Past 1%-er outlines how to trade in wealth for a rich life in “Wise Millennial”
NEW YORK, New York – They’re supposedly the “failure to launch” generation, content living at home, “influencing” on instagram, and taking a parental handout. Millennials are compared to their Baby Boomer parents and the strong economic power of previous generations, criticized for generational immaturity and told they aren’t achieving the success of their parents because of an inability to buckle down and work hard for better personal and professional lives.
Many of the books written for or about Millennials seem to pander to these ideas about them—books instructing readers on how to learn “adulting” may amuse, but there is another side to the most criticized generation. In “Wise Millennial” (April 2019) Peter Noble Darrow asks Millennials to think deeply about their parents’ expectations for their lives and find their own paths, instead. Rather than aiming to reveal failings to grow up, or on the other hand, defensively praising his peers, Darrow chooses to speak to this audience on a deeper level—the book points millennials toward growth from the inside out. Darrow presents an even-keeled approach to helping his generation find meaning and purpose, accepting mistakes and learning from them along the way.
“Millennials are given a bad rap—lazy, entitled, generally bad at life. But my generation is so much stronger and wiser than you might think, and Wise Millennial proves that! Peter gives an inside take that’s alternatively hilarious, poignant, and inspiring for millennials and the people who love them.”— Nicole Lapin, New York Times bestselling author of Rich Bitch and Boss Bitch
In this insightful and personal debut, Peter shares much of his life story, blending anecdotes with the lessons they engender. Peter had a childhood that many would be envious of—he was born into privilege (both parents powerful business executives with tony backgrounds), attended the finest schools, and lived in luxury in the prestigious Upper East Side in New York City. Yet, in addition to the wealth of opportunity bestowed upon him, he has faced many challenges from his parent’s divorce to his father’s cancer diagnosis and eventual passing. In “Wise Millennial,” Peter shares that after “thousands of hours of therapy, introspection, and meditation, I finally began taking control of my life and creating my own opinions, most of which have evolved far beyond my family’s worldview.” This collection of honest stories of setbacks and successes will inspire the motivated millennial reader.
“The millennial generation is reminiscent of the baby boom generation: it is already wielding enormous influence over every facet of American culture, society, politics, and economics—and yet, it is poorly if at all understood by the generations that preceded it. In Wise Millennial, Peter N. Darrow offers insights based on hard-won personal experience and assiduous academic study that make the thoughts, dreams, wants, and desires of the millennial generation understandable at long last.”— Harry Hurt III, award-winning journalist and author of Lost Tycoon: The Many Lives of Donald J. Trump
Peter N. Darrow is a Millennial, a native New Yorker, an entrepreneur, and an expert at learning from his mistakes. After earning an MBA in entrepreneurship from Babson College in 2014, Peter founded Darrow’s Farm Fresh restaurant in Union Square in NYC. A health and wellness entrepreneur with a passion for helping people, Peter has already seen much in the way of success and failure, and speaks to the challenges facing his generation, and dispels myths about what it’s like to supposedly “have it all.” Find out more about Peter at
Wise Millennial: A Field Guide to Thriving in Modern Life
Peter Noble Darrow | Release Date April 29, 2019 |
Hardback ISBN: 978-1-7336331-1-6 | Price: $26.99
Paperback ISBN: 978-1-7336331-0-9 | Price: $18.99
Memoir / Self-Help
Advance Praise for WISE MILLENNIAL
“A powerful set of ruminations that are likely to hit many millennials of privilege where they live…and help start them on journeys that are likely to be both interesting and useful. Wise Millennial gives readers lots to think about.”— Len Schlesinger, President Emeritus-Babson College, Baker Foundation Professor –Harvard Business School
“Peter Darrow has compelling advice for the millennial generation formed over his short, eventful life. Having known him from his earliest days, Peter has demonstrated resilience, inner wisdom, initiative, insight, integrity, and the drive he inherited from his father, as well as the immaturity, self-discovery, recklessness, and entitlement of his privileged Upper East Side background. Through it all, he has arrived at a place of introspection and inner peace that cries out to be shared with millennials across the spectrum. Everyone his age searches for answers to life’s challenges. Peter has something important to say about the quest.”— George W. Madison, partner at Sidley Austin LLP and former general counsel, US Department of the Treasury
“Peter Darrow has evolved through his life experiences to understand the depth and knowledge of what the millennial undertakes. His ability to adapt to new cities, lifestyles, and environments gives him the insight to help the young urban professional transition to changing times. Having started his own business and fostering its growth, Peter has undertaken new adventures that allow him to wisely advise on entrepreneurial endeavors. Building a brand and being the face of a business are two attributes that contribute to his acumen of wisdom. Peter’s emotional intelligence is in tune with the young urban professional, and his kindness gives him the ability to empathize with young both men and women. I highly recommend his book that gives an outlook and perspective on how personal growth can lead to success.”
