Lit Happens

Book industry reviews: what are they, and why are they useful?

Great authors are great readers, and as a reader, there are several sources you might turn to in order to discover new books: trusted newspapers like The New York Times, book bloggers, social media hubs like Goodreads and Instagram, or your local bookstore or library. But have you ever wondered how booksellers and librarians find […]

Psychiatrist’s WWII-era novel follows a battlefront surgeon’s path to recovering from war-related trauma

A compelling love story underscores Bruce Duncan’s journey to healing LOUISVILLE, KY –Internationally recognized psychiatrist Jess Wright has penned his first book of fiction, “A Stream to Follow” (SparkPress, April 2022), a thrilling and heartwarming tale of healing from post-war trauma. When Bruce Duncan, a battlefront surgeon, returns after WWII to a small town in […]

Third book in the 50 Lessons for Lawyers series focuses on science-backed strategies to help lawyers live happier, healthier, more resilient lives

Following the success of her first two books, 50 Lessons for Lawyers: Earn More – Stress Less – Be Awesome and 50 Lessons for Women Lawyers – From Women Lawyers, law firm coach and author Nora Riva Bergman is returning with a new installment, 50 Lessons for Happy Lawyers: Research-based strategies to increase your personal […]