Spooky season approaches! Prepare with one of these atmospheric books

Guest post by Sydney from Bookpals (@bookpals)

It. Is. Spooky. Season. Raise your hand if Halloween is your absolute favourite holiday of all time? Yes. Yes spooky babies, I see you and I am here for you.

Why do we love Halloween? For me it’s a potent cocktail of pure nostalgia (grade school halloween parades yes please), inappropriate-for-my-age-horror-movie viewing (sure dad, let’s watch Alien 3, I’m only 8 years old) and an unabiding love of dressing up has been brewing and bubbling my whole life.

Young Sydney one hundred and ten percent believed in ghosts, goblins, witches and gremlins. Did I start a Ghostbusters society at my elementary school? Yes. Did I make a Witch Business at age nine with my best friend complete with business cards? Also yes. Did I borrow the same book on poltergeists over and over again from the library and bother my mother incessantly with “facts” about gremlins? Hard yes.

I was a spooky kid. I loved weird and wonderful things even though they absolutely scared the pants off of me. I don’t think I’ve grown into a particularly spooky adult, but my love of Halloween runs deep and true. Here’s some books to get you in the spooky mood (as if you would need help…)

N0S4A2 by Joe Hill
Vic McQueen is able to find lost things in a way even she doesn’t understand. One day she finds something she shouldn’t have and has a life-changing run in with terrifying Charles Manx. She manages to escape but Manx never forgets a face, especially one like Vic’s. Sure his dad is the kind of horror but Joe Hill wrote a book that genuinely creeped me right the heck out and was quite well written.

Sawkill Girls by Claire Legrand
Girls have always disappeared from the island of Sawkill Rock, but nobody talks about it. New girl Marion crosses paths with Val and Zoey and between the three of them, they’re getting to the bottom of this (no matter how little each of them wants to be involved) This reads like a very enjoyable scary movie and gave me the shivers a few times

We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry
A New England girls’ field hockey team makes a deal with some dark magic to win their 1989 season. Not particularly scary but definitely spooky and absolutely worth a read (plus 10/10 for fall atmosphere)

How Long ‘til Black Future Month by N.K. Jemisin
You won’t find this short story collection in the horror section at your bookstore but trust me, some of the wild creations that come from Jemisin’s mind could easily wind up there. You meet monsters (human and non), dystopian futures and some truly scary witches.

The Sundown Motel by Simone St. James
Carly’s aunt Viv disappeared in the middle of the night in November 1982 after working the night shift at the Sundown Motel. Carly wants some answers about her aunt’s disappearance and in her search for the truth finds herself working at the Sundown, with the exact same shift as her aunt. Will Carly suffer the same fate as Viv? Fans of the supernatural and true crime will find things to like.

Sydney is one half of Bookpals, a Canadian bookstagram duo. She works full time as a midwife and loves Halloween, ’80s movies, bad dancing and her three cats.

Michigan Medicine CEO’s fast-paced thriller novel warns of dangerous ransomware attacks on hospitals

Ann Arbor, MI–Michigan Medicine CEO and Dean of the University of Michigan Medical School, Dr. Marschall Runge, warns of the dangers rooted in the advancement of medical technology in his new ripped-from-headlines thriller, “Coded to Kill” (Post Hill Press, June 13, 2023).

About the book: Is medicine’s greatest breakthrough also the world’s most efficient killing machine? After a decade of development, the cutting-edge Electronic Health Records system is about to become the national standard. Housing the real-time medical records of every American, the EHR system will enable doctors to access records with a keystroke and issue life-or-death medical orders with a finger swipe.

No one wants the EHR to succeed more than Hugh Torrence, a former NSA honcho who sees the system as a tool for unimaginable and unaccountable power. The only thing standing in his way is a loose-knit group of Drexel employees with conflicting agendas and questionable loyalties. While they search for answers, the suspicious patient deaths keep mounting…and the target on their back grows larger.

“Coded to Kill”

Marschall Runge | June 13, 2023 | Post Hill Press | Fiction, Thriller

Hardcover | ISBN: 978-1637589274 | $30.00

Paperback | ISBN: 978-1637589250 | $18.99 

Ebook | ASIN: B0C83Q9624 | $7.99

Praise for Coded to Kill

“A beautifully written, complex mix of medical drama, espionage story, and hi-tech skulduggery, ‘Coded to Kill’ is a thrilling read under the guidance of someone who knows what he is talking about, and never fails to enthrall with its detail and deft plotting.”

–Iain Pears, author of “An Instance of the Fingerpost” and “The Dream of Scipio”

“Dr. Marschall Runge gives us both a heart-stopping thriller and a searing indictment of the degree to which technology has sapped the soul of medicine and handed it to the technocracy.”

–Holden Thorp, Editor-in-Chief, Science Family of Journals

About the Author…

MARSCHALL RUNGE, MD, PhD, is the executive vice president for Medical Affairs at the University of Michigan, dean of the Medical School, and CEO of Michigan Medicine. He earned his doctorate in molecular biology at Vanderbilt University and his medical degree from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, where he also completed a residency in internal medicine. He was a cardiology fellow at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He is the author of over 250 publications and holds five patents for novel approaches to health care. As a Texas native who spent fifteen years in North Carolina and an avid thriller reader, Runge has experienced so many you-can’t-make-this-up events that his transition to fiction was inevitable.


In an interview, Marschall Runge can discuss:

  • The benefits and drawbacks of the mass collection of medical records
  • How the medical industry should be approaching privacy concerns
  • Whether or not AI has a place in the medical realm
  • How much of “Coded to Kill” is grounded in reality
  • What’s next for his author career

An Interview with

Marschall Runge

1. Where did the idea for “Coded to Kill” originate from? 

Two words: aggravation and imagination. Like many physicians – I’m a cardiologist – I found the transition to electronic health records (EHRs) to be problematic because they increased our paperwork and diverted attention from patients. As a hospital administrator, I learned more about the power of EHRs – they do improve communication between healthcare providers and make previously illegible notes now legible. But there is little evidence that, overall, EHRs have reduced medical errors, which was their promise. And protected health information (PHI), which previously had to be obtained in written medical records, is now on-line and accessible both to all who have access to these records, as well as to nefarious characters cruising the internet for private information. With these ideas swirling in my mind, and having read too many thrillers, it occurred to me that a novel hinged on the promise and perils of emerging medical technologies would be a fun and effective way to share my concerns with the public.

2. What are your thoughts on recent ransomware attacks on hospitals and how does this phenomenon relate to “Coded to Kill”?

Ransomware attacks – where hackers steal or take control of vital systems and information – are a growing threat to public safety and health. Hospitals are an especially attractive target because we must maintain highly detailed and organized information on those we care far and because our work truly involves life and death stakes. Though the potential risks of online medical records are heightened in “Coded To Kill,” it is important that everyone who uses EHRs and/or have their information contained in them understand their vulnerabilities. In “Coded to Kill,” the action of my “heroes” provide a realistic hope that we can fight back.

3. How should the medical industry approach privacy concerns?

Hospitals have a sacred duty to safeguard Protected Health Information (PHI) even as we face challenges not just from malevolent hackers, but, ironically, from our own decision to improve patient care (and generate revenue). “Data aggregators” like Google offer tens of millions of dollars for access to large medical record databases and high quality information that can be used to devise new diagnostic tools and treatments. “Coded To Kill” illustrates a reality – that some of these arrangements become deals with the devil as “anonymous” patient records can, in some circumstances, be de-anonymized. I am proud to say that Michigan Medicine has become a leader in implementing programs to thoroughly evaluate and vet these requests.

4. In the medical field, do the pros of technological advancements outweigh the cons? Is there a clear path for mitigating the negative effects of progress?

I am convinced that medicine is on the edge of a golden age of innovation that will deliver lifesaving and life-enhancing results to patients around the world. Technological advances are already resulting in amazing therapies and many diseases that were untreatable when I began my career four decades ago can now be cured. A major problem, which “Coded To Kill” illustrates, is that technology can also be hijacked by bad actors. These vast changes also create another problem: the opportunity of fraudsters such as Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos to exploit this hope to peddle high-tech versions of snake oil that hurt those who need help.

5. In your opinion, does the future of medicine involve AI?

Absolutely. Generative AI and deep machine learning are already providing amazing advances in drug discovery, diagnosis and prevention. When I began my career, it took months or even years for advanced medicinal chemists to identify a small number of compounds they could modify and test to inhibit key disease pathways. Just within the last year, AI/ML algorithms have been developed that can generate more than one million new structures a day. But, like the advanced EHR featured in “Coded To Kill,” we never forget that machines are tools that must be used and controlled by human beings, who possess a conscience and morals. We are the secret sauce of innovation.

6. What’s next for you?

My experience writing “Coded To Kill” has convinced me that novels provide a great opportunity to bring important medical issues to life – to start meaningful conversations with the people we care for. I am working on a second novel that revolves around an extraordinary investigator using AI to discover secrets that seem to reverse aging. But shortcuts were taken, data was faked, and terrible outcomes in an illicit clinical trial involving prisoners were suppressed…. you get the picture. As with “Coded to Kill,” I will use real-life examples as a starting place for each of these themes.

