Taayoo A. Murray helps others to reach their potential


Youth mentor, nonprofit fundraiser Taayoo A. Murray releasing
new book to help teenagers, young adults maximize their strengths

NEW YORK CITY – Troubled by the lack of drive she has seen in teenagers and young adults, Taayoo A. Murray is setting out to teach the next generation the benefits of goal-setting, a skill that she strongly believes is necessary for a successful future. Her new book, “Making Me Happen,” blends Murray’s personal experience as a mother and her professional career as an educator and major nonprofit fundraiser to create an easy-to-use goal-setting guide.

Releasing on April 25, 2017, “Making Me Happen” is more than just a theory; it incorporates real practices and methods Murray has used successfully with her own children. Murray had a “eureka moment” when teaching her sons how to set their own goals, leading them to develop a sense of self motivation, integrity, work ethic and discipline.

“I was amazed by what their little minds wanted to achieve and secondly, given the opportunity, they knew how to get it done,” Murray said of working with her children.

“Making Me Happen” is a fantastic resource for parents, educators, and anyone looking for a system for success. Murray emphasizes the importance of developing healthy goal habits.

“I sincerely believe that when youth master the ability to set goals and it becomes a habit, they can take control of the direction of their lives,” Murray said.

“Making Me Happen” is an interactive workbook that leads teenagers and young adults through a personal SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis for goal creation, giving them tools they need to succeed.

Born and raised in Jamaica, Taayoo A. Murray is an innovative youth coach, mentor and public speaker in Brooklyn, New York. She has successfully worked with at-risk youth to create and implement programs that redefined and changed the trajectory of their lives. Murray served as educational director at Children of the Future and a corporate trainer at Mana Group in New York. “Making Me Happen” is her first book.



About the Book

Making-Me-Happen-coverMaking Me Happen
Taayoo A. Murray • April 25, 2017
$19.99 (paperback)








Q&A with Taayoo A. Murray

Taayoo-A-MurrayHow did your work with nonprofits influence “Making Me Happen?”
In an effort to meet targets, I was trained to set daily and weekly goals. This systematic approach to achieving preset targets influenced how I operated in other areas of my life. I quickly saw this newfound skillset/habit revolutionizing my entire life. I modified the system and applied it to parenting my sons. “Making Me Happen” was born from that.

What is the biggest setback to success you see with teens and young adults?
The absence of goals in their lives. Teens and adults need goals, no matter what they may be, to keep them focused and prevent aimless meandering throughout life. Absence of goals gives them nothing to look forward to and works toward, so they attach themselves to anything that comes along and is convenient at the time.

How did you develop the eight steps to success?
I am a kinesthetic learner; I learn by doing. I teach the same way and always try to find the easiest and most interactive methods to impart information. So, the 8 steps are “Hey Billy Bob What Would Donkey Kong Think – HBBWWDKT.” This stands for:

  1. Have an A+ attitude
  2. Be on time
  3. Be prepared
  4. Work your full 8 hours
  5. Work your plan
  6. Don’t lose your attitude
  7. Know why you’re here
  8. Take control

What goal-setting exercises have you used with your own children?
The most effective goal setting exercise I use with my children is their goal boards. Every week they set three goals that they write on their goal boards. I don’t influence these goals, they set them, so they own them. They must however be S-M-A-C-able (Specific, Measurable, Attainable yet Challenging). They then have to articulate to me how they’re going to achieve these goals, detailing specific activities. I then follow up, remind and encourage them.

What would you recommend to parents who are trying to inspire their teenagers to achieve their dreams?
Don’t get overly concerned about what your teens’ dreams and aspirations are (unless they pose imminent harm to themselves or others). Be grateful they have dreams! Focus more on helping them develop the habit of consistently working toward achieving something. This is an invaluable skill and character trait that will transfer into other areas of their lives.

What are some common mistakes parents make when trying to teach their kids about setting goals?
The biggest mistake often made is trying to set goals for our children or trying to make our goals theirs.

How do you think “Making Me Happen” could be incorporated into a classroom?
The “Making Me Happen” program can be incorporated into the classroom as a character

Idabel Allen Explores Rural Family Secrets


Iowa Writers Workshop Alumnus Idabel Allen’s New Southern Literary Novel Explores Rural Family Secrets

Idabel Allen developed her distinctive, arresting literary voice at the Iowa Writers Workshop, and is now making her debut in the world of Southern literary fiction with her new novel, Rooted (May 2, 2017), about a punk musician who crash lands in a small Southern town in the late ‘70s while searching for an inheritance—and discovers much more than he bargained for when he becomes entangled with the mysterious McQuiston family.

Lovers of Southern Literature, Americana and the 70’s New York punk scene will rejoice in this masterfully penned family drama, rooted in the works of Southern storytellers such as William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Truman Capote, Flannery O’Connor and more.



About the Book


ROOTED: Washed up and drugged out, punk’s poster-boy descends on the southern town of Moonsock like a bat out of hell.

In the late 1970’s, Slade Mortimer is on his last leg. Running from the memory of his dead girlfriend, her revenge-seeking father and the childhood abandonment of his mother, Slade descends on the southern town of Moonsock desperately seeking an inheritance and a new start on life. What he finds is the fractured McQuistons, the family he never knew he had or needed.

Slade’s unexpected arrival blows the door off the McQuiston closet, loosing skeletons and resurrecting questions about the mysterious disappearance of Slade’s mother twenty-five years before.

If the family is to survive, they must account for their past sins. Only then can the McQuistons begin to forgive themselves. Only then can they begin to heal.

IDABEL ALLEN serves up the best in new home cooked Southern Literature. First and foremost a storyteller, Idabel’s books are grounded in the same character-driven reality that holds the reader’s attention long after the story is finished. Idabel brings over fifteen years of experience as a professional writer and editor to the literary table. She attended the Iowa Writer’s Workshop Fiction program and is the author of Headshots, available on Amazon.


Q&A with Idabel Allen

1. How did punk rock and country/Americana music influence Rooted?
Music permeates everything in the South – from New Orleans Jazz, Rhythm and Blues, Rock and Rockabilly, to Gospel and Hip Hop. In rural areas, Country music, including Bluegrass, is as much a staple as beans and cornbread. To this day, children are raised up on the music of Hank and Haggard, Willie and Waylon, Patsy, Loretta and more.

In the mid 1970’s, years of mellow, hippie rock and smooth, studio country gave way to punk rock and outlaw country. Both were anti-establishment movements and embraced a DIY attitude that gave musicians freedom to say and do whatever they wanted. While these musical revolutions had many things in common, they were not so visible to the naked eye staring at spiked hair and face piercings for the first time.

