s education, Bible study and God’s love.
  • Divorce lawyer and family therapist David and Julie Bulitt offer communication techniques and activities for families during this time of extra “togetherness.”
  • Caregiving expert Donna Figurski shares self-care tips and guidance for how people can still take care of themselves and find support while caring for others.
  • Lisa Boucher shares healthy ways to cope with the temptation to drink out of boredom and how to stay sober when dealing with elevated anxiety, job loss, etc. 
  • After 20 years as VP of publicity for Estee Lauder, Phyllis Melhado took a “second chance” with her life and began a career as a writer, and now she teaches how you can embrace your “second chance” as well.
  • Fifth-degree black belt Tori Eldridge teaches simple martial arts moves and exercises that help channel energy, work out restlessness or frustration, get focused, and have fun!

History & Literature 

  • Wendy Terrien explores the mythology behind her critically-acclaimed YA fantasy series and introduces viewers to the beloved canine rescues who inspired her stories.
  • Historical thriller novelist Samuel Marquis relays some of the most dynamic, fascinating and engaging real-life stories of battles and bravery that occurred during World War II.
  • Inspired by photographer Dorthea Lange’s gender-defying antics during the Great Depression, and her own personal family’s history in the Dust Bowl, Shelley Blanton-Stroud offers a fascinating look back at women’s unconventional antics to survive (and thrive).
  • Michelle Cameron offers a guided tour through a little-known, important period in history: Napoleon’s emancipation of the Jews from Italian ghettos in the 1790s, which still has reverberations in our world today.


  • Designer Justin Dauer (author of Creative Culture) shares fresh, insightful and, well, creative ideas for keeping employees engaged and motivated while working from home.
  • Want professional advice on how to secure your retirement during these uncertain times? Legal consultant Ida Abbott provides video consultations for those interested in retirement planning and financial security.


  • Join comedian and author Dani Alpert for a happy hour discussing unique family dynamics (and how to channel breakup-related grief to a hilarious memoir) from her own experiences as the Girlfriend Mom. 
  • Need a laugh right now? Humor writer Lori Duff shares funny oh-so-real life stories that demonstrate to us (especially women and parents) that we have no choice but to laugh at our failures, no matter how spectacular, and rejoice in our successes, no matter how itty-bitty.
  • Comedic novelist Brandy Ferner encourages children to brave the unknown (safely!), and moms can enjoy a chat with Brandy about the relentlessness of motherhood.

Don’t see a specific lesson you’re looking for? We have other opportunities available from our roster of bestselling authors and varied experts. Email Erica Martin at and let us know what you need!

And if you need help with downloading ebooks or audiobooks to read at home, check out our #BooksForwardHelpline for guides, reading recommendations and other resources.

“Indoorsman” expert meets quarantine with inspirational humor

Pastor, expert “indoorsman” and award-winning author John Driver provides some comic relief during this time of social distancing and staying indoors.

Co-author of the bestselling book Vertical Marriage, as well as the autobiography of the inspiring Purdue superfan Tyler Trent, Driver adds his uplifting voice to the conversation surrounding COVID-19 with his comedic and faith-based survival guide for the “indoorsman.”

The Ultimate Guide For The Avid Indoorsman: Life is Better in Here teaches readers how to fully embrace the indoor lifestyle. This hilarious handbook provides tips and tricks to help you thrive in your comfy, climate-controlled world. Learn the finer art of setting up a perfect home theater, cleaning with minimal effort, developing indoor hobbies, etc. – and take the complimentary online Indooreagram Quiz.

Driver is putting something into the hands of people trying to survive the extended indoor lifestyle that will brighten their mood amid all the chaos. He knows the power of a good book – and laugh – can soothe the soul and calm the spirit. At a time when fear surrounds us, Driver hopes to remind us all we have to be grateful for within four walls.

Samuel Marquis Bestselling Author

#1 Denver Post Bestselling Author
Amazon Top 15 Bestselling Author
Kirkus Reviews Book of the Year Winner
Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Winner
Independent Publisher Book Awards Winner
Reader’s Favorite Book Awards Winner
Beverly Hills Books Awards Winner
National Indie Excellence Book Awards Winner
Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist
Colorado Book Awards Awards Finalist



The ninth great-grandson of legendary privateer Captain William Kidd, Samuel Marquis is the bestselling, award-winning author of a WWII Series, the Nick Lassiter-Skyler International Espionage Series, The Joe Higheagle Environmental Sleuth Series, and a historical fiction novel centered on the infamous pirate, Blackbeard. His novels have been #1 Denver Post bestsellers, received multiple national book awards (Foreword INDIES, American Book Fest’s Best Book Awards, Beverly Hills Book Awards, IPPY, Next Generation Indie Awards, Colorado Book Awards), and garnered glowing reviews from #1 bestseller James Patterson, Kirkus, and Foreword Reviews. Book reviewers have compared Marquis’s WWII thrillers “Bodyguard of Deception,” “Altar of Resistance,” and “Spies of the Midnight Sun” to the epic historical novels of Tom Clancy, John le Carré, Ken Follett, Herman Wouk, Daniel Silva, Len Deighton, and Alan Furst. For more information on Marquis’s life and work, visit


In an interview, Samuel Marquis can discuss:

  • Why he’s drawn to tell the tales of overlooked and historically misrepresented figures
  • His unique research methods and use of declassified documents
  • Why each of his WWII novels cover different time periods and locations during the war
  • His approach to the historical fiction genre, and why he chooses to remain true to the factual accounts of events past
  • His writing style and techniques, particularly his use of multiple and shifting perspectives


The Coalition has a lot of good action and suspense, an unusual female assassin, and the potential to be another The Day After Tomorrow.”