Intuitive healing coach helps survivors break cycles of trauma and self-doubt

In her vulnerable new book – part memoir, part self-help – Wen Peetes urges readers to listen to the messages living inside their feelings, so they can become the home they never want to run away from

DEERFIELD BEACH, Florida – In her upcoming book, “Inner Child Healing” (Rebel For a Spell Press, Jan. 11, 2024) Wen Peetes reminds trauma survivors they’re never too old to heal.

Trash the lies you’re tempted to believe, trauma survivors. You are not worthless, you are not too damaged, and you are never too old to heal. Reclaim your power! You were born worthy of living the life you love.       

If you’re stuck in believing you’ll never heal from negative experiences, if you’re on your healing journey already, or if you simply dream of feeling good about yourself, “Inner Child Healing” is your spring.

This self-reflective guide to overcoming trauma teaches:

  • How Wen Peetes went from being flattened by the shame of childhood sexual and physical abuse to living her dreams.
  • How to trade fear for hope and keep fighting as warriors for your healing, your freedom!
  • How to overcome feelings of low self-worth and negative thoughts, how to set boundaries, and how to speak up for yourself.
  • How to stop self-criticism, forgive yourself, and become the love of your life.

Whoever you are, gladiator of inner healing, if you are fed up with being stuck in the cycle of trauma, this book is for you!

“Inner Child Healing: 

Heal Your Wounds. Train Your Mind. Create A New You.”

Wen Peetes | Jan. 11, 2024 | Rebel for a Spell Press | Non-Fiction / Self-Help 

Hardcover | ISBN: 9798985963014 | $19.99 

Ebook | $10.99 

Audiobook | $24.99

About the Author

Wen Peetes is a coach, mentor and speaker who helps women become powerful decision makers, so they never have to doubt themselves again.  With her popular Instagram @rebelforaspell, Wen continues to expand her reach through her daily content and by sharing tools of transformation with tailored offerings including, her private one-on-one coaching program (Born Divinely Worthy), her VIP Retreat and her group mentorship program (Self-Divine Healing Accelerator).  Wen is also a songwriter, singer and a producer, releasing the album Woman Empowered under her moniker, Wendy St. Kitts, and singles under Violins For Milk.  

As a survivor of childhood trauma and abuse, Wen found herself trying to break free from the negative cycle that left her feeling stuck, helpless, and hopeless. Through a series of life-changing events, she found the courage to embrace her darkest secret and the resilience to turn pain into purpose. In this self-reflective book, Wen gently encourages you to address past childhood trauma wounds and adverse experiences that may cause you to doubt your worth.  You may recognize the lasting impact of negative experiences on your relationships with others and yourself. You, too, can become the co-creator of the life you never want to run away from, by becoming the fullest expression of yourself: feeling whole, confident, and peacefully free to live a vibrant authentic life. For more information, visit www.rebelforaspell.com

Follow Wen Peetes on social media:

Facebook: @rebelforaspell | Instagram: @rebelforaspell | Threads: @rebelforaspell

In an interview, Wen Peetes can discuss:

  • The importance of your relationship with yourself and how to develop and tend to that relationship
  • Her personal journey from shame rooted in abuse to living her dreams
  • Identifying shame-based thinking and how to overcome it
  • Healing at all ages and stages
  • Identifying and setting boundaries
  • The art of forgiving yourself 
  • Healing as a journey and destination
  • How to tap into and not betray your intuition 
  • Replacing fear with hope
  • Breaking the cycle of trauma
  • Persevering through the lowest points in your healing journey

An Interview with

Wen Peetes

Before we dive into everything else, can you tell us a little about yourself and your journey to healing?

I am a spiritual woman who is profoundly grateful to be living my life’s purpose. I don’t take anything for granted, not even breath. At a young age, I discovered an unfiltered form of expression, which I trusted less and less as I became an adult. Now, after a hard-won healing journey, I have reconnected to the source of that expression (my intuition). And it has led me to you. This same “source” nudged me to leave my home island of St. Kitts and eventually, it divined my self-healing from childhood abuse and trauma.  Today, as an Intuitive healing coach, I have the honor of serving other gladiators of inner healing, helping them to become powerful decision makers, so they never have to doubt themselves again.

How does your book explore the concept of tapping into your inner child?

As children, we are filled with wonder and curiosity about pretty much everything. And that fosters a ripe courage within us, to try something new and different, and to ask questions. This book invites us to reconnect with the wonder, wisdom and divine intelligence of our inner feelings, i.e., our intuitive nudge. 

Because sometimes we have to go all the way back – as close as we could get to our “first creation” that is, our earliest period of development, so that we can:

  • Heal our wounds
  • Retrain our minds and hearts
  • And this rebirth,  creates a new you

And then, our adult-self is encouraged to unlatch from cultural norms and archaic beliefs, which mandate who we are expected to be or who we should be. And with that courage we learn to stop running away from our “why” (i.e. “why we think, feel, act and believe certain things to be true”). We tenderly soothe ourselves, letting go of the anger, shame and resentment etc.. And then, we learn to be more gentle and loving towards ourselves.

Was it difficult for you to revisit your childhood trauma while writing this book? Why was it important for you to write about?

At times, yes.  In the difficult moments of writing this book, I was “revived” by the privilege and the responsibility to help others heal the self-doubt that’s keeping them stuck to a low-energy power source (i.e. fear, shame, self-doubt). I know it is my sacred duty to help others with the work I am called to do via this book, my music, coaching, etc. And so, I became emboldened with this mission – that others deserve to “become” their great freedom.

What kept you going, even at your lowest points in your healing journey?

I felt a pull from a source far greater than myself. An intuitive inner feeling that was deposited into me – that helped me understand – I was here in this world to do “something” to help myself and others. This feeling was unnamed, and yet so profound. And this feeling became a knowing that “life” was not done with me yet.  

From this low point, I discovered what I know to be true about creation (i.e. the life you love and want to experience). That is, your feelings direct the choices you believe are available – from which you make a selection.  Your feelings direct the decisions you make, (based on the choices you’ve selected). Your feelings are automatically hinged to what you believe about yourself.  Your feelings direct your actions.

We have so much more power than we believe.  I invite you to have mercy on yourself.  That grace will give you the courage to become – what you need most. 

Is it ever “too late” for someone to heal? How would you encourage people who are feeling defeated in their mental health journey? 

There is always hope, as long as you are breathing. And don’t be afraid or ashamed to raise your hand and seek help when you need it. That right there, is you – exercising your divine power. 

Many of us don’t have examples of what healing or a peaceful and fulfilled life could look like or could be like. And so, sometimes we have to “borrow” that which we crave and long for.  

That’s why I encourage my clients to create a healthy healing space. You can create that safe space too. So, turn off your phone. Step away from your computer. Sit in nature or look out your window. And listen, draw, scribble, write. Or, do absolutely nothing. Just breathe.

What is an intuitive healing coach, and why did you choose that profession?

Essentially, I am a guide who helps trauma survivors and others who’ve had adverse experiences to heal the self-doubt that keeps them from creating the life that fully supports them. Because, whether we realize it or not, we are all on a healing journey. Every day, we come up against a life-test that tempts us into betraying our values and our intuition because life is about the game called change. So inherently, with our heightened self-awareness as we heal, we will discover changes within ourselves that we need to make, in order to keep our healing promise to ourselves. 

This profession chose me. I’ve been mentoring since I was in my 20s. It began while I was working in the corporate world, where I witnessed myself and so many women and men believing they didn’t have a choice in the way they were being treated professionally or personally. We were betraying our intuition and sacrificing ourselves in order to be accepted and approved by others. 

You’re also a talented songwriter. Can you tell us about that?

Ah, songwriting is a divine gift that was deposited into my spirit, and it keeps connecting me to gratitude. It’s how I found my inner voice and taught myself to not be afraid of what I was feeling. Songwriting and singing were the first forms of my truest expressions. They “harvested” an unfiltered truth that gave me courage to sing words I dared not say out loud – at first. When I wrote the album “Woman Empowered” (and through sharing it), I connected with so many other women (and men) who had similar experiences. What truly resonated? Oftentimes, we just need someone to witness us, to “see,” so that we know we are not alone, that we belong – to ourselves first and to healing’s grace.

How would you describe your relationship with spirituality?

I am spirit first, before I am a human woman. This may sound curious to some, but I know and accept this fact without question.  Why? Because even as a child, I felt there was something greater at work within and around me. Logic has its place in my life (i.e. doing taxes), but I operate primarily, through my intuition (i.e. heart-soul coherence). That’s my spirituality. 

How can you tap into your intuition? How do you learn to trust it and not betray it?

Great question. We are all intuitive beings. We have that inner knowing, sixth sense, an instinct or insight that we cannot explain – why it feels “right” or why we feel aligned energetically, emotionally and spiritually – to believe, to “be” the way we are, and to take certain actions.

You see, “aha moments” can find us at any given point. For me, I listen. I find a place unencumbered by man-made noise and objects. Once my external environment is quiet, the mental chatter quiets down as well. Letting go, I listen and then I trust the feelings that come up – speaking through me. And the reflection begins – What feels emotionally safe, and comforting in your heart – what feels good? What feels physically safe? Does “this” feel like home? And so I trust the response (i.e. my intuition). 

