Books Forward Authors in the Media: January 2025

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Lyndall Clipstone’s Tenderly, I Am Devoured made Goodreads’ list of Readers’ Most Anticipated 2025 Romantasy Books.
  • Southern Literary Review praised Lori B. Duff’s “highly entertaining legal novel” in its recent review.
  • Anne Soon Choi was featured in this Radar Online article about her new book L.A. Coroner and some of the more shocking details behind Marilyn Monroe’s final moments.
  • Lois and Ross Melbourne were highlighted by Bookstr in this feature about their AI-focused sci-fi novel Moral Code.
  • Evette Davis joined Citywide Blackout for a second time to discuss the second installment in her Council Trilogy, The Gift.
  • Julie Ryan McGue was interviewed by her alumni newspaper Indiana Daily Student about her new book Twice the Family.
  • Carol Odell’s memoir Girl, Groomed was described as “riveting” in its recent Foreword review.
  • Shang Saavedra spoke with HerMoney to talk about saving enough to retire early — without hating your life.
  • Writer Gurl, NY was “fully immersed” in Iris Mitlin Lav’s story in her novel Gitel’s Freedom.
  • Author J.W. Jarvis discusses how he used fan fiction to craft the characters for his novel in this Writer’s Digest article.
  • IndieReader said Joan Fernandez’s Saving Vincent “brilliantly evokes both the dignity of the mundane and the fire of revolution at the turn of the 20th century.”
  • Mima Tipper’s Kat’s Greek Summer was named an editor’s pick by PW’s BookLife.
  • Mark Mustian’s piece for Spiritual Media reflects on how his novels explore spiritual and existential questions that mirror his own lifelong journey of faith, doubt, and personal fulfillment.
  • Midwest Book Review described J.E. Weiner’s The Wretched and Undone as a “deftly crafted work of historical fiction.”
  • Big Blend Radio spoke with author Leonce Gaiter recently and talked about his new book A Memory of Fictions (or) Just Tiddy-Boom.
  • Self-Publishing Review called Magda Revealed by Ursula Werner “wickedly clever, yet respectful in its bold retelling.”
  • Barbara Boyle wrote a piece for I Had Cancer about how her cancer discovery in Italy led to a diagnosis and treatment, as well as a profound journey of resilience, love, and gratitude.
  • Forget the Fairy Tale and Find Your Happiness by Deb Miller received five stars by Readers’ Favorite in their recent review.

Want to stay up to date on what Books Forward authors are doing? Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok! And keep an eye on our Lit Happens blog for even more author news!

Books Forward Authors in the Media: January 2025

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Jeremy Hurewitz penned this piece for Time on how to use spy tactics in your daily life.
  • Charleston City Paper talked to local author Joseph Bauer about his book Sailing for Grace.
  • Joanne Howard joined Ken Fong’s Asian America podcast to talk about writing her debut novel Sleeping in the Sun.
  • Michael Wolk offered up five tips for creating a successful career in theater and performance art in this interview for Authority Magazine.
  • Kirkus called Lyn Squire’s Fatally Inferior a “layered and fast-paced mystery.”
  • Anne Abel talked self-discovery, self-love and storytelling on the Sad Times podcast.
  • Voyage Denver spoke with John Be Lane, author of The Future Lies.
  • Julie Ryan McGue wrote an article for about three big questions adoptees think about.
  • Lori B. Duff discussed her novel Devil’s Defense with LibraryThing.
  • Kevin Moore’s piece for Writer’s Digest delves into finding the inspiration to write short stories.
  • On the Shelf had Victory Witherkeigh on the podcast to talk about her newest book, The Demon.
  • Evette Davis’ reading list for Fangirlish recommends fantasy books with heroines to keep you sane post-election.

Want to stay up to date on Books Forward authors in the media? Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok! Or keep up with the latest by checking out our author family on our case studies page.

25 questions authors ask the most about book marketing

Books Forward is celebrating 25 years in the book marketing biz in 2025. That means if an author has had a question about publishing a book, we’ve probably heard it! And our goal is to help guide authors along the way, no matter their publishing path. Because there’s no single correct way to market a book, and as the business changes over time, so will your strategy.