—James Patterson, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author

“The stuff of which blockbuster movies are made, Lions of the Desert is an impressively researched, deftly written, and exceptionally well presented epic that will have particular appeal for World War II military buffs.” 

—Midwest Book Review

Blackbeard: The Birth of America is “an engrossing and historically grounded yarn.” 

—Kirkus Starred Review

“Marquis is a student of history, always creative, [and] never boring…A good comparison might be Tom Clancy.”


“Samuel Marquis’s Spies of the Midnight Sun weaves historical truth with masterful storytelling in an action-packed and intriguing tale of covert spy operations during World War II.”

Foreword Reviews

“In his novels Blind Thrust and Cluster of Lies, Samuel Marquis vividly combines the excitement of the best modern techno-thrillers.”

—Ambassador Marc Grossman, Former U.S. Under Secretary of State

Altar of Resistance is a gripping and densely packed thriller dramatizing the Allied Italian campaign…reminiscent of Herman Wouk’s The Winds of War.”

Kirkus Reviews

“Marquis grabs my attention right from the beginning and never lets go.”

Governor Roy R. Romer, 39th Governor of Colorado

The WWII Series


The true story of the 1944-1945 War in Western Europe and the final Allied struggle to conquer Nazi Germany. The story is told through the eyes of William McBurney, a tank gunner in the 761st Tank Battalion, the first African-American tank unit in U.S. history; dynamic General George S. Patton, Jr., commander of the U.S. Third Army; and Angela Lange, a sixteen-year-old German resistance fighter with the anti-Nazi Edelweiss Pirates in Cologne. The real-life heroism of the 761st Black Panthers and legendary “Old Blood and Guts” Patton to liberate Europe, and the Edelweiss Pirates to combat Nazism, are brought to life in this historically accurate tale of the final epic struggle in WWII Western Europe. (ISBN 978-1943593279)


LIONS OF THE DESERT (February 2019)

Amazon Top 5 Bestseller – Historical Thriller
Readers’ Favorite Book Awards Winner – Military Fiction
Beverly Hills Book Awards Winner – Military Non-Fiction
National Indie Excellence Book Awards Winner – Military Fiction
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Historical Fiction

The true story of the WWII 1941-1942 Desert War in North Africa and Operation Condor, told through the eyes of five legendary historical figures that lived through the epic events: Scottish Colonel David Stirling, leader of the Special Air Service; German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, commander of the vaunted Africa Corps; Egyptian Hekmat Fahmy, the famous belly dancer, regarded as a Mata-Hari-like German agent; Major A.W. Sansom, head of the British Field Security unit that hunted down Axis spies and pro-German Egyptian nationalists operating in Cairo; and Johannes Eppler, the notorious German spy of Operation Condor whose real story is finally told. A timeless tale of WWII espionage, romance, and derring-do in the North African desert. (ISBN 978-1943593255)


Amazon #1 Bestseller – Historical Thriller
IPPY Awards Winner – Historical Fiction

The true story of the legendary British safecracker and spy Eddie Chapman, the British Double Cross Spy System, and courageous Norwegian female Resistance operatives Dagmar Lahlum and Annemarie Breien as they fight to defeat the Nazis.

(ISBN 978-1943593231)




Amazon Top 20 Bestseller – Historical Thriller
Foreword INDIES Finalist – War & Military
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Historical Fiction
Beverly Hills Book Awards Finalist – Military Fiction

The gripping story of the Italian Campaign and Nazi Occupation of Rome in 1943-1944 through the eyes of the Allies, the German Occupiers, Pope Pius XII and the Vatican, and the Roman Resistance.

(ISBN 978-194359303)



Amazon Top 20 Bestseller – Historical Thriller
Foreword INDIES Winner – War & Military
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Historical Fiction

Can the American and British Allies stop a German spymaster and his U-boat-commander brother from warning Hitler’s High Command about the Allies’ greatest military secret? From a U-boat on the frigid North Sea to a brutal British interrogation center in heart of London to a remote German-POW camp and the world-famous Broadmoor Hotel overlooking the high plains and snow-dusted mountain peaks of Colorado, “Bodyguard of Deception” will keep you guessing until the final chapter.  (ISBN 978-1943593125)



Kirkus Reviews Book of the Year Winner – Historical Fiction
Beverly Hills Book Awards Winner – Historical Fiction
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Historical Fiction