As a child in West Tennessee in the late seventies, I caught bits of information about the Sex Pistols. There was a sense that the band, and their music, was a clear sign that the world was going to hell in a hand-basket.

When it came time to write Rooted, I was taken with the idea of stranding a New York punk in a small Southern town. I wanted to see how the differences and similarities between a conservative, country culture and the more radical punk culture played out.

2. Are there any specific songs or artists that influenced this story?

There were many songs and artists that ran through my mind when writing Rooted. Music is one of the best ways to set a tone or mood of a story, even the setting.

Slade Mortimer’s character was loosely based on legendary punk rock pioneer, Richard Hell – founding member of Television, the Heartbreakers and Richard Hell and the Voidoids. The originator of spiked hair, ripped T-shirts and safety pins, it was Richard Hell’s look that Malcolm McLaren exported to England and outfitted the fledgling Sex Pistols.

The music of Hank Williams Jr. was used to give the story a sense of the pride and independence that runs strong in Southern communities. The Allman Brothers’ dark, bluesy soundtrack complimented the characters’ struggle to understand their own failings and explore the possibility of redemption.

The music of Memphis Minnie, The Mississippi Sheiks and other artists from the late 1920’s and early 30’s shields Sarah Jane, a reclusive young writer from a world she has seen too much of at too young an age.

A major influence on Rooted was a song called, Come to Jesus, by Mindy Smith. I had just completed the rough draft when I first heard this song and was struck by how well the song captured my characters’ despair and desperation – in who they were and what they had become. Like Rooted, it is a song about being alone and afraid at the end of your rope and discovering there is help and hope available. This song did not make it into the book but was still a big influence.

Instead, I used the old hymn, Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb, at various points in Rooted to help characters come to terms with the past traumas that threaten to destroy them. While these characters are not particularly religious, the song helps them begin to heal.

3. How did growing up in the south influence your storytelling?

If you are Southern, I can almost guarantee you are a storyteller. It’s in your blood. When you get together with friends or family stories just seem to bubble up to the surface. Some new, but many are the same old stories that have been rehashed and regurgitated for years, and are just as loved with each telling.

Children idle up and become part of the circle, listening with big ears and turning questioning faces to this speaker and that. In this way, the love of storytelling is handed down.

Telling stories at gathering’s is such a natural occurrence that I never considered how special this was until I lived out of the South for several years and found myself dying of thirst. I was among a wonderful non-Southern culture that did not play with words the way we do in the South. They did not say, “gettin’ my nails did.” Had never heard the terms, “showing your tail,” or “acting a fool.” When they spoke, they used proper words for things, and it liked to drive me crazy.

And when we gathered together after a potluck or over drinks, stories did not flow. We talked about things like the new transportation bill at the state house.

Each time I returned to the South, I hurried to some kitchen table or backyard fire-pit to hear the stories and say a few of my own. In doing so, something deep in my core was satisfied.

But it’s not just me. How else can you explain the canon of Southern literature and the popularity of country music? The South loves telling stories. And more than that, people love hearing them.

4. Rooted tells the story of a rural American culture clashing with urban American culture in the 70s – how do you think people can still relate to this today?

It must be human nature to be suspicious of things outside your protective circle or control. The world has always been full of “us” against “them”. That’s fine; we don’t all have to agree. But what is important is how the “us” and the “them” learn to work together and keep things going in a way healthy, productive way.

The cultural conflicts in Rooted go beyond that great Shakespearian question: to nose-pin or not to nose-pin?

Slade’s world is all about rebellion, anarchy, and change. It’s about smashing the old rules and ways of doing things and demanding to be heard. Slade’s world doesn’t care about the moral restraints holding tradition in place. They want to force change on the world.

Grover’s world is about working within and protecting those same moral constraints. It is about self-reliance, and self-improvement. About minding your manners and your business. Grover’s world is intent on taking care of itself and does not want outside influences forcing change on them.

These philosophical differences were clearly displayed in the 2016 election results. Maybe these differences have always been there and always will. Perhaps it is the country’s ability and willingness to work together that has changed.

In Rooted, the clash between urban and rural cultures works itself out. But Rooted is a novel, and far easier to bring about a resolution that gets past the “us” against “them” mentality than in real life.

5. What do you want readers to take away from this story?

Rooted is a story about the importance of belonging to a place and a people. The characters in this story are lost souls, alone and at odds with the world and themselves. Disconnected, they struggle with identity: who they are, where they come from and what they’ve become. When the pain and shame of their existence are too much to bear, family roots take hold. Unable to run or hide any longer, the characters are forced to confront a brutal past in the hopes of a better future.


Author Annette Libeskind Berkovits shares wonder of wildlife


Conservationist who transformed public education at the world-famous Bronx Zoo shares the wonder of wildlife in fascinating new book

Annette Libeskind Berkovits releasing ‘Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator’

NEW YORK – A champion and expert on conservation education, Annette Libeskind Berkovits is taking readers behind the scenes of one of America’s most renowned zoos in her new book, “Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator” (April 22, 2017).

confessions-book-cover-artFilled with fun anecdotes about a variety of animals from pumas to king cobras, “Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator” is the perfect book for animal lovers everywhere that have ever wondered about what goes on behind the scenes at a zoo. Berkovits pulls back the curtain on fascinating, little-known facts about the Bronx Zoo, including a secret classroom with gorillas, employees who live at the zoo, unpublicized animal escapes and controversial exhibits.

When Berkovits started working at the Bronx Zoo in New York in 1972, she trod a nearly virgin territory. Public education had not yet found its way into the zoo’s philosophy or strategies, and very few women worked in zoos. True, the Bronx Zoo was the first in the world to launch an education department, but its activities were limited to a bevy of young women clad in miniskirts who roamed the park providing tidbits of information that may have been entertaining but hardly educational. Nevertheless, Berkovits was the right woman for the job. She took the zoo’s public education initiatives to the next level not only at her zoo but nationwide and worldwide.

A pioneer for women in the field of conservation and the creator of award-winning conservation education programs recognized for excellence by the National Science Foundation, Berkovits shares a unique and insightful perspective on everything from the zoo’s inner workings to the dilemma of preserving nature for the next generation. From giraffes to supersize snakes and fugitive pigs, “Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator” takes readers on a fascinating journey told with the charming wit of a woman who worked her way up to serve as senior vice president at the Wildlife Conservation Society, which today conserves the world’s largest wild places in 15 priority regions, home to more than 50 percent of the world’s biodiversity.