In honor of our 25 years of positioning authors for publishing success, here are 25 of the most common questions we get asked:


  1. How do I query a literary agent?

Indie authors can certainly attract a traditional publisher through an agent pitching their book on their behalf. Though securing an agent can be a lengthy process due to varied submission requirements and long response times, it remains the key route to traditional publishing.

  1. I’m hearing a lot about AI — how will it affect me?

AI can be a valuable tool when used ethically, but you need to be able to identify it and know what to use it for. AI should never be used to write full books, and we are only just beginning to see the legal consequences play out from how AI companies are using copyrighted material.

  1. What are bookplates and do I need them?

Bookplates are a great way for authors to “sign” their book for anyone. They’re small labels you affix to one of the front pages of your book. Some authors opt for more simple ones and some do more intricately designed ones that coordinate with their book’s cover. If you can’t meet someone in person to sign their book, sending a signed bookplate their way — or a few to a store stocking your book — is a great alternative.

  1. Do I need to invest in bookplates and other swag?

If you don’t have the budget for something, don’t stress over trying to provide something extra to readers. But swag can definitely be a great way to help your book stand out from all the others that reviewers and media outlets receive every day. Need some inspiration? Check out some of our ideas here.

  1. I need help networking with other authors, where do I start?

Networking in general can be daunting, especially when you’re asking a fellow author to blurb your book or collaborate on a project. Start by getting comfortable online: Commenting on posts by authors you admire or sliding into the DMs of someone you think would make for a great collaboration partner. Attend events when possible, and be present and engaged. Ultimately, if you are open to helping others, they’ll be open to helping you. Check out more of our networking tips here.


  1. Do I have to have social media?

Short answer: No, don’t do anything you don’t want to do. Anything we’re forced to do, we won’t do well. But ultimately, social media can be a valuable tool to help you build and grow your author brand. And we get that it’s overwhelming! Deciding on the platform that’s right for you is the first decision you need to make. There are so many creative ways authors can promote themselves and their books through social media — it’s a popular resource for a reason!

  1. I heard I need to be on TikTok — do I need to be?

TikTok, and video content creation in general, is so much more time intensive than other social media platforms that we only recommend signing up if you’re ready to put in the work. Learning to use the app and really engaging with it is the best way to learn how it works, but we also have some more TikTok tips here.

  1. What are some things I can do to up my social media game?

Consider adding audio and video assets! Video gets so much more engagement on platforms nowadays, and there’s a variety of ways you can incorporate this type of content that doesn’t even require you talking in front of a camera.


  1. Do I need a publicist?

Maybe we’re biased, but we think so! Book marketing is a full-time job, and most authors want to spend their time writing. A good publicity firm will help you decide on an actionable plan to set you and your book up for success — like deciding if you need a press release for your book — as well as help you avoid the pitfalls and scams that are so prevalent across the industry.

  1. How do I get reviews?

The benefits of positive book reviews can’t be overstated, but where do you start? Beta readers are a great place to start: They’ll tell you what resonated with them and what you might need to work on, so you can anticipate what other readers will say. If you’ve already got an established readership, you can consider organizing some of those most-devoted readers into a street team. And check out our tips here on getting author endorsements, industry reviews, influencer coverage and more. And remember, with the good comes the bad: Make sure you are ready to handle any negative reviews that come your way. 

  1. What kind of media coverage should I be looking for?

That will depend on each author’s goals, as well as other factors like genre, the book’s subject matter, and more. Learn about the variety of media coverage an author can gain here. And don’t underestimate the value that things like smaller bloggers or more niche media can bring when it comes to publicizing your book.

  1. What makes a good pitch?

Media professionals receive hundreds — sometimes thousands — of emails per day, so how you describe your book, and ultimately cut through the noise, is incredibly important. Tailoring your message to who you’re reaching out to is a great step in book marketing, but check out our other tips for crafting a good media pitch.

  1. Can I get my book in a celebrity book club?

Never say never! But we’ll be upfront: It is extremely difficult to get your book in the hands of Oprah, Jenna or Reese. Almost 100 percent of the books they pick are traditionally published by major houses, and many don’t accept pitches. But it can be valuable to stay in the know about popular celebrity book clubs and what types of books are in the zeitgeist.