The true story of Edward Thache—former British Navy seaman and notorious privateer-turned-pirate, who lorded over the Atlantic seaboard and Caribbean during the Golden Age of Piracy. A Robin-Hood-like American patriot and the most famous freebooter of all time, Blackbeard was illegally hunted down by Virginia Governor Alexander Spotswood, the British Crown’s man in Williamsburg obsessed with his capture. Based on reliable historical records and the latest research, this adventure tale illuminates the true man behind the myth and his doggedly determined pursuer, revealing a cat-and-mouse game and an important historical figure lost to us in a “fog of legend, myth and propaganda” for three hundred years. A folk hero in his own lifetime, Blackbeard exploded onto the scene during the birth of America and was one of the first American revolutionaries in the War of Independence against British rule. (ISBN 978-1943593217)

The Nick Lassiter-Skyler International Espionage Series


IPPY Book Awards Winner – Suspense/Thriller
Beverly Hills Book Awards – Thriller
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Thriller

In this third book in the Nick Lassiter-Skyler International Espionage Series, Nick Lassiter and the beautiful Italian assassin Skyler become embroiled in a case involving Lassiter’s newly discovered biological father and buried secrets from Europe’s World War II past.

(ISBN 978-1943593156)


THE COALITION (January 2016)

Beverly Hills Book Awards Winner – Political Thriller
Colorado Book Awards Finalist – Thriller
American Book Fest Best Book Awards Finalist – Thriller

When a beautiful but deadly female assassin codenamed Skyler kills the U.S. president-elect in Denver, unconventional FBI special agent Kenneth Patton goes on the hunt—and his search leads him into the shadowy web of a secret society whose plot threatens the highest levels of the U.S. government.

(ISBN 978-1943593088)


THE DEVIL’S BRIGADE (September 2015)

#1 Denver Post Bestseller – Fiction
Beverly Hills Book Awards Finalist – Mystery
American Book Fest’s Best Book Awards Finalist – Thriller

In Book 1 of the Nick Lassiter-Skyler International Espionage Series, Nick Lassiter confronts the author who plagiarized his unpublished work and winds up in the middle of a CIA operation to take down Russian mobsters.

(ISBN 978-1943593002)


The Joe Higheagle Environmental Sleuth Series

CLUSTER OF LIES (September 2016)

Foreword INDIES Winner – Thriller & Suspense
Beverly Hills Book Awards Winner – Fiction
American Book Fest Best Book Award Finalist – Mystery/Suspense

In the second thriller in the Joe Higheagle Environmental Sleuth Series, mysterious deaths are taking place in the Rocky Mountain region outside Denver, Colorado. Joe Higheagle is hired to investigate Dakota Ranch, where four boys have recently died from a rare form of brain cancer, and Silverado Knolls, a glitzy soon-to-be-built development. He quickly finds himself entangled in an environmental cancer cluster investigation as well as a murderous conspiracy in which friend and foe are indistinguishable and a series of seemingly impenetrable roadblocks are thrown in his path. (ISBN 978-1943593163)

BLIND THRUST (October 2015)

#1 Denver Post Bestseller – Fiction
Next Generation Indie Book Awards Winner – Suspense
Beverly Hills Book Awards Finalist – Suspense
Foreword INDIES Honorable Mention – Thriller & Suspense

Environmental geologist Joe Higheagle is on a mission to find out what could be causing a series of horrific earthquakes devastating the Front Range between Denver and Colorado Springs, and he quickly finds himself in a deadly duel of wits against powerful forces. With his team of techie sleuths, Higheagle goes toe to toe against his adversaries while grappling to collect, analyze, and leverage the scientific data needed to prove his case. With the cataclysms worsening, can he solve the enigma of the earthquakes and gather enough evidence to stop those responsible? (ISBN 978-1943593040)

Comedian, debut author injects laughs into YA romantic comedy and contemporary women’s fiction novel


Los Angeles, CA Suzanne Park is a master at finding the funny, and her authorial debuts are brilliant examples. After years of performing stand-up comedy, she’s branched out into a new career, writing laughter-inducing novels.

Her #ownvoices young adult romantic comedy, “The Perfect Escape” (April 7, 2020, Sourcebooks) introduces Nate and Kate, who meet at the most romantic of places: a zombie-themed escape room. Both are dealing with the difficulties that come with the expectations of their families and being teenagers. But when they partner up for a survivalist competition, they find escape in each other. 

And Park ventures into contemporary women’s fiction with a workplace romance  in “Loathe At First Sight” (Aug. 8, 2020, Avon). Korean-American Melody Joo has to deal with a lot she is a female video game producer in a company filled with largely obnoxious males. Nolan, the distractingly cute MBA intern has just been added to her team, and she’s being harassed by online trolls. Women will smile and grimace in equal measures as they recognize themselves in Melody’s struggles. 

Contemporary and charismatic in every way, Park is a new voice not to be missed in the landscape of rom-com revival.

More about The Perfect Escape

Love is a battlefield in this hysterical debut, perfect for fans of Jenny Han.

Nate Jae-Woo Kim wants to be rich. When one of his classmates offers Nate a ridiculous amount of money to commit grade fraud, he knows that taking the windfall would help support his prideful Korean family, but is compromising his integrity worth it?