Berkovits-photoAnnette Libeskind Berkovits was born in Kyrgyzstan and grew up in postwar Poland and the fledgling state of Israel before coming to America at age 16. In her three-decade career with the Wildlife Conservation Society in New York, she spearheaded the institution’s nationwide and worldwide science education programs. Her achievements include the first-ever agreement to bring environmental education to China’s schools. The National Science Foundation has recognized her outstanding leadership in the field. Now retired, she is pursuing her life-long love of writing. She is the author of “In the Unlikeliest of Places” and “Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator.”



About the Book

Advance Praise

“Berkovits tells a remarkable story, fascinating and unique. With a deft blend of personal insight and eloquent story-telling, she takes us from a remote village in Kyrgyzstan to the Bronx Zoo, from accidental zoology to innovative environmental education and describes her adventures as she evolved from neophyte to international leader in her field.” —William Conway, Senior Conservationist with the Wildlife Conservation Society; former President of the Society and Director of the Bronx Zoo

“‘Confessions of an Accidental Zoo Curator’ is a story that goes far beyond its title. While I am not a fan of reading people’s life stories, the trajectory of the life of Annette Berkovits as she develops through a difficult childhood devoid of any real animal connections, to become one of the world’s foremost leaders in zoo-based wildlife conservation education is both fascinating and inspiring. This is a story that shows how love and passion for the natural world can grow and blossom out of experience and a desire to inspire others. Annette’s career and her accomplishments were no accident, but instead arose out of a willingness to take on opportunities and experience life to its fullest.” — Alan Rabinowitz PhD, zoologist, author and CEO of Panthera, a conservation organization working to protect the world’s wild cats and their ecosystems

“Reading this book, I’m pleased to discover anew the passion, curiosity and humorous sensibility that have always characterized Annette’s work and her life. ‘Confessions of the Accidental Zoo Curator’ is simply a delight.” —Lee Ehmke, Houston Zoo Director and CEO;  President, World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (2013-2015)

“…As one of the most creative and innovative educators in the zoo community, Annette faced the challenge of educating, rather than entertaining young zoo visitors to return to their homes with a greater appreciation for the importance and value of wildlife and wild places. To be successful in getting her messages to the students required that the work be interesting, stimulating, and fun too. Go behind the scenes in a major zoo and see it through her eyes.”
—James Doherty, retired general curator at the Bronx Zoo; Carter Chair in Mammology; species coordinator for the AZA Sumatran Rhinoceros Species Survival Plan

Q&A with Annette Libeskind Berkovits

For people who are not familiar with your line of work, what does a zoo curator do?
An animal zoo curator designs strategies to best care in captivity for a particular species of animal based on its biology and ecology. Some curators extend knowledge about that species to conservation strategies in the wild. An education curator at a zoo was a completely novel concept in the 70s. It was meant to designate a professional who understood animals but also knew how to present the information about that animal species in the most engaging and scientifically accurate way and to measure impact on the audience. In my case, for a time I also had responsibility for all the Bronx Zoo’s animals in the children’s zoo and its handleable teaching collection of animals.

Download the full Interview with Annette Libeskind Berkovits


Author Interview with Sara Alexander


“Like Sardinia’s Emerald Coast, Sara Alexander’s Under A Sardinian Sky will dazzle you with its glittering descriptions of the Mediterranean island, its exquisite culinary treasures, and authentic, beautiful people. But it is the heroine Carmela’s courage and heartbreaking choices that will leave you the most enchanted and racing through the novel to learn her extraordinary fate.”Rosanna Chiofalo, author of Rosalia’s Bittersweet Pastry Shop

Sara Alexander’s Dazzling Debut Novel Weaves Family Secrets and Sweeping Romance in Post-WWII Sardinia

London actress and performer Sara Alexander has cultivated a successful career in television, movies, and theater, and now she is bringing her passion and talent for storytelling to the world of fiction with her gorgeous debut novel, Under A Sardinian Sky (Kensington Books, Paperback, $15.00, April 25, 2017). Set against the beautiful backdrop of post-World War II Sardinia, this evocative novel follows a travel writer as she unravels a family mystery and discovers the star-crossed romance between an American lieutenant and a local girl.

under-a-sardinian-sky-coverUnder a Sardinian Sky: Sometimes a family’s deepest silences hide the most important secrets. For Mina, a London-based travel writer, the enigmatic silence surrounding her aunt Carmela has become a personal obsession. Carmela disappeared from her Italian hometown long ago and is mentioned only in fragments and whispers. Mina has resisted prying, respectful of her family’s Sardinian reserve—but now, with her mother battling cancer, it s time to learn the truth.

In 1952, Simius is a busy Sardinian town surrounded by fertile farms and orchards. Carmela Chirigoni, a farmer’s daughter and talented seamstress, is engaged to Franco, son of the area’s wealthiest family. Everyone agrees it’s a good match. But Carmela’s growing doubts about Franco’s possessiveness are magnified when she meets Captain Joe Kavanagh. Joe, an American officer stationed at a local army base, is charismatic, intelligent, and married. Hired as his interpreter, Carmela resolves to ignore her feelings, knowing that any future together must bring upheaval and heartache to both families.

As Mina follows the threads of Carmela’s life to uncover her fate, she will discover a past still deeply alive in the present, revealing a story of hope, sacrifice, and extraordinary love.


Sara-Alexander-photoSara Alexander graduated from Hampstead School in London and went on to attend the University of Bristol, graduating with a BA hons. in Theatre, Film & TV. She followed on to complete her postgraduate diploma in acting from Drama Studio London. She has worked extensively in the theatre, film and television industries, including roles in much loved productions such as Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows, Dr. Who and Franco Zeffirelli’s Sparrow.






Q&A with Sara Alexander

How has your acting career influenced your writing?
I think the two are a complimentary pair. I’ve had the opportunity to work through a lot of wonderful texts by great writers and slip into the skin of others. This helps writing a great deal. There are many new skills that I’ve had to hone (and continue to do so!) however, which are not directly related. It’s a wonderful thing to work in two mediums that require you to travel both outside your world and very much into the heart of an internal world at the same time.

What is the inspiration behind Under a Sardinian Sky?
My Sardinian family. There are a lot of very strong women in my family who filled me with stories from since I can remember. This story is for them.

Why Sardinia?
It’s my true homeland. It’s the place I feel most grounded and inspired. I have felt bewitched by the place since I was a child.