  1. I’ve never done an interview before. What do I need to do?

Publicizing your book does generally mean that sometimes you have to talk about your book! The key to preparing for a radio or podcast interview is just that: preparation. Do your research on the outlet you’re speaking with, as well as keep in mind talking points you want to make sure to hit. Many interviews nowadays take place over video call, so make sure you understand how video interviews work. We’ve got plenty of interview tips here for you to check out but most importantly, try and have fun! 

  1. How can I get my book in front of booksellers and librarians?

Booksellers and librarians can be some of your biggest fans, handselling or recommending your book to patrons. Especially if you’re an independent author, getting your book out there can be tougher, but many bookstores and libraries love to meet with local authors! It can also be beneficial to have a pre-established relationship with your local library or store before visiting — connections are not built over a single conversation or in a single day.

  1. Should I organize events around my launch date?

Gone are the days of multicity book tours paid for by publishers. Now, most authors — or their publicity teams — are helping them organize their own events. Organizing a launch event can be a great way to celebrate with your network of friends, family and readers, as well as get your work in front of a local bookstore and establish a partnership with them. Learn more about organizing launch events here.

  1. How do pre-orders affect my release day sales?

Historically, pre-orders — or early purchases of your book fulfilled before publication day — have been viewed as a predictor of a book’s success by retailers. But the relationship between pre-orders and bestseller lists is far from linear. See more about which pre-orders count toward which bestseller lists, as well as tips on promoting a pre-order special here.

  1. What do I do after my book launches?

Publication day is really just the start of a book’s life. Whether it’s continuing to gather media coverage, garnering more reviews, or utilizing digital advertising, there is so much more to do after pub day. Check out more of our recommendations here.

  1. Should I enter my book for awards?

Awards can be a valuable asset to add to your marketing efforts. In addition to providing some critical acclaim, it helps your book stand out from the 2M+ books that are published every year. Even smaller awards help establish credibility for your work. Learn how to maximize award wins with some of our tips here.


  1. What is reader newsletter advertising?

They are a great promotional book marketing tool where authors or publishers pay to feature discounted or free books, attracting readers with limited-time bargains. Costs vary based on audience size, and promotions typically require lowering ebook prices for a limited amount of time to boost sales.

  1. Do I need an author website?

It’s one of the few things we really recommend every author have. Readers have to be able to find you somewhere. But it doesn’t have to be difficult! Check out our tips on elements to plan for your author website here. It’s also important to understand how to make your website SEO-friendly so that it shows up when people are searching for it.

  1. Other authors talk about their email lists — should I have one?

An email list can be a valuable tool to give you direct access to your most loyal readers and personal contacts. But it can definitely be overwhelming starting from scratch, so make a list of priorities for your list and how you want to organize it and go from there.

  1. What is Goodreads?

Goodreads is the largest book-logging platform available, so it’s useful to understand how it works for book marketing, which includes claiming your author page, engaging with users and reading and reviewing books. Check out more of our tips on how to get the most out of Goodreads.

  1. What is NetGalley?

NetGalley is a great tool to help publishers and authors safely promote digital review copies to book advocates and industry professionals. Make sure you’re getting the most out of NetGalley by checking out our tips and tricks here. And yes, NetGalley is different from Edelweiss, which you might also have heard about from your publisher. 

  1. What is BookBub?

You’ve probably heard about BookBub featured deals and how they can explode an author’s ebook sales. But the platform is a good resource for both readers and authors. To learn how to maximize your presence there — and potentially nab one of those coveted featured deals — check out our tips here.

We know this only begins to scratch the surface to all the challenges you’ll face on your author journey. Whether you’re a seasoned author or setting out to publish your first title, book marketing can be daunting. If you’re looking for help, reach out to us today!