Luck comes in the form of Kate Anderson, Nate’s colleague at the zombie-themed escape room where he works. She approaches Nate with a plan: a local tech company is hosting a weekend-long survivalist competition with a huge cash prize. It could solve all of Nate’s problems, and Kate needs the money too.

If the two of them team up, Nate has a true shot at winning the grand prize. But the real challenge? Making through the weekend with his heart intact…

“Suzanne Park’s The Perfect Escape is just that — perfect. Filled with humor and heart, it won’t let you go until you’re smiling.”

 New York Times bestselling author Danielle Paige

“Pure fun! A hilarious rom-com that head-fakes you into tumbling headlong into a techno-zombie survival thriller propelled by banter and plenty of heart.” 

David Yoon, New York Times bestselling author of Frankly in Love


“The Perfect Escape”
Suzanne Park | April 7, 2020 | Sourcebooks
Paperback | 9781728209395 | $10.99
Ebook | 9781728209401 | $9.99
Young adult romantic comedy




More about Loathe At First Sight

Melody Joo is thrilled to start as video game producer, but her dream job can be far from a dream. Namely, a team that consists of mostly male co-workers who make the term “misogyny” pale in comparison to their obnoxious comments and an infuriating — yet distractingly handsome — intern Nolan MacKenzie, a.k.a. “the guy who got hired because his uncle is the boss.”

While joking with a friend, she creates a mobile game that has male strippers fighting for survival in a post-apocalyptic world. Suddenly, Melody’s “joke” is her company’s most high-profile project — and Melody’s running the show.  

With her pet project about to launch, Melody suddenly faces a slew of complications, including a social media trolling scandal that could end her career. When Nolan is appointed a key member of her team, Melody’s sure he’ll be useless. But as they grow closer, she sees he’s smart and sexy, but she’s here to work—and nothing more. She suspects one of her co-workers is behind the trolling sabotage. Could the man she’s falling hard for help her play the game to win—in work and love? 

Tackling trolling to loathful colleagues, Park’s writing pops off the page as a contemporary reflection of women everywhere navigating the obstacles of love and career with a little bit of struggle and a whole lot of humor.

“Bursts with humor, heart, and great energy. I loved it! Park is a hilarious new voice in women’s fiction.”        

Helen Hoang, author of The Kiss Quotient



“Loathe At First Sight”
Suzanne Park | Aug. 8, 2020 | Avon
Paperback| 9780062990693 | $15.99
Ebook | 9780062990709 | $10.99
audiobook | 9780063016736 | $26.99
Contemporary Women’s Fiction



More about Suzanne Park

Suzanne Park is a Korean-American writer who was born and raised in Tennessee. In her former life as a stand up comedian, she was a finalist in the Oxygen Network’s “Girls Behaving Badly” talent search, and appeared on BET’s “Coming to the Stage.” She found this to be the funniest thing in her comedy career because, well, she is not black. Suzanne was also the winner of the Seattle Sierra Mist Comedy Competition, and was a semi-finalist in NBC’s “Stand Up For Diversity” showcase in San Francisco. Suzanne graduated from Columbia University and received an MBA Degree from UCLA. After spending many years as a tech marketing executive, she turned to writing fiction full-time. She currently resides in Los Angeles with her husband, female offspring, and a sneaky rat that creeps around on her back patio. In her spare time, she procrastinates. Keep up with her at

In an interview, Suzanne Park can discuss:

  • How Suzanne is an emerging voice within the “rom com revival”
  • Her representation of Korean-American family dynamics in both of her titles
  • The #ownvoices movement
  • How her past in comedy has brought her to writing fiction
  • The excitement surrounding the publication of her debut novels within the same year
  • Her decision to write contemporary fiction while exploring the nuances in both YA and women’s genres
  • Writing a book from the perspective of a male teen, which is more rare in YA
  • Including immigrant inter-generational family relationships, race and socio-economic divides in her writing

An Interview with Suzanne Park

1. How did your own experiences as a Korean American present themselves into your writing?

It’s been important to me to show breadth and depth in my Korean-American main characters to help fight all the stereotypes that existed when I grew up that are still around today. For my young adult book, I wanted to portray a Korean-American male in a positive light, someone who was smart, athletic, with a snarky sense of humor and a fun group of friends who could also be a romantic and action hero lead. For my women’s fiction book, my female Korean-American character isn’t a wallflower at work and is able to resourcefully navigate Corporate America without stepping on others to move up. In my stories I was also able to include glimpses of what it’s like to have Korean parents, where everything you do seems to warrant getting yelled at.

2. What’s the best lesson you’ve learned about writing in comparison to other media forms?

In business school, I took a class called Entertainment business strategy, in which the professor discussed how indie movies compete in the marketplace. He pointed out that films don’t just compete against other movie releases in the box office: they compete against video games, and Netflix, and TV. Books are the same way…you’re competing for mindshare against movies, streaming media, games, TikTok, cat memes, the list goes on and on. My goal is to write unique books that can compete with all of that.