Have you always wanted to be a novelist?
My first response would be “no”, but when my son asked me the same question just the other day, I remembered how much I loved creating stories at school, how I couldn’t wait to get my stories written for homework. Recently I found my first “books” in my attic, which I’d typed up as a child. So I think the true answer is “yes” though I never couched it in those terms, I just felt compelled to dream up tales. Stories make the world go round.

What are you working on next?
I’m almost half way into my second novel, which is set in Positano on the Amalfi Coast of Italy. A dear friend inherited a house there and I have had a story rattling around my mind, set in that house, ever since I visited. I have a third book in mind which is also set in Italy, this time Sicily and Rome and will have a theatrical undertone. These stories are for a further two book deal with Kensington.

JKS Client Claire Applewhite recognized as a 2017 Woman of Achievement


Women of Achievement Announces 2017 Award Honorees

10 area women recognized for their outstanding commitment to volunteer service and leadership

ST. LOUIS, MO – Women of Achievement is pleased to announce the 2017 Women of Achievement honorees—a selection of 10 extraordinary volunteers from the St. Louis metropolitan region. Founded in 1955, the St. Louis Women of Achievement Award is the oldest, ongoing program in the area whose sole mission is to honor and recognize the volunteer service and volunteer leadership of women. The recipients will be recognized at the 2017 Women of Achievement Luncheon on Tuesday, May 16 at the Ritz-Carlton, St. Louis. Doors open at 11:15 a.m. and the luncheon runs until 1:30 p.m. This year’s luncheon chair is Gin Wachter and the vice chair is Phyllis Langsdorf. Luncheon reservations are $60 per person and can be made online at www.woastl.org/luncheon-reservations or by contacting Women of Achievement at 314.896.4962 or woastlouis@gmail.com.

The 2017 Class of Honorees includes:
Claire ApplewhiteEducational Enrichment
Christine Buck — Youth Dedication
Adrienne D. Davis — Arts Advocacy
Marlene Hammerman — Social Justice
Rosemary Hanley — Youth Services
Margaret Hopkins — Community Betterment
Kathy Lambert — Social Enterprise
Elizabeth Mannen — Volunteer Leadership
Colleen Kelly Starkloff — Human Welfare
Asha Zimmerman — Caring and Compassion

“Volunteers are the unsung heroes of our community,” said Women of Achievement President Joni Karandjeff. “The strength and longevity of the region’s nonprofit organizations and programs rely heavily on dedicated volunteers. We take pride in honoring some of these outstanding unsung heroes—women volunteers who have dedicated their time, energy, and leadership to helping the community in tremendous ways and inspire others to do the same.”

“The luncheon is a special way to honor and highlight our award winners,” said Gin Wachter, chair of the 2017 Luncheon. “Surrounded by family, friends, past Women of Achievement, and those affiliated with each honoree’s nonprofits and charities along with the general public, the feeling in the room is joyous and delightful. In addition to a delicious lunch and awarding the honorees, we also feature a dynamic 30-minute video about the volunteers and their history of service, which really hits home the message that helping others makes an enormous impact in our community.”

Women of Achievement honorees are selected from nominations from the St. Louis metropolitan area, including Metro East Illinois, who have demonstrated outstanding commitment to the betterment of the St. Louis region through voluntary contributions, volunteer leadership and a significant breadth of a volunteer career. Women of Achievement considers nominees with significant volunteer impact in areas such as, but not limited to, education, arts, health and human services, youth and family, philanthropy, social justice and advocacy. For additional information about the awards, luncheon and honorees, please visit www.woastl.org.

About Women of Achievement
In 1955, the St. Louis-Globe Democrat newspaper created an awards program that became known as the Women of Achievement Award, to recognize and honor the achievements of women who, through their volunteer efforts, have demonstrated their dedication and commitment to improving the quality of life in the St. Louis community. The St. Louis Women of Achievement organization, a 501c3, not-for-profit organization, was established in 1993 by former Women of Achievement who wanted to ensure the longevity of the award for future generations of St. Louis area women. The organization’s Board of Directors, comprised of past recipients of the award, continue to plan and implement the nomination, selection and award presentation process ensuring that this award will continue to enhance and honor the women volunteers in the St. Louis metropolitan region who positively impact the community, for many years to come. For more information visit the Women of Achievement website at www.woastl.org.


“Child of the Sixties” Rifka Kreiter Journeys Through Protests, Liberation, and Transformation in Compelling New Memoir


The 1960’s are one of the most fascinating and turbulent periods in America’s 20th century—and now, Rifka Kreiter sweeps readers into her life on the frontlines of the era’s most significant moments and movements, capturing her personal quest for liberation and self-discovery through her beautifully-written memoir, Home Free: Adventures of a Child of the Sixties (She Writes Press, May 16, 2017).

From Greenwich Village coffeehouses to a suicide attempt at age 18; from a face-to- face encounter with President Kennedy on the campaign trail and again as he lay in state after his assassination; Home Free is the incredible and inspiring true story of one woman’s journey to claim her freedom, heal her wounds, and find her voice during one of America’s most exciting, transformative eras.


About the Book

HOME FREE: After surviving a fraught childhood in New York and L.A., Rifka Kreiter revels in studying acting at the High School of Arts and dancing the Twist at the Peppermint Lounge. Her road leads through broken love affairs and virtually all the great
movements of the sixties, including civil rights marches in Mississippi, antiwar demonstrations in San Diego, and est seminars in Manhattan. On a deeper level, this is a profound quest to heal her psychic wounds and find spiritual meaning that she intuits lies beneath all the tumult of those times.

Here is an exploration of life’s deepest questions, as Rifka strives to bust free, be it with drugs, therapy or meditation. A triumphant story about a search for liberation on every level, Home Free ends with a
jaw-dropping discovery—one as unexpected as it is transformational.

An astrologer once told RIFKA KREITER that a certain planetary conjunction in her chart signifies “an unusual life, full of unexpected happenings,” and this has certainly proved true. She studied acting at New York’s High School of Performing Arts, philosophy at City College of New York, and clinical psychology at Adelphi University. She worked as a waitress, hat-check
girl, and hearing researcher. She was Continuity Director at a New York radio station and Assistant Convention

Manager at the Concord Resort Hotel. More recently, she tutored SAT Prep courses and was Assistant Director of Admissions at a rural community college. Since 1976, she has been following an ancient yogic path; she lived in a meditation ashram for ten years, and traveled to India three times. Rifka currently teaches meditation.

At age fifty-five she met her life partner, an Upper West Side psychotherapist. They live happily together in suburban New Jersey. Learn more at RifkaKreiter.com.