Books Forward Authors in the Media: December 2024

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • An excerpt from Lyndall Clipstone’s YA novel Tenderly, I am Devoured was featured by Reactor.
  • L.A. Parent featured a piece from Eichin Chang-Lim about self-care strategies for teens that are actually practical.
  • Joseph Bauer wrote an article for History is Now about the history of family separation of U.S. immigrants.
  • Writers Voices had author Holly LaBarbara on for an interview about tackling serious subjects in her book All I Know.
  • Joanna Howard discussed turning her family history into a novel in this article for Writer’s Digest.
  • Readers’ Favorite gave Barbara Boyle’s Pinch Me five stars in its review of the memoir.
  • Michael Wolk joined Cybercrime Magazine Podcast to talk about his innovative new cyber novel DevilsGame.
  • No Shame on U spoke with Anne Abel about the transformative role her dogs played in her mental health journey.
  • Bridey Thelen-Heidel spoke with Alaska Public Media about returning to Juneau and her memoir Bright Eyes.
  • Out Front Magazine interviewed Books Forward author Ginelle Testa about her memoir Make a Home out of You.
  • Lori B. Duff penned a piece for Crime Reads about what lawyers really thing about all the legal dramas on TV.
  • Fantasy author Evette Davis was spotlighted by Eye on Sun Valley after a recent trip to Idaho to promote her book The Others.
  • The Nerd Daily featured an excerpt from Family Pack, the new release from author Lisa Kastner.
  • Author Beverly Armento’s book Seeing Eye Girl was given a rave reviews. by influencer Stories and Skulls.
  • Historical Novel Society called Francine Falk-Allen’s A Wolff in the Family “an enriching tale of historical fiction with elements of memoir, exploring the gender roles and complex relationships within a family unit” in its recent review.
  • Janine Kovac wrote an uplifting piece for Writer’s Digest, comparing the process of choreographers working through rehearsals for a ballet to the process of working through early drafts to get to a finished book.

Want to stay up to date on what Books Forward authors are doing? Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, and TikTok!

13 bookish candles we’re eying for National Candle Day

Apparently Dec. 7 is National Candle Day, and if there’s one thing that the bookish community loves, it’s lighting a candle and curling up with a good read. 

We’re celebrating with some picks that we’d like to try from creative companies making our scent-filled bookish dreams come true. Special shout out to Casey for her expert input.

Frostbeard Studio

We’d like to try Bookstore: mahogany + leather + coffee

Mythologie Candes

We’d like to try The Rave: black currants + intoxicating Absinthe + polished sandalwood


We’d like to try Reading and Rain: rain water + soft linen+ white tea

In the Wick of Time

We’d like to try Second Breakfast: maple syrup + cinnamon + buttery pancakes

Isle & Wild

We’d like to try one more chapter: basil and grapefruit + rose and magnolia + patchouli and cedar

Tookish Candle Company

We’d like to try Aslan’s Roar: violets + peaches + grass

Stella Candle Company

We’d like to try Fourth Wing: orange peel + peppercorn +  cedar


We’d like to try late fees at the library: paper + linen


We’d like to try Cassian: fall spices + amber sun + harvest fruit + autumn leaves

Smells Like Books

We’d like to try Avonlea: bergamot + lavender, ylang ylang and birch + sandalwood


We’d like to try March Family Christmas: mince pies + vanilla + cinnamon

From the Page

We’d like to try A Day With Mr. Darcy: wild honeysuckle + meadow + orange

Fly Paper Products

We’d like to try Cliffhanger: cactus flower + agave + fir

Books Forward Authors in the Media: November 2024

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Jane Seskin spoke with AgeBuzz about Older, Wiser, Shorter, her new poetry collection about aging.
  • Whiskey Lore talked with Books Forward author Clay Schwab about his book Manny Shwab and the George Dickel Company.
  • Joseph Bauer’s Sailing for Grace was described by Kirkus as “deeply felt novel of immigration” in its review.
  • Mean Low Water by Stephanie Alexander was recently featured by
  • Lori B. Duff chatted with Authority Magazine about the five things one must do to become a top lawyer in their field.
  • South Tahoe NOW highlighted the release of Bridey Thelen-Heidel memoir Bright Eyes.
  • Evette Davis joined the Bookshop at the End of the Internet podcast to talk about The Others, the first in her paranormal urban fantasy trilogy.
  • Readers’ Favorite gave Joanne De Simone’s memoir Fall and Recovery five stars, calling it “authentic and raw” and describing her writing as “introspective and engrossing.”
  • Author Ann Lowry passes along a lesson in patriarchy in this article for GirlTalkHQ.
  • Beverly Armento joined the hosts of Be Heard: Empower Yourself to discuss her memoir Seeing Eye Girl.
  • Author Lisa Kastner highlighted her publishing company Running Wild Press in this piece for Women Writers, Women’s Books.
  • A Bookish Way of Life is raving about Francine Falk-Allen’s A Wolff in the Family in their recent review.