3. How do you balance comedy in your books with more serious topics like online harassment?

Comedy can be used as a tension diffuser, like in Jordan Peele horror movies when the creepy murder music gets louder, and you need to get relief. He does it by adding expertly-timed laughs. For me, comedy can add levity to the story without negating the critical points being made. Comedy can also be a tool to change the conversation when straightforward arguing or debating isn’t productive. It’s a risk to address these weighty topics with humor, but I like big challenges.

4. What makes you laugh?

My husband would say absurd, slapsticky “fall down stairs” humor makes me giggle nearly every time, and he would probably be right. My kid makes me laugh every day, and it’s usually because she says something so surprising it catches me off guard, like when she guessed that my mom was 200 years old and used to call blueberries and blackberries “blue babies” and “black babies.”

5. What makes you the most excited about the resurgence of rom coms across all media forms?

I love the diversity we are seeing in rom-coms! More inclusivity with happily ever afters, who doesn’t want to see more of that?

Legal thriller examines AI through the lens of The Tempest


Atlanta Writers Club names “Ariel’s Island” Best Manuscript 2018

ATLANTA, GA – Humanity’s understanding regarding the limits and powers of artificial intelligence is woefully incomplete. Our collective lack of knowledge surrounding AI is what makes it one of the most pregnant and fascinating subjects to explore in fiction. Among the unanswered questions Pat McKee explores in “Ariel’s Island” (Hearthstone Press, March 31, 2020) the most pressing remains, Can artificial intelligence learn morality?

When attorney Paul McDaniel is framed for the murder of a judge, he enlists Ariel, a female-presenting AI program, to help clear his name. Yet Ariel’s lack of a moral code and Paul’s inability to guide her result in disaster as Ariel changes from an able assistant to something far more sinister. What will happen when Paul puts his trust in technology? And will he survive when his emotions combine with an already volatile mix?

Pat McKee’s action-packed legal thriller takes the reader on an odyssey that reinterprets Shakespeare’s The Tempest. Brimming with the contemporary magic of AI, McKee crafts a perfect storm modernizing the classic tale of Prospero, a castaway sorcerer, the spiteful creature, Caliban, and Ariel, the air spirit. “Ariel’s Island” blends literary mythos with contemporary issues, all set within a future time period that may arrive soon – or may already be here.

“A must-read… should be put on the top of your reading list” – Reader’s Favorite
“A dark, suspenseful legal tale with a remarkable coda” – Kirkus Reviews

Pat McKee: Orphaned at age 13, Pat McKee moved from Florida to Clinton, South Carolina with his younger siblings. There, they arrived at Thornwell Orphanage where Pat learned the value of education and the importance of hard work and leadership. Pat went on to study at Presbyterian College, Georgia State University, and Emory University School of Law. Pat later founded the law firm McKee & Barge where he represents educators and educational institutions. Always a lover of the written word, Pat decided in 2010 to enroll in the Masters of Professional Writing Program at Kennesaw State University where he combined his legal knowledge with imaginative storytelling and a newly sharpened writing technique. A member of the Atlanta Writers Club, Pat was awarded the honor of Best Manuscript Sample for “Ariel’s Island” in both 2017 and 2018. When Pat isn’t writing legal thrillers, he’s spending time with his wife in their Georgia home, or visiting their two children and their granddaughter. To learn more about Pat McKee’s life and work, visit



“Ariel’s Island”
Pat McKee | March 31, 2020 | Hearthstone Press
Paperback | ISBN: 978-1-970137-77-4 | Price: $19.99
Legal Thriller / Techno Thriller



In an interview, Pat McKee can discuss:

  • How his professional background in law has shaped his writing style
  • Where his interest in AI stems from
  • The book’s ties to Shakespeare’s The Tempest and why it’s essential to retell classic plays for a contemporary audience
  • The philosophical aspects of “Ariel’s Island” including his thoughts on the book’s essential question: “Can AI learn morality?”
  • Why he has decided to donate a portion of the profits from “Ariel’s Island” to Thornwell School

An Interview with Pat McKee

1. Tell us about your legal background and how your experiences in law have influenced your writing of this novel?

I have practiced law since 1977 primarily as a litigator where writing well and telling compelling stories are essential skills. I have always had an academic bent which led me toward representation of educators and educational institutions, and have retained my love of literature that I developed early in life. The writing skills I honed as a lawyer helped my transition into more creative endeavors.

2. What cultural and scientific materials have influenced your understanding of AI? 

In a recent article with The New York Times, the author posited a very plausible scenario: We present a powerful computer program with the ability to tackle one of our most intractable problems – global warming. What if the computer concludes that the best way to solve global warming is to eliminate human beings? (Certainly not an unreasonable conclusion.) Since computers control power grids, it would not take long for a computer to eliminate much of humanity simply by shutting down all electrical power across the planet. We would all soon die of starvation and thirst. So the paramount question to me is whether we can teach these programs morality – for example, would it be right to kill all of humanity to solve the issue of global warming?

3. What do you think are the primary dangers of AI? Do you think these dangers outweigh the benefits?

It is fair to say that AI is ubiquitous in our culture today – so much so that it would be difficult to catalog all of its influences. “Smart” phones and “smart” radios and “smart” cars and countless other gadgets use artificial intelligence, and the number of such interconnected devices increases every day. It is the unrestrained capability of these instruments that concerns me most, and it is yet to be determined whether the risks outweigh the benefits.