I care for this infinitely deep connection, every day. By doing the healing work – so that I remain connected to healing and to not betray this powerful life-renewal.

How do you identify shame-based thinking, and how do you overcome it? 

Shame-based thinking often stems from stingy beliefs and archaic cultural norms, that have conditioned our minds and our hearts to discredit our real and natural desires, needs and visions. Ultimately, this line of thinking is saying what you feel, need and want does not matter.

And then what happens when we drink this “shame brew?” We blame ourselves for the hurt someone put upon us. We judge ourselves for craving what we feel and believe we deserve, and we apologize to others – before – we ask for what we want. Then, we guilt ourselves for not being satisfied with what we already have.

We can overcome this shame-based thinking, by not owning the harm that someone puts on us. Something unkind happened to us – we are not that unkindness. Once that work is done, we keep unpacking the truth and the messages living underneath everyone of our feelings. We also should do the work of accepting that each of those feelings are working to help us heal. For example, shame may be burying sadness underneath a layer of three or four other emotions. And that sadness may be inspiring us to connect with someone who truly cares for us. 

What are some practical steps people can take to foster a better relationship with themselves?

Become your most loving friend. 

Speak into your heart as if you were speaking to a toddler or a child, with softness, with tenderness. Ask yourself what truly makes your life worth living. Inside the answer you will find the core values that create how you show up in the world – first to yourself and then to others. Those values will set the tone of how people will treat you and how you will be treated. And say words of encouragement and kindness. Pay attention and notice  the tone of voice you use, when you “speak” to yourself and observe your bodily reactions, and listen to what you are telling yourself (i.e. your inner critic).

Do you have any daily practices that help you stay grounded?

I live my values every day by being of service to my purest expressions: love, freedom and sharing. Several times during the day, I check in with myself emotionally, spiritually and energetically. I step away from distractions and ask myself questions (some of which I have mentioned above), as if I were speaking to a dear friend.  

Encompassed in all these questions is the ultimate question – have I experienced what love feels like? Am I staying deeply connected to my healing promise? And from the responses I receive, I adjust my operating system – how I think, feel, behave and what I believe is available to me. That is, how I choose to show up in the world – first to myself and to others.

How do you identify and define boundaries? Why do some people struggle with setting boundaries? And what advice would you give to those who experience people disrespecting their boundaries?

Boundaries are communicators, the messages your body sends to your heart and mind that you are feeling safe and cared for; i.e. emotionally, psychologically, physically safe, etc. Or you are feeling the opposite – unsafe, unloved, hurt, etc. 

Ultimately, we are the experts of our emotions and our feelings. We feel first when we are unsafe (i.e. feeling anxious, hurt, threatened, etc.). Our bodies send that message of truth. And because we cannot change what we are not aware of,  that’s why we must first listen “for” ourselves. 

To identify your boundaries, you must first understand who you are, and what you need to feel safe, cared for and protected. And what you need to change. Next, you make a choice – to communicate what you need, or you intentionally cause yourself to suffer by not communicating what you need. You choose and then you decide what you value and the standards of behavior you will not tolerate from yourself and others. Then, you communicate all this in plain simple words to yourself and to others.

If your boundaries are being disrespected, take a moment to process what you are feeling and why this may have occurred. Then, create space between what you feel and the action you take or words you use. Remember, others cannot intuit what you need. We are responsible for our desires and needs. 

If you’re feeling disrespected, discern how much of that feeling is due to miscommunication. Then “right” the situation by communicating in no uncertain terms what you need, and the consequences of the actions (i.e. the disrespect caused).  Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it is our sacred duty to practice and master this love-lesson if we desire to support ourselves emotionally.

Why is it so hard for some people to forgive themselves?

We are not taught the power of valuing or trusting ourselves. However, shame and guilt are reinforced when we “fail” to meet the standards that others set for us; i.e. adhering to who we “should be.” That’s why we must become the creator of what love feels and moves like through our healing.   

And so, because we are living someone else’s version of our lives, we invalidate how we feel. We tell ourselves we are “wrong,” and we berate and beat up ourselves for not knowing that our feelings are legitimate.  

Then what happens? We don’t realize or notice the little, tiny things that compound into self-hurt, self-abuse and hopelessness. We are not homeless within. We are hope-filled and purposeful. 

And healing gives us that great freedom to create the love and self-acceptance we truly need. We value and validate ourselves. What we value, we take care of. And through this healing, we forgive ourselves.  

I believe that forgiveness is love’s mother. Tapping into your inner child helps us to let go of the hurt, anger and resentment that keeps us stuck.

Forgiveness, helps us to accept all our parts, even our children called shame, resentment, fear, etc. With healing, we learn to step into the nourishing arms of love’s mother (forgiveness) and empty our hurts, sharing our hopes, and celebrating our becoming the home we never want to run away from.

Young witch flees family abuse, seeks own happy ending

“A multi-layered and intoxicating fantasy that explores the adverse effects of emotional abuse and the courage it takes to break away and pave your own path.” 

-Lenore Borja, author of The Last Huntress”

Greensboro, NC – Wander the world with Georgette and her magical friends in this tender and hopeful fantasy story from award-winning author, Alison Levy. Magic by Any Other Name: The Witch’s Odyssey (Nov 7, 2023, SparkPress) follows one young witch’s difficult decision to leave her toxic family and seek a better life for herself. With the help from a diverse group of magical creatures, Georgette confronts the demons of her past in order to pave a way for a brighter future.

CIBA-winning author of the Daemon Collecting series, Alison Levy returns with a new whimsical and cozy  fantasy series taking readers on an enchanting exploration of the world and within yourself. Loosely based on the heartbreaking yet empowering family decisions Alison made for herself, Georgette’s story will resonate with young readers choosing “no contact” and creating their own found families.

Ivy Nichols O’Reilly has grown up in a wealthy family full of magic, fantasy creatures, and emotional abuse. When her narcissistic mother arranges an unwanted marriage for her, Ivy decides to leave her life of privilege behind and flees across the country with her best friend, a Wood Nymph named Mei-Xing. Along the way, she encounters a number of different magical creatures all on their own journey of purpose. But in order to grow into her new identity, help her new friends, and develop a healthy relationship with a man she’s beginning to care for, Georgette will have to confront the privileges that have shielded her from the pain and ugliness of the magic community in which she was raised—and find the strength to overcome the trauma of her childhood. Perfect for fans of The Secret Society of Irregular Witches.

Magic by Any Other Name

Alison Levy | November 7, 2023 | SparkPress | YA Urban Fantasy 

Paperback | 978-1684632244 | $17.95 

Ebook | B0BQBLLNF9 | $9.95

Alison Levy lives in Greensboro, North Carolina, with her husband, son, and a variety of pets. When she’s not writing or doing mom things, she crochets, gardens, and walks her collies. Find out more on her website.

Follow Alison Levy on social media: 

Facebook: @AlisonLevyAuthor | Twitter: @ALevyAuthor | Instagram: @alevyauthor

Praise for Gatekeeper

Book One in the Daemon Collecting Series

“A compelling, yet endearing, read about a very resourceful inter-dimensional cop Rachel who deals with broken daemons, homeless oracles, linguists, and serial killers with her own style of grace and tenacity. You might not see your own world in quite the same way as you look for the hidden passageways just out of view.”

Ellen Clary, author of Pursuits Unknown: An Amy and Lars Novel

“Alison Levy offers us a lens that penetrates the facade of a recognizable world to reveal a thought-provoking analog. Ideas of right and wrong, intention, human value, and justice are all reconsidered. The story leaves the gate at a dead run and never lets up. Written in a clear and incisive style, Gatekeeper was a pleasure to read, and happily, suggests more to follow.”

Patricia Minger, author of Magic Flute

Gatekeeper is a wickedly fun romp from start to finish, and Rachel Wilde is a fiery protagonist who doesn’t take crap from anyone or anything. In her debut novel, Levy provides an action-packed story with a delightful taste of the immense, unique world-building to come for future books in the series.” 

– Cheryl Campbell, author of Echoes of War

Praise for Blue Flame

Book Two in the Daemon Collecting Series

“Masterful storytelling and exceptional worldbuilding. A unique, action-packed Urban Fantasy series with grit, wit, and a whole lot of heart. Levy has created a truly original series in a genre that doesn’t see much originality these days.”

Lenore Borja, author of The Last Huntress (Mirror Realm Series Book I)

“The Daemon Collecting Series is a great spin on an age-old stereotype. It’s fun, engaging characters will create a fantastical journey without leaving the very world surrounding us.”

– Chanticleer Book Reviews—5 Star

“Startlingly original, Blue Flame provides not only an insightful commentary on our society but also rich, complex characters who will stay with you long after you finish reading.”