Praise for Home Free

“This book is as bold, fearless, and brave as the young Riqui and as thoughtful and soulful as the adult, fully self-actualized Rifka. Raw at times, touching at others, and told with spirit, humor, and heart, Home Free holds nothing back as Kreiter takes the reader through a life that is as adventurous as it is remarkable.”— Leigh Gallagher, Assistant Managing Editor at Fortune, Co-chair of the Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, and author of The Airbnb Story

“Utterly fearless in its openness, honesty, and risk-taking. Not merely a joyride down the rabbit hole of the counterculture, this is a story about survival and transcendence, told in a voice that is entirely authentic and that skirts the twin dangers of sensationalism and sentimentality. A truly absorbing and moving read.”– Céline Keating, author of Layla and Play for Me

“Kreiter’s journey through the Boomer zeitgeist on her quest for self-knowledge and self-fulfillment is the real thing. It is reminiscent without being melancholy, which makes it even more fun to read. You’ll remember the good old days but won’t necessarily wish to relive them, and will be moved by how Kreiter does.”– Marc Eliot, New York Times best-selling author of To the Limit: The Untold Story of the Eagles and Death of a Rebel: The Life of Phil Ochs

An Interview With Rifka Kreiter

Home Free is a very personal story – why did you decide to share it?
For younger readers, I wanted to convey what it really felt like to live through those extraordinary times; for my peers, I wanted to share the fun of revisiting the adventures of our youth, when drugs, sex and rock ‘n’ roll ruled and everything seemed possible. On a deeper level, I hope readers find encouragement and hope from seeing how one person, who thought she was lost in immutable darkness, found her way to a path of boundless light.

Did you always aspire to be an author?
My first love was acting, but when I was in sixth grade, at Palms Elementary School in L.A., I used to spend spare time each day, when I’d finished a classroom assignment, writing a story about an Inca prince. (We were studying South American history.) During recess I’d read the story to classmates and was delighted when they’d pester me to read the next day’s installment. But, contrarian as I often was, my journals in adolescence and young adulthood are full of statements like “I’m not really a writer…” Turns out, this was a case of “The lady doth protest too much.

Out of all your experiences, which was the most fun to write about? Which was the most challenging?
Writing about July 1969, the summer of Woodstock, was the most fun. It was great to recall the mind-blowing cross-Canada trip when it felt like our whole generation was out on the road. As I wrote, memories surfaced. I had forgotten about that crash pad my boyfriend and I found in Winnipeg, when our VW bus broke down on a holiday weekend. There, incense burned all day and sequined Indian print cottons were spread to cover chairs, windows, and beds. At night, we sat around in a circle with maybe eight other people, some travelers, some who lived there or nearby, passing joints, talking, listening to music. Most challenging was trying to communicate the profound impact and sheer wonder of (what I was so fortunate to have) spiritual experiences that transformed my life.

Out of all your experiences, which do you feel was the most formative, or transformative, for you as a person?
Home Free recounts many powerful experiences, formative and transformative. One of these was an LSD trip, the second and last time I dropped acid, at age thirty. At one point that night, the entire landscape of my life appeared before me in high relief, like a topographical map. I saw that every minute detail had its place—there was a perfect order: each wild occurrence, every miserable “mistake” I’d made, fit precisely into a coherent whole. From this vantage point, not one of my choices could or should have been different. Witnessing the unique perfection of everything that happened, it was obvious that all the worrying I had done was utterly superfluous to this higher order. Since that moment, I’ve never been able to take my worrying quite so seriously.

How do you feel that being a “child of the sixties” shaped who you are today?
For one thing, I still feel part of a huge generation, a family of compadres who share humanistic values and boundary-busting tendencies, though of course many have gone their separate ways in life. I’m still a rebel, still resist living a life of bourgeois conventionality. Here is my subjective image of “my generation:” Cool, laid back, dope-smoking, but active and creative. Freedom loving – above all, freedom-loving. “Talkin’ Bout my Generation…” I love it: I love the music, I love the values, I love the spirit. Long live the spirit of the sixties!

What advice would you give to others who may be experiencing a personal, spiritual journey?
First and foremost: MEDITATE! Regular meditation (even for a few minutes, regularly practiced) opens pathways to your inner wisdom. Learn to recognize that inner voice and let it steer you toward the books, teachers, paths that are right for you. Sooner or later, your sincere efforts will bear fruit.

What is the number one thing you hope readers take away from your book?
That a mysterious and boundless consciousness, whose nature is absolute joy, is real and accessible to all who truly seek it.


For more information:

Anglle Barbazon, publicist


(615) 928-2462


The Wild West Meets Kurt Vonnegut in new YA novel “Skunks Dance” by St John Karp


SAN FRANCISCO – A classic treasure hunt story for the modern teen, St John Karp’s quirky YA novel “Skunks Dance” is a combination of the Wild West and Kurt Vonnegut-esque humor. Two present-day 17-year-olds go on a search for long-lost treasure, but an exploded car and an attack with a candy cake-topper lead them to make a gruesome discovery. Part murder mystery, part humor, “Skunks Dance” will keep you laughing to the finish with its unexpected twists and fast-paced wit.

Karp’s writing is quick, detailed and hilarious. His 2013 release “Radium Baby” was critically well-received, achieving a starred review from Kirkus.

“Throughout this adventure novel, Karp’s madcap imagination keeps readers hungering for the final outcome, and his prose sparkles with his flair for the absurd … A devilishly rich, satisfying scientific confection.”—Kirkus Reviews for “Radium Baby”

SKUNKS DANCE—Spivey Spillane’s grandmammy always said there were only two good reasons to kill a man — for cheating on a woman, and for serving drinks to a Yankee. She may have had a hand in winning the Revolutionary War, but even she never met the likes of Alabama Sam. Sam robs a bank under Spillane’s name, casts him in an obscene one-man play wearing only a pink tutu, and starts a betting pool on how many wieners he has. Despite the indignities Spillane suffers, he chases Sam across Gold-Rush-era California because Sam is the only one who knows the location of a hidden fortune buried somewhere in the hills.

Meanwhile in the present, 17-year-olds Amanda and Jet have rekindled an old childhood rivalry. Amanda is obsessed with finding the treasure of her infamous ancestor Spivey Spillane. Jet and Amanda’s feud comes to a head over an extended incident involving a broken window, an exploded car, and a charge of sexual assault with a candy Batman. Jet vows that he is going to find to Spillane’s gold before Amanda does, but it doesn’t take them long to realize that someone may have come this way already — someone who wants the past to stay buried.