Want to stay up to date on what Books Forward authors are doing? Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok and Threads!

Your Ultimate Guide to Book Cover Design

So, you’ve written a book, however now you need to figure out how the outside is going to accurately reflect what’s on the inside.

Getting started on your first book cover is truly one of the most exhilarating moments in the publishing journey. It’s often the first tangible glimpse of your work, where your book starts to feel like a real product. Since first impressions matter this excitement can quickly turn to anxiety. What if your cover doesn’t resonate with readers? What if it’s off-genre? 

Creating a captivating book cover is an essential part of the publishing journey. It can make or break a reader’s decision to pick up your book. We’ll walk you through what you need to know about book covers, the importance of hiring a professional designer, and how to collaborate with your designer to ensure you end up with a cover that truly represents your work.

What You Need to Know About Book Covers

Your book will be judged by its cover, and that is normal

We know the adage: Don’t judge a book by its cover. But the reality is that people do judge. Our brains process visual information incredibly quickly, making design a powerful tool to attract readers. A great cover can pique reader interest, convey your book’s genre, and entice potential buyers. A bad book cover can denote that the time and budget weren’t put into the outside of the book — and can undo the appeal of content inside the book, no matter how great the writing is.

There are objectively “good” and “bad” book covers

Of course, we know a bad book cover when we see it. Good cover design is not purely subjective. A successful cover effectively captures the essence of the book, and in turn, attracts the intended audience. A great cover should make potential readers say, “I need to read that.”

Elements for a good book cover

  • Imagery: The imagery should match the period and tone of your book. For example in a dark-ages fantasy epic, modern hairstyles or clothing would be out of place. Ensure that multiple images work well together, adjusting colors as needed for consistency.
  • Color choice: A unified color scheme enhances the overall aesthetic and keeps the text legible against the background. Use colors that complement the imagery. A color should be drawn from the images or act as a direct contrast, avoiding any random clashes. 
  • Contrast: Contrast helps your cover stand out. Use stark contrasts between figures and backgrounds to draw the viewer’s eye. Light against dark or vice versa is effective in making elements pop.
  • Font: Choose fonts that resonate with your book’s genre. A chick-lit cover, for example, might use a whimsical font, and historical romance could benefit from an elegant script. Consequently, the right font conveys the essence of the book, while the wrong choice can mislead potential readers.
  • Typography and composition: Pay attention to how your title and author name are arranged. Well-aligned text creates a professional look, like stacking the title can help maintain visual balance. Composition is key to a visually appealing cover. Consider a grid layout for balance, with careful placement of subjects and text. Ensure that text spacing is equal or purposefully unequal for a polished look.
  • Plan for the future: Want to incorporate some blurbs or reviews on your cover? Make sure your designer leaves a good amount of space on the front and/or back of your cover to accommodate future blurbs for final copies or additional print runs.

Create a cover design brief

Whether your publisher is handling your cover design or you are seeking a designer, putting together a book cover design brief can help keep all relevant information in one spot. This is a vital tool of communication between you and your designer, ensuring that both parties are aligned on expectations and vision, and the ideal scenario would involve the designer reading your book, however, that isn’t always practical, your brief serves to encapsulate the key elements they need to know.

 Essential elements include:

  • Book title and author name
  • Tagline (if applicable)
  • Book size and page count
  • Publishing platform (for technical specifications)
  • Genre (with any nuances or combinations explained)
  • Audience description (condensed into key ideas)
  • Book description (blurb and author commentary)
  • Specific design ideas (what you want to see)
  • Back cover information (tagline, blurb, author bio, testimonials)
  • Author branding elements (logos, color palettes)
  • Book format (paperback/hardback details)

What You Need to Know about Cover Designers

You’re armed with your cover design brief, now what?

You should not design your own book cover

It’s best to leave cover design to the professionals who understand the nuances of designing book covers. If you are working with a publisher, they likely will handle your cover design. 