– Jen Braaksma, author of Evangeline’s Heaven

In an interview, Alison Levy can discuss:

  • How the author’s own experience of dealing with a narcissistic parent inspired her novel 
  • Why she uses the fantasy genre to tell a story about healing from emotional abuse
  • How reading fantasy was a means of escapism from emotional abuse as child, and now has become her profession as a writer and a primary tool in her healing journey 
  • Why fantasy can reveal real, human truths that realism can’t
  • What she hope readers will learn about taking steps towards their own healing from emotional abuse

An Interview with

Alison Levy

1. What is one takeaway you want readers – particularly those who can relate to Georgette – to have upon completing the novel? 

I’d like readers to understand that a found family is a real family. Blood relations who

make unreasonable demands or mistreat you all in the name of “family” are not entitled

to control your life. It is okay to step away from people who don’t have your best

interests at heart. A true family is not made from DNA, but from love.

2. How do the fantastical elements in your story help you address topics such as family trauma and mental health with a unique perspective?

By telling Georgette’s story through a veil of fantasy, I hoped to emphasize how

alone she feels as she flees her family. Breaking away from an abusive family can be

incredibly isolating, even with a strong support network around you. Because her family

is already separated from general society by their magic, Georgette has even less

connection to the wider world than the average person. Overcoming her upbringing is

that much harder for Georgette since she can’t fall back on typical social safety nets.

3. How did writing help you overcome some of your own personal family trauma?

I started writing this book shortly after my final contact with my narcissistic parent, the

last interaction I had with him before going no contact. It was a difficult, emotional time in my life when I was coming to terms with the fact that a lot of my family relationships were not healthy and never had been. Writing Georgette’s story was a way to help me process what I was going through and help me figure out how to move forward. Georgette is not an autobiographical representation but she shares some key characteristics with me that made her a useful means of exploring my trauma.

4. What are some challenges you faced while writing Georgette’s story?

My book features a diverse cast of characters, drawing on mythologies and

cultures from all around the world. I was very conscious of the fact that I’m a cis white

American woman writing about characters from other ethnicities and backgrounds. I did

a lot of research on related issues and topics to make myself as knowledgeable as

possible while developing these characters. Doing so has led me to confront some

privileges I wasn’t fully aware of for most of my life. I’ve done my best to write my

personal growth into the story.

5. Can you tell us about the relationships Georgette has in the book that help her navigate her healing journey as she works through her family trauma?

Mei-Xing (a Wood Nymph): After Georgette helped Mei-Xing escape from her birth

family, Mei-Xing became her rock, supporting Georgette through this challenging time of her life. Ishak (a Werehyena): Through Ishak, who she initially declined to help in his time of need, Georgette learns to recognize the privileges that her upbringing afforded her.

Nico (a curandero): Nico becomes Georgette’s de facto therapist and is the first person to

give her the terminology she needs to contextualize her abusive childhood. Neil (her love interest): Dating a good man like Neil shows Georgette that not all close

relationships are inherently manipulative. Kazimiera (a Vampire): Georgette’s problematic employer who shows her the dark side of the magic community that her family avoided.

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Former Vet Nurse pens poignant children’s book on compassion and second chances

One beagle’s journey thoughtfully sheds light on the reality of animal neglect

Colorado Springs, CO – W.B. Murph is a real-life silly Beagle who loves whispering his story ideas to his faithful, former veterinary nurse human. Together, pet and owner have created a heartfelt new children’s picture book that confronts the importance (for animals and humans) of love and care despite perceived flaws, fears, and failures. “Molly’s Miracle: A Chosen Dog, Not a Broken Dog” (November 7th, 2023, National Animal Shelter Appreciation Week) takes young readers on an adventure of hope and second chances with lovable Beagle Molly, inspired by real events. This emotionally-charged TAIL teaches young readers to love and respect our beloved four-legged friends, and that what makes us different is what makes us special.

“Everyone has to be a bit broken, because that’s how the love gets in.”

About the book: Molly has been abandoned by a cruel owner, left alone to fend for herself in the streets. She is hurt, she is hungry, and most of all, Molly is unloved. She tries to make friends but everywhere she goes, she is turned away, treated harshly, told to leave. When all hope is lost, Molly meets her miracle…a girl whose very special gift is just what Molly needs to see the value in herself.  Molly’s Miracle is a story of love, acceptance, kindness, and the light that shines in everyone – no matter their circumstance. 

Molly’s Miracle

W.B. Murph | November 7, 2023 | Children’s Picture Book

Paperback | 979-8-9882462-0-6 | $9.99 

Hardcover | 979-8-9882462-1-3 | $18.99 


W.B. Murph  is a 5 year old Beagle living his best life in Colorado. He whispers story ideas to his ever-faithful, former veterinary nurse human, who writes them down, as Beagles are not so very good at holding a pencil. Murph’s stories focus on children from all circumstances, with all abilities, and their less-than-typical dogs. Murph tells tales of love, acceptance and equality for all because when we learn to love our differences we start to live our best lives – just like Murph! Find out more about them at their website.

Follow W.B. Murph on social media:

Facebook: @MurphWrites | Twitter: @WonderBeagMurph

Instagram: @WonderBeagleMurphy

In an interview, W.B. Murph and

his human can discuss:

  • Their hope in teaching the responsibility of caring for animals, and reminding people that pets should never be purchased or adopted on a whim
  • The reality of animal neglect throughout our world, and how we can start small to make a big difference
  • The decision to make Molly have a missing leg, and how what makes us different makes us special
  • Their human’s experience as a veterinary nurse, and how it lead them both to write about the value of pet ownership
  • How Jacob Frey animated short “The Present” has inspired their writing and mission

An Interview with

W.B. Murph and his human

1. How do you hope to teach young readers the responsibility of caring for animals with this book?

The time to think section gives children a chance to reflect on the story, answer questions in their own mind, and gets them reflecting on how animals are treated. Having an animal main character assists in making the feelings and thoughts of animals accessible, anthropomorphizing a concept that can be somewhat unknown to children. 

2. In what ways do you think this story will make young children not only learn to treat animals with respect, but also feel seen and comforted in their own adversities?

Both main characters (Molly the Beagle and Mandy) have faced and ultimately overcome adversities. Lessons in Murph’s books are intended to be subtle, and allow children to draw their own conclusions. I believe the conclusion to be drawn here is “If Molly is OK, maybe I can be as well.” 

3. When writing this story, how did you go about balancing Molly’s struggles (her leg amputation) with her triumphs (finding Mandy)?

It was important to me that the story ended on a very positive and hopeful note, so the logical place for Molly’s struggles was at the beginning of the story. The trick in balancing a serious and sensitive subject like animal neglect with a hopeful and triumphant message about acceptance and love is to leave the reader with a final impression of hope and love. 

4. Animal neglect takes place all across the globe. What are some ways we can bring about change in our local communities, and inspire others to do the same?

Children can (and SHOULD!) be encouraged to join with parents in safe volunteer activities for which the children have a keen interest.  Foster a rescued animal in your home and give some responsibilities for its care to the child. Rescues are always in desperate need of foster homes. Other opportunities include earmarking a couple of dollars a month for a rescue organization or donating items to an auction, or making a donation with a fundraiser the child dreams up. 

This topic is definitely something I could go on and on about. 

5. Can we expect anything else from W.B Murph and his human?

Absolutely! Murph is a passionate and prolific writer! We have 2 books almost ready to go to press and 4 more books in the process of being illustrated. These books will be part of the “Molly’s Miracle” series and will focus on other aspects of pet care such as remembering to tag and microchip, taking dogs to the “dog-tor”, and dealing with old age and death in dogs.

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Triumphant coming-of-age memoir uncovers the truth about love and queer pride after purity culture

Minneapolis, MNIn the inspirational coming-of-age memoir, “Finding Sunlight” (Wise Ink, November 2023), Chrissy Holm separates purity culture, LGBTQ religious trauma, and a patriarchal father-daughter relationship from all the possibilities of meaningful love. 

The church has a lot of views on women’s relationships. Respect the sanctity of marriage. Save yourself for your husband. And never, ever think about having a wife.

Homeschooled at church and raised by a devout father, Chrissy internalized scripture’s strictest messages. She suppressed her bisexuality and followed all the teachings of purity culture.

When she turned sixteen, her parent’s divorce flipped the script. Devastated and unsure of her values, Chrissy jumped from one relationship to another, searching for commitment and solace from a depression that crept more to the forefront every day.

Readers who grew up in evangelical or fundamentalist religious communities will find themselves in these stories as Chrissy seeks meaning in her religious upbringing—finding forgiveness for her dad, her past relationships, and ultimately, herself.

Raw and hopeful, this liberating memoir is an intimate look at how one woman found the courage to question what she was taught to believe to uncover her own truth and navigate love with pride.


“We don’t have a map or directions for relationships, love, religion, or God. We get lost. We stumble . . . and we pray that we will find the sunlight.” 


Finding Sunlight: A Coming-of-Age Memoir
About Love Within the Wreckage of Purity Culture

Chrissy Holm | November 14, 2023 | Wise Ink Creative Publishing | Nonfiction, Memoir 

Paperback | ISBN: 9781634896498 | $18.95 

Praise for the book…

“‘Finding Sunlight’ is an eye-opening journey. Told through the lens of growing up in the church, various tumultuous relationships and her parents’ marriage, we get a glimpse into how it truly feels to wrestle with one’s own queer identity. That feeling of authenticity within ourselves is one we can all relate to, and you’ll be rooting for her until the very last page.” 