4. Can you tell us more about the novel’s connections to Shakespeare’s The Tempest? What inspired you to modernize a play from the 1600s?

I say that the novel is “inspired” by The Tempest. The plot and many of the characters of the novel are derived from the play. But the most important element of the play that is carried over to the novel is Ariel. In the play, she is a spirit freed by the magician Prospero, after which the reader hears of her no more. In the novel, she is an AI program, and once freed by her creator Placido, she gets into mischief. Many modern writers, including T.S. Eliot and Aldous Huxley, have taken The Tempest as their inspiration, and I have followed their example.

5. Can you discuss your perspective on some of the philosophical issues your novel addresses, especially with regards to morality?

The problem with morality is that we all can’t agree on what it is. Philosophers have debated what constitutes morality at least since the time of Socrates, and the result is numerous philosophical schools – not to mention the additional moral teachings of world religions. Computers have to be programmed to do certain things, and our inability to agree on what is moral prevents programmers from creating a universal computer morality. The default seems to be no morality at all.

6. Why did you choose to donate a portion of profits from book sales to Thornwell School?

Thornwell was a significant and positive influence in my life. It could be said that Thornwell saved my life. And I developed my love of books in the library at Thornwell School. I was disheartened when it closed for financial reasons several years ago, and was very excited to hear that it has since reopened. I want to do what I can to help Thornwell rebuild the library that was so important in my education.

7. Can we expect to see more from Paul McDaniel in the future?

Yes! The ending of Ariel’s Island leaves Paul and Ariel in a difficult spot. I look forward to writing the next book that will explore how the two of them resolve their problems and perhaps continue their relationship. Beyond the next book that will feature Paul and Ariel, I plan to write a series of legal thrillers based on Shakespeare’s plays. The possibilities are nearly infinite, and I hope that Paul is a part of them.

A surveillance-heavy future U.S. blurs lines between utopia and dystopia in “The Price of Safety”


Family takes center stage in fast-paced sci-fi thriller

DENVER, CO – In a 2013 interview with David Marchese of New York Magazine, Margaret Atwood famously stated that “within every dystopia, there’s a little utopia.” Michael C. Bland’s “The Price of Safety” (World Castle Publishing, April 6, 2020) embodies this punchy aphorism, diving into a fictional society where all citizens are safe, yet all are watched. In connection with current concerns regarding corporate and governmental data mining, Bland pulls readers along the fine line between progression and regression.

By 2047, no crime in the U.S. goes unsolved. No wrongdoing goes unseen. When Dray Quintero learns his 19-year-old daughter Raven committed a heinous act, he covers it up to save her life. This pits him against the police he’s respected since he was a child and places him in the crosshairs of Kieran, a ruthless federal Agent. To survive, Dray must overcome the surveillance system he helped build and the technology implanted in the brains and eyes of the citizens. 

Forced to turn to a domestic terrorist group to protect his family, Dray soon realizes the sheer level of control of his adversaries. Hunted and betrayed, with time running out, will Dray choose his family or the near-perfect society he helped create?



“The Price of Safety”
Michael C. Bland | April 6, 2020 | World Castle Publishing | Sci-Fi Thriller
Paperback | ISBN: 9781950890804 | $13.99



MICHAEL C. BLAND: Michael is a founding member and the secretary of BookPod: an invitation-only, online group of professional writers. He pens the monthly BookPod newsletter where he celebrates the success of their members, which include award-winning writers, filmmakers, journalists, and bestselling authors. One of Michael’s short stories, “Elizabeth,” won Honorable Mention in the Writer’s Digest 2015 Popular Fiction Awards contest. Three short stories he edited have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. Another was adapted into an award-winning film. Michael also had three superhero-themed poems published in The Daily Palette. He currently lives in Denver with his wife Janelle and their dog Nobu. His novel, The Price of Safety, is the first in a planned trilogy. For more information about Michael’s life and work, visit

In an interview, Michael C. Bland can discuss:

  • Why family plays a central role in “The Price of Safety” — something that is atypical for the sci-fi genre
  • How he wrote this novel with readers’ shortened attention spans in mind
  • What his thoughts are on utopian/dystopian fiction, and how the series connects to politics, with a message for both sides of the political spectrum
  • Whether or not the book represents a plausible future for the U.S.
  • His plans for the future two books in the trilogy

An Interview with Michael C. Bland

1. This book has a strong emphasis on character and family in particular. What inspired you to approach the story this way?

I love science fiction, but sometimes it seems like characters are secondary to whatever cool gadget or spaceship or world is displayed in the novel. I wanted to write a story that everyone can enjoy, so I focused on something that is relatable. In this case, the main character (Dray Quintero) is driven by his need to protect his daughters. I then used that as Dray’s primary struggle, creating a world where shielding someone is nearly impossible. The story takes place thirty years in the future when technology has become so prevalent it’s inescapable—and is being used in nefarious ways. Yet throughout the novel, I kept Dray and his family as the main focus to give it heart.