Preparing to hire a book cover designer

In the hiring process, it’s crucial to be prepared:

  • Identify your target audience: Understanding who will read your book is crucial. Identify your audience by demographic details (age, gender, income), interests, values, etc.
  • Look at LOTS of book covers: Browse through covers in your genre and beyond to understand what works. Trends in 1980 aren’t the same as trends in 2024, however, so pay close attention to design trends and tropes, and when the book was published. .
  • Narrow down your favorites: Save a selection of covers that embody elements you like. This will provide visual references for your designer. One cover may have a font you like. A second cover may have a color scheme you enjoy.
  • Create a mood board: Collect logos, artwork, and images that capture the aesthetic you envision for your book cover. 

Working with Cover Designers

  • Schedule a call if you can: Use phone or video calls for initial discussions, as they facilitate clearer communication. If a phone call isn’t possible, keep clear notes via email or elsewhere that you can refer back to.
  • Share your inspiration: Provide your designer with your research before the call to give them a sense of your style. Be specific about the book’s message, its spirit, and the elements you envision for your cover. Consider what plot elements or imagery should be featured. Summarize your book in a concise blurb that will capture its essence.
  • Discuss your vision: Clearly explain your book’s genre, target audience, what you like and dislike about the reference covers and the emotions you want to evoke. Make sure to discuss any design elements you want to avoid. Listing colors, fonts, or images you dislike can save a lot of back-and-forth and help the designer steer clear of unwanted concepts.

Communicating with Cover Designers

  • Maintain communication: Start conversations with your designer early in the process and keep lines of communication open. Regular check-ins and deadlines can help clarify ideas and answer questions as they arise.
  • Request mock-ups: We recommend requesting at least three initial designs to choose from. This gives you options and sparks discussion. Designers will have different rates and stipulations as to how many mock-ups they will provide. Review any contract you’ve signed to see what your designer will provide you.
  • Provide constructive feedback: Don’t hesitate to voice your thoughts about the initial designs. If one design stands out, give specific feedback. If not, articulate what changes you’d like to see. Remember, you’re both working toward the same goal!

Check out more on working with a book cover designer in this interview with Books Forward author Nancy McCabe and her cover designer Maryann Appel.


A compelling book cover can affect your book’s success.  understanding the design process is crucial. From recognizing the importance of professional design to collaborating effectively with your chosen designer, this guide provides the insights you need to create a cover that captures your book’s essence and draws readers in.

In Books Fluent’s interview with cover designer Eric Labacz, he emphasized the importance of effective imagery, typography and color. A great cover is a combination of creativity and strategic design choices. Follow these guidelines you can navigate the book cover design process with confidence. This results in ensuring that your book stands out on the shelf and online.

Ready to get started? 

Need help designing the cover for your upcoming book? Fill out our contact form to get in touch with our team!

Books Forward Authors in the Media: October 2024

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Clay Shwab talks about this origin of George Dickel Whiskey in this Jewish Journal article.
  • Dr. Eichin Chang-Lim discusses how to navigate sensitive subjects with your kids for L.A. Parent.
  • Evette Davis wrote a piece for Writer’s Digest about how her vast “writer’s library” helped in her research for her Council Trilogy.
  • Wall Street Journal featured this piece from Pepper Stetler about how her daughter helped change the way she thinks about IQ.
  • South Tahoe NOW featured Bridey Thelen-Heidel library event for her memoir Bright Eyes.
  • Author Ann Lowry discusses her novel The Blue Trunk and discovering your roots with Wisconsin Public Radio.
  • School for Startups had author Jeremy Hurewitz on the show to talk about his book Sell Like a Spy.
  • Jane Seskin refuses to apologize for aging and discusses her poetry collection Older, Wiser, Shorter on Oldster Magazine’s Substack.
  • Reggie Reed joined the Mind Over Murder podcast to discuss his memoir about his mother’s murder.
  • The Jabot podcast chatted with Lori B. Duff about her new courtroom drama Devil’s Defense and writing the kind of legal story you want to read.
  • Ginelle Testa’s memoir Make a Home Out of You is called “engaging and helpful for anyone interested in personal healing and growth processes” by Nonfictional Books in their review. 
  • Kelly Vincent joined the The Incoherent Fangirl Podcast to talk about their Art of Being Ugly series. 
  • The Santa Barbara Independent profiled author Jenna Tico and her new book Cancer Moon.
  • An excerpt from Francine Falk-Allen’s book A Wolff in the Family was featured by Boomer Magazine.
  • Tamara J. Walker was interviewed by Hippocampus about her nonfiction book Beyond the Shores.
  • Brave Together spoke with author Joanne De Simone about disability parenting and her memoir Fall and Recovery.
  • The Mystery of Writing described Jenny Milchman’s The Usual Silence as their favorite Milchman novel to date in this review and interview with the author.