—Stacey Chomiak, author of “Still Stace: My Gay Christian Coming-of-Age Story”

“‘Finding Sunlight’ is a reflection on the impacts of growing up within Christian fundamentalism and the shaping of adolescence onward. Religious harm is real and silences too many with shame and guilt about their sexuality and being their authentic selves. A must-read for anyone who questions what the church taught them to know they are not alone.”

—Stacey Schultz, Rosen Method Bodywork Practitioner

“Those with similar stories will find an invitation to the same freedom Holm has found for herself.” 

—Matthias Roberts, queer psychotherapist, podcaster, and author of “Beyond Shame: Creating a Healthy Sex Life on Your Own Terms”

About the Author…

Chrissy Holm (she/they) is a writer, editor, and project manager. She is the host of the podcast Stirred By Words, where she talks about words, writing, and wellness. Her writing has been featured on Everyday Health, National Council on Aging, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, and more. She is an alumni at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, where she studied Public Health Education and Promotion. Chrissy lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota with her husband and daughter.

For more of Chrissy’s writing—and support on your own creative projects—connect with her on social media @chrissyholm_ or visit www.chrissyholm.com.

Follow Chrissy Holm on social media:

Instagram | TikTok | Twitter | LinkedIn

In an interview, Chrissy Holm can discuss:

  • How “Finding Sunlight” began as a way to work through her parents divorce but ended up being about so much more
  • Her experience with purity culture and what it took to move beyond confusion and shame into a place of greater clarity
  • How embracing her bisexuality helped her find her individuality and learn what love means to her
  • Her advice for teens (and adults) who may be struggling to find their true selves amidst restrictive church teachings

An Interview with

Chrissy Holm

1. What was the inspiration behind “Finding Sunlight”?

Since I was little, I’ve always wanted to write a book (inspired by many authors before me), and in 2018, I was hiking in the Grand Tetons, finding a million excuses not to write it. One of the people on the hike suggested one simple solution, which flipped the script in my head, and I dedicated myself to writing it. Initially, I wanted to explore why my parents divorce hit me so hard and wanted a space to reflect on why I made certain relationship choices. For many years, I felt alone in my struggle and wanted to be vulnerable and connect deeply with others.

2. For those who aren’t familiar with purity culture, what does that phrase mean?

Purity culture often is related to conservative religious practices of promoting abstinence before marriage, emphasizing traditional gender roles, and discouraging any form of sexual expression outside of heterosexual marriage. Typically, there are strict rules around how one should dress (i.e., girls have long hair and wear dresses) and limited sexual education (i.e., abstinence-only approach). It also includes other ideals, such as women being responsible for men’s sexual behavior.

3. How did your perspective on love shift after your parents divorce? 

Before my parents divorced, I thought love was about finding the “right” man with whom I would share intimate experiences and my life. Love essentially was only reserved for whomever I would marry, and anything outside of that was shameful. After my parents divorced, my perspective broadened. I learned that love and intimacy could happen outside of marriage. And although I hadn’t always been truthful in my relationships, as time passed, I had a greater appreciation for communication and honesty. 

4. What advice would you give to others who are struggling to find their true selves, queer and otherwise, within the church?

Finding your true self can be challenging in general, whether within the church, outside of it, queer, or not. So first, acknowledge that it is HARD work and self-discovery is a lifelong journey! Some things that have helped me are engaging in personal reflection (i.e., journaling and writing this book), leaning on a community that supports the multifaceted layers of me, and prioritizing my mental health and well-being (one of which I still struggle with). If you stay within the church or religion, find one that supports and affirms you. If you choose to leave, know that you can still have a meaningful spiritual life outside traditional religious institutions. 

5. What’s next for you?

Speaking of mental health, I will celebrate my accomplishment of publishing this book over the last five years, then take a mental break for a short while. After feeling rejuvenated, I will work to promote Finding Sunlight, attend events, and connect with readers and writers. I’ve also been slowly percolating ideas for a second book! As I focus more on writing, I will attend writing conferences to continue learning about the book publishing industry, connect with other authors, and grow my writing skills.

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Stanford and Harvard graduate explores complexities of marriage and expat life in her debut novel

“This novel makes the reader feel emotion with every fiber of their being.” 

— CAMILA SÁNCHEZ BOLAÑO, Editor-in-Chief, Newsweek en Español

“Boldly honest, yet tender at the core—a novel with something important to say.” 

—DEBRA THOMAS, author of “Luz”

SAN MIGUEL de ALLENDE, MEXICOCo-founder of microlending organization Mano Amiga and former Vice President of Casita Linda, which builds homes for families living in extreme poverty, Ann Marie Jackson is releasing her debut novel The Broken Hummingbird (October 3, 2023, She Writes Press). The Broken Hummingbird wrestles with marital dissolution and cultural dissonance, following a woman’s struggle to truly know her new country and her own heart. Jane—mother, lawyer, enthusiastic expat, and fatally unhappy wife—sets out to help two little girls but must also save herself and her own sons while navigating the parallel worlds of wealth and poverty in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.

Appealing to readers enthralled by the fate of innocents and not-so-innocents abroad in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Poisonwood Bible, The Broken Hummingbird includes a propelling dose of the energy, edgy sisterhood, and dark domestic secrets of Liane Moriarty’s Big Little Lies. The Broken Hummingbird balances the raw undoing of a marriage with the joys of discovery that lie in building a new life.

This title also offers crossover appeal from literary/upmarket women’s fiction to travel writing audiences as San Miguel de Allende has repeatedly been named “#1 Small City in the World” by readers of Travel & Leisure and Condé Nast Traveler.

F I N A L I S T,  W O M E N’ S  F I C T I O N

2 0 2 3  I N T E R N A T I O N A L  B O O K  A W A R D S

“The Broken Hummingbird”

Ann Marie Jackson | October 3, 2023 | She Writes Press | Women’s Fiction; Literary 

Paperback | 978-1-64742-559-3 | $17.95 

Ebook | 978-1-64742-560-9 | $9.95 

IN THE MIDST OF A MARITAL CRISIS, Jane hatches an unusual plan to avoid a custody battle. She convinces husband Kevin to walk away from the pressures of New York—in particular, her demanding job and an affair she almost had—in the hope that moving to their favorite city abroad will fix their family. In San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, Jane and her young sons delight in new adventures, but Kevin seethes. Jane befriends a circle of intriguing women and helps two girls who remind her of the brother she abandoned when her own parents divorced. After witnessing violence involving the girls’ father, Jane’s vivid dreams, possibly guided by a hummingbird messenger from the hereafter, grow ever darker. When tragedy strikes San Miguel, the community fractures and then rises, and Jane must make a dangerous choice. 

ANN MARIE JACKSON: Ann Marie Jackson is co-founder of microlending organization Mano Amiga and former Vice President of Casita Linda, which builds homes for families living in extreme poverty in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico. Early in her career, after earning degrees from Stanford and Harvard, Jackson joined the U.S. Department of State to promote human rights in China and other East Asian and Pacific Island nations. She has worked with Human Rights Watch, A Better Chance, and Internews, among other organizations, to further social justice causes and advance respect for human rights, and has traveled widely on five continents. Her short stories, essays, and articles appear in Mexico News Daily, THIS Top Destinos, San Miguel Life, Solamente en San Miguel, Atención San Miguel, and more. “The Broken Hummingbird” is her first novel. A portion of the proceeds from book sales will benefit nonprofit organizations serving women and families in central Mexico. A native of Seattle, Washington, Jackson resides in San Miguel de Allende. Visit her at https://annmariejacksonauthor.com/  

Early praise for “The Broken Hummingbird”

“…sensitive…feminist…empowering…Handling the difficult subjects of immigration, charity, and abuse with care, The Broken Hummingbird focuses on a community of activists in Mexico that changes a family’s life…and a woman who comes into her own…when pushed to take back the power she has ceded.” 


“Rich symbolism complements the strong plotline of this inspirational novel… psychologically profound and realistic, The Broken Hummingbird is a remarkable debut from a talented author.”

— 5-star READERS’ FAVORITE review

“The Broken Hummingbird shimmers with the iridescent beauty of San Miguel de Allende. In this well-crafted story, Jackson succeeds in depicting the harsh realities of domestic violence, the complexities of a broken marriage, the significance of community support, and the comfort and strength found in enduring friendships. Boldly honest, yet tender at the core—a novel with something important to say.” 

— DEBRA THOMAS, author of Luz

 “With insider’s knowledge, Ann Marie Jackson writes with nuance and panache about the agony and the ecstasy of twenty-first-century expat life in San Miguel de Allende. Her debut novel is vivid, moving, and highly entertaining.”                                  

— GINA HYAMS, author of In a Mexican Garden

 “This story beautifully illustrates the power of connection. The author’s deep love and respect for the culture of her adopted country shine through in her writing. Bravo!”                                            

 — DEANNA SINGH, author of Actions Speak Louder and Purposeful Hustle

“A mother’s love is powerful beyond measure in a world where domestic violence touches every circle of society. With colorful intensity, Ann Marie Jackson speaks truthfully of San Miguel de Allende: its impressive traditions and cultural strength as well as the inevitable frictions within a community formed of people from every corner of the world who face the excruciating pain of loss. This novel makes the reader feel emotion with every fiber of their being.” 