San Francisco writer ST JOHN KARP is an ornamental hermit who likes to live near exciting things so he cannot go to them. He has an undying love for the unusual, the Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band and toast. His debut novel, RADIUM BABY, released in 2013. SKUNKS DANCE, Karp’s second novel, releases Jan. 24, 2017. For more information, visit: https://www.fuzzjunket.com/.


cSkunksDanceoverAbout the Book

St John Karp • January 24, 2017
ISBN: 978-0989263061 (Hardback) • $21.95
YA Adventure


“A colorful, exuberant romp with an appealing fortune-hunting duo.”—Kirkus Indie

“Karp has a skillful touch with vibrant phrasing, bigger-than-life characters and colorful description, such as: “Dreadnought Hospital loomed against the sky like the last rotting tooth in a mouth full of gums.”—Blueink Review

“Skunks Dance is solid, sarcastic, and bombastic young adult fare, certain to satisfy the appetites of all youngsters who have a taste for adventure.”—Foreword Clarion Reviews

“In St. John Karp’s novel SKUNKS DANCE, we follow two wild quests for hidden gold in two eras. Both timelines are populated with the cheerfully bizarre eccentrics of Skunks Dance, whether in the Gold Rush era and or in the present day.”—IndieReader Review

“Skunks Dance is an unusual beast, crossing classic Western stories with all sorts of other ideas. And best of all, it works beautifully. It’s difficult not to admire, really hooking you in from the get-go. The book develops a unique flavor that is really hard to put down. It’s an artfully quirky piece that riffs on a popular genre with infectious adoration and creative ingenuity to make a truly inspiring read.”—Self-Publishing Review

An Interview With St John Karp

What authors have influenced your writing the most and why?
People say I have a bit of Vonnegut in me, which is very flattering but only true in a figurative sense — I haven’t stolen his false teeth or anything. Of course I was addicted to Vonnegut growing up, but then I also love John Kennedy Toole, who wrote A Confederacy of Dunces. It’s one of the funniest novels of all time, and helpless indignation still cracks me up to this day. I’d also have to mention James Kennedy, whose novel The Order of Odd-Fish showed me that you can still write dazzling, hilarious, clever novels for teenagers. Somehow I’d got the idea that had gone out with hydrogen dirigibles and asbestos underpants.

Why did you choose to start writing YA novels? What about your voice really caters to that audience? 
I got into YA novels when I realized you can get away with pretty much anything except being boring. If you write for adults you instantly get shelved as one genre or another, but YA is kind of its own genre. No one bats an eyelid when you write about radium-obsessed teenagers in antique flying machines, or Old West vamps with guns that shoot round corners, or accidentally assaulting people with candy cake-toppers. The only thing you’re not allowed to do is be boring, which suits me fine. When a book spends ten pages telling me how the protagonist cooks dinner and how everyone’s hair smells, I’m halfway ready to drop-kick the thing into the street.

SKUNKS DANCE has very unique and endearing characters. Do those characters come to you first or do they just flow out of your writing?
I like to let them flow. Some people have fantastic brains and can see everything in advance, but I prefer to put a bunch of nascent characters in a room together and see how they interact. I’ll happily change the whole book to suit the characters. The entire Old West half of SKUNKS DANCE was never meant to happen — I just liked the characters so much I wanted to find out what happened to them next.

Writing effective humor is often difficult. What do you find to be the most effective way you create humor in your writing?
You’ll never make everyone laugh, and if you do then it won’t be interesting writing. There are never any hard rules for writing jokes, but I love wit and I think it’s important to take the reader by surprise. If the reader can guess the punch-line before it’s delivered, the joke is probably going to fall flat. Look at something like Rick and Morty — it refers heavily to popular science fiction, but even in plots we’ve seen before, we never know what the hell’s going to happen next. Or what Rick’s going to say. Or even the correct use of the dinglebop end of a plumbus.

1960s Westerns really inspired SKUNKS DANCE. What movies in particular most influenced your writing?
Well, 1960s British-made Westerns — the bad ones. I know nothing about the real Old West and I’m not especially interested in it. I don’t even like most Westerns. But comedy Westerns? Those things are brilliant, especially if it’s full of British actors who sound like they’ve never even heard an American accent. I can watch Carry On Cowboy (1965) or the Doctor Who serial The Gunfighters (1966) all day long. And have you seen the Hulu series Quick Draw (2013)? Amazing stuff. Let’s leave accuracy to the historians. Tell me a good joke and I’m anyone’s.

Who is your favorite character in SKUNKS DANCE? Who was the most fun to write?
My favorite character (and the most fun to write) is Spivey Spillane, our protagonist in the Old West. He wrote himself — I’d never intended to involve him in a complex plot, so for a long time I just let him fall into more and more elaborate and humiliating traps. He’s like us — not stupid or incompetent, but somehow surrounded by people who are either crazier or smarter than him so he can never win. Plus, he’s a cross-dressing cowboy, and if you saw him in that pink tutu I think you’d understand.

Both RADIUM BABY and SKUNKS DANCE involve an adventurous search. What is it that you love about the classic adventure search with a twist?
You have to be able to bring together characters who don’t like each other — that’s where you get your drama. There are lots of ways of doing that, but I like a search because it lets you take your characters to the moon and back, as long as you bring it round to the MacGuffin in the end. It also gives the novel a clear goal, even if you never get there or if the goal was illusory all along. Having done two of them now I’ll probably do something different for the next novel. A torrid love story between an ostrich and a potato. Or something.


For more information:

Anglle Barbazon, publicist


(615) 928-2462


Business leadership strategist Mark Lefko outlines path to global sustainability in new book releasing in January 2017


LOS ANGELES – Mark Lefko is a renowned business leadership strategist who coaches the world’s top corporate CEOs, presidents and executives on working with their teams and creating long-term value. In his new book, Global Sustainability: 21 CEOs Show How to Do Well by Doing Good (Jan. 24, 2017) Lefko seeks to inspire business executives to leverage sustainability leadership practices, teaching them how to do well while doing good.

“Global sustainability means ensuring that everyone on Earth has what he or she needs to survive and thrive,” Lefko says. “But in order for this to be feasible – and sustainable – businesses also need to be able to turn a profit.”

Smart businesses care about global sustainability, says Lefko, not because it’s good PR, but because it’s good business. That is why a growing number of leading CEOs are embracing it. Lefko’s book features insights from many top global executives gleaned from his one-on-one interviews with a range of leaders. Virgin Group founder Sir Richard Branson, Whole Foods Market co-CEO Walter Robb as well as other notable CEOs of global multinationals, Fortune 500 giants and visionary entrepreneurs share how they have embraced best practices related to leadership and sustainability designed to achieve the triple bottom line of people, planet and profit. “Global sustainability is about more than just doing good,” says Lefko, “it’s about doing well by doing good.”