Want to stay up to date on what Books Forward authors are doing? Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok and Threads!

Selecting the right genre to successfully market your book

*Points to the sign* If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a million times, book marketing is daunting! And understanding how to effectively position your book within the right genre is a crucial step. 

Your book’s genre plays a pivotal role, both in defining your work and in guiding how it’s marketed and received. It can be complex and confusing to balance crafting your story and thinking about how you’ll position it in the market.

We have tips to help you not only reach your target audience but also to help get your book discovered by readers who will truly appreciate it. Here’s a comprehensive look at how to navigate genre, and balancing your artistic vision with industry expectations.

What is genre?

Genre can be, well, complicated. To effectively market your book, you should understand what genre means and how it differs from other literary terms. It’s a way to set reader expectations. For example, labeling a book as a “romance” prepares readers for a love story that ends in a happily ever after.

Keep in mind that genre is different from something like categories, which might denote age groups or certain nonfiction genres like wellness or memoir. Terms like “women’s fiction,” “upmarket fiction,” and “commercial fiction” often serve more as marketing tools than precise genre descriptors. While they help in positioning books within specific market segments, they are not necessarily genres themselves.

Why are genre labels important?

Genre labels, though sometimes seen as restrictive, play a pivotal role in book marketing. They serve as a useful tool for categorization and marketing and help readers find books that align with their preferences.

For instance, if your book involves futuristic technology and warfare, it might be categorized as science fiction. However, if the story is more two star-crossed lovers set against the same backdrop, it could be classified differently.

In his essay for Literary Hub, Lincoln Michel defended genre labels, emphasizing their utility in helping readers set expectations. Michel’s perspective challenges the common reluctance among literary novelists to categorize their work, arguing that genre labels offer valuable guidance for both readers and industry professionals (we agree!).

How to determine your book’s genre

Remember, genre is not a rigid construct but more so a fluid system used to guide readers and marketers.

  • Determine Your Story’s Core: Ask yourself what your story is fundamentally about and how it’s told.
  • Sensibility Matters: Different genres have different conventions and expectations. Understanding these helps in aligning your story with the right audience (more on this below).
  • Read Widely: Look at books similar to yours and see where they’re categorized.
  • Research Publishers and Agents: Check where similar books are published and who has endorsed them, as well as how their publishers have categorized them.
  • Use Indicators: Book covers, blurbs, and reader reviews can offer help with classification.

What are some genre conventions and stereotypes?

Writers should be familiar with genre conventions and stereotypes because this knowledge enables you to make informed decisions about how to use or subvert these elements in your writing. 

There are what seems to be an endless amount of genres and subgenres, including fiction, fantasy, science fiction, romance, historical fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, inspirational, children’s books, self-help, cookbooks *takes a deep breath* you get the point.

Knowing what’s typical within a genre allows you to:

  • Decide whether to adhere to or break from norms.
  • Explore areas where you can innovate within the genre.
  • Understand what has already been done, helping you avoid clichés or find unique angles.

For example, if you’re writing a science-fiction novel, being aware of common tropes — like futuristic technology, space travel, talking robots going “beep boop beep boop” — helps you either embrace these conventions or twist them in new and unique ways.

Navigating subgenres

While it’s important to identify your genre, being overly specific can be counterproductive, especially in traditional publishing. Try to avoid super-specific subgenres. Instead, focus on well-known subgenres and let your plot description highlight the unique aspects of your book. Jane Friedman has more on defining your genre for agents and publishers in this Q&A with a couple of industry experts.

In self-publishing, being niche can sometimes help authors achieve bestseller status within that category. However, for traditional publishing, a balance between specificity and broader appeal is often more effective.

