NEW YORK CITY – In just over a year since romance author Blue Saffire began writing and releasing books, she has trailblazed a path to success that many indie writers can only dream of. A multi-Swirl Award winner and a perennial Amazon bestseller, Saffire is the woman behind the popular interracial romance series “Legally Bound,” “Hush,” “Ballers,”“Brothers Black,” “Perfect For Me” and “Yours.”
Always the overachiever, Saffire typically releases a new book every four to six weeks, quenching the thirst of her dedicated fans with spicy storylines and dynamic writing. Saffire has seven releases slated between October 2016 and January 2017 including three new “Brothers Black” books and four new “Legally Bound” books.
One of Saffire’s keys to success is her talent for connecting with readers on a personal level. In 2017, she’s throwing Blue’s March Madness from March 23 to March 25 at Wild Dunes Resort in Isle of Palms, SC. Not only does each reader get a chance to meet and hang out with Saffire, she’s inviting her bestselling author friends to join in on the fun. Included in the price of tickets are the events, new books exclusive to March Madness attendees and an extra-special secret surprise. For more information, visit
An Interview with Blue Saffire
What led you to writing romance novels, and why did you specifically dive into interracial romance?
I am a kinetic person, I feel life and I am always in my feelings. I spend 90 percent of my time in my own head. I think I have a little world of love in there, and it is more entertaining and pleasant than the real world at times. I actually didn’t even know there was an interracial genre for some time. I had written “Legally Bound” after having a dream about the characters and didn’t know what to do with it. A few years later, I had a dream to put the first book out and I did. I write who my characters show me they are, nothing more nothing less.
Which authors inspire your writing the most?
I can’t say I’m inspired by anyone really. Most of my books come from my dreams. That is where my inspiration comes from. I dream in 3D and very vividly. I swear I should take popcorn to bed. It’s like watching movies in my sleep. I tend to like to play by my own rules, and I think my books reflect that.
What about your books connects so well with readers?
I think I put a piece of me in every book. Once again, I’m a feeler so I make sure you feel me in my writing. That is usually the common response from readers, that they were taken through all their emotions with each chapter. I have cried through typing some scenes and laughed out loud during others.
Which guy do you find the most intriguing in your books?
I fall in love with each hero I write. We have a two to three-week love affair. They tell me their story, we fight over how I will tell it and then we make up and give life to our compromise. All my guys are alphas in one way or another. I love that they protect. The bigger the protector, the more I fall in love. My men protect through their love. Besides, their all a version or my husband, but shhh don’t tell him.
What do you think has been the most important factor in your success?
I have known failure, and I have known hurt; I don’t like them, so I do everything in my power to avoid them as best I can. I also stay true to who I am. I write my books for me and then I share my world with everyone else. If you love it, I am so grateful for that. If you don’t, I respect that, but I am also okay with it. I don’t get stuck in the negative, I just strive to do better and that is what drives me to ask, “what’s next?” I don’t compete with anyone else. My goal is to outdo Blue Saffire, to see her become better with each keystroke. My latter should always be greater than my former. That’s what keeps me focused looking straight ahead.
What are you most excited about for March Madness?
Being able to give back to my readers. There are so many surprises and things I will be sharing with them. They have been a part of my dream and this will just be a way to show them how much I really care. I can’t wait to meet all of my friends in person. That’s who my readers have become, whether they know it or not. They are my reader friends that share in my world and now I get to share even more.
How in the world do you manage to churn out books so quickly?
I have no freaking idea. LOL! I’m watching from outside my body. I guess it is because I really love what I do and have a passion for it. I only release what I love, so I do take my time to do my best, but I have so many characters and stories in my head, I have to work fast to get them all out of there. It is getting crowded!
BLUE SAFFIRE is a woman on a mission to share her words and thoughts with the world. She has found her passion in her pen and steams up the pages with her humor, honesty, love and voice. Saffire represents the secret author inside that some of us are too scared to let out.
Saffire and her family all enjoy life in the suburbs. However, life throws her challenges daily and since her diary is no longer enough, she has decided it is time for new outlets for the words she would never say face to face to her friends, family and definitely not her husband. For more about Blue Saffire and her books, visit

Angelle joined the Books Forward team in 2014, and her experience and dedication has led to her being named our lead publicist. Her distinct pitching style and effective research has secured media coverage for our authors and their books in Vanity Fair, Buzzfeed, The Associated Press, The New York Times and USA Today, as well as countless regional media outlets.
Our authors love Angelle’s meticulous attention to detail and unwavering commitment to their vision and their books. Other publicists frequently spend time learning from her — how to ask probing questions, find the right person to contact and craft a successful pitch.
She began her professional career at news outlets across the country before surrendering to her love of books. An award-winning journalist whose own work has appeared in local and national publications, including NPR, she is tenacious in finding the right angles to utilize for each campaign and connecting with the right reporter for the job.
Angelle can usually be found at a concert, working on Mardi Gras costumes or taking photos of random cats that she meets wandering around New Orleans.