Image of a phone with social media apps. Text says "Creative ways to utilize social media." Books Forward logo above, and text below says "Marketing and Publicity"

Creative ways authors can utilize social media to build their brand

Keeping things fresh on social media can be a challenge! Creativity comes and goes, and not every idea works for every author. Here are some creative ideas you can throw onto your platforms when you’ve run out of posts.

Make Creative Book Trailers

Video is king on social media nowadays. That means having a book trailer to share makes easy content for engagement. According to DataReport, videos account for over 15% of all the content posted to Facebook, and Social Media Examiner says almost 50% of marketers utilize Facebook video in their campaigns. Using video can really help set you apart not just on social media but also in your advertising!

And don’t worry, you don’t have to be a pro to create a book trailer. Sites like Canva and FlexClip have templates to help you get started. Trailers are great places to show off creativity while giving readers a bite-sized sample of your book.

Audio Elements

Have an audiobook? Take advantage of those audio assets! Consider making creative posts like audiograms. These are a great way to give readers a sneak peek into how the book will sound. 

You can also partner with your audiobook narrator for a live stream. Ask each other questions about the writing and recording process; this type of collaboration can help you reach their audiences as well. 

Check out more of our tips on taking your audiobook promo to the next level!

Craft Creative Cover Reveals

The cover reveal is a lost art, but it’s definitely something authors can still utilize! Create posts leading up to it teasing the release if you have a set day for your cover reveal. Author Emily Henry recently posted a creative series of videos unboxing items relating to her new book Funny Story

Readers are excited just seeing what the cover will be, and that helps build brand recognition for the book once it’s released. Building that excitement and buzz for a release is important!

Unboxing Videos

Of course, unboxing videos don’t have to be cryptic cover reveals like Henry’s above. Getting the first copies of your ARCs is a moment to celebrate! Shoot a quick video of you unboxing your ARCs to share with your followers. Bonus points if you can include family, friends — even pets! — anyone that has helped you on your publishing journey so far.

We love this example from author Pascale Lacelle (see, having pets involved really does make everything better!).

Additional Creative Visuals

If you have a book with character art, maps, or any other illustrations, don’t forget to show those off! You can still use the book’s aesthetic to make creative posts even if you don’t have additional art. J. Elle has various videos and images to highlight her book House of Marionne’s vibe of Bridgerton meets dark academia.

Pinterest is also a great place to gather various images and scenery with descriptions on how they relate to your book. Build various boards for characters, setting, themes — get creative with it!

Instagram Stories

Don’t forget about Stories if you have Instagram. With Stories, you can get opinions by sharing polls and having readers vote — maybe on something like your next cover or character name! You can also use the question box to directly engage with readers and answer their questions. 

Giveaways and Promotions

Giveaways are part of an effective publicity campaign because they heighten awareness of a book and increase chances for early reviews, which can later convert to sales. Consider running a giveaway for your followers if you have ARCs. Or if you’re running a giveaway on Goodreads, promote that on your social media channels.

Maybe you’ve created swag for your book. Bookish swag items are good options to include for giveaways or as incentives for pre-order promotions. They’re also visually appealing, which is important because social media leans heavily on aesthetics nowadays. You can also use giveaways like this to form a street team or find beta readers.

Get Personal

Your page doesn’t have to be — and shouldn’t be — just bookish stuff. Get creative by giving your followers a sneak peak into your personal life to break up the general coverage of the book. Share things like photos of your pets (always a popular option), your writing space, authors that inspire you, hobbies you enjoy or talents you have. Books Forward author Tim Facciola is a gladiator trainer and incorporates that into his social media content!

Being personal doesn’t mean releasing all your secret thoughts and family drama. But it does mean letting readers know that you are a person and can relate to them. 

Getting Started

If you’re just starting out on social media, don’t be overwhelmed! There is so much to learn, especially because each platform is different. The creativity will develop as you become more comfortable with each channel. Decide which platform is right for you, and start planning out how to use those platforms to promote your book!