Fall is here, the leaves are changing colors, the pumpkin spice latte is back at Starbucks… you know what that means: it’s time to rewatch Gilmore girls. Get that flannel and backwards baseball hat out of storage and live your best life!
To celebrate this momentous time of year, we’re featuring our favorite Stars Hollow residents paired with a good book and their ideal cup of coffee coffee coffee!
Lorelai Gilmore
Book: People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
Coffee Order: Black
Would you really expect any less? She doesn’t want to dilute the coffee with any cream or sugar, she just wants it as strong as possible. And naturally she would pair it with a fan favorite, because she wants all of the romcom feels.
Rory Gilmore
Book: Beautiful Country by Qian Julie Wang
Coffee Order: Vanilla latte with almond milk and an extra shot of espresso
Ok hear me out, I know she drank a LOT of black coffee in the series, but there WERE times where she ordered a little something different at the coffee cart: proof that people can change! I believe fully that Rory 2.0 from A Year in the Life has evolved to arguably the MOST basic of coffee orders with the vanilla latte, almond milk because again, basic, and the extra shot as a homage to her roots in caffeine. While her order is basic, her reading is anything but. Rory would only pick the most stunning of novels and memoirs to line her bookshelf. And, of course it has to be current: she’s already read everything else!
Emily Gilmore
Book: The Dutch House by Ann Patchett
Coffee: No coffee for the queen, just Abigail’s Blend black tea from the finest tea emporium, Elmwood Fine Teas. A splash of cream and sugar; no more than necessary, but just enough to be high maintenance.
Just because it’s National Coffee Day does NOT mean everyone on this roster subscribes to coffee… and Emily Gilmore certainly does not. She is a class act that drinks out of vintage tea cups, and nothing less. She’s sophisticated, but also tries to stay current with literature, which leads her to reading a classic author like Ann Patchett. She even ordered a signed copy from Parnassus Books, Ann’s bookstore.
Richard Gilmore
Queue the tears. I refuse not to include the patriarch of the Gilmore family. Though he is no longer with us, I believe he’s somewhere drinking scotch and reading yet another classic, Proust perhaps? All the love to our fallen friend.
Luke Danes
Book: Arriving Today by Christopher Mims
We all know this guy isn’t drinking coffee, but you better believe he’s making his signature Luke’s coffee for his customers. No pumpkin spice, maple harvest blends here, folks. Taylor Doose already tried, and failed at that. It’s more likely that after hours, Luke is having nitwit juice (a beer) and reading a book about consumerism and online shopping, and likely is getting pretty heated about it.
Lane Kim
Book: The Night She Disappeared by Lisa Jewell
Coffee: Red Eye (brewed coffee with a shot of espresso)
In classic Lane fashion, she’s drinking all of the caffeine to keep her energy up for that gig with the band later tonight. And, of course, what pairs better with a coffee buzz than the haunting jitters you feel when reading Lisa Jewell thrillers?! Lane reads EVERY novel from Lisa Jewell, and is obsessed with the twists and turns in each one.
Paris Geller
Book: Reading? Paris isn’t reading. She’s writing her own biography. Not autobiography, no, a biography that she plans to publish under a pen name.
Coffee: Triple espresso
Even in her early days at Yale, Paris loved starting her mornings with a triple espresso. You will never find her having anything different.
Sookie St. James
Book: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams
Coffee: FINALLY, our pumpkin spice latte QUEEN! And you KNOW she can make the best ones herself. They are likely a fall favorite at the Dragonfly for all but Michel, who can only have milk with the blue cap.
Sookie wants to read all the steamy romance while drinking her PSL, and who can blame her? She loves a Reese’s Book Club pick, and she loves anything spicy. She’s heard a LOT of great things about it, and couldn’t wait to go buy a copy at the bookstore from Andrew.
Book: No books, just the Stars Hollow Gazette. He’s got to stay up on the town.
Coffee: Decaf only. The whole town is in on it. Anywhere he goes, no matter what blend he orders, Kirk is only given decaf.

A former award-winning journalist with national exposure, Marissa now oversees the day-to-day operation of the Books Forward author branding and book marketing firm, along with our indie publishing support sister company Books Fluent.
Born and bred in Louisiana, currently living in New Orleans, she has lived and developed a strong base for our company and authors in Chicago and Nashville. Her journalism work has appeared in USA Today, National Geographic and other major publications. She is now interviewed by media on best practices for book marketing.