“After reading this book you’ll understand how your company’s well-being is inextricably linked to that of your customers, your suppliers, your employees and the communities they live in. You’ll also gain an appreciation of how these matters are interconnected and how you can benefit from working at those intersections.” —Andrew Liveris, chairman & CEO of the Dow Chemical Company

MARK LEFKO has coached and mentored more than 100 CEOs and company presidents, bringing with him 35 years of real-world C-level business experience. A thought leader in the fields of leadership and sustainability, Lefko serves on several advisory boards and is known for his high-energy, insightful speaking engagements. As the Founder and CEO of Lefko Group, one of the nation’s leading facilitation firms, he has led countless strategic planning retreats, corporate think tanks, roundtables and peer groups. “Global Sustainability,” Mark’s second book, aims to inspire executives to rally around the concept of doing well while doing good.  He lives in Los Angeles, California. Learn more at www.marklefko.com.


GlobalcoverGlobal Sustainability: 21 Leading CEOs Show How to Do Well By Doing Good

Mark Lefko • January 24, 2017
ISBN: 978-1683501763 (paperback) • $17.25 (paperback)

An Interview with Mark Lefko

 What is global sustainability?
Lefko: For me, global sustainability means that everyone on our planet not only has the resources they need to survive but also to thrive over the long run. And if we want to do that, we need to tackle a range of issues that include extreme poverty, inequality and injustice. That’s why global sustainability is more than just an environmental issue: it includes other critical aspects such as financial and social sustainability as well.

Why is it important for businesses to incorporate global sustainability practices?
Lefko: Businesses have access to abilities and resources to make things happen – fast – in ways that governments and nonprofits sometimes cannot. Entrepreneurs and business people are skilled in using innovation and creativity to solve complex and costly problems, which is what we need on a global scale. And many businesses, especially those that believe in the power of a triple bottom line, are already making a positive difference in the world.

Who are some of the people you interviewed for your book, and why did you choose them?
Lefko: I am humbled by the all-star roster of people who were willing to invest their valuable time in talking to me about the critical importance of global sustainability. Inside my book, you will find insight from executives from a range of leading global companies including: Sir Richard Branson of Virgin; Ann Sherry, Carnival Australia; Paul Polman, Unilever; Andrew Liveris, Dow Chemical; Blake Mycoskie, Toms Shoes; Francois-Henri Pinault, Kering; Mark Benioff, Salesforce; Dave MacLennan, Cargill; Walter Robb, Whole Foods; and Cyrus Mistry, Tata Group. I chose these leaders because of their passion for global sustainability, as many of them are involved in the World Economic Forum and B Team.

If global sustainability is such an important and positive aspect for business, why do you think people are reluctant to make steps to change?
Lefko: I think that part of the answer is that there has historically been a lot of pressure on CEOs, especially those who run public companies, to satisfy Wall Street’s craving for short-term profits. It takes a courageous CEO, like many of those I interviewed, who is willing to aim higher than the short-term to achieve long-term sustainability and success. Unilever, for example, has stopped reporting its short-term earning as a way to widen its focus on sustainable business practices that will help it compete over the long term. There is also a movement emerging that is helping bring sustainable thinking into the mainstream, which will help drive more change in time.

Can you share another example of someone who is using sustainable business practices to improve their company?
Lefko: Every company I feature in the book has seen a positive impact on their business by embracing sustainable practices of all kinds. Salesforce.com, for example, began paying women equal to men last year – even though it cost them some $3 million. The result? They are now attracting more top talent among both men and women. Then there’s the Aspen Ski Company, which converts methane gas from a local coal mine into electricity they use to power their resort. Another example would be how Toms Shoes, which famously helps combat poverty through its buy-one, give-one program, has moved its production facilities to its destinations as a way to reduce both shipping costs and its carbon footprint at the same time.

What do you think is the biggest mistake companies make when trying to be sustainable?
Lefko: A few common mistakes I have seen are that many companies fail to include all of their stakeholders into the process of implementing sustainable practices. They also tend to get overwhelmed with the scope of making that change; they overthink the opportunities in front of them, which causes them to think they have to sacrifice profits to become sustainable. That’s why I encourage companies to start with smaller-scale projects first, such as pursuing financial sustainability by using, say, sustainable packaging, recycled materials and cutting back on waste.

What experiences lead to your passion for global sustainability in business?
Lefko: A big influence on me was that I want to see a future for my two kids, Nathan, 26, and Allegra, 23, in which they and their families can thrive and find happiness. But there are challenges we have to overcome to help make that happen. We know, for example, that we are pushing our planet’s resources to the brink, and population growth is only going to add to that pressure. I am a passionate supporter of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals Project. The people side of sustainability also inspires me: to help end poverty, inequality, and injustice around the world. And I think we can if we can get businesses around the world, those powerful agents of change, to become conscious leaders in driving toward global sustainability.

Why did you write your new book – Global Sustainability – 21 Leading CEOs Show How to Do Well By Doing Good?
Lefko: I was inspired to write my book as a way to raise greater awareness about the topic of global sustainability – particularly in the business world. I hope this book helps get CEOs from companies around the world to get involved and to do more in the communities they serve.

How are you hoping to change business people’s minds?
Lefko: My goal is to use my book to help inspire executives to rally around the theme of doing well by doing good. That’s a message I will also help spread through my keynote speaking, peer groups, coaching, facilitating and retreats. It’s a mission I am excited to get out of bed every morning to pursue.


For more information:

Anglle Barbazon, publicist


(615) 928-2462


‘Kept in the Dark’ by J. Ronald M. York dives into a secret crime his father held with him until his death


Nashville, Tenn. – What if your family had been hiding a dark secret that changed their lives and, unknowingly, yours? That’s exactly the kind of secret J. Ronald M. York discovered when he found a box of letters and news clippings in a shed after his father’s death. Piecing together the bits of information he found in the box and from the living family members who knew about the crime, York uncovered his father’s sexual abuse toward children, a secret he carried to the grave and for which York’s father spent the rest of his life trying to make amends.

Releasing Jan. 24, 2017, “Kept in the Dark” is the story of a shocking crime that occurred before York could remember, but more importantly, it is a tale of unwavering love between York’s parents and the ability to forgive, a tale shared to create dialogue about the pain of child molestation and the victims who silently endure it. Though it is a story about the past, “Kept in the Dark” is a story that resonates today and shares both love and pain that is often kept hidden.