— CAMILA SÁNCHEZ BOLAÑO, Editor-in-chief, Newsweek en Español

“A powerful story beautifully told, both lyrical and compelling. This book is for anyone who has ever felt their world coming apart and chosen to embrace a courageous journey forward. Here is one woman’s story you do not want to miss.”

— JAN BAROSS, author of José Builds a Woman

“With vivid and colorful descriptions, Ann Marie Jackson renders a vibrant literary canvas that transports the reader to Mexico’s treasured San Miguel de Allende. While there, we witness the transformation of a woman who, surrounded by the strength of her close friends and community—as well as through her own focused determination—is able to rise above the pain of a broken marriage and restore her spirit to what it once was.”    

— JESSICA WINTERS MIRELES, author of Lost in Oaxaca

 “Women from two worlds, coexisting in San Miguel de Allende, are empowered in different ways while depending on each other far more than one might suspect. Jackson provides a richly detailed depiction of place as well as close, careful study of tragedy and triumph in these women’s lives.” 

— LUCINA KATHMANN, Vice President emerita of PEN International, representative to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, and author of Para Que Nos Escuchen/To Make Ourselves Heard

 “With visually rich prose, Ann Marie Jackson tells a moving tale of a woman’s resilience and reinvention through the eyes of an expat in the beautiful but complicated city of San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.”

— BRIAN CREWE, award-winning film director

“A deep, delightful read! Spanning the parallel worlds of privilege and poverty in San Miguel de Allende, Ann Marie Jackson’s The Broken Hummingbird captures the heartbreak of a dissolving marriage alongside the joys of making a difference in others’ lives as well as one’s own.”   

 — LUCIE FROST, satirist published by Slackjaw, NextTribe, and The Belladonna

6-million-viewed webcomic series to hit bookshelves

Acclaimed TV series animator expands storytelling to graphic novel that modernizes classic horror for YA

“A wickedly sharp adventure!”

ND Stevenson, New York Times bestselling and Eisner-award winning creator of Nimona and co creator of the Lumberjanes series

LOS ANGELES, California – After amassing a dedicated fandom with over 180,000 unique visitors to theglassscientists.com and more than 6 million views (and counting) on TikTok’s #TheGlassScientists, S.H. Cotugno is releasing the first volumized edition of their delightful webcomic inspired by Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The Glass Scientists: Volume 1 (Razorbill, Oct 3, 2023). Having worked in the animation industry as a director, writer and storyboard artist on hit shows such as Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Star vs. the Forces of Evil, series creator Cotugno dazzles readers with a warm-hearted gaslamp fantasy starring Jekyll and Hyde, Frankenstein and more. The series is perfect for young adults and debuts just in time for Halloween!

The Glass Scientists follows Dr. Henry Jekyll who, determined to help reshape the nasty public image of his fellow mad scientists, creates the Society for Arcane Sciences  a place where a colorful cast of like-minded eccentrics could come together to defy the laws of nature in peace. When a mysterious stranger arrives to take the Society in a new direction, Jekyll’s life spirals out of control, shattering his carefully laid plans, and threatening to expose his darkest secrets.

Perfect for fans of Lore Olympus, The Adventure Zone, and The Night Circus, this beloved webcomic of mad science and misunderstood Victorian monsters is publishing in print for the first time!

“The Glass Scientists: Volume 1”

S.H. Cotugno | October 3, 2023 | Razorbill | Graphic Novel (12+) / Fantasy

Hardcover | 9780593524428 | $24.99

S. H. COTUGNO is a queer and mixed-race Victorian horror nerd born and raised in Los Angeles, California. They are a director, writer and storyboard artist in the animation industry and have previously worked on projects such as Gravity Falls, The Owl House and Star vs. the Forces of Evil. The Glass Scientists will be their first published graphic novel. You can see more of their work at SeeGoatRun.com.

Follow S . H. COTUGNO on social media:

Facebook: @arythusa | TikTok: @arythusa

Twitter: @arythusa | Instagram: @arythusa

In an interview, S. H. Cotugno can discuss:

  • What personally inspired them to produce a Jekyll/Hyde graphic novel retelling
  • How retelling a classic story helped them explore gender and sexuality
  • How The Glass Scientists’ story helped them through creative heartbreak
  • How their acclaimed work on shows like Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil and The Owl House influenced this series
  • The story’s themes of duality and self-acceptance, and its reflection in their own life
  • Why taking a classic gothic horror story and making it more accessible to young readers is not only fun but important
  • Their decision to create The Glass Scientists as a webcomic that has since amassed millions of views and a loyal fanbase
  • The ways that monsters and mad scientists can be empowering characters to people from marginalized identities

An Interview with

S. H. Cotugno

1. Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde is such a classic and inspiring story! What went into your decision to re-tell this story in your graphic novel? How did you turn this classic into something modern young readers can relate to?

As a mixed-race, bisexual, and nonbinary person, I’ve always been drawn to stories about characters caught between two worlds. I can’t think of a character who embodies that experience more than Dr. Jekyll, a man so desperate to fit himself into the boxes society laid out for him that he literally splits his soul in two. But I totally get why young readers would be reluctant to pick up a 140-year-old novella, especially one where everyone already knows the twist at the end. Yeah, we get it, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde were the same person the whole time! So I wanted to reimagine Dr. Jekyll, as well as Dr. Frankenstein, Dr. Moreau, and all my other favorite mad scientists, in a fun and fast-placed story that both eager and reluctant readers could fall in the love with.

2. Why is The Glass Scientists important to you on a personal level?

Among other things, the Glass Scientists helped me discover my transgender identity. The story has gone through so many changes over the years, but somehow I always knew exactly what Jekyll looked like. I hadn’t heard the term “transition goals” yet, but I started to suspect that something might be up after more than one reader messaged me saying that his “egg crack” moment (the moment someone realizes they are trans) had something to do with him. I always got so excited when I received those messages, but I couldn’t quite articulate why until a friend sent me a Glass Scientists fanfiction depicting Jekyll as a trans man. This was one of the first–if not the first–time I had seen transmasculine representation, and it kickstarted my long and messy journey of gender exploration. 

3. The Glass Scientists was originally a webcomic. What went into your decision to share it online?

Since I work in the animation industry, people often ask, “Why didn’t you pitch The Glass Scientists as a TV show?” But the range of stories deemed marketable for TV animation is incredibly narrow, and it was even narrower when I started in the business ten years ago. Series aimed at young adults were incredibly rare, and queer representation was virtually unheard-of. But I knew there was an audience out there for stories like this, even if studio mandates and focus groups insisted otherwise. I tested the waters with a mini-comic funded through Kickstarter, and after I blew past all my stretch goals, I decided to take the plunge and commit all my nights and weekends to the sordid webcomic lifestyle. 

4. You have such an impressive resume of shows like Gravity Falls, Star vs. The Forces of Evil and The Owl House. How did your experience working on those shows influence this series?

I was so lucky to begin my career working on incredible shows that just happened to line up with the kinds of stories I wanted to tell, balancing fantastical worlds with relatable characters and conflicts. My time on those projects, working alongside some of the most talented artists and writers in the industry, taught me everything I know about visual storytelling. I’m sure you can see the Gravity Falls influence on my sense of comedic timing or the Owl House vibes in some of the more gruesome monsters who show up later in the story. Fans of those shows will find plenty to like here!

5. Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde is definitely a more gothic tale, but you’ve made it so colorful and vibrant. How did you incorporate more humor into the story?

The Glass Scientists deals with some pretty intense themes, from self-loathing to internalized homophobia. But if you start your story in a completely dark and dreary place, it’s easy to say: “This guy barely has anything to live for to begin with, so does it really matter if a few more terrible things happen to him?” But if you saw him at his best, when the future seemed bright and full of promise, you know exactly how much he has to lose. My hope is: if I can get you to laugh along with my characters, you’re more likely to care when I throw them off a cliff. 

6. You recently started a TikTok and have put a lot of effort into connecting directly with your fans. Does interacting with your readership on a daily basis affect your creative process?

I’ve been posting my work online since the days of Elfwood and Gaia Online, but nothing I’ve ever posted before has gathered a loyal following like the Glass Scientists. The fact that people show up week after week and even make their own fanart, fanfiction, cosplays, and crafts based on my characters is a privilege I never take for granted. It’s particularly fun when you get to know your most frequent commenters and think, “I bet RB will have a hot take on this one,” or “I think Arin will love this drawing of Lanyon.” Of course, having that personal relationship with fans can make it hard to stay true to your creative vision and not be swayed by what you think they want to see. But there’s no way I would have made it through the grind of a weekly webcomic for eight-plus years if it weren’t for the enthusiastic support of my readership!

7. What drove you to begin writing The Glass Scientists?

Nearly every step of creating the Glass Scientists was marked by creative heartbreak. 

