Celebrate national puzzle day with a bookish puzzle

What’s better than a hot beverage, an excellent audiobook and a new puzzle? If you love nothing more than zoning out and concentrating on finding the next piece and where to fit it, then we’ve got some recommendations for you. But this time they aren’t book recs! National Puzzle Day is January 29, and we put together a list of some great bookish puzzles to check out to celebrate. 

Puzzle recommendations

  1. Visit the NYPL on a dreamy, snowy day
  2. Jane Austen lovers will love this hunt for some of her most iconic scenes and characters 
  3. Check out the bright colors of this idyllic bookstore front
  4. Let’s get together and read quietly
  5. A quintessential shelf filled with books and cats
  6. The first line of a book can tell you so much about it, and this puzzle is filled with great ones
  7. Any reader would be happy to move into this house filled with books
  8. Who else started their reading journey with Nancy Drew?
  9. Stacks of diverse spines to fill your 2023 TBR
  10. Some of the most recognizable classic covers
  11. If you’re in a book club, you’ve probably read one of these titles
  12. You’ll remember these bedtime stories fondly
  13. There are some surprises to find in this bookstore
  14. Take a trip up the ladder in front of these enormous shelves
  15. This bookstore has lots of levels to peruse
  16. What’s better than spending a day at the bookstore?
  17. A shelf filled with books and imagination
  18. Book lovers browse these illustrated shelves aside some plants
  19. This looks like a great set up for a bookstagram photo
  20. Spend a beautiful spring day at the library

And keep an eye on our Instagram page for a giveaway that may be coming up!

Want to see more bookish recommendations — be it actual books or bookish goodies? — keep an eye on our Lit Happens blog!