Cancer survivor, TODAY show guest and Canyon Ranch Speaker for interview
NEW YORK, New York – There truly is no place like home. Our homes are our sanctuaries a place to de-stress and rejuvenate. Unfortunately, many of us aren’t aware of the toxins and synthetic chemicals that are lurking throughout the house.
Health and Wellness advocate and Good Home Company Founder, Christine Dimmick, takes a deep dive into the toxins found in our very own homes, and how you can limit your exposure to take control of your own health. Detox Your Home: A Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life and Bringing Health Into Your Home explores how to improve health by empowering choices about our clothing, food, cleaning products and more. Dimmick unveils what manufacturers won’t, so you can avoid exposing your family to the hidden toxins eating away at America’s health and wellness.
About the Book
Detox Your Home explores and explains the labels that inform our purchasing decisions and the regulations that govern what consumer goods are available in our shops and supermarkets. From food, water, and kitchen goods, to personal care and cleaning products— even clothing and common household items like phones, furniture, and children’s toys— Dimmick uses the most recent scientific evidence to expose the harmful toxins lurking in our most intimate, everyday environments.
Christine Dimmick is the founder and CEO of The Good Home Company Inc. She pioneered the move to combine natural ingredients and true to life scents in cleaning products over 20 years ago in her NYC kitchen. She and Good Home products have been featured in O Magazine, Instyle, Dr. Oz and House Beautiful, along with appearances on the Today Show. She is a public speaker promoting health and wellness at Canyon Ranch, Lenox, Mass. and other wellness facilities. Christine can also be found blogging on Facebook for over 35,000 Good Home fans and hosting wellness events – spreading her unique message of health. Christine also consults with hotels, businesses and private homes where she helps clients to detox, remove toxic products and create a place of health and wellness. You can visit her website at
In an interview Christine can discuss:
* Christine’s cancer diagnosis and awakening to toxic chemicals
* Her work to bring awareness to this subject to the public – via speaking at the UN, schools, health facilities, businesses
* Why the chemicals in our household products should be regulated by the federal government
* Why bottled water is hurting us
* The origins of the Good Home Company
* The differences between Organic, Non-GMO certified, Cruelty Free, etc. and various labels our food receives to identify it
* Why organic is so important
* Non-toxic beauty products (what’s ugly in our beauty routines?)
* How Climate Change is linked to toxins
“Detox Your Home: A Guide to Removing Toxins from Your Life and Bringing Health into Your Home”
Christine Dimmick | April 2018 | Rowman & Littlefield
978-1-4422-7720-5: | $32.00, Hardback
“Detox Your Home, by Christine Dimmick, founder and CEO of The Good Home Company, tells us how to keep ourselves and our families as free as possible from toxic chemicals. When we purchase laundry detergents and household cleaners, cosmetics, personal care products, food, clothing, toys, and more, we can use this vital information to lead healthier and safer lives.” – Margaret Cuomo, MD, Board-certified Radiologist, author of A World Without Cancer
“Detox Your Home is impressively comprehensive, meticulously researched and refreshingly practical. For every product, from shampoo to electronics, Dimmick evaluates health and environmental impacts and gives us ways to detox. This landmark reference book makes once hard to find information accessible to all.” – Peggy O’Mara, Editor and Publisher of Mothering Magazine
An Interview with Christine Dimmick
How did you first become aware of the danger of toxic chemicals in home products?
When I started The Good Home Company – it was with the desire to create products that were made from wholesome ingredients – just like what you would eat. I knew I wanted natural ingredients – simply because it is better for us and the environment – and the right thing to do. It was not until my cancer diagnosis that I delved into toxins – in our cleaning products, in our makeup, in our food and in our air. I too like so many others figured if it was being sold – it was safe.
What was your process like for finding out the chemical information about all of these products?
Research, research and more research. The internet is a huge resource and much easier than when we had to do research at a public library in high school! MSDS Sheets (Material Safety Data Sheets) are what we use business to business to provide protection for workers and how to dispose of chemicals. Every single ingredients needs one. The harms and dangers of chemicals are there for you to read if you want to find them. Along with MSDS Sheets, I researched EU and US regulations and used all governmental sites – such as – which is a public resource that everyone has access too. Articles and lawsuits and industry experts were also a part of my process. I did make it a point to not follow conspiracy theories and in fact debunked one on SLS. It was important to me to share the harms, but also the fallacies.
How are climate change and chemical toxins linked?
Toxins from the manufacturing of many of our consumer products are huge contributors to climate change. Petroleum by products are in nearly every body product we use. Mass production of corn syrup is not only rotting our insides and causing obesity, but the industrialization of corn and the over subsidizing of it – causing depletion of the soil with the need for more tilling – which is one of the highest emitters of greenhouse gases.
Why should chemicals in our household supplies be regulated?
I believe that when you buy a product off the shelf – it should be properly tested for harms against you or the environment. Our health and the planet’s health are intertwined. It is not the consumer’s responsibility to determine if a product may or may not cause them cancer – it is the manufacturers. Nothing with harm should be available in my opinion.
What can I do to minimize toxins in my own home?
Reducing toxins is also good for your wallet! All you need to clean is castile soap, vinegar and water. This simple solution in a glass spray bottle can clean everything in your home. Take out the vinegar and castile soap and it can be used to shower with. It is 100% biodegradable and does not leach preservatives into our waters.
237 Old Hickory Blvd., Suite 201, Nashville, TN 37221
Ellen Whitfield
(616) 258-5537

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Born and bred in Louisiana, currently living in New Orleans, she has lived and developed a strong base for our company and authors in Chicago and Nashville. Her journalism work has appeared in USA Today, National Geographic and other major publications. She is now interviewed by media on best practices for book marketing.