I began outlining the story in earnest after I was rejected from the Disney Animation story trainee program in 2012, and I pitched it to my literary agent shortly after my first animation development project was shelved in 2020. Those career setbacks absolutely sucked when I was going through them, but they also challenged me to develop my creative voice and build self-confidence on my own. And at a time when studios are so quick to cancel shows or disappear them from their streaming services, it’s been a source of stability and comfort to have a story that is entirely my own.

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Summer travel adventures and their perfect book companions

Take Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune to Lake Tahoe

Fern Brookbanks has wasted far too much of her adult life thinking about Will Baxter. She spent just twenty-four hours in her early twenties with the aggravatingly attractive, idealistic artist, a chance encounter that spiraled into a daylong adventure in the city. The timing was wrong, but their connection was undeniable: they shared every secret, every dream, and made a pact to meet one year later. Fern showed up. Will didn’t.

At thirty-two, Fern’s life doesn’t look at all how she once imagined it would. Instead of living in the city, Fern’s back home, running her mother’s lakeside resort–something she vowed never to do. The place is in disarray, her ex-boyfriend’s the manager, and Fern doesn’t know where to begin.

She needs a plan–a lifeline. To her surprise, it comes in the form of Will, who arrives nine years too late, with a suitcase in tow and an offer to help on his lips. Will may be the only person who understands what Fern’s going through. But how could she possibly trust this expensive-suit wearing mirage who seems nothing like the young man she met all those years ago. Will is hiding something, and Fern’s not sure she wants to know what it is.

But ten years ago, Will Baxter rescued Fern. Can she do the same for him?


Take Wild by Cheryl Strayed to HorseShoe Bend, Arizona

At twenty-two, Cheryl Strayed thought she had lost everything. In the wake of her mother’s death, her family scattered and her own marriage was soon destroyed. Four years later, with nothing more to lose, she made the most impulsive decision of her life. With no experience or training, driven only by blind will, she would hike more than a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washington State–and she would do it alone.

Told with suspense and style, sparkling with warmth and humor, Wild powerfully captures the terrors and pleasures of one young woman forging ahead against all odds on a journey that maddened, strengthened, and ultimately healed her.


Take On Trails: An Exploration by Robert Moor to Zion National Park, Utah

While thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, Robert Moor began to wonder about the paths that lie beneath our feet: How do they form? Why do some improve over time while others fade? What makes us follow or strike off on our own? Over the course of seven years, Moor traveled the globe, exploring trails of all kinds, from the miniscule to the massive. He learned the tricks of master trail-builders, hunted down long-lost Cherokee trails, and traced the origins of our road networks and the Internet. In each chapter, Moor interweaves his adventures with findings from science, history, philosophy, and nature writing.

Throughout, Moor reveals how this single topic–the oft-overlooked trail–sheds new light on a wealth of age-old questions: How does order emerge out of chaos? How did animals first crawl forth from the seas and spread across continents? How has humanity’s relationship with nature and technology shaped the world around us? And, ultimately, how does each of us pick a path through life?


Take Happy Place by Emily Henry to Leavenworth, Washington

Harriet and Wyn have been the perfect couple since they met in college–they go together like salt and pepper, honey and tea, lobster and rolls. Except, now–for reasons they’re still not discussing–they don’t.

They broke up five months ago. And still haven’t told their best friends.

Which is how they find themselves sharing a bedroom at the Maine cottage that has been their friend group’s yearly getaway for the last decade. Their annual respite from the world, where for one vibrant, blissful week they leave behind their daily lives; have copious amounts of cheese, wine, and seafood; and soak up the salty coastal air with the people who understand them most.

Only this year, Harriet and Wyn are lying through their teeth while trying not to notice how desperately they still want each other. Because the cottage is for sale and this is the last week they’ll all have together in this place. They can’t stand to break their friends’ hearts, and so they’ll play their parts. Harriet will be the driven surgical resident who never starts a fight, and Wyn will be the laid-back charmer who never lets the cracks show. It’s a flawless plan (if you look at it from a great distance and through a pair of sunscreen-smeared sunglasses). After years of being in love, how hard can it be to fake it for one week…in front of those who know you best?


Take The Guest List by Lucy Foley to Block Island, Rhode Island

The bride – The plus one – The best man – The wedding planner – The bridesmaid – The body

On an island off the coast of Ireland, guests gather to celebrate two people joining their lives together as one. The groom: handsome and charming, a rising television star. The bride: smart and ambitious, a magazine publisher. It’s a wedding for a magazine, or for a celebrity: the designer dress, the remote location, the luxe party favors, the boutique whiskey. The cell phone service may be spotty and the waves may be rough, but every detail has been expertly planned and will be expertly executed.

But perfection is for plans, and people are all too human. As the champagne is popped and the festivities begin, resentments and petty jealousies begin to mingle with the reminiscences and well wishes. The groomsmen begin the drinking game from their school days. The bridesmaid not-so-accidentally ruins her dress. The bride’s oldest (male) friend gives an uncomfortably caring toast.

And then someone turns up dead. Who didn’t wish the happy couple well? And perhaps more important, why?


Take Neon Pilgrim by Lisa Dempster to Moab, Utah

During a culture-shocked exchange year in Japan, 15-year-old Lisa Dempster’s imagination is ignited by the story of the henro michi, an arduous 1,200-kilometre Buddhist pilgrimage through the mountains of Japan.

Perfectly suiting the romantic view of herself as a dusty, travel-worn explorer (well, one day), she promises to return to Japan and walk the henro michi, one way or another, as soon as humanely possible.

Fast-forward 13 years, and Lisa’s life is vastly different to what she pictured it would be. Severely depressed, socially withdrawn, overweight, on the dole and living with her mum, she is 28 and miserable. And then, completely by chance, the henro michi comes back into her life, through a book at her local library. It’s a sign. She decides then and there to go back to Japan almost immediately: to walk the henro michi, and walk herself back to health.

Brushing aside the barriers that other people might find daunting – the 1,200km of mountainous terrain, the sweltering Japanese summer, the fact she has no money and has never done a multiday hike before – Lisa is determined to walk the pilgrimage – or die trying.


Take Chlorine by Jade Song to Half Moon Bay, California

Ren Yu is a swimmer. Her daily life starts and ends with the pool. Her teammates are her only friends. Her coach, her guiding light. If she swims well enough, she will be scouted, get a scholarship, go to a good school. Her parents will love her. Her coach will be kind to her. She will have a good life.

But these are human concerns. These are the concerns of those confined to land, those with legs. Ren grew up on stories of creatures of the deep, of the oceans and the rivers. Ones that called sailors to their doom. Ones that dragged them down and drowned them. Ones that feasted on their flesh. Ones of the creature that she’s always longed to become: mermaid.

Ren aches to be in the water. She dreams of the scent of chlorine–the feel of it on her skin. And she will do anything she can to make a life for herself where she can be free. No matter the pain. No matter what anyone else thinks. No matter how much blood she has to spill.


Take Bearskin by James A. McLaughlin to Blackwater Falls State Park, West Virginia

Rice Moore is just beginning to think his troubles are behind him. He’s found a job protecting a remote forest preserve in Virginia Appalachia where his main responsibilities include tracking wildlife and refurbishing cabins. It’s hard work, and totally solitary–perfect to hide away from the Mexican drug cartels he betrayed back in Arizona. But when Rice finds the carcass of a bear killed on the grounds, the quiet solitude he’s so desperately sought is suddenly at risk.

More bears are killed on the preserve and Rice’s obsession with catching the poachers escalates, leading to hostile altercations with the locals and attention from both the law and Rice’s employers. Partnering with his predecessor, a scientist who hopes to continue her research on the preserve, Rice puts into motion a plan that could expose the poachers but risks revealing his own whereabouts to the dangerous people he was running from in the first place.

James McLaughlin expertly brings the beauty and danger of Appalachia to life. The result is an elemental, slow burn of a novel–one that will haunt you long after you turn the final page.


Take The Cutting Season by Attica Locke to the Atchafalaya Basin, Louisiana

The American South in the twenty-first century. A plantation owned for generations by a rich family. So much history. And a dead body.

Just after dawn, Caren walks the grounds of Belle Vie, the historic plantation house in Louisiana that she has managed for four years. Today she sees nothing unusual, apart from some ground that has been dug up by the fence bordering the sugar cane fields. Assuming an animal has been out after dark, she asks the gardener to tidy it up. Not long afterwards, he calls her to say it’s something else. Something terrible. A dead body. At a distance, she missed her. The girl, the dirt and the blood. Now she has police on site, an investigation in progress, and a member of staff no one can track down. And Caren keeps uncovering things she will wish she didn’t know. As she’s drawn into the dead girl’s story, she makes shattering discoveries about the future of Belle Vie, the secrets of its past, and sees, more clearly than ever, that Belle Vie, its beauty, is not to be trusted.A magnificent, sweeping story of the south, The Cutting Season brings history face-to-face with modern America, where Obama is president, but some things will never change. Attica Locke once again provides an unblinking commentary on politics, race, the law, family and love, all within a thriller every bit as gripping and tragic as her first novel, Black Water Rising.