— Amy Brody Poliakoff, former contestant, Gallery Girls, Bravo TV
“Peter and I are both native New Yorkers and know the particular culture of the Upper East Side with its pressures and expectations. As fellow millennials, we also share in our generation’s entrepreneurial spirit and desire to make a difference. What I’ve come to appreciate about Peter is his ability to articulate the millennial experience and his enthusiastic reminders, as we strive to achieve our dreams, about what really matters most in life.”— Erin Frankel, cofounder of Jetsweat fitness app
“Contrary to popular belief, millennials have it rough. They aspire to do great things and are hard on themselves, but given the constant and accelerating pace of change, millennials are also a generation without clear role models. I know Peter Darrow well, and his candid story about privilege and hardship is in many ways a tale of his generation. A funny, honest, and inspiring read.”— Ned Russell, global client leader for Publicis Groupe
“Peter has inspired me with his energy, passion, and enthusiasm for life, health, and wellness. Despite his affluent, privileged upbringing, he has grown into a down-to-earth and authentic guy who cares deeply about sharing his hard-won insights into how to live well from the inside out. — Julie Starr, nutritionist, wellness expert, owner of Starr Yoga Studios
“A book that could help Peter’s fellow millennials is surely needed. Many successful baby boomers were consumed by the demands of their work and tried to make up for their absence from home by showering privileges on their children, starving them of discipline. This upbringing has made many of their children ill equipped for the challenges of today’s marketplace. This is a valuable book; Peter shows through an accurate telling of his story how he was brought up, failed at a startup, and was then changed by his failures.” — John Tepper Marlin, PhD, president and managing member of Boissevain Books
In an interview, Peter can discuss:
- How mindfulness can help Millennials and how Peter’s own meditation practice has impacted his life
- Dating apps—the good, the bad and the ugly (and where the best dates can be found!)
- How to launch a startup frugally (top lessons learned and mistakes to avoid)
- The complexities of dating while also being a young entrepreneur dedicated to a growing business venture
- What to do when you fail (and what to do with those feelings of failure!)
- How to utilize your network and be a leader
- Whether it is possible to keep “everyone” happy
- How to choose a business partner
- How to use screen time without mental health risks
- How Millennials all over the U.S. can relate to this advice, in spite of Peter’s privilege
An Interview with Peter N. Darrow
What do you hope readers take away from The Shaman of Turtle Valley?
I hope they will see the similarities between Korean and American values, especially the importance placed on family. But I also hope they’ll think about the importance of healing wounds and the need for redemption.
How has your background in international law and teaching English in a foreign country influenced your writing?
Living and working overseas definitely expanded my horizons in terms of the subject matter I explore as well as the kinds of characters who populate my fiction. Many writers treasure the learning in the process of writing, and I think that’s what global citizens have to do.
What memories of your time in the Peace Corps in Korea served you for the creation of this novel?
Because my time in Korea was my first international experience, everything was new and made an impression. For one thing, I found Korean society both friendly and closed at the same time, suspicious of outsiders. But I also found the history and culture fascinating, particularly my first exposure to Buddhism and Korea’s indigenous shamanistic practices.
In the future, what parts of the world would you like to incorporate in your fiction?
I’m currently working on a novel set in Singapore, where I lived for many years, and I’ve given some thought to a book set in China, where I visited many times during my legal work.

A former award-winning journalist with national exposure, Marissa now oversees the day-to-day operation of the Books Forward author branding and book marketing firm, along with our indie publishing support sister company Books Fluent.
Born and bred in Louisiana, currently living in New Orleans, she has lived and developed a strong base for our company and authors in Chicago and Nashville. Her journalism work has appeared in USA Today, National Geographic and other major publications. She is now interviewed by media on best practices for book marketing.