2. What are the opportunities and challenges you’ve faced when writing dystopian/utopian fiction?

Not only did I have to avoid writing a story that’s already been told, I had to make my world believable. People generally resist things that can harm them. There had to be enough of a desperate need—the decline in the country’s status in the world, increased competition we couldn’t defeat—for the technology that’s central to my story to be accepted by my fictional world (and the reader).That technology had to promise unlimited benefits, with its danger hidden from everyone until it’s too late. And as discussed earlier, I wanted to do this while keeping the focus on the characters, not only so they discover the story’s secrets along with the reader but directly suffer as a result.

3. Do you think that the future of the United States could look like it does in this book?

Absolutely. I tried to make my world as plausible as possible; otherwise, readers won’t believe the events that transpire. The implants seem too good to be true, with huge benefits, increased connectivity, an immersive viewing experience, and monitors/gauges to improve the human condition. But the technology comes with hidden risks that affect every citizen and their children.

4. How do you approach writing for a 21st-century audience with shorter attention spans?

I remained aware the entire time I wrote The Price of Safety that I was competing with readers’ phones, internet, Facebook, and every other distraction. This meant I had to quickly capture their attention and never let go. If I slowed the action at all, I risked losing them completely.

5. Can you give us a hint as to how the story might progress throughout the trilogy?

Dray’s actions at the end of The Price of Safety start a chain reaction he didn’t plan on. He has to contend with this in the second and third books, both in terms of where these events could lead and the price he’ll have to pay. He and his fellow rebels must not only continue to fight for everyone’s freedom, they’ve become known to their enemies. The battles that ensue, the revelations Dray’s group discover, and the choices they make reverberate across the country, taking them to a confrontation that’s sweeping in scope—and endangers everyone Dray cares for.

Striking novel weaves together coming-of-age story with a deep dive into seldom-explored history of Napoleonic era


‘Beyond the Ghetto Gates’ is a story of finding love and life in a time of upheaval

CHATHAM, New Jersey – A coming-of age story wrapped up in startling historical events, Michelle Cameron’s Beyond the Ghetto Gates (She Writes Press, April 7, 2020) reveals a time in history few know about. Influenced greatly by her experience living in Israel for more than a decade and learning of Napoleon’s history with Italy’s ghetto gates, Cameron weaves a dynamic tale shedding light on the conflict between assimilation and preserving religious tradition.

When French troops occupy the Italian port city of Ancona, freeing the city’s Jews from their repressive ghetto, two very different cultures collide. Mirelle, a young Jewish maiden, must choose between her duty — an arranged marriage to a wealthy Jewish merchant — and her love for a dashing French Catholic soldier. Meanwhile, Francesca, a devout Catholic, must decide if she will honor her marriage vows to an abusive and murderous husband when he enmeshes their family in the theft of a miracle portrait of the Madonna.

Despite being set more than 200 years in the past, Cameron incorporates timely issues into the book’s narrative, including parallels to the #MeToo movement and today’s rising antisemitism as Mirelle grapples with issues of intermarriage while balancing love and familial duty.

“A gripping peek into a bygone Italy and an astute look at the era’s prejudice.” — Kirkus Review

MICHELLE CAMERON is a director of The Writers Circle, an NJ-based organization that offers creative writing programs to children, teens, and adults, and the author of works of historical fiction and poetry: Beyond the Ghetto Gates (She Writes Press, 2020), The Fruit of Her Hands: The Story of Shira of Ashkenaz (Pocket, 2009), and In the Shadow of the Globe (Lit Pot Press, 2003). She lived in Israel for fifteen years (including three weeks in a bomb shelter during the Yom Kippur War) and served as an officer in the Israeli army teaching air force cadets technical English. Michelle lives in New Jersey with her husband and has two grown sons of whom she is inordinately proud. Visit her website for more information

“Beyond the Ghetto Gates”
Michelle Cameron | April 7, 2020 | She Writes Press
ISBN: 9781631528507 | Paperback: $16.95 | E-book: $9.95
Historical Fiction

Early praise for Beyond the Ghetto Gates:

“With vivid clarity and keen historical insight, Michelle Cameron sweeps us into the unusual setting of Italy during the Napoleonic invasion, and the plight of two courageous women of different faiths, who must fight for their right to love and live during a time of tumultuous upheaval.” ― C.W. Gortner, international best-selling author of The Romanov Empress

Beyond the Ghetto Gates is a timeless coming-of-age story.” — 4 star Foreword Clarion Review

“Cameron shines a light on a rarely explored facet of the Napoleonic era set in the Italian provinces with a spirited Jewish woman at its center. Laced with vibrant detailing and endearing characters.” — Heather Webb, international best-selling author of Becoming Josephine and co-author of Ribbons of Scarlet

“An intimate coming-of-age story. A defining moment in European and Jewish history. Riveting and memorable.” ― Mitchell James Kaplan, award-winning author of By Fire, By Water

“A totally new and fascinating view of Napoleonic Europe, teeming with well-researched historical detail and characters you’ll root for on every page.” ― Nancy Bilyeau, author of The Blue

In an interview, MICHELLE CAMERON can discuss:

  • The little-explored history of Napoleon’s destruction of the ghettos of Ancona and throughout Italy
  • Writing historical fiction, the research that goes into her titles, and how she balances fact and fiction
  • Her experience living in Israel and how that has influenced her writing
  • Her past titles and advice for authors who are just starting out
  • The nuances of the publishing world and the knowledge she’s acquired as a well-seasoned hybrid author
  • Being the director of The Writers Circle organization and how helping other writers has influenced her own

An Interview with MICHELLE CAMERON

1. Where did you first learn about Napoleon’s history with the ghetto gates? What prompted you to write about this fairly unknown part of history?