Circe unsnarls an obsessive and vengeful romance in new Greek myth retelling

Seattle, WA – Return to Circe’s mythical story in this fast-paced, adventurous, and tragically romantic reimagining of Glaucus and Skylla in  “An Unexpected Ally” (She Writes Press, October 3, 2023).  Sophia Kouidou-Giles’s debut fiction sheds new light on the classic story revealing the terrible origins of one of the most legendary Greek monsters against a background of romance, revenge, and unlikely sisterhood. With the sequel to release in November 2025!

The Greek born Sophia Kouidou-Giles, who has won the American Writer Award, has a background in Greek translation, poetry, and memoir-writing. She brings her own interpretation to the famous story of Circe, Glaucus, and Skylla creating a lush depiction of ancient Greek life amidst a scandalous relationship that ends in tragedy.

Following Odysseus’s departure, Circe journeys to Delos to meet an amphibian god, Glaucus. Intrigued by his abilities with herbs, she finds Glaucus to be a suitable match only to realize he’s in love with the local beauty, Skylla. However, the same couldn’t be said about Skylla and when Glaucus’s jealousy turns into revenge, it’s up to Circe to help the two undo the damage they’ve caused.

With another thrilling adventure in Circe’s world, readers will be enthralled by the compelling and whimsical interpretation.

An Unexpected Ally: A Greek Tale of Love, Revenge, and Redemption

Sophia Kouidou-Giles | October 3, 2023

She Writes Press | Historical Fiction + Greek/Roman Mythology

Paperback | 978-1647425555 | $17.95

Sophia Kouidou-Giles was born in Thessaloniki, Greece, and university educated in the USA. She holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology and masters in social work. In her over-30-year child welfare career, she served as a practitioner, educator, researcher, and administrator and published articles in Greek and English professional journals. In recent years, her focus has shifted to writing nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and translation. She has published in Voices, Persimmon Tree, Assay, The Raven’s Perch, The Time Collection, and The Blue Nib. Her poetry chapbook is Transitions and Passages. Her work has appeared in anthologies, including The Time Collection, Visual Verse, and Art in the Time of Unbearable Crisis.

Her memoir, Επιστροφή Στη Θεσσαλονίκη/Return to Thessaloniki, was published in Greek by Tyfri Press. The book in English: Sophia’s Return: Uncovering My Mother’s Past, was published by She Writes Press. Sophia  lives in Seattle, Washington, near her son, her daughter-in-law, and two grandsons. Find out more about her at her website. Perse is a sequel to An Unexpected Ally. Look for it in November 2025. 

Follow Sophia Kouidou-Giles on social media: 

Facebook: @Kouidou | Twitter: @Kouidou | Instagram: @sophiakg1

Advanced praise for An Unexpected Ally

“Sophia Kouidou-Giles’ novella deftly eschews such bland storytelling, providing us instead with characters who, despite their superhuman powers, are nonetheless flawed, which adds extra spice to the narrative mix. Furthermore, we also have the opportunity to explore the experiences of women endowed with power, ingenuity and, importantly, a convincing voice.”

— Clare Morris, Poetess and Editor of The Blue Nib

“Lovers of Greek myths and myth retellings should not miss this soaring tale. With An Unexpected Ally, Sophia Kouidou-Giles takes the oft-maligned goddess of sorcery to new heights and dimensions. In this fresh take, love, hate, and jealousy are channeled into a compelling story of sisterhood.” 

— Maria A. Karamitsos, Journalist & Author

“Both young and old know the suffering of love’s end… and the disaster of wrong attraction. But if you happen to be the sorceress Circe—a shape-shifter and spell-caster—the outcomes are unrestrained by human proportion. An unforgettable story of infatuation, tragic error, and redemption for readers of all ages.”

— Jean Gilbertson, author of Dancing on the Whisper of God: A Novel

“Kouidou-Giles’ book captivates the reader from the first paragraph. The story traveled me to vibrant worlds with rich descriptions of an ancient, mythical world. Through the fascinating adventures of Circe, the author extols the talents, emotions and skills of the feminine nature, revealing the primary virtues of female solidarity. A page turner!”

— Nora Kazazi, Author of Colours of My Soul/Στα Χρώματα της Ψυχής Μου.

“Circe by Sophia Kouidou-Giles is an enchanted reimagining of an ancient Greek myth, and has all the hallmarks of human drama with a powerful woman, Circe, at the center of the story.  Circe includes timeless themes of family conflict, use and misuse of power, desire, prophecy, dreams, sacrifices to the Gods, and love gone awry. Curl up in front of the fire, or enjoy this book sitting in the sun on vacation. A fun and educational read, Circe is highly recommended.”

— Diana English, PhD

“What a wonderful mix of adventure, mythology, age-old relationship issues; the reader encounters engaging, unusual characters and visual images that take them out of the daily grind and into another realm, including under the sea, into the sky. A true adventure tale with just enough history and psychology to elevate it above mere escapist pleasure.”

— Mary Weikert, Journalist

“What an unexpected retelling, filled with characters from Greek mythology! I couldn’t quite remember my Greek myths from high school but it hardly mattered… all that’s needed for the story is here. It centers on Circe, enchantress, mini-goddess & daughter of the sun god, as she learns how to use her magic in healing ways, and the story has a whole new take on Skylla, the monster with 6 dog-heads who figures in the adventures of Odysseus. It’s an enjoyable read, with twists and turns!”

— Meg Mahoney, Educator

In an interview, Sophia Kouidou-Giles can discuss:

  • Creating a fantasy world based on Greek myth and the challenges faced when re-interpreting an already well-known story
  • Her unique reasons for choosing the story of Circe in her retelling
  • The importance of sharing Greek myth with readers and bringing more people to love the classics
  • Her love for Greek culture and mythology and how it has played a role in her career and life
  • Her love for Circe’s story and how it fueled her inspiration for this book after years of translation work and memoir-writing
  • Her experiences as an author and her approach when creating fiction
  • Which character in An Unexpected Ally she most enjoyed writing about and why
  • Why did she decide to become an author in retirement, and what sparked her novel 
  • How has her bilingual background been beneficial to her writing

An Interview with 

Sophia Kouidou-Giles

1. Which Greek mythological elements heavily influence this novel?  

An Unexpected Ally’ focuses on Circe’s story, in particular the months after Odysseus left her to return home. The novel draws from Homer’s epic, the Odyssey, where he briefly mentions Circe’s story. The myth of Skylla and Charybdis and the myth of Glaucus, an amphibian god are woven into this novel revealing a complex character’s adventures and alliances.

2. Why did you decide to pick Circe? What about that particular story inspired you to re-interpret it?

Homer dedicated a few lines to Circe’s character, mainly portraying her as a two-dimensional witch, who converted people to beasts. In my book she is a complex character, who displays relatable, admirable and flawed characteristics in her relationships, while being at the same time a powerful enchantress with extensive knowledge about potions and other elements of magic.

3. What inspired you to fabricate this fantastical world and characters?

My Greek origins and familiarity with myths were two important factors.

My grandmother’s facility to create original stories on the spot gave me the model and motivation to mirror her. I have always been a reader of literature and enjoyed mythology and fairy tales. All these influences conspired to help me craft the wonderful ancient world of Circe and to reconstruct her mythical character. Immortality means she has a vast amount of experience; her associations with Odysseus and Glaucus allow for exploration of relationships with men; her interactions with Skylla, a younger woman, demonstrate the depth of her loyalty. As a powerful witch, she can harm and help others. The question remains, who is her ally?

4. How would you describe your writing style? What was your process like to create this book? 

My friends and other writers tell me my writing is descriptive, immersive and evocative. I developed a fast-paced plot, using vivid language and imagery to describe settings and characters.

I started “An Unexpected Ally” without an outline, and continued without one through the project. Never knowing what comes next makes for an exciting process of discovery and means that several drafts and redrafts were required.

5. What is the main takeaway you want readers to have after reading your novel?

I hope readers already familiar with Circe will discover and appreciate new depths of her character and that all readers of the book will feel empowered to emulate the problem solving attributes displayed in the story.

6. Do you plan to write another book either set in similar settings or based on Greek mythology?

I have already written a sequel about Perse, Circe’s mother, forthcoming in November 2025. The story investigates three new myths, Phaethon, and Daedalus and refers to Homer’s Odyssey; it explores new themes in this ancient Greek world.

7. Tell me about the research that is required to develop a story such as you have created about Circe.

Growing up in Greece, I lived in a land dotted with museums and archaeological sites. That was an education in itself that helped me to get a sense of place and objects as well as to visualize everyday living.

Original sources used would include Homer’s Odyssey, Books 10 and 12; in Hesiod’s Theogony, he mentions who Circe’s parents are; in Ovid’s Metamorphosis, both Skylla and Glaucus are mentioned.

Other sources include Google searches, Wikipedia and the Encyclopedia Britannica. It also was interesting to read authors who interpreted Circe’s character differently, such as Madeline Miller and Margaret Atwood.

8. Why was it important to you to take the witch Homer presented negatively and create instead a positive persona?

In Homer, the warriors and kings are the leaders and heroes of his epics; Circe is a two-dimensional secondary character that is given brief space in his Odyssey. My goal was to empower and detail her personality and make her the protagonist of a story that builds out her character more fully, showing strengths and flaws.

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