If your book doesn’t fit neatly into a single genre, that’s OK! Identify the key traits of your book, and determine the genre that aligns most closely with the book’s primary elements. To position your book, you can use comparisons to established authors or titles to help agents and publishers understand what genre your book fits in.

Tips for identifying and marketing to your genre

Identify your target audience

Ultimately, you need to understand where your book fits within the broader landscape by determining who most likely will be interested in it. This could be based on demographics such as age or interests.

If your book straddles multiple genres, consider which one would attract the most satisfied readers. For example, if your book blends elements of historical fiction and romance, it might best be marketed as a historical romance with a strong romantic element.

Understand your audience’s preferences

Tailor your marketing efforts to how your target readers discover books — whether through social media, book blogs, or other channels. For instance, younger readers may find new books on BookTok or Bookstagram, while Facebook ads may reach older readers.

Keep your target audience

Once you’ve found your niche, focus on nurturing that audience! Engage with your readers, provide regular new content, and maintain an active presence. Authenticity and a genuine connection with your readers can turn a book from a one-time read into a beloved favorite. Learn more about staying fresh on social media with these tips.

If you’re an established author looking to explore new genres, it’s essential to strike a balance between your creative desires and contractual obligations. Focus on building a base in one genre before venturing into others. Gradually introducing new genres can help maintain a strong reader base while allowing for creative exploration.

Research similar books

Look at how books similar to yours are marketed. Analyze their covers, descriptions, and promotional strategies.

Many authors have to balance writing a unique story while packaging it in a way that appeals to genre expectations. See how other writers craft a compelling narrative that resonates with their readers, while presenting it in a genre-appropriate format.

Design a compelling cover

Ensure your book cover aligns with genre expectations and attracts attention. An effective cover includes a clear title, engaging visuals, and relevant genre cues. We interviewed Eric Labacz on elements that contribute to great cover design.

Use trends as a (loose) guide

Trends are cyclical, and what may seem out of favor can return to popularity. Publish Drive noted some of the most popular genre trends for 2023 in this article.

Focusing too much on genre trends can be risky — writing what you’re passionate about and waiting for the right moment can be a much more effective game plan.

Same thing with book covers: Look around the market for trends in covers but don’t hold yourself too strictly to them! Playing into a trend for cover design is fine as long as you’re not just trying to do that to get your book picked up — it should also be a true reflection of your book and your author brand.

A final note on genre

Understanding and strategically utilizing genre labels can significantly enhance your book’s marketability. But remember: Genre is your tool — not a cage. While understanding and using genre conventions helps in marketing and publishing, your primary focus should be on crafting a compelling and engaging story. Whether you embrace or challenge genre norms, what matters most is creating a narrative that resonates with your readers.

Books Forward Authors in the Media: September 2024

What can we say, Books Forward authors are always going, going, going! We’re excited to feature some of our authors and their recent media wins.

  • Janine Kovac wrote a piece for Salon about how dancers embrace their lives after retiring from dancing.
  • History Central featured an excerpt from Manny Shwab and the George Dickel Company by Clay Shwab.
  • The Santa Barbara Independent’s cover story was on author Jenna Tico and her book Cancer Moon.
  • Evette Davis was interviewed about her new book The Others by USA Wire.
  • Joanne De Simone wrote an article for Parents Together on advocating for your children when they have disabilities.
  • Writing and Wellness ran a guest article from Ginelle Testa on how the writing process helped her learn to forgive and heal.
  • Bridey Thelen-Heidel joined the Good Grief podcast to discuss her memoir Bright Eyes.
  • Jeremy Hurewitz joined Make It Happen Mondays to talk about his book Sell Like a Spy.
  • Authority Magazine interviewed Eichin Chang-Lim on raising children to feel loved and connected.
  • Lori B. Duff was interviewed by Awesome Gang about her new book Devil’s Defense.
  • Oxford Free Press ran a story Pepper Stetler, her daughter and Stetler’s new book A Measure of Intelligence.
  • Kelly Vincent joined the Queer Family Podcast to discuss their journey writing their Art of Being Ugly series.

Want to stay up to date on what Books Forward authors are doing? Follow us on Facebook, X, Instagram, TikTok and Threads!