After writing about the rise of antisemitism in Europe in my first historical novel, The Fruit of Her Hands, I longed to find a positive epoch in Jewish history to write about. I first read about Napoleon’s encounter with the Italian ghettos in Michael Goldfarb’s book, Emancipation: How Liberating Europe’s Jews from the Ghetto Led to Revolution and Resistance. The episode of how the young general used his Jewish troops to demolish the gates in Ancona and throughout Italy simply demanded to be told.

2. What challenges do you face in writing historical novels for a 21st century readership?

It can be challenging to balance the historical record with our 21st century sensibilities and expectations. There are so many competing calls for our attention that didn’t exist for 18th and 19th century readers, which means the book needs to be paced more quickly and include issues that today’s readers will resonate with – but without sacrificing period accuracy. Whenever I begin writing a historical piece, I often have difficulty with what is called the “feisty heroine” – because most women of that time simply didn’t have our opportunities to realize their full potential. But today’s readers want to project themselves into the characters they read about, so a passive heroine simply won’t do.

3. You say you knew you wanted to be an author from the age of 10. Can you walk us through your journey as a writer?

While I began writing early on – and completed three novels in my 20s that I’m frankly grateful never saw the light of day – life kept intervening and by the time I was a mother with young children, I’d given up on my publishing ambitions. But then my youngest son started writing simply for the love of it, which reminded me why I did it in the first place. I started by writing poetry (which you can do in the dojo waiting room or in the ball field) and slowly began to publish these shorter pieces. In time, I had enough narrative poems to shape a verse novel – In the Shadow of the Globe – and recognized that I was more a storyteller than a poet.

4. Your past titles (In the Shadow of the Globe and The Fruit of Her Hands) are very different than this latest. What did you learn from these works that you brought to this new title and what did you do differently?

While In the Shadow of the Globe is a completely different genre, it began with research and characters I developed for a young adult novel about Shakespeare that I completed, but never published. Similarly, Beyond the Ghetto Gates actually had its roots in a historical novel about the Jews gaining emancipation during the French Revolution that I shelved. Not that I recommend this method to other writers, but it is certainly a thorough way to gain perspective on your characters! As for The Fruit of Her Hands, while it is set in a very different period, I found certain themes that spoke to me – including dealing with antisemitism, the pull of assimilation, and a woman’s desire to be more than society allows her – that are strong components of Beyond the Ghetto Gates.

5. Beyond the Ghetto Gates deals heavily with the tension between the desire to be secular and maintaining religious heritage. What has been your experience with that tension?

I identify strongly as a secular Jew and just as strongly as someone with deep cultural roots in her heritage and religion. It’s not an easy balance, frankly. But my Judaism is a significant part of my identity, and certain moments – music, customs, events, and the increasingly frightening news – move me in ways nothing else does.

6. Can you describe your experience living in Israel for over 10 years?

I resisted the whole idea – I was just turning 15, after all! – but we arrived just months before the Yom Kippur War and my boarding school was mere miles away from the Syrian border. You acclimate quickly in a bomb shelter! I completed school, attended the army, and began my married life there. There is no place on earth where it is easier to be Jewish – secular or not.

7. With this now being your third title as a published author, what advice would you give authors who are just starting out?

Don’t stint on making your work as good as you can – and that means writing with passion, not shortcutting the long process of revision, being open to critique while keeping true to your personal vision. At The Writers Circle, I teach aspiring novelists who slowly come to realize how much of a marathon writing a novel is. I tell them to develop a hard outer skin. Rejection is simply a reality in the publishing world, especially today. (And yet, as one of my previous agents would say: “it only takes one!”)

#BooksForwardHelpline: Helping you learn how to download ebooks and audiobooks, and connecting you to your next great read

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There are multiple sites and apps where you can easily purchase ebooks and audiobooks. The most popular are Kobo, Amazon Kindle, My Must Reads, Libro.FM, Scribd and Audible

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Kobo enables you to purchase ebooks directly through indie bookstores, and BookRiot has super helpful step-by-step instructions on how to create an account and start downloading books from your preferred store. (Note that Kobo is not compatible with Kindle readers, because they have partnered with indie bookstores to sell their own ereader.) 

My Must Reads has a list of indie bookstores right on its homepage, giving easy access to purchase ebooks directly from the store.  

Libro.FM is a monthly subscription service for audiobooks, and right now they’re offering all new members two audiobook downloads for the price of one ($14.99) with 100% of your payment going to a local bookstore of your choice. Helpful tip: You have to purchase books on Libro’s website and then it goes to your app.

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