KEPT IN THE DARK: The jail was located on the top nine floors of the Dade County Courthouse in downtown Miami. The young father could look down from the 21st floor, to the street below. His wife and child would come each night, stand on the sidewalk and wave to him. They would flash the car lights to signal they were there and he, in return, would strike a match from his window to let them know he was watching. Although separated by just a few miles, they were only able to see each other each Sunday, for two hours, through glass and wire. Writing letters became their way of communicating and 100 letters were exchanged during an eight-week period. This was a secret my parents, family and a few close friends took to their graves. No one ever told me and I was too young to remember. And yet, a box containing the letters, yellowed newspaper clippings, faded photographs and cards of encouragement from friends was left for me after everyone was gone. Although the crime took place more than 60 years ago, it is still as current as today’s headlines. After much thought and reflection, I am ready to share this story. Controversial and uncomfortable, it is still deeply rooted in unwavering love. A horrific mistake was made leaving a family to heal, rebuild their lives and hopefully, forgive.

J. RONALD M. YORK graduated from Belmont University and spent the next two decades in the field of interior design before opening his first art gallery. When not at the gallery, York can be found in his studio painting, at his piano composing or assisting numerous nonprofit agencies with fundraising. He lives in Nashville.



About the Book “Kept in the Dark”

“Kept in the Dark”
J.Ronald M. York • January 24, 2017
Nonfiction • Memoir


An Interview with J. Ronald M. York

How did you find the box of letters your father kept hidden?
I knew I would not be keeping the family home after he passed away. We had lived there for 40 years and from attic to basement were things that I needed to go through and decide what to keep and what to put in the estate sale. It had been suggested to sell the items in the detached tool shed as a whole but still, I felt I needed to take a closer look. There was a trunk stored there and inside of the trunk, I found the box of letters.

Why do you think your parents kept the letters and newspaper clippings?
I honestly believe they were meant for me to find one day. That box had moved with us from Miami, to Chattanooga and three homes in Nashville. You don’t keep something like that and think no one will ever find it. Plus, I had always questioned why we had no contact with one set of relatives and the contents of the box offers the explanation.

How long did it take you to piece together your father’s story?
The letters and newspaper articles told the story, but I wanted to be able to fill in a few blanks with more detail. With the event happening 60 years earlier, everyone directly involved and mentioned in the letters had passed away. Plus there were a few things in the letters that were done in code to figure out. I lived with the story for two months before I could distance myself from it enough to begin research. It took several more months to bring it to this point. I would often find little nuggets that didn’t offer much insight and then later on find another that would tie them together.

Family secrets and child abuse are not easy issues to come to terms with, so it must have taken a lot of courage to tell this story. What made you decide to write a book?
The letters exchanged between my parents, as my dad was in jail awaiting trial, are such a time capsule of the 1950s that I felt they were a story on their own. But because of the subject of child abuse and the fact that I was sexually abused as a child, I felt it was important to come forward and share in hopes of helping others.

When sharing this story with people, what sort of response have you gotten?
I had kept this story close, sharing with only a handful of friends until the book was completed. But in that small circle, nearly half had their own stories to tell of it happening within their families.

Growing up, did you ever have any idea anything was out of the ordinary?
Honestly, I would have never guessed this. The only thing that never quite made sense was the separation between my mother and her older sister.

Your book discusses your mother’s undying love for your father. How do you think this crime affected her life and their marriage?
My mother stood by my father and as I read her letters and learned just a small bit of what she endured at the time, I realize she was much stronger than I would have imagined. As far as their marriage, I never saw conflict, but I have to believe she always lived with the fear of the possibility of it happening again.

If you could say something to your father today, what would you tell him?
At my age, there would be no hysterics. I had a wonderful childhood and an amazing relationship with my father in my adult life. So I can’t blame him for something I knew nothing about. But I would want him to know about my own childhood abuse, something I never shared with my parents as well as ask him if he had been abused as a child.

What do you hope readers will take away from “Kept in the Dark”?
I hope the reader will not focus solely on the crime to the point that they can’t see the strength in my parents’ marriage and how my father made amends. I also hope they can see by my example that abuse does not have to define you. And maybe be open to dialogue if it is something that they have endured and kept within.


For more information:

Anglle Barbazon, publicist


(615) 928-2462


2017 JKS Communications Authors-in-Residence Announced!


Mystery novelist Lori Rader-Day, middle grade author Kristen Kittscher named 2017 JKS Communications Authors-in-Residence

Nashville, Tenn. – JKS Communications has selected Mary Higgins Clark Award–winning novelist Lori Rader-Day and 2014 James Thurber House Children’s Writer-in-Residence Kristen Kittscher as the book marketing and author publicity firm’s 2017 authors-in-residence.

Each year, JKS Communications chooses one adult genre author and one children’s author to honor and work closely with the company’s team of book publicists to gain a first-hand perspective on author promotions.

Rader-Day’s fantastic networking capabilities with industry professionals and Kittscher’s creativity throughout her book’s publication and publicity process, among their many other strengths and talents, will add unique insight to the book publicity firm.

Rader-Day and Kittscher succeed suspense writer Jenny Milchman and YA author Martina Boone, the JKS Communications 2016 authors-in-residence.

Based in Chicago, Rader-Day has turned heads with her intricate, complicated mystery novels. Her debut, “The Black Hour,” won the 2015 Anthony Award for Best First Novel and was a finalist for the 2015 Mary Higgins Clark Award. Her follow up novel, “Little Pretty Things,” won the 2016 Mary Higgins Clark Award and was named a 2015 “most arresting crime novel” by “Kirkus.”  Her third novel, “The Day I Died,” will be released by Harper Collins William Morrow on April 11. JKS Communications is working with Rader-Day on special pre-order and book club promotions to celebrate the new launch.

Kittscher is a former middle school teacher living in Pasadena, California, who turned to tween mystery writing and was the 2014 James Thurber House Children’s Writer-in-Residence. Her first novel, “The Wig in the Window,” received a starred review from “School Library Journal.” Her second novel, “Tiara on the Terrace,” was praised by “Kirkus” as “an entertaining mystery featuring kids who readily outsmart all the adults; what could be better?” Kittscher speaks to thousands of readers across the country in classrooms and at conferences and summer camps each year, and JKS Communications worked with Kittscher to develop a scavenger hunt to help libraries continue inspiring young readers.

JKS Communications is a full-service literary publicity firm offering cross-genre book marketing to authors across a variety of publishing platforms, including traditional, small press, indie and international. Learn more at www.JKSCommunications.com.


For more information:

Anglle Barbazon, publicist


(615